コード例 #1
        for is_upgraded, cursor in self.do_upgrade(cursor, row_factory=dict_factory, use_thrift=True):
            logger.debug("Querying {} node".format("upgraded" if is_upgraded else "old"))
            is_version_4_or_greater = node.get_cassandra_version() >= CASSANDRA_4_0
            if not is_version_4_or_greater:
                client = get_thrift_client(host, port)
                _validate_sparse_thrift(client, cf='sparse_super_2')
            _validate_sparse_cql(cursor, cf='sparse_super_2', is_version_4_or_greater=is_version_4_or_greater)

topology_specs = [
    {'NODES': 3,
     'RF': 3,
     'CL': ConsistencyLevel.ALL},
    {'NODES': 2,
     'RF': 1},
specs = [dict(s, UPGRADE_PATH=p, __test__=True)
         for s, p in itertools.product(topology_specs, build_upgrade_pairs())]

for spec in specs:
    suffix = 'Nodes{num_nodes}RF{rf}_{pathname}'.format(num_nodes=spec['NODES'],
    gen_class_name = TestThrift.__name__ + suffix
    assert gen_class_name not in globals()

    upgrade_applies_to_env = RUN_STATIC_UPGRADE_MATRIX or spec['UPGRADE_PATH'].upgrade_meta.matches_current_env_version_family
    cls = type(gen_class_name, (TestThrift,), spec)
    if not upgrade_applies_to_env:
        add_skip(cls, 'test not applicable to env.')
    globals()[gen_class_name] = cls
コード例 #2
                session.execute("CREATE TABLE schema_agreement_test_2 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, value text )")
                validate_schema_agreement(node, is_upgraded)

    def compact_sstable(self, node, sstable):
        mbean = make_mbean('db', type='CompactionManager')
        with JolokiaAgent(node) as jmx:
            jmx.execute_method(mbean, 'forceUserDefinedCompaction', [sstable])

    def get_all_sstables(self, node):
        # note that node.get_sstables(...) only returns current version sstables
        keyspace_dirs = [os.path.join(node.get_path(), "data{0}".format(x), "test13294") for x in range(0, node.cluster.data_dir_count)]
        files = []
        for d in keyspace_dirs:
            for f in glob.glob(d + "/*/*Data*"):
        return files

for path in build_upgrade_pairs():
    gen_class_name = TestForRegressions.__name__ + path.name
    assert gen_class_name not in globals()
    spec = {'UPGRADE_PATH': path,
            '__test__': True}

    upgrade_applies_to_env = RUN_STATIC_UPGRADE_MATRIX or path.upgrade_meta.matches_current_env_version_family
    cls = type(gen_class_name, (TestForRegressions,), spec)
    if not upgrade_applies_to_env:
        add_skip(cls, 'test not applicable to env.')
    globals()[gen_class_name] = cls