コード例 #1
 def _update_true_state(self):
     # update the class structure for the true state:
     #   [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
     phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10])
     pdot = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10]) @ self._state[3:6]
     self.true_state.pn = self._state.item(0)
     self.true_state.pe = self._state.item(1)
     self.true_state.h = -self._state.item(2)
     self.true_state.Va = self._Va
     self.true_state.alpha = self._alpha
     self.true_state.beta = self._beta
     self.true_state.phi = phi
     self.true_state.theta = theta
     self.true_state.psi = psi
     self.true_state.Vg = np.linalg.norm(pdot)
     self.true_state.gamma = np.arcsin(pdot.item(2) / self.true_state.Vg)
     self.true_state.chi = np.arctan2(pdot.item(1), pdot.item(0))
     self.true_state.p = self._state.item(10)
     self.true_state.q = self._state.item(11)
     self.true_state.r = self._state.item(12)
     self.true_state.wn = self._wind.item(0)
     self.true_state.we = self._wind.item(1)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, Ts):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        self._state = np.array([
            MAV.pn0,  # (0)
            MAV.pe0,  # (1)
            MAV.pd0,  # (2)
            MAV.u0,  # (3)
            MAV.v0,  # (4)
            MAV.w0,  # (5)
            MAV.e0,  # (6)
            MAV.e1,  # (7)
            MAV.e2,  # (8)
            MAV.e3,  # (9)
            MAV.p0,  # (10)
            MAV.q0,  # (11)
        ])  # (12)

        self.R_vb = Quaternion2Rotation(
            self._state[6:10])  # Rotation body->vehicle
        self.R_bv = np.copy(self.R_vb).T  # vehicle->body

        self._forces = np.zeros(3)
        self._wind = np.zeros(3)  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec

        self._Va = MAV.u0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        self.true_state = msg_state()
        self.sensors = msg_sensors()

        # random walk parameters for GPS
        self._gps_eta_n = 0.
        self._gps_eta_e = 0.
        self._gps_eta_h = 0.
        # timer so that gps only updates every ts_gps seconds
        self._t_gps = 999.  # large value ensures gps updates at initial time.
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, Ts=0.02):
        self._ts_simulation = Ts
        # set initial states based on parameter file
        # _state is the 13x1 internal state of the aircraft that is being propagated:
        # _state = [pn, pe, pd, u, v, w, e0, e1, e2, e3, p, q, r]
        # We will also need a variety of other elements that are functions of the _state and the wind.
        # self.true_state is a 19x1 vector that is estimated and used by the autopilot to control the aircraft:
        # true_state = [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
        self._state = np.array([
            MAV.pn0,  # (0)
            MAV.pe0,  # (1)
            MAV.pd0,  # (2)
            MAV.u0,  # (3)
            MAV.v0,  # (4)
            MAV.w0,  # (5)
            MAV.e0,  # (6)
            MAV.e1,  # (7)
            MAV.e2,  # (8)
            MAV.e3,  # (9)
            MAV.p0,  # (10)
            MAV.q0,  # (11)
        ])  # (12)

        self.R_vb = Quaternion2Rotation(
            self._state[6:10])  # Rotation body->vehicle
        self.R_bv = np.copy(self.R_vb).T  # vehicle->body
        # store wind data for fast recall since it is used at various points in simulation
        self._wind = np.zeros(3)  # wind in NED frame in meters/sec
        # store forces to avoid recalculation in the sensors function
        self._forces = np.zeros(3)
        self._Va = MAV.u0
        self._alpha = 0
        self._beta = 0
        # initialize true_state message
        self.true_state = msg_state()
コード例 #4
    def _derivatives(self, x, u):
        for the dynamics xdot = f(x, u), returns fdot(x, u)
        # Get force, moment (torque)
        f_b = u[:3]
        m_b = u[3:]
        # Get position, velocity, quaternion (rotation), angular velocity
        r_i = x[:3]  # wrt to i-frame
        v_b = x[3:6]  # wrt to i-frame
        q_ib = x[6:10]  # for rotation b to i-frame
        w_b = x[10:]  # wrt to b-frame

        # Normalize quat. -> rotation
        q_ib = q_ib / np.linalg.norm(q_ib)  # normalize
        R_ib = Quaternion2Rotation(q_ib)

        # Compute equations of motion
        # d/dt(r_i)
        rdot_i = R_ib @ v_b

        # d/dt(v_b)
        vdot_b = (1 / MAV.mass) * f_b - skew(w_b) @ v_b

        # d/dt(q_ib)
        wq_ib = np.zeros((4, 1))
        wq_ib[1:] = w_b
        qdot_ib = 0.5 * quat_prod(wq_ib, q_ib)
        wt_b = skew(w_b)

        # d/dt(w_b)
        wdot_b = np.linalg.inv(MAV.J) @ (m_b - (wt_b @ (MAV.J @ w_b)))

        x_out = np.concatenate([rdot_i, vdot_b, qdot_ib,
        return x_out
コード例 #5
    def _derivatives(self, state, forces_moments):
        for the dynamics xdot = f(x, u), returns f(x, u)
        # extract the states
        pn = state[0]
        pe = state[1]
        pd = state[2]
        u = state[3]
        v = state[4]
        w = state[5]
        e0 = state[6]
        e1 = state[7]
        e2 = state[8]
        e3 = state[9]
        p = state[10]
        q = state[11]
        r = state[12]
        #   extract forces/moments
        fx = forces_moments[0]
        fy = forces_moments[1]
        fz = forces_moments[2]
        l = forces_moments[3]
        m = forces_moments[4]
        n = forces_moments[5]

        self.R_vb = Quaternion2Rotation(np.array([e0, e1, e2,
                                                  e3]))  # body->vehicle

        # position kinematics
        pn_dot, pe_dot, pd_dot = self.R_vb @ np.array([u, v, w])

        # position dynamics
        vec_pos = np.array([r * v - q * w, p * w - r * u, q * u - p * v])
        u_dot, v_dot, w_dot = vec_pos + 1 / MAV.mass * np.array([fx, fy, fz])

        # rotational kinematics
        mat_rot = np.array([[0, -p, -q, -r], [p, 0, r, -q], [q, -r, 0, p],
                            [r, q, -p, 0]])
        e0_dot, e1_dot, e2_dot, e3_dot = 0.5 * mat_rot @ np.array(
            [e0, e1, e2, e3])

        # rotatonal dynamics
        G1 = MAV.gamma1
        G2 = MAV.gamma2
        G3 = MAV.gamma3
        G4 = MAV.gamma4
        G5 = MAV.gamma5
        G6 = MAV.gamma6
        G7 = MAV.gamma7
        G8 = MAV.gamma8

        vec_rot = np.array([
            G1 * p * q - G2 * q * r, G5 * p * r - G6 * (p**2 - r**2),
            G7 * p * q - G1 * q * r
        vec_rot2 = np.array([G3 * l + G4 * n, m / MAV.Jy, G4 * l + G8 * n])

        p_dot, q_dot, r_dot = vec_rot + vec_rot2

        # collect the derivative of the states
        x_dot = np.array([
            pn_dot, pe_dot, pd_dot, u_dot, v_dot, w_dot, e0_dot, e1_dot,
            e2_dot, e3_dot, p_dot, q_dot, r_dot

        return x_dot
コード例 #6
    def _forces_moments(self, delta):
        return the forces on the UAV based on the state, wind, and control surfaces
        :param delta: np.matrix(delta_a, delta_e, delta_r, delta_t)
        :return: Forces and Moments on the UAV np.matrix(Fx, Fy, Fz, Ml, Mn, Mm)
        # Unpack necessary states
        delta_a = delta[0].item(0)
        delta_e = delta[1].item(0)
        delta_r = delta[2].item(0)
        delta_t = delta[3].item(0)
        if delta_t < 0:
            delta_t = 0

        e0 = self._state.item(6)
        e1 = self._state.item(7)
        e2 = self._state.item(8)
        e3 = self._state.item(9)
        p = self._state.item(10)
        q = self._state.item(11)
        r = self._state.item(12)

        M = MAV.M
        alpha = self._alpha
        alpha0 = MAV.alpha0
        beta = self._beta
        Va = self._Va

        # Calculate fg
        rot_mat_vel = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10]).T
        fg = rot_mat_vel @ np.array([[0, 0, MAV.mass * MAV.gravity]]).T

        # Calculate fp and mp, n (Propellor thrust)
        # compute t h r u s t and torque due to p r o p ell e r ( See addendum by McLain)
        # map d e l t a t t h r o t t l e command(0 t o 1) i n t o motor i n p u t v o l t a g e
        V_in = MAV.V_max * delta_t
        D_prop = MAV.D_prop
        rho = MAV.rho
        a_1 = MAV.rho * MAV.D_prop**5 / ((2.0 * np.pi)**2) * MAV.C_Q0
        b_1 = MAV.rho * MAV.D_prop**4 / (2.0 * np.pi) * MAV.C_Q1 * self._Va + (
            MAV.KQ**2) / MAV.R_motor
        c_1 = MAV.rho * MAV.D_prop**3 * MAV.C_Q2 * self._Va**2 - MAV.KQ / MAV.R_motor * V_in + MAV.KQ * MAV.i0

        # Consider only positive root
        Omega_op = (-b_1 + np.sqrt(b_1**2 - 4 * a_1 * c_1)) / (2.0 * a_1)
        # compute advance rat io
        J_op = (2 * np.pi * self._Va) / (Omega_op * D_prop)
        # compute nond imens ional ized c o e f f i c i e n t s of thrus t and torque
        CT = MAV.C_T2 * J_op**2 + MAV.C_T1 * J_op + MAV.C_T0
        CQ = MAV.C_Q2 * J_op**2 + MAV.C_Q1 * J_op + MAV.C_Q0
        # add thrust and torque due to pr o peller
        n_input = Omega_op / (2 * np.pi)

        f_p = MAV.rho * n_input**2 * MAV.D_prop**4 * CT
        m_p = -MAV.rho * n_input**2 * MAV.D_prop**5 * CQ
        f_p = np.vstack((f_p, 0, 0))
        m_p = np.vstack((m_p, 0, 0))

        # Calculate fa
        first = 1 / 2 * MAV.rho * self._Va**2 * MAV.S_wing
        e_negative = np.exp(-M * (alpha - alpha0))
        e_positive = np.exp(M * (alpha + alpha0))
        sigma_a = (1 + e_negative + e_positive) / ((1 + e_negative) *
                                                   (1 + e_positive))

        C_L_alpha_f = (1 - sigma_a) * (MAV.C_L_0 + MAV.C_L_alpha * alpha) + \
                    sigma_a * (2 * np.sign(alpha) * (np.sin(alpha)**2) * np.cos(alpha))
        C_D_alpha_f = MAV.C_D_p + (MAV.C_L_0 + MAV.C_L_alpha * alpha)**2 / (
            np.pi * MAV.e * MAV.AR)

        C_X_alpha = -C_D_alpha_f * cos(alpha) + C_L_alpha_f * sin(alpha)
        C_X_q_alpha = -MAV.C_D_q * cos(alpha) + MAV.C_L_q * sin(alpha)
        C_X_delta_e = -MAV.C_D_delta_e * cos(alpha) + MAV.C_L_delta_e * sin(
        C_Z_alpha = -C_D_alpha_f * sin(alpha) - C_L_alpha_f * cos(alpha)
        C_Z_q = -MAV.C_D_q * sin(alpha) - MAV.C_L_q * cos(alpha)
        C_Z_delta_e = -MAV.C_D_delta_e * sin(alpha) - MAV.C_L_delta_e * cos(

        fx_a = C_X_alpha + C_X_q_alpha * MAV.c / (
            2 * Va) * q + C_X_delta_e * delta_e
        fy_a = MAV.C_Y_0 + MAV.C_Y_beta * beta + MAV.C_Y_p * MAV.b / (
            2 * Va) * p + MAV.C_Y_r * MAV.b / (
                2 *
                Va) * r + MAV.C_Y_delta_a * delta_a + MAV.C_Y_delta_r * delta_r
        fz_a = C_Z_alpha + C_Z_q * MAV.c / (2 * Va) * q + C_Z_delta_e * delta_e
        fa = first * np.vstack((fx_a, fy_a, fz_a))

        # Calculate moments
        Mx = MAV.b * (MAV.C_ell_0 + MAV.C_ell_beta * beta +
                      MAV.C_ell_p * MAV.b /
                      (2 * Va) * p + MAV.C_ell_r * MAV.b /
                      (2 * Va) * r + MAV.C_ell_delta_a * delta_a +
                      MAV.C_ell_delta_r * delta_r)
        My = MAV.c * (MAV.C_m_0 + MAV.C_m_alpha * alpha + MAV.C_m_q * MAV.c /
                      (2 * Va) * q + MAV.C_m_delta_e * delta_e)
        Mz = MAV.b * (MAV.C_n_0 + MAV.C_n_beta * beta + MAV.C_n_p * MAV.b /
                      (2 * Va) * p + MAV.C_n_r * MAV.b / (2 * Va) * r +
                      MAV.C_n_delta_a * delta_a + MAV.C_n_delta_r * delta_r)
        Mx = Mx * first
        My = My * first
        Mz = Mz * first
        m_a = np.vstack((Mx, My, Mz))

        all_moments = m_a + m_p
        total_forces = fa + f_p + fg

        fx = total_forces[0].item(0)
        fy = total_forces[1].item(0)
        fz = total_forces[2].item(0)
        self._forces[0] = fx
        self._forces[1] = fy
        self._forces[2] = fz

        Mx = all_moments[0].item(0)
        My = all_moments[1].item(0)
        Mz = all_moments[2].item(0)

        return np.array([[fx, fy, fz, Mx, My, Mz]]).T
コード例 #7
 def sensors(self):
     "Return value of sensors on MAV: gyros, accels, absolute_pressure, dynamic_pressure, GPS"
     phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10])
     u = self._state.item(3)
     v = self._state.item(4)
     w = self._state.item(5)
     uvw = np.array([[u, v, w]]).T
     Rib = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10])
     pdot = Rib @ uvw
     p = self._state.item(10)
     q = self._state.item(11)
     r = self._state.item(12)
     # simulate rate gyros(units are rad / sec)
     self._sensors.gyro_x = p + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_x_bias,
     self._sensors.gyro_y = q + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_y_bias,
     self._sensors.gyro_z = r + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_z_bias,
     # simulate accelerometers(units of g)
     self._sensors.accel_x = self._forces[
         0, 0] / MAV.mass + MAV.gravity * np.sin(theta) + np.random.normal(
             0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     self._sensors.accel_y = self._forces[
         1, 0] / MAV.mass - MAV.gravity * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(
             phi) + np.random.normal(0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     self._sensors.accel_z = self._forces[
         2, 0] / MAV.mass - MAV.gravity * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(
             phi) + np.random.normal(0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     # simulate magnetometers
     # magnetic field in provo has magnetic declination of 12.5 degrees
     # and magnetic inclination of 66 degrees
     iota = np.radians(66)
     delta = np.radians(12.5)
     R_mag = Euler2Rotation(0.0, -iota, delta).T
     # magnetic field in inertial frame: unit vector
     mag_inertial = R_mag @ np.array([1, 0, 0])
     R = Rib.T  # body to inertial
     # magnetic field in body frame: unit vector
     mag_body = R @ mag_inertial
     self._sensors.mag_x = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     self._sensors.mag_y = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     self._sensors.mag_z = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     # simulate pressure sensors
     self._sensors.abs_pressure = MAV.rho * MAV.gravity * -self._state.item(
         2) + np.random.normal(0, SENSOR.abs_pres_sigma)
     self._sensors.diff_pressure = MAV.rho * self._Va**2 / 2 + np.random.normal(
         0.0, SENSOR.diff_pres_sigma)
     # simulate GPS sensor
     if self._t_gps >= SENSOR.ts_gps:
         self._gps_nu_n = self._gps_nu_n * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_n_sigma)
         self._gps_nu_e = self._gps_nu_e * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_e_sigma)
         self._gps_nu_h = self._gps_nu_h * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_h_sigma)
         self._sensors.gps_n = self._state.item(0) + self._gps_nu_n
         self._sensors.gps_e = self._state.item(1) + self._gps_nu_e
         self._sensors.gps_h = -self._state.item(2) + self._gps_nu_h
         self._sensors.gps_Vg = np.sqrt(
             (self._Va * np.cos(psi) + self.true_state.wn)**2 +
             (self._Va * np.sin(psi) + self.true_state.we)**2
         ) + np.random.normal(0, SENSOR.gps_Vg_sigma)
         self._sensors.gps_course = np.arctan2(
             self._Va * np.sin(psi) + self.true_state.we,
             self._Va * np.cos(psi) +
             self.true_state.we) + np.random.normal(0.0,
         self._t_gps = 0.
         self._t_gps += self._ts_simulation
     return self._sensors