def optimize(filepath): """Runs LLVM's optimization passes on a given bitcode file. Args: filepath: The path to the bitcode file to optimize. Returns: The path to the optimized file. """ command = [shared.LLVM_OPT, '-o=-', filepath] + shared.pick_llvm_opts(3, True) with get_temp_file('.bc') as out: ret =, stdout=out) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Could not optimize %s.' % filepath) return
print 'Build' env = os.environ.copy() env['CC'] = env['CXX'] = env['RANLIB'] = env['AR'] = emscripten.EMMAKEN env['LINUX'] = '1' env['EMMAKEN_CFLAGS'] = '-U__APPLE__ -DJS' Popen(['make', '-j', '4'], env=env).communicate() if 0: print 'LLVM optimizations' shutil.move('avc.bc', 'avc.orig.bc') output = Popen([emscripten.LLVM_OPT, 'avc.orig.bc'] + emscripten.pick_llvm_opts(3, handpicked=False) + ['-o=avc.bc'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).communicate()[0] assert os.path.exists('avc.bc'), 'Failed to run llvm optimizations: ' + output print 'LLVM binary => LL assembly' print Popen([emscripten.LLVM_DIS] + emscripten.LLVM_DIS_OPTS + ['avc.bc', '-o=avc.ll']).communicate() if 0: print '[Autodebugger]' shutil.move('avc.ll', 'avc.orig.ll') output = Popen(['python', emscripten.AUTODEBUGGER, 'avc.orig.ll', 'avc.ll'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).communicate()[0] assert 'Success.' in output, output shutil.move('avc.bc', 'avc.orig.bc')