def analysis(k): # 转DataFrame格式 df = pd.DataFrame( k, columns=['timestamp', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) t = k[0][0] # 毫秒级 if len(str(t)) == 13: df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'] / 1000 # 分析 stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df) stock['cci'] df['date'] = df['timestamp'].apply( lambda x: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(x))) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df = df[5:] df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] >= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) < 100), 1, 0) df['regime'] = np.where( ((df['cci'] <= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) > 100)) | ((df['cci'] >= 100) & (df['stoch_d'] >= df['stoch_k'])), -1, df['regime']) # df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] <= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) >= -100), -1, df['regime']) # df['regime'] = np.where(((df['cci'] >= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) <= -100)) | ((df['cci'] <= -100) & (df['stoch_k'] >= df['stoch_d'])), 1, df['regime']) # 下单(只下多单) print(df[['date', 'close', 'cci', 'regime']]) if (df[-1:]['regime'] == 1).bool(): return 'long' elif (df[-1:]['regime'] == -1).bool(): return 'close_long' else: return 'wait'
def cal_fitness(df, pops, pop_size=50, chromosome_length=6): obj_value = [] async_funcs = [] for i in range(pop_size): df_ = copy.deepcopy(df) stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df_) df_['signal'] = 'wait' boll_A_ = binary2decimal(pops[0][i], 1.5, 3, chromosome_length) boll_std_len_ = int(binary2decimal(pops[1][i], 14, 30, chromosome_length)) macd_fast_len_ = int(binary2decimal(pops[2][i], 8, 16, chromosome_length)) macd_slow_len_ = int(binary2decimal(pops[3][i], 20, 30, chromosome_length)) boll_width_threshold_ = binary2decimal(pops[4][i], 0.05, 0.15, chromosome_length) volatility_ = binary2decimal(pops[5][i], 0.0009, 0.0011, chromosome_length) stop_limit_ = binary2decimal(pops[6][i], 0.01, 0.1, chromosome_length) trend_A1_ = binary2decimal(pops[7][i], 0.2, 0.35, chromosome_length) trend_A2_ = binary2decimal(pops[8][i], 0.01, 0.025, chromosome_length) trend_B_ = binary2decimal(pops[9][i], 0.02, 0.045, chromosome_length) trend_C_ = binary2decimal(pops[10][i], 0.03, 0.055, chromosome_length) stop_trade_times_ = int(binary2decimal(pops[11][i], 6, 12, chromosome_length)) async_funcs.append(cal_someone_fitness(df_, stock, i, boll_A_, boll_std_len_, macd_fast_len_, macd_slow_len_, boll_width_threshold_, volatility_, stop_limit_, trend_A1_, trend_A2_, trend_B_, trend_C_, stop_trade_times_)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() re = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*async_funcs)) n = len(re) for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1): for j in range(i): if re[j][0] > re[j + 1][0]: re[j], re[j + 1] = re[j + 1], re[j] for i in range(n): obj_value.append(re[i][1]) return obj_value
def analysis_(datas): df = pd.DataFrame( datas, columns=['timestamp', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) df = df.astype(float) stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='s') df.index = stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df) stock['cci'] stock['stoch_rsi'] # 去掉前几个cci指标不准数据 df = df[10:] df['signal'] = 'wait' df['signal'] = np.where((df['cci'] >= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) < 100), 'long', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where(((df['cci'] <= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) > 100)), 'close_long', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where((df['cci'] <= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) >= -100), 'short', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where((df['cci'] >= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) <= -100), 'close_short', df['signal']) return df.iloc[-1]
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tools.stockstats import StockDataFrame import time import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from tools import data2df import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 本金 principal = 10000.0 title = 'BTC2017-09-01-now-1D' df = data2df.csv2df(title + '.csv') df = df.astype(float) df['Timestamp'] = df['Timestamp'].astype(int) stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df) df['date'] = df['timestamp'].apply( lambda x: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(x))) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) stock['cci'] # 去掉前几个cci指标不准数据 df = df[5:] df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] >= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) < 100), 1, 0) df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] <= 100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) > 100), -1, df['regime']) df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] <= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) >= -100), -1, df['regime']) df['regime'] = np.where((df['cci'] >= -100) & (df['cci'].shift(1) <= -100), 1,
def analysis(kline): df = pd.DataFrame( kline, columns=['timestamp', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) stock = StockDataFrame.retype(df) # df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'] / 1000 df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='s') df.index = stock['boll'] df['signal'] = 'wait' # 参数设置 trend_A1 = 0.3 trend_A2 = 0.02 trend_B = 0.04 trend_C = 0.05 # trend_D = 0.07 stop_trade_times = 5 ts = 3600 std_percentage = 0.6 w = 200 volatility = 0.001 # 通道宽度 df['boll_width'] = abs(df['boll_ub'] - df['boll_lb']) # 单次涨跌幅 df['change'] = abs( (df['close'] - df['close'].shift(1)) / df['close'].shift(1)) # 两次涨幅 df['change_2'] = abs( (df['close'] - df['close'].shift(2)) / df['close'].shift(2)) # 趋势判断A:超过通道一定幅度且单次涨幅超过一定幅度 df['signal'] = np.where( ((df['close'] > df['boll_ub'] + df['boll_width'] * trend_A1) | (df['close'] < df['boll_lb'] - df['boll_width'] * trend_A1)) & (df['change'] > trend_A2), 'trend', df['signal']) # 趋势判断B:单次涨幅累计超过一定幅度 df['signal'] = np.where(df['change'] > trend_B, 'trend', df['signal']) # 趋势判断C:两次涨幅累计超过一定幅度 df['signal'] = np.where(df['change_2'] > trend_C, 'trend', df['signal']) for i in range(stop_trade_times): df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['signal'].shift(1 + i) == 'trend'), 'can_not_trade', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where(df['signal'] == 'can_not_trade', 'trend', df['signal']) df['close_mean'] = df['close'].rolling(center=False, window=w).mean() df['close_std'] = df['close'].rolling(center=False, window=w).std() df['close_std'] = df['close_std'] * std_percentage df['rate'] = df['close_std'] / df['boll_width'] # df['close_std'] = np.where(df['rate'] > 0.1, df['boll_width'] * 0.1, df['close_std']) # 策略1 df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['change'] > volatility) & (df['close'] > df['boll_ub'] - df['close_std'] / 4) & (df['close'] < df['boll_ub'] + df['close_std'] / 2), 'short', df['signal']) df = public_func(df, 'short', 'signal') df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['high'] >= df['signal_boll_ub'] + df['close_std'] / 4), 'close_short', df['signal']) # 策略2 df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['change'] > volatility) & (df['close'] < df['boll_lb'] + df['close_std'] / 4) & (df['close'] > df['boll_lb'] - df['close_std'] / 2), 'long', df['signal']) df = public_func(df, 'long', 'signal') df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['low'] <= df['signal_boll_lb'] - df['close_std'] / 4), 'close_long', df['signal']) # 策略3 df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['change'] > volatility) & (df['close'].shift(1) < df['boll'].shift(1) + df['close_std'].shift(1)) & (df['close'] > df['boll'] + df['close_std']), 'long', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['close'].shift(1) > df['boll'].shift(1) + df['close_std'].shift(1) / 2) & (df['close'] < df['boll'] + df['close_std'] / 2), 'close_long', df['signal']) # 策略4 df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['change'] > volatility) & (df['close'].shift(1) > df['boll'].shift(1) - df['close_std'].shift(1)) & (df['close'] < df['boll'] - df['close_std']), 'short', df['signal']) df['signal'] = np.where( (df['signal'] == 'wait') & (df['close'].shift(1) < df['boll'].shift(1) - df['close_std'].shift(1) / 2) & (df['close'] > df['boll'] - df['close_std'] / 2), 'close_short', df['signal']) return df.iloc[-1]
def k_analysis(k): # 转DataFrame格式 k_data = pd.DataFrame( k, columns=['timestamp', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) t = k[0][0] # 毫秒级 if len(str(t)) == 13: k_data['timestamp'] = k_data['timestamp'] / 1000 stock = StockDataFrame.retype(k_data) stock['middle_hl'] k_data['date'] = k_data['timestamp'].apply( lambda x: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(x))) k_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(k_data['date']) after_fenxing = pd.DataFrame() temp_data = k_data.iloc[0] zoushi = [] # 0:持平 -1:向下 1:向上 for i, row in k_data.iterrows(): # 第一根包含第二根 case1_1 = temp_data['high'] > row['high'] and temp_data['low'] < row[ 'low'] case1_2 = temp_data['high'] > row['high'] and temp_data['low'] == row[ 'low'] case1_3 = temp_data['high'] == row[ 'high'] and temp_data['low'] < row['low'] # 第二根包含第一根 case2_1 = temp_data['high'] < row['high'] and temp_data['low'] > row[ 'low'] case2_2 = temp_data['high'] < row['high'] and temp_data['low'] == row[ 'low'] case2_3 = temp_data['high'] == row[ 'high'] and temp_data['low'] > row['low'] # 第一根等于第二根 case3 = temp_data['high'] == row['high'] and temp_data['low'] == row[ 'low'] # 向下趋势 case4 = temp_data['high'] > row['high'] and temp_data['low'] > row[ 'low'] # 向上趋势 case5 = temp_data['high'] < row['high'] and temp_data['low'] < row[ 'low'] if case1_1 or case1_2 or case1_3: if zoushi[-1] == -1: temp_data['high'] = row['high'] else: temp_data['low'] = row['low'] elif case2_1 or case2_2 or case2_3: temp_temp = temp_data temp_data = row if zoushi[-1] == -1: temp_data['high'] = temp_temp['high'] else: temp_data['low'] = temp_temp['low'] elif case3: zoushi.append(0) pass elif case4: zoushi.append(-1) # 使用默认index: ignore_index=True: after_fenxing = pd.concat( [after_fenxing, temp_data.to_frame().T], ignore_index=True) temp_data = row elif case5: zoushi.append(1) after_fenxing = pd.concat( [after_fenxing, temp_data.to_frame().T], ignore_index=True) temp_data = row # 因为使用candlestick2函数,要求输入open、close、high、low。为了美观,处理k线的最大最小值、开盘收盘价,之后k线不显示影线。 for i, row in after_fenxing.iterrows(): if row['open'] > row['close']: row['open'] = row['high'] row['close'] = row['low'] else: row['open'] = row['low'] row['close'] = row['high'] # 找出顶和底 temp_num = 0 # 上一个顶或底的位置 temp_high = 0 # 上一个顶的high值 temp_low = 0 # 上一个底的low值 temp_type = 0 # 上一个记录位置的类型 1-顶分型, 2-底分型 i = 1 fenxing_type = [] # 记录分型点的类型,1为顶分型,-1为底分型 fenxing_time = [] # 记录分型点的时间 fenxing_plot = [] # 记录点的数值,为顶分型去high值,为底分型去low值 fenxing_data = pd.DataFrame() # 分型点的DataFrame值 interval = 4 while (i < len(after_fenxing) - 1): # 顶分型 case1 = after_fenxing.high[i - 1] < after_fenxing.high[ i] and after_fenxing.high[i] > after_fenxing.high[i + 1] # 底分型 case2 = after_fenxing.low[i - 1] > after_fenxing.low[ i] and after_fenxing.low[i] < after_fenxing.low[i + 1] if case1: # 如果上一个分型为顶分型,则进行比较,选取更高的分型 if temp_type == 1: if after_fenxing.high[i] <= temp_high: i += 1 continue else: temp_high = after_fenxing.high[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 1 i += interval # 如果上一个分型为底分型,则记录上一个分型,用当前分型与后面的分型比较,选取通向更极端的分型 elif temp_type == 2: if temp_low >= after_fenxing.high[i]: i += 1 else: fenxing_type.append(-1) fenxing_time.append([temp_num]) fenxing_data = pd.concat( [fenxing_data, after_fenxing[temp_num:temp_num + 1]], axis=0) fenxing_plot.append(after_fenxing.high[i]) temp_high = after_fenxing.high[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 1 i += interval else: temp_high = after_fenxing.high[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 1 i += interval elif case2: # 如果上一个分型为底分型,则进行比较,选取低点更低的分型 if temp_type == 2: if after_fenxing.low[i] >= temp_low: i += 1 continue else: temp_low = after_fenxing.low[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 2 i += interval # 如果上一个分型为顶分型,则记录上一个分型,用当前分型与后面的分型比较,选取通向更极端的分型 elif temp_type == 1: # 如果上一个顶分型的底比当前底分型的底低,则跳过当前的底分型 if temp_high <= after_fenxing.low[i]: i += 1 else: fenxing_type.append(1) fenxing_time.append([temp_num]) fenxing_data = pd.concat( [fenxing_data, after_fenxing[temp_num:temp_num + 1]], axis=0) fenxing_plot.append(after_fenxing.low[i]) temp_low = after_fenxing.low[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 2 i += interval else: temp_low = after_fenxing.low[i] temp_num = i temp_type = 2 i += interval else: i += 1 return fenxing_type, fenxing_time, fenxing_plot, fenxing_data
''' import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tools import data2df import time from tools.stockstats import StockDataFrame import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import matplotlib.pyplot as plt filename = 'BTC2017-09-01-now-1H' k_data = data2df.csv2df(filename + '.csv') k_data = k_data.astype(float) k_data['Timestamp'] = k_data['Timestamp'].astype(int) stock = StockDataFrame.retype(k_data) k_data['date'] = k_data['timestamp'].apply( lambda x: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(x))) k_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(k_data['date']) stock['middle_hl'] after_fenxing = pd.DataFrame() temp_data = k_data.iloc[0] zoushi = [] # 0:持平 -1:向下 1:向上 for i, row in k_data.iterrows(): # 第一根包含第二根 case1_1 = temp_data['high'] > row['high'] and temp_data['low'] < row['low'] case1_2 = temp_data['high'] > row['high'] and temp_data['low'] == row['low']