def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("coverageStore", workspace=ws_name): info = ws.get_coveragestore_info(cs_name) return {"coverageStore": { "name": info["name"], "type": None, # TODO "enabled": True, # TODO "__default": False, # TODO "workspace": { "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, format), }, "coverages": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores/%s/coverages.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, cs_name, format) ), "connectionParameters": Entries({ "url": info["connectionParameters"]["url"], "namespace": None, # TODO }, tag_name="entry") } }
def POST(self, map_name, format): data = get_data(name="layer", mandatory=["name", "resource"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "resource", "enabled"]) l_name = data.pop("name") l_enabled = data.pop("enabled", True) # This means we can have one mapfile for each workspace # and if eveything uses urls it should work *almost* as is. url = urlparse.urlparse(data["resource"]["href"]) if url.path.startswith(web.ctx.homepath): path = url.path[len(web.ctx.homepath):] else: raise webapp.BadRequest(message="Resource href is not handled by MRA.") try: _, map_name, _, ws_name, st_type, st_name, r_type, r_name = path.rsplit("/", 7) except ValueError: raise webapp.NotFound(message="ressource '%s' was not found." % path) r_name = r_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) with webapp.mightNotFound(r_type, workspace=ws_name): try: model = ws.get_model(r_name, r_type[:-1], st_name) except ValueError: webapp.NotFound("Invalid layer model '%s'" % r_type[:-1]) with webapp.mightConflict("layer", mapfile=map_name): mf.create_layer(ws, model, l_name, l_enabled) webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/layers/%s%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, l_name, (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) return {"coverages": [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores/%s/coverages/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, cs_name,, format) } for c in ws.iter_coveragemodels(cs_name)] }
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) return {"featureTypes": [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, ds_name,, format) } for ft in ws.iter_featuretypemodels(ds_name)] }
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, format, *args, **kwargs): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) return {"dataStores": [{ "name": ds_name, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, ds_name, format) } for ds_name in ws.iter_datastore_names()] }
def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # We need to check if there are any layers using this. assert_is_empty(mf.iter_layers(mra={"name":ft_name, "workspace":ws_name, "storage":ds_name, "type":"featuretype"}),"featuretype", ft_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("featureType", datastore=ds_name): ws.delete_featuretypemodel(ft_name, ds_name)
def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # We need to check if this datatore is empty. assert_is_empty(ws.iter_coverages(cs_name=cs_name), "coveragestore", ds_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("coverageStore", workspace=ws_name): ws.delete_coveragestore(cs_name)
def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, st_type, st_name, f_type, format): import zipfile mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # TODO: According to geoserv's examples we might have to handle # directories as well as files, in that case we want to upload # all the files from the directory. # Lets first try to get the file. if f_type == "file": # Check if zip or not... data = elif f_type == "url": raise NotImplemented() elif f_type == "external": raise NotImplemented() # Now we make sure the store exists. with webapp.mightNotFound(message="Store {exception} does not exist " "and automatic creation is not yet suported."): ws.get_store_info(st_type, st_name) # TODO: Create the store if it does not exist. # Then we store the file. ext = web.ctx.env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').split("/")[-1] path = tools.mk_st_data_path(ws_name, st_type, st_name, st_name + (".%s" % ext) if ext else "") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(data) # We also unzip it if its ziped. ctype = web.ctx.env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', None) if ctype == "application/zip": z = zipfile.ZipFile(path) for f in z.namelist(): fp = tools.mk_st_data_path(ws_name, st_type, st_name, f) # If the file has the correct target we might want it. if format and fp.endswith(format) and not tools.is_hidden(fp): path = fp z.extract(f, path=tools.get_st_data_path(ws_name, st_type, st_name)) # Set new connection parameters: ws.update_store(st_type, st_name, {"connectionParameters":{"url":"file:"+tools.no_res_root(path)}}) # Finally we might have to configure it. params = web.input(configure="none") if params.configure == "first": raise NotImplemented() elif params.configure == "none": pass elif params.configure == "all": raise NotImplemented() else: raise webapp.BadRequest(message="configure must be one of first, none or all.")
def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # We need to check if this datatore is empty. assert_is_empty(ws.iter_featuretypemodels(ds_name=ds_name), "datastore", ds_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("dataStore", workspace=ws_name): ws.delete_datastore(ds_name)
def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="coverageStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"]) if cs_name != data.pop("name"): raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a coverage store.") with webapp.mightNotFound("coverageStore", workspace=ws_name): ws.update_coveragestore(cs_name, data)
def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # We need to check if there are any layers using this. assert_is_empty(mf.iter_layers(mra={"name":c_name, "workspace":ws_name, "storage":cs_name, "type":"coverage"}), "coverage", ft_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("coverage", coveragestore=cs_name): ws.delete_coveragemodel(c_name, cs_name)
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) ds = ws.get_datastore(ds_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("dataStore", datastore=ds_name): dsft = ds[ft_name] with webapp.mightNotFound("featureType", datastore=ds_name): ft = ws.get_featuretypemodel(ft_name, ds_name) extent = ft.get_extent() latlon_extent = ft.get_latlon_extent() return {"featureType": ({ "name":, "nativeName":, "namespace": None, # TODO "title": ft.get_mra_metadata("title",, "abstract": ft.get_mra_metadata("abstract", None), "keywords": ft.get_mra_metadata("keywords", []), "srs": "%s:%s" % (ft.get_authority()[0], ft.get_authority()[1]), "nativeCRS": ft.get_wkt(), "attributes": [{ "name": f.get_name(), "minOccurs": 0 if f.is_nullable() else 1, "maxOccurs": 1, "nillable": f.is_nullable(), "binding": f.get_type_name(), "length": f.get_width(), } for f in dsft.iterfields()], "nativeBoundingBox": { "minx": extent.minX(), "miny": extent.minY(), "maxx": extent.maxX(), "maxy": extent.maxY(), "crs": "%s:%s" % (ft.get_authority_name(), ft.get_authority_code()), }, "latLonBoundingBox": { "minx": latlon_extent.minX(), "miny": latlon_extent.minY(), "maxx": latlon_extent.maxX(), "maxy": latlon_extent.maxY(), "crs": "EPSG:4326", }, "projectionPolicy": None, # TODO "enabled": True, # TODO "store": { # TODO: add key: class="dataStore" "name": ds_name, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format) }, "maxFeatures": 0, # TODO "numDecimals": 0, # TODO }) }
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) return {"workspace": ({ "name":, "dataStores": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format)), "coverageStores": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format)), "wmsStores": "", # TODO }) }
def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="featureType", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"]) with webapp.mightConflict("featureType", datastore=ds_name): with webapp.mightNotFound("featureType", datastore=ds_name): ws.create_featuretypemodel(data["name"], ds_name, data) webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes/%s%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, ds_name, data["name"], (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="coverage", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"]) with webapp.mightConflict("coverage", coveragestore=cs_name): ws.create_coveragemodel(data["name"], cs_name, data) webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores/%s/coverages/%s%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name,, cs_name, data["name"], (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="featureType", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"]) if ft_name != data["name"]: raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a feature type.") metadata = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in ["title", "abstract"]) with webapp.mightNotFound("featureType", datastore=ds_name): ws.update_featuretypemodel(ft_name, ds_name, metadata)
def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="coverageStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"]) cs_name = data.pop("name") with webapp.mightConflict("coverageStore", workspace=ws_name): ws.create_coveragestore(cs_name, data) webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores/%s%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) data = get_data(name="coverage", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"]) if c_name != data["name"]: raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a coverage.") metadata = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in ["title", "abstract"]) with webapp.mightNotFound("coverage", coveragestore=cs_name): ws.update_coveragemodel(c_name, cs_name, metadata)
def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format): mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name) # with webapp.mightNotFound("coveragestore", workspace=ws_name): # cs = ws.get_coveragestore(cs_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("coverage", coveragestore=cs_name): c = ws.get_coveragemodel(c_name, cs_name) extent = c.get_extent() latlon_extent = c.get_latlon_extent() return {"coverage": ({ "name":, "nativeName":, "namespace": None, # TODO "title": c.get_mra_metadata("title",, "abstract": c.get_mra_metadata("abstract", None), "keywords": c.get_mra_metadata("keywords", []), "nativeCRS": c.get_wkt(), # TODO: Add key class="projected" if projected... "srs": "%s:%s" % (c.get_authority_name(), c.get_authority_code()), "nativeBoundingBox": { "minx": extent.minX(), "miny": extent.minY(), "maxx": extent.maxX(), "maxy": extent.maxY(), "crs": "%s:%s" % (c.get_authority_name(), c.get_authority_code()), # TODO: Add key class="projected" if projected... }, "latLonBoundingBox":{ "minx": latlon_extent.minX(), "miny": latlon_extent.minY(), "maxx": latlon_extent.maxX(), "maxy": latlon_extent.maxY(), "crs": "EPSG:4326" }, "enabled": True, # TODO "metadata": None, # TODO "store": { # TODO: Add attr class="coverageStore" "name": cs_name, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format) }, "nativeFormat": None, # TODO "grid": { # TODO: Add attr dimension "range": { "low": None, # TODO "high": None, # TODO }, "transform": { "scaleX": None, # TODO "scaleY": None, # TODO "shearX": None, # TODO "shearY": None, # TODO "translateX": None, # TODO "translateY": None, # TODO }, "crs": None, }, "supportedFormats": [], # TODO "interpolationMethods": [], # TODO "defaultInterpolationMethod": None, "dimensions": [], # TODO "projectionPolicy": None, # TODO "requestSRS": None, # TODO "responseSRS": None, # TODO }) }