def __call__(self, serv, id, db_name, demo, lang, user_password='******'): cr = None try: serv.actions[id]['progress'] = 0 cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor() tools.init_db(cr) tools.config['lang'] = lang cr.commit() cr.close() cr = None pool = pooler.restart_pool(db_name, demo, serv.actions[id], update_module=True)[1] cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor() if lang: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') mids =, 1, [('state', '=', 'installed')]) modobj.update_translations(cr, 1, mids, lang) cr.execute('UPDATE res_users SET password=%s, context_lang=%s, active=True WHERE login=%s', ( user_password, lang, 'admin')) cr.execute('SELECT login, password, name ' \ ' FROM res_users ' \ ' ORDER BY login') serv.actions[id]['users'] = cr.dictfetchall() serv.actions[id]['clean'] = True cr.commit() cr.close() except Exception, e: serv.actions[id]['clean'] = False serv.actions[id]['exception'] = e import traceback e_str = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=e_str) traceback_str = e_str.getvalue() e_str.close() netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel('web-services', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'CREATE DATABASE\n%s' % (traceback_str)) serv.actions[id]['traceback'] = traceback_str if cr: cr.close()
def __call__(self, serv, id, db_name, demo, lang, user_password='******'): cr = None try: serv.actions[id]['progress'] = 0 cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor() tools.init_db(cr) tools.config['lang'] = lang cr.commit() cr.close(True) cr = None pool = pooler.restart_pool(db_name, demo, serv.actions[id], update_module=True)[1] cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor() if lang: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') mids =, 1, [('state', '=', 'installed')]) modobj.update_translations(cr, 1, mids, lang) cr.execute('UPDATE res_users SET password=%s, context_lang=%s, active=True WHERE login=%s', ( user_password, lang, 'admin')) cr.execute('SELECT login, password, name ' \ ' FROM res_users ' \ ' ORDER BY login') serv.actions[id]['users'] = cr.dictfetchall() serv.actions[id]['clean'] = True cr.commit() cr.close(True) except Exception, e: serv.actions[id]['clean'] = False serv.actions[id]['exception'] = e import traceback e_str = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=e_str) traceback_str = e_str.getvalue() e_str.close() netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel('web-services', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'CREATE DATABASE\n%s' % (traceback_str)) serv.actions[id]['traceback'] = traceback_str if cr: cr.close(True)
def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False): if not status: status = {} cr = db.cursor() if cr: cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname='ir_module_module'") if len(cr.fetchall())==0: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "init db") tools.init_db(cr) tools.config["init"]["all"] = 1 tools.config['update']['all'] = 1 if not tools.config['without_demo']: tools.config["demo"]['all'] = 1 force = [] if force_demo: force.append('demo') # This is a brand new pool, just created in pooler.get_db_and_pool() pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) try: processed_modules = [] report = tools.assertion_report() # NOTE: Try to also load the modules that have been marked as uninstallable previously... STATES_TO_LOAD = ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'uninstallable'] if 'base' in tools.config['update'] or 'all' in tools.config['update']: cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s and state=%s", ('to upgrade', 'base', 'installed')) # STEP 1: LOAD BASE (must be done before module dependencies can be computed for later steps) graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force) if not graph: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_CRITICAL, 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') raise osv.osv.except_osv(_('Could not load base module'), _('module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)')) processed_modules.extend(load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, perform_checks=(not update_module), report=report)) if tools.config['load_language']: for lang in tools.config['load_language'].split(','): tools.load_language(cr, lang) # STEP 2: Mark other modules to be loaded/updated if update_module: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'updating modules list') if ('base' in tools.config['init']) or ('base' in tools.config['update']): modobj.update_list(cr, 1) _check_module_names(cr, itertools.chain(tools.config['init'].keys(), tools.config['update'].keys())) mods = [k for k in tools.config['init'] if tools.config['init'][k]] if mods: ids =, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'uninstalled'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_install(cr, 1, ids) mods = [k for k in tools.config['update'] if tools.config['update'][k]] if mods: ids =, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'installed'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_upgrade(cr, 1, ids) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s", ('installed', 'base')) STATES_TO_LOAD += ['to install'] # STEP 3: Load marked modules (skipping base which was done in STEP 1) loop_guardrail = 0 while True: loop_guardrail += 1 if loop_guardrail > 100: raise ValueError('Possible recursive module tree detected, aborting.') cr.execute("SELECT name from ir_module_module WHERE state IN %s" ,(tuple(STATES_TO_LOAD),)) module_list = [name for (name,) in cr.fetchall() if name not in graph] if not module_list: break new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force) if new_modules_in_graph == 0: # nothing to load break logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating graph with %d more modules' % (len(module_list))) processed_modules.extend(load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, report=report, skip_modules=processed_modules)) # load custom models cr.execute('select model from ir_model where state=%s', ('manual',)) for model in cr.dictfetchall(): pool.get('ir.model').instanciate(cr, 1, model['model'], {}) # STEP 4: Finish and cleanup if processed_modules: cr.execute("""select model,name from ir_model where id NOT IN (select distinct model_id from ir_model_access)""") for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if model_obj and not isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'object %s (%s) has no access rules!' % (model, name)) # Temporary warning while we remove access rights on osv_memory objects, as they have # been replaced by owner-only access rights cr.execute("""select distinct mod.model, from ir_model_access acc, ir_model mod where acc.model_id =""") for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'In-memory object %s (%s) should not have explicit access rules!' % (model, name)) cr.execute("SELECT model from ir_model") for (model,) in cr.fetchall(): obj = pool.get(model) if obj: obj._check_removed_columns(cr, log=True) else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "Model %s is referenced but not present in the orm pool!" % model) # Cleanup orphan records pool.get('')._process_end(cr, 1, processed_modules) if report.get_report(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, report) for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'): tools.config[kind] = {} cr.commit() if update_module: cr.execute("select id,name from ir_module_module where state=%s", ('to remove',)) for mod_id, mod_name in cr.fetchall(): cr.execute('select model,res_id from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s order by id desc', (False, mod_name,)) for rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): uid = 1 rmod_module= pool.get(rmod) if rmod_module: rmod_module.unlink(cr, uid, [rid]) else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not locate %s to remove res=%d' % (rmod,rid)) cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s', (False, mod_name,)) cr.commit() # # TODO: remove menu without actions of children # while True: cr.execute('''delete from ir_ui_menu where (id not IN (select parent_id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is not null)) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_values where model='')) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_model_data where model=''))''') cr.commit() if not cr.rowcount: break else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'removed %d unused menus' % (cr.rowcount,)) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where state=%s", ('uninstalled', 'to remove',)) cr.commit() finally: cr.close()
def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False): if not status: status = {} cr = db.cursor() if cr: cr.execute( "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname='ir_module_module'" ) if len(cr.fetchall()) == 0: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "init db") tools.init_db(cr) tools.config["init"]["all"] = 1 tools.config['update']['all'] = 1 if not tools.config['without_demo']: tools.config["demo"]['all'] = 1 force = [] if force_demo: force.append('demo') # This is a brand new pool, just created in pooler.get_db_and_pool() pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) try: processed_modules = [] report = tools.assertion_report() # NOTE: Try to also load the modules that have been marked as uninstallable previously... STATES_TO_LOAD = ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'uninstallable'] if 'base' in tools.config['update'] or 'all' in tools.config['update']: cr.execute( "update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s and state=%s", ('to upgrade', 'base', 'installed')) # STEP 1: LOAD BASE (must be done before module dependencies can be computed for later steps) graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force) if not graph: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_CRITICAL, 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') raise osv.osv.except_osv( _('Could not load base module'), _('module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)')) processed_modules.extend( load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, perform_checks=(not update_module), report=report)) if tools.config['load_language']: for lang in tools.config['load_language'].split(','): tools.load_language(cr, lang) # STEP 2: Mark other modules to be loaded/updated if update_module: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'updating modules list') if ('base' in tools.config['init']) or ('base' in tools.config['update']): modobj.update_list(cr, 1) _check_module_names( cr, itertools.chain(tools.config['init'].keys(), tools.config['update'].keys())) mods = [k for k in tools.config['init'] if tools.config['init'][k]] if mods: ids = cr, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'uninstalled'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_install(cr, 1, ids) mods = [ k for k in tools.config['update'] if tools.config['update'][k] ] if mods: ids = cr, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'installed'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_upgrade(cr, 1, ids) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s", ('installed', 'base')) STATES_TO_LOAD += ['to install'] # STEP 3: Load marked modules (skipping base which was done in STEP 1) loop_guardrail = 0 while True: loop_guardrail += 1 if loop_guardrail > 100: raise ValueError( 'Possible recursive module tree detected, aborting.') cr.execute("SELECT name from ir_module_module WHERE state IN %s", (tuple(STATES_TO_LOAD), )) module_list = [ name for (name, ) in cr.fetchall() if name not in graph ] if not module_list: break new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force) if new_modules_in_graph == 0: # nothing to load break logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating graph with %d more modules' % (len(module_list))) processed_modules.extend( load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, report=report, skip_modules=processed_modules)) # load custom models cr.execute('select model from ir_model where state=%s', ('manual', )) for model in cr.dictfetchall(): pool.get('ir.model').instanciate(cr, 1, model['model'], {}) # STEP 4: Finish and cleanup if processed_modules: cr.execute( """select model,name from ir_model where id NOT IN (select distinct model_id from ir_model_access)""" ) for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if model_obj and not isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'object %s (%s) has no access rules!' % (model, name)) # Temporary warning while we remove access rights on osv_memory objects, as they have # been replaced by owner-only access rights cr.execute( """select distinct mod.model, from ir_model_access acc, ir_model mod where acc.model_id =""" ) for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'In-memory object %s (%s) should not have explicit access rules!' % (model, name)) cr.execute("SELECT model from ir_model") for (model, ) in cr.fetchall(): obj = pool.get(model) if obj: obj._check_removed_columns(cr, log=True) else: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "Model %s is referenced but not present in the orm pool!" % model) # Cleanup orphan records pool.get('')._process_end(cr, 1, processed_modules) if report.get_report(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, report) for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'): tools.config[kind] = {} cr.commit() if update_module: cr.execute("select id,name from ir_module_module where state=%s", ('to remove', )) for mod_id, mod_name in cr.fetchall(): cr.execute( 'select model,res_id from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s order by id desc', ( False, mod_name, )) for rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): uid = 1 rmod_module = pool.get(rmod) if rmod_module: rmod_module.unlink(cr, uid, [rid]) else: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not locate %s to remove res=%d' % (rmod, rid)) cr.execute( 'delete from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s', ( False, mod_name, )) cr.commit() # # TODO: remove menu without actions of children # while True: cr.execute('''delete from ir_ui_menu where (id not IN (select parent_id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is not null)) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_values where model='')) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_model_data where model=''))''' ) cr.commit() if not cr.rowcount: break else: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'removed %d unused menus' % (cr.rowcount, )) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where state=%s", ( 'uninstalled', 'to remove', )) cr.commit() finally: cr.close()
def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False): if not status: status = {} cr = db.cursor() if cr: cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname='ir_module_module'") if len(cr.fetchall())==0: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "init db") tools.init_db(cr) # in that case, force --init=all tools.config["init"]["all"] = 1 tools.config['update']['all'] = 1 if not tools.config['without_demo']: tools.config["demo"]['all'] = 1 force = [] if force_demo: force.append('demo') pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) try: report = tools.assertion_report() # NOTE: Try to also load the modules that have been marked as uninstallable previously... STATES_TO_LOAD = ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'uninstallable'] graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force) has_updates = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, perform_checks=(not update_module), report=report) if update_module: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'updating modules list') if ('base' in tools.config['init']) or ('base' in tools.config['update']): modobj.update_list(cr, 1) mods = [k for k in tools.config['init'] if tools.config['init'][k]] if mods: ids =, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'uninstalled'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_install(cr, 1, ids) mods = [k for k in tools.config['update'] if tools.config['update'][k]] if mods: ids =, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', 'installed'), ('name', 'in', mods)]) if ids: modobj.button_upgrade(cr, 1, ids) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s", ('installed', 'base')) STATES_TO_LOAD += ['to install'] loop_guardrail = 0 while True: loop_guardrail += 1 if loop_guardrail > 100: raise ProgrammingError() cr.execute("SELECT name from ir_module_module WHERE state in %s", (tuple(STATES_TO_LOAD),) ) module_list = [name for (name,) in cr.fetchall() if name not in graph] if not module_list: break new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force) if new_modules_in_graph == 0: # nothing to load break logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating graph with %d more modules' % (len(module_list))) r = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, report=report) has_updates = has_updates or r if has_updates: cr.execute("""select model,name from ir_model where id not in (select model_id from ir_model_access)""") for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'object %s (%s) has no access rules!' % (model, name)) cr.execute("SELECT model from ir_model") for (model,) in cr.fetchall(): obj = pool.get(model) if obj: obj._check_removed_columns(cr, log=True) if report.get_report(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, report) for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'): tools.config[kind] = {} cr.commit() if update_module: cr.execute("select id,name from ir_module_module where state=%s", ('to remove',)) for mod_id, mod_name in cr.fetchall(): cr.execute('select model,res_id from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s order by id desc', (False, mod_name,)) for rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): uid = 1 pool.get(rmod).unlink(cr, uid, [rid]) cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s', (False, mod_name,)) cr.commit() # # TODO: remove menu without actions of children # while True: cr.execute('''delete from ir_ui_menu where (id not in (select parent_id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is not null)) and (id not in (select res_id from ir_values where model='')) and (id not in (select res_id from ir_model_data where model=''))''') cr.commit() if not cr.rowcount: break else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'removed %d unused menus' % (cr.rowcount,)) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where state=%s", ('uninstalled', 'to remove',)) cr.commit() finally: cr.close()
def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False): def check_module_name(cr, mods, state): for mod in mods: id =, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', state), ('name', '=', mod)]) if id: getattr(modobj, states[state])(cr, 1, id) elif mod != 'all': logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'module %s: invalid module name!' % (mod)) if not status: status = {} cr = db.cursor() if cr: cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname='ir_module_module'") if len(cr.fetchall())==0: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "init db") tools.init_db(cr) tools.config["init"]["all"] = 1 tools.config['update']['all'] = 1 if not tools.config['without_demo']: tools.config["demo"]['all'] = 1 force = [] if force_demo: force.append('demo') pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) try: report = tools.assertion_report() # NOTE: Try to also load the modules that have been marked as uninstallable previously... STATES_TO_LOAD = ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'uninstallable'] graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force) if not graph: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_CRITICAL, 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') raise osv.osv.except_osv('Could not load base module', 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') has_updates = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, perform_checks=(not update_module), report=report) if update_module: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') states = {'installed': 'button_upgrade', 'uninstalled': 'button_install'} logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'updating modules list') if ('base' in tools.config['init']) or ('base' in tools.config['update']): modobj.update_list(cr, 1) mods = [k for k in tools.config['init'] if tools.config['init'][k]] check_module_name(cr, mods, 'uninstalled') mods = [k for k in tools.config['update'] if tools.config['update'][k]] check_module_name(cr, mods, 'installed') cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s", ('installed', 'base')) STATES_TO_LOAD += ['to install'] loop_guardrail = 0 while True: loop_guardrail += 1 if loop_guardrail > 100: raise ValueError('Possible recursive module tree detected, aborting.') cr.execute("SELECT name from ir_module_module WHERE state IN %s" ,(tuple(STATES_TO_LOAD),)) module_list = [name for (name,) in cr.fetchall() if name not in graph] if not module_list: break new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force) if new_modules_in_graph == 0: # nothing to load break logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating graph with %d more modules' % (len(module_list))) r = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, report=report) has_updates = has_updates or r if has_updates: cr.execute("""select model,name from ir_model where id NOT IN (select distinct model_id from ir_model_access)""") for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if not isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'object %s (%s) has no access rules!' % (model, name)) # Temporary warning while we remove access rights on osv_memory objects, as they have # been replaced by owner-only access rights cr.execute("""select distinct mod.model, from ir_model_access acc, ir_model mod where acc.model_id =""") for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'In-memory object %s (%s) should not have explicit access rules!' % (model, name)) cr.execute("SELECT model from ir_model") for (model,) in cr.fetchall(): obj = pool.get(model) if obj: obj._check_removed_columns(cr, log=True) if report.get_report(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, report) for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'): tools.config[kind] = {} cr.commit() if update_module: cr.execute("select id,name from ir_module_module where state=%s", ('to remove',)) for mod_id, mod_name in cr.fetchall(): cr.execute('select model,res_id from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s order by id desc', (False, mod_name,)) for rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): uid = 1 rmod_module= pool.get(rmod) if rmod_module: rmod_module.unlink(cr, uid, [rid]) else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not locate %s to remove res=%d' % (rmod,rid)) cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s', (False, mod_name,)) cr.commit() # # TODO: remove menu without actions of children # while True: cr.execute('''delete from ir_ui_menu where (id not IN (select parent_id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is not null)) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_values where model='')) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_model_data where model=''))''') cr.commit() if not cr.rowcount: break else: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'removed %d unused menus' % (cr.rowcount,)) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where state=%s", ('uninstalled', 'to remove',)) cr.commit() finally: cr.close()
def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False): def check_module_name(cr, mods, state): for mod in mods: id = cr, 1, ['&', ('state', '=', state), ('name', '=', mod)]) if id: getattr(modobj, states[state])(cr, 1, id) elif mod != 'all': logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'module %s: invalid module name!' % (mod)) if not status: status = {} cr = db.cursor() if cr: cr.execute( "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname='ir_module_module'" ) if len(cr.fetchall()) == 0: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "init db") tools.init_db(cr) tools.config["init"]["all"] = 1 tools.config['update']['all'] = 1 if not tools.config['without_demo']: tools.config["demo"]['all'] = 1 force = [] if force_demo: force.append('demo') pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) try: report = tools.assertion_report() # NOTE: Try to also load the modules that have been marked as uninstallable previously... STATES_TO_LOAD = ['installed', 'to upgrade', 'uninstallable'] graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force) if not graph: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_CRITICAL, 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') raise osv.osv.except_osv( 'Could not load base module', 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)') has_updates = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, perform_checks=(not update_module), report=report) if update_module: modobj = pool.get('ir.module.module') states = { 'installed': 'button_upgrade', 'uninstalled': 'button_install' } logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'updating modules list') if ('base' in tools.config['init']) or ('base' in tools.config['update']): modobj.update_list(cr, 1) mods = [k for k in tools.config['init'] if tools.config['init'][k]] check_module_name(cr, mods, 'uninstalled') mods = [ k for k in tools.config['update'] if tools.config['update'][k] ] check_module_name(cr, mods, 'installed') cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s", ('installed', 'base')) STATES_TO_LOAD += ['to install'] loop_guardrail = 0 while True: loop_guardrail += 1 if loop_guardrail > 100: raise ValueError( 'Possible recursive module tree detected, aborting.') cr.execute("SELECT name from ir_module_module WHERE state IN %s", (tuple(STATES_TO_LOAD), )) module_list = [ name for (name, ) in cr.fetchall() if name not in graph ] if not module_list: break new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force) if new_modules_in_graph == 0: # nothing to load break logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating graph with %d more modules' % (len(module_list))) r = load_module_graph(cr, graph, status, report=report) has_updates = has_updates or r if has_updates: cr.execute( """select model,name from ir_model where id NOT IN (select distinct model_id from ir_model_access)""" ) for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if not isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'object %s (%s) has no access rules!' % (model, name)) # Temporary warning while we remove access rights on osv_memory objects, as they have # been replaced by owner-only access rights cr.execute( """select distinct mod.model, from ir_model_access acc, ir_model mod where acc.model_id =""" ) for (model, name) in cr.fetchall(): model_obj = pool.get(model) if isinstance(model_obj, osv.osv.osv_memory): logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'In-memory object %s (%s) should not have explicit access rules!' % (model, name)) cr.execute("SELECT model from ir_model") for (model, ) in cr.fetchall(): obj = pool.get(model) if obj: obj._check_removed_columns(cr, log=True) if report.get_report(): logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, report) for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'): tools.config[kind] = {} cr.commit() if update_module: cr.execute("select id,name from ir_module_module where state=%s", ('to remove', )) for mod_id, mod_name in cr.fetchall(): cr.execute( 'select model,res_id from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s order by id desc', ( False, mod_name, )) for rmod, rid in cr.fetchall(): uid = 1 rmod_module = pool.get(rmod) if rmod_module: rmod_module.unlink(cr, uid, [rid]) else: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not locate %s to remove res=%d' % (rmod, rid)) cr.execute( 'delete from ir_model_data where noupdate=%s and module=%s', ( False, mod_name, )) cr.commit() # # TODO: remove menu without actions of children # while True: cr.execute('''delete from ir_ui_menu where (id not IN (select parent_id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is not null)) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_values where model='')) and (id not IN (select res_id from ir_model_data where model=''))''' ) cr.commit() if not cr.rowcount: break else: logger.notifyChannel( 'init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'removed %d unused menus' % (cr.rowcount, )) cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where state=%s", ( 'uninstalled', 'to remove', )) cr.commit() finally: cr.close()