コード例 #1
ファイル: sonar.py プロジェクト: guoyu07/tritech_profiler
    def __init__(self, port="/dev/ttyUSB0", **kwargs):
        Constructs Sonar object.

        :param port: Serial port (default: /dev/sonar).

        :param kwargs: Key-word arguments to pass to set() on initialization


        print 'init'
        # Parameter defaults.
        self.adc_threshold = 50.0
        self.filt_gain = 20.00
        self.agc = True
        self.prf_alt = False
        self.gain = 0.50
        self.inverted = False
        self.left_limit = to_radians(0)
        self.mo_time = 250
        self.nbins = 800
        self.range = 10.00
        self.right_limit = to_radians(6399)
        self.scanright = True
        self.speed = 1500.0
        self.step = Resolution.ULTIMATE
        self.lockout = 100

        # Override defaults with key-word arguments or ROS parameters.
        for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if key in kwargs:
                self.__setattr__(key, value)
                param = "{}/{}".format(rospy.get_name(), key)
                if rospy.has_param(param):
                    self.__setattr__(key, rospy.get_param(param))

        # Connection properties.
        self.port = port
        self.conn = None
        self.initialized = False

        # Head info.
        self.centred = False
        self.has_cfg = False
        self.heading = None
        self.motor_on = False
        self.motoring = False
        self.no_params = True
        self.up_time = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.recentering = False
        self.scanning = False

        # Additional properties.
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.preempted = False
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, port="/dev/sonar", **kwargs):
        """Constructs Sonar object.

            port: Serial port (default: /dev/sonar).
            kwargs: Key-word arguments to pass to set() on initialization.
        # Parameter defaults.
        self.ad_high = 80.0
        self.ad_low = 0.00
        self.adc8on = True
        self.continuous = True
        self.gain = 0.50
        self.inverted = True
        self.left_limit = to_radians(2400)
        self.mo_time = 250
        self.nbins = 400
        self.range = 10.00
        self.right_limit = to_radians(4000)
        self.scanright = True
        self.speed = 1500.0
        self.step = Resolution.LOW
        self.dynamic_reconfigure_started = False

        # Override defaults with key-word arguments or ROS parameters.
        for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if key in kwargs:
                self.__setattr__(key, value)
                param = "{}/{}".format(rospy.get_name(), key)
                if rospy.has_param(param):
                    self.__setattr__(key, rospy.get_param(param))

        # Connection properties.
        self.port = port
        self.conn = None
        self.initialized = False

        # Head info.
        self.centred = False
        self.has_cfg = False
        self.heading = None
        self.motor_on = False
        self.motoring = False
        self.no_params = True
        self.up_time = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.recentering = False
        self.scanning = False

        # Additional properties.
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.preempted = False
コード例 #3
    def __update_state(self, alive):
        """Updates Sonar states from mtAlive message.

            alive: mtAlive reply.
        payload = alive.payload
        payload.bytepos = 1

        # Get current time and compute up time.
        micros = payload.read(32).uintle * 1000
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=micros)
        if self._time_offset > self.clock:
            self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.up_time = self.clock - self._time_offset

        # Get heading.
        self.heading = to_radians(payload.read(16).uintle)

        # Decode HeadInf byte.
        head_inf = payload.read(8)
        self.recentering = head_inf[7]
        self.centred = head_inf[6]
        self.motoring = head_inf[5]
        self.motor_on = head_inf[4]
        self.scanright = head_inf[3]
        self.scanning = head_inf[2]
        self.no_params = head_inf[1]
        # self.has_cfg = head_inf[0]
        # bypass the has_cfg parameter since we don't send mtSendBBUser
        self.has_cfg = True

        rospy.loginfo("UP TIME:     %s", self.up_time)
        rospy.logdebug("RECENTERING: %s", self.recentering)
        rospy.logdebug("CENTRED:     %s", self.centred)
        rospy.logdebug("MOTORING:    %s", self.motoring)
        rospy.logdebug("MOTOR ON:    %s", self.motor_on)
        rospy.logdebug("CLOCKWISE:   %s", self.scanright)
        rospy.logdebug("SCANNING:    %s", self.scanning)
        rospy.logdebug("NO PARAMS:   %s", self.no_params)
        rospy.logdebug("HAS CFG:     %s", self.has_cfg)
コード例 #4
class Resolution(object):
    """Sonar mechanical resolution enumeration.

    The mechanical resolution is the angle the step motor rotates per scan line
    in radians. A higher resolution slows down the scan.

    Set as such:

        with TritechMicron() as sonar:

    Other resolutions can also be used, but these are the ones documented by
    LOWEST = to_radians(255)  # Not recommended.
    LOWER = to_radians(128)  # Not recommended.
    LOWERISH = to_radians(64)  # Not recommended.
    LOW = to_radians(32)
    MEDIUM = to_radians(16)
    HIGH = to_radians(8)
    ULTIMATE = to_radians(4)
コード例 #5
ファイル: sonar.py プロジェクト: suratkw/ros-tritech-micron
    def __parse_head_data(self, data):
        """Parses mtHeadData payload and returns parsed bins.

            data: mtHeadData bitstring.


            ValueError: If data could not be parsed.
        # Any number of exceptions could occur here if the packet is corrupted,
        # so a catch-all approach is used for safety.
            # Get the total number of bytes.
            count = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("Byte count is %d", count)

            # The device type should be 0x11 for a DST Sonar.
            device_type = data.read(8)
            if device_type.uint != 0x11:
                # Packet is likely corrupted, try again.
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unexpected device type: {}"

            # Get the head status byte:
            #   Bit 0:  'HdPwrLoss'. Head is in Reset Condition.
            #   Bit 1:  'MotErr'. Motor has lost sync, re-send Parameters.
            #   Bit 2:  'PrfSyncErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 3:  'PrfPingErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 4:  Whether adc8on is enabled.
            #   Bit 5:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 6:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 7:  Message appended after last packet data reply.
            _head_status = data.read(8)
            rospy.logdebug("Head status byte is %s", _head_status)
            if _head_status[-1]:
                rospy.logerr("Head power loss detected")
            if _head_status[-2]:
                rospy.logerr("Motor lost sync")

            # Get the sweep code. Its value should correspond to:
            #   0: Scanning normal.
            #   1: Scan at left limit.
            #   2: Scan at right limit.
            #   3: RESERVED (ignore).
            #   4: RESERVED (ignore)
            #   5: Scan at center position.
            sweep = data.read(8).uint
            rospy.logdebug("Sweep code is %d", sweep)
            if sweep == 1:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached left limit")
            elif sweep == 2:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached right limit")

            # Get the HdCtrl bytes to control operation:
            #   Bit 0:  adc8on          0: 4-bit        1: 8-bit
            #   Bit 1:  cont            0: sector-scan  1: continuous
            #   Bit 2:  scanright       0: left         1: right
            #   Bit 3:  invert          0: upright      1: inverted
            #   Bit 4:  motoff          0: on           1: off
            #   Bit 5:  txoff           0: on           1: off (for testing)
            #   Bit 6:  spare           0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 7:  chan2           0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 8:  raw             0: N/A          1: default
            #   Bit 9:  hasmot          0: lol          1: has a motor (always)
            #   Bit 10: applyoffset     0: default      1: heading offset
            #   Bit 11: pingpong        0: default      1: side-scanning sonar
            #   Bit 12: stareLLim       0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 13: ReplyASL        0: N/A          1: default
            #   Bit 14: ReplyThr        0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 15: IgnoreSensor    0: default      1: emergencies
            # Should be the same as what was sent.
            hd_ctrl = data.read(16)
            hd_ctrl.byteswap()  # Little endian please.
            self.inverted, self.scanright, self.continuous, self.adc8on = (
                hd_ctrl.unpack("pad:12, bool, bool, bool, bool")
            rospy.logdebug("Head control bytes are %s", hd_ctrl.bin)
            rospy.logdebug("ADC8 mode %s", self.adc8on)
            rospy.logdebug("Continuous mode %s", self.continuous)
            rospy.logdebug("Scanning right %s", self.scanright)

            # Range scale.
            # The lower 14 bits are the range scale * 10 units and the higher 2
            # bits are coded units:
            #   0: meters
            #   1: feet
            #   2: fathoms
            #   3: yards
            # Only the metric system is implemented for now, because it is
            # better.
            self.range = data.read(16).uintle / 10.0
            rospy.logdebug("Range scale is %f", self.range)

            # TX/RX transmitter constants: N/A to DST.

            # The gain ranges from 0 to 210.
            self.gain = data.read(8).uintle / 210.0
            rospy.logdebug("Gain is %f", self.gain)

            # Slope setting is N/A to DST.

            # If the ADC is set to 8-bit, MAX = 255 else MAX = 15.
            # ADLow = MAX * low / 80 where low is the desired minimum
            #   amplitude.
            # ADSpan = MAX * span / 80 where span is the desired amplitude
            #   span.
            # The full range is between ADLow and ADLow + ADSpan.
            MAX_SIZE = 255 if self.adc8on else 15
            ad_span = data.read(8).uintle
            ad_low = data.read(8).uintle
            self.ad_low = ad_low * 80.0 / MAX_SIZE
            span_intensity = ad_span * 80.0 / MAX_SIZE
            self.ad_high = self.ad_low + span_intensity
            rospy.logdebug("AD range is %f to %f", self.ad_low, self.ad_high)

            # Heading offset is ignored.
            heading_offset = to_radians(data.read(16).uint)
            rospy.logdebug("Heading offset is %f", heading_offset)

            # ADInterval defines the sampling interval of each bin and is in
            # units of 640 nanoseconds.
            ad_interval = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("AD interval is %d", ad_interval)

            # Left/right angles limits are in 1/16th of a gradian.
            self.left_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            self.right_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
                "Limits are %f to %f",
                self.left_limit, self.right_limit

            # Step angle size.
            self.step = to_radians(data.read(8).uint)
            rospy.logdebug("Step size is %f", self.step)

            # Heading is in units of 1/16th of a gradian.
            self.heading = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            rospy.loginfo("Heading is now %f", self.heading)

            # Dbytes is the number of bytes with data to follow.
            dbytes = data.read(16).uintle
            if self.adc8on:
                self.nbins = dbytes
                bin_size = 8
                self.nbins = dbytes * 2
                bin_size = 4
            rospy.logdebug("DBytes is %d", dbytes)

            # Get bins.
            bins = [data.read(bin_size).uint for i in range(self.nbins)]
        except Exception as e:
            # Damn.
            raise ValueError(e)

        return bins
コード例 #6
    def __parse_head_data(self, data):
        """Parses mtHeadData payload and returns parsed bins.

            data: mtHeadData bitstring.


            ValueError: If data could not be parsed.
        # Any number of exceptions could occur here if the packet is corrupted,
        # so a catch-all approach is used for safety.
            # Get the total number of bytes.
            count = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("Byte count is %d", count)

            # The device type should be 0x11 for a DST Sonar.
            device_type = data.read(8)
            if device_type.uint != 0x11:
                # Packet is likely corrupted, try again.
                raise ValueError("Unexpected device type: {}".format(

            # Get the head status byte:
            #   Bit 0:  'HdPwrLoss'. Head is in Reset Condition.
            #   Bit 1:  'MotErr'. Motor has lost sync, re-send Parameters.
            #   Bit 2:  'PrfSyncErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 3:  'PrfPingErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 4:  Whether adc8on is enabled.
            #   Bit 5:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 6:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 7:  Message appended after last packet data reply.
            _head_status = data.read(8)
            rospy.logdebug("Head status byte is %s", _head_status)
            if _head_status[-1]:
                rospy.logerr("Head power loss detected")
            if _head_status[-2]:
                rospy.logerr("Motor lost sync")

            # Get the sweep code. Its value should correspond to:
            #   0: Scanning normal.
            #   1: Scan at left limit.
            #   2: Scan at right limit.
            #   3: RESERVED (ignore).
            #   4: RESERVED (ignore)
            #   5: Scan at center position.
            sweep = data.read(8).uint
            rospy.logdebug("Sweep code is %d", sweep)
            if sweep == 1:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached left limit")
            elif sweep == 2:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached right limit")

            # Get the HdCtrl bytes to control operation:
            #   Bit 0:  adc8on          0: 4-bit        1: 8-bit
            #   Bit 1:  cont            0: sector-scan  1: continuous
            #   Bit 2:  scanright       0: left         1: right
            #   Bit 3:  invert          0: upright      1: inverted
            #   Bit 4:  motoff          0: on           1: off
            #   Bit 5:  txoff           0: on           1: off (for testing)
            #   Bit 6:  spare           0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 7:  chan2           0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 8:  raw             0: N/A          1: default
            #   Bit 9:  hasmot          0: lol          1: has a motor (always)
            #   Bit 10: applyoffset     0: default      1: heading offset
            #   Bit 11: pingpong        0: default      1: side-scanning sonar
            #   Bit 12: stareLLim       0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 13: ReplyASL        0: N/A          1: default
            #   Bit 14: ReplyThr        0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 15: IgnoreSensor    0: default      1: emergencies
            # Should be the same as what was sent.
            hd_ctrl = data.read(16)
            hd_ctrl.byteswap()  # Little endian please.
            self.inverted, self.scanright, self.continuous, self.adc8on = (
                hd_ctrl.unpack("pad:12, bool, bool, bool, bool"))
            rospy.logdebug("Head control bytes are %s", hd_ctrl.bin)
            rospy.logdebug("ADC8 mode %s", self.adc8on)
            rospy.logdebug("Continuous mode %s", self.continuous)
            rospy.logdebug("Scanning right %s", self.scanright)

            # Range scale.
            # The lower 14 bits are the range scale * 10 units and the higher 2
            # bits are coded units:
            #   0: meters
            #   1: feet
            #   2: fathoms
            #   3: yards
            # Only the metric system is implemented for now, because it is
            # better.
            self.range = data.read(16).uintle / 10.0
            rospy.logdebug("Range scale is %f", self.range)

            # TX/RX transmitter constants: N/A to DST.

            # The gain ranges from 0 to 210.
            self.gain = data.read(8).uintle / 210.0
            rospy.logdebug("Gain is %f", self.gain)

            # Slope setting is N/A to DST.

            # If the ADC is set to 8-bit, MAX = 255 else MAX = 15.
            # ADLow = MAX * low / 80 where low is the desired minimum
            #   amplitude.
            # ADSpan = MAX * span / 80 where span is the desired amplitude
            #   span.
            # The full range is between ADLow and ADLow + ADSpan.
            MAX_SIZE = 255 if self.adc8on else 15
            ad_span = data.read(8).uintle
            ad_low = data.read(8).uintle
            self.ad_low = ad_low * 80.0 / MAX_SIZE
            span_intensity = ad_span * 80.0 / MAX_SIZE
            self.ad_high = self.ad_low + span_intensity
            rospy.logdebug("AD range is %f to %f", self.ad_low, self.ad_high)

            # Heading offset is ignored.
            heading_offset = to_radians(data.read(16).uint)
            rospy.logdebug("Heading offset is %f", heading_offset)

            # ADInterval defines the sampling interval of each bin and is in
            # units of 640 nanoseconds.
            ad_interval = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("AD interval is %d", ad_interval)

            # Left/right angles limits are in 1/16th of a gradian.
            self.left_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            self.right_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            rospy.logdebug("Limits are %f to %f", self.left_limit,

            # Step angle size.
            self.step = to_radians(data.read(8).uint)
            rospy.logdebug("Step size is %f", self.step)

            # Heading is in units of 1/16th of a gradian.
            self.heading = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            rospy.loginfo("Heading is now %f", self.heading)

            # Dbytes is the number of bytes with data to follow.
            dbytes = data.read(16).uintle
            if self.adc8on:
                self.nbins = dbytes
                bin_size = 8
                self.nbins = dbytes * 2
                bin_size = 4
            rospy.logdebug("DBytes is %d", dbytes)

            # Get bins.
            bins = [data.read(bin_size).uint for i in range(self.nbins)]
        except Exception as e:
            # Damn.
            raise ValueError(e)

        return bins
コード例 #7
    def __parse_head_data(self, data):
        Parses mtHeadData payload and returns parsed bins.

        :param mtHeadData bitstring.

        :return: Bins.

        :raises ValueError: If data could not be parsed.
        print '_parse_head:data'
        # Any number of exceptions could occur here if the packet is corrupted,
        # so a catch-all approach is used for safety.
            # Get the total number of bytes.
            count = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("Byte count is %d", count)

            # The device type should be 0x05 for a Profiling Sonar.
            device_type = data.read(8)
            if device_type.uint != 0x05:
                # Packet is likely corrupted, try again.
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unexpected device type: {}"

            # Get the head status byte:
            #   Bit 0:  'HdPwrLoss'. Head is in Reset Condition.
            #   Bit 1:  'MotErr'. Motor has lost sync, re-send Parameters.
            #   Bit 2:  'PrfSyncErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 3:  'PrfPingErr'. Always 0.
            #   Bit 4:  Whether prf_AGC is enabled.
            #   Bit 5:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 6:  RESERVED (ignore).
            #   Bit 7:  Message appended after last packet data reply.
            _head_status = data.read(8)
            rospy.logdebug("Head status byte is %s", _head_status)
            if _head_status[-1]:
                rospy.logerr("Head power loss detected")
            if _head_status[-2]:
                rospy.logerr("Motor lost sync")

            # Get the sweep code. Its value should correspond to:
            #   0: Scanning normal.
            #   1: Scan at left limit.
            #   2: Scan at right limit.
            #   3: RESERVED (ignore).
            #   4: RESERVED (ignore)
            #   5: Scan at center position.
            sweep = data.read(8).uint
            rospy.logdebug("Sweep code is %d", sweep)
            if sweep == 1:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached left limit")
            elif sweep == 2:
                rospy.loginfo("Reached right limit")

            # Get the HdCtrl bytes to control operation:
            #   Bit 0:  prf_AGC         0: AGC off(def) 1: AGC on
            #   Bit 1:  prf_alt         0: continuous   1: alternate scan
            #   Bit 2:  scanright       0: left         1: right
            #   Bit 3:  invert          0: upright      1: inverted
            #   Bit 4:  motoff          0: on           1: off
            #   Bit 5:  txoff           0: on           1: off (for testing)
            #   Bit 6:  prf_t10         0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 7:  chan2           0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 8:  prf_first       0: N/A          1: default
            #   Bit 9:  hasmot          0: lol          1: has a motor (always)
            #   Bit 10: prf_PingSync    0: sync off     1: sync on, default
            #   Bit 11: prf_ScanSync    0: default      1: use when Dual Head Profiler
            #   Bit 12: stareLLim       0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 13: prf_Master      0: N/A          1: default for single profiler
            #   Bit 14: prf_Mirror        0: default      1: N/A
            #   Bit 15: IgnoreSensor    0: default      1: emergencies
            # Should be the same as what was sent.
            hd_ctrl = data.read(16)
            hd_ctrl.byteswap()  # Little endian please.
            self.inverted, self.scanright, self.prf_alt, self.prf_AGC = (
                hd_ctrl.unpack("pad:12, bool, bool, bool, bool")
            rospy.logdebug("Head control bytes are %s", hd_ctrl.bin)
            rospy.logdebug("PRF Adaptive Gain Control mode %s", self.prf_AGC)
            rospy.logdebug("PRF Alternate Scan mode %s", self.prf_alt)
            rospy.logdebug("Scanning right %s", self.scanright)

            # Range scale.
            # The lower 14 bits are the range scale * 10 units and the higher 2
            # bits are coded units:
            #   0: meters
            #   1: feet
            #   2: fathoms
            #   3: yards
            # Only the metric system is implemented for now, because it is
            # better.
            self.range = data.read(16).uintle / 10.0
            rospy.logdebug("Range scale is %f", self.range)

            # TX/RX transmitter constants: N/A to DST.

            # The gain ranges from 0 to 210.
            self.gain = data.read(8).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("Gain is %f", self.gain)

            # Slope setting is N/A to DST.

            # ADC analog threshold (1/255 units)
            adc_threshold = data.read(8).uintle
            filt_gain = data.read(8).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("filt Gain is %f", filt_gain)

            # Left/right angles limits are in 1/16th of a gradian.
            self.left_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
            self.right_limit = to_radians(data.read(16).uintle)
                "Limits are %f to %f",
                self.left_limit, self.right_limit

            # Step angle size.
            self.step = to_radians(data.read(8).uint)
            rospy.logdebug("Step size is %f", self.step)

            ScanTime = data.read(16).uintle
            rospy.logdebug("Scan Time is %d", ScanTime)

            # Dbytes is the number of bytes with data to follow.
            dbytes = data.read(16).uintle
            self.nbins = dbytes
            bin_size = 16 # antes 8
            rospy.logdebug("DBytes is %d", dbytes)

            # Get bins.
            bins = [data.read(bin_size).uintle for i in range(self.nbins)]

        except Exception as e:
            # Damn.
            raise ValueError(e)

        return bins