コード例 #1
def main_user_coordinates(filename,delta_t,arguments):
    #arguments will be a nested list with the desired coordinates.
    workfile = tools.readfile(filename)
    geoms = tools.trajectory_extractor(filename)
    internals = [ check_internal(geoms,argument) for argument in arguments ] 
    coordinates = zip(*internals)
    times_all = tools.times(workfile ,delta_t)[0]
    times_hop = tools.times(workfile ,delta_t)[1]
    time_internals = zip(times_all,coordinates)
    inds = [times_all.index(i) for i in times_hop]
    time_internals_hop = [time_internals[j] for j in inds]
    return (time_internals , time_internals_hop)
コード例 #2
def Enepop_data(filename,time_step):
    workfile = tools.readfile(filename)
    ener_states = tools.just_energies(workfile)[0]
    ener_hops = tools.just_energies(workfile)[1]
    current_eners = tools.just_energies(workfile)[2]
    populations = tools.populations(workfile)
    first2pops = [[0,1.0],[0,1.0]]
    allpops = [ map(str,i) for i in first2pops + populations]
    times = tools.times(workfile ,time_step)[0]
    timeshop = tools.times(workfile ,time_step)[1]
    # Same name as the molcas .out but different extension.
    fileout = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.EnePop'
    with open(fileout,'w') as fo:
        for i ,j, k, l in zip(map(str,times),allpops,ener_states,current_eners):
            fo.write("{tim} {pop} {eners} {currE} \n".format(tim=i,pop=' '.join(j)  ,eners=' '.join(k), currE= l))