def createwindow(): global componentlist global intrinsiclist global intrinsicvaluelist global extrinsiclist global extrinsicvaluelist global affordanceformulalist clearall_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="clear", command = lambda: clearlists(componentlist, intrinsiclist, intrinsicvaluelist, extrinsiclist, extrinsicvaluelist, affordanceformulalist)) clearall_button.config(image = framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#fa7878", activebackground= "#fa7878", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 590 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(clearall_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to discard your modifications\n' 'and clear all checkboxes, option menus and text fields') exec_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="save", command = lambda: getvals(pred_entry, optionVar, optionVarHead, headgroup_entry, optionVarConc, concavitygroup_entry, rotvalx, rotvaly, rotvalz, reflvalxy, reflvalxz, reflvalyz, optionVarScale, optionVarMovable)) exec_button.config(image = framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#a3ff8f", activebackground= "#a3ff8f", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 636 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(exec_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to save your modifications\n' 'to a VoxML conform XML document') debug_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Objframe, height=4, width=48) debug_textfield.configure(relief = RIDGE, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 100, y = 590 ) group_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Group:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 360, y = 50) tooltip.CreateToolTip(group_label, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Use Integers to refer to groups of parts,\n' 'habitats or affordance formulas') args_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Arguments:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 440, y = 50) tooltip.CreateToolTip(args_label, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Insert functions arguments in entry fields\n' 'below') lex_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "<Lex>", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 50, y = 50) pred_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Predicate:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 80) pred_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe) pred_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 17, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 190, y = 80) typesub_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Type:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 110) optionVar = StringVar() optionVar.set("physobj") option = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVar, "physobj", "physobj", "physobj*artifact") = 190, y = 110) option.config( width = 145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", bd = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) type_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "<Type>", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 50, y = 140) head_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Head:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 170) headgroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) headgroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 370, y = 170) tooltip.CreateToolTip(headgroup_entry, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' '*OPTIONAL*') optionVarHead = StringVar() optionVarHead.set("ellipsoid") optionmenuhead = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarHead, "ellipsoid", "ellipsoid", "bipyramid", "cylindroid", "cupola", "frustum", "hemiellipsoid", "parallelepiped", "prismatoid", "pyramid", "rectangular_prism", "sheet", "toroid", "wedge") = 190, y = 170) optionmenuhead.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 11)) component_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Component:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 200) component_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe) component_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 17, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 190, y = 200) componentgroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) componentgroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 370, y = 200) tooltip.CreateToolTip(componentgroup_entry, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' '*OPTIONAL*') duplicatevar = IntVar() duplicatevar.set(0) dupecheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="", variable=duplicatevar) dupecheckbutton.var = duplicatevar dupecheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 470, y = 200 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(dupecheckbutton, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Check this box if the Object has multiple instances\n' 'or copies of that same part\n\n *OPTIONAL*') add_component_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="add", command = lambda: addcomponent(component_entry, componentgroup_entry, duplicatevar, debug_textfield, componentlist_textfield,optionVarComponentlist, OptionMenuComponentlist)) add_component_button.config(image = framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#a3ff8f", activebackground= "#a3ff8f", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 198 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_component_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add a component\n' 'to the componentlist of the current object') concavity_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Concavity:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 230) optionVarConc = StringVar() optionVarConc.set("Flat") optionmenuconc = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarConc, "Flat", "Flat", "Concave", "Convex") = 190, y = 230) optionmenuconc.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) concavitygroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) concavitygroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 370, y = 230) tooltip.CreateToolTip(concavitygroup_entry, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' '*OPTIONAL*') rotatsym_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Rotatsym:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 260) rotvalx = IntVar() rotvalx.set(0) rotvaly = IntVar() rotvaly.set(0) rotvalz = IntVar() rotvalz.set(0) rotxcheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="X", variable=rotvalx) rotxcheckbutton.var = rotvalx rotxcheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 190, y = 260 ) rotxcheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="X") rotxcheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 210, y = 262 ) rotycheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="Y", variable=rotvaly) rotycheckbutton.var = rotvaly rotycheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 230, y = 260 ) rotycheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="Y") rotycheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 250, y = 262 ) rotzcheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="Z", variable=rotvalz) rotzcheckbutton.var = rotvalz rotzcheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 270, y = 260 ) rotzcheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="Z") rotzcheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 290, y = 262 ) reflsym_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Reflsym:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 290) reflvalxy = IntVar() reflvalxy.set(0) reflvalxz = IntVar() reflvalxz.set(0) reflvalyz = IntVar() reflvalyz.set(0) reflxycheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="XY", variable=reflvalxy) reflxycheckbutton.var = reflvalxy reflxycheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 190, y = 290 ) reflxycheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="XY") reflxycheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 210, y = 292 ) reflxzcheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="XZ", variable=reflvalxz) reflxzcheckbutton.var = reflvalxz reflxzcheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 240, y = 290 ) reflxzcheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="XZ") reflxzcheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 260, y = 292 ) reflyzcheckbutton = Checkbutton(framer.Objframe, text="YZ", variable=reflvalyz) reflyzcheckbutton.var = reflvalyz reflyzcheckbutton.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "#404040", activeforeground = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 290, y = 290 ) reflyzcheckbuttonlabel = Label(framer.Objframe, text="YZ") reflyzcheckbuttonlabel.config(borderwidth = 0, background = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 310, y = 292 ) habitat_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "<Habitat>", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 50, y = 320) intrinsic_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Intrinsic:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 350) optionVarIntr = StringVar() optionVarIntr.set("UP") optionmenuint = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarIntr, "UP", "UP", "TOP", "NEAR", "FRONT") = 190, y = 350) optionmenuint.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) intrinsicgroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) (x = 370, y = 350) intrinsicgroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) tooltip.CreateToolTip(intrinsicgroup_entry, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' '*OPTIONAL*') intrinsicarg1_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) intrinsicarg1_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 440, y = 350) intrinsicarg2_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) intrinsicarg2_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 485, y = 350) add_intrinsic_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="add", command = lambda: addhabitat(optionVarIntr, intrinsicgroup_entry, intrinsicarg1_entry, intrinsicarg2_entry, intrinsiclist, intrinsicvaluelist, "intr", debug_textfield, optionVarIntrinsiclist, OptionMenuIntrinsiclist, componentlist_textfield)) add_intrinsic_button.config(image = framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#a3ff8f", activebackground= "#a3ff8f", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 348 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_intrinsic_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add an intrinsic habitat\n' 'to the list of intrinsic habitats of the current object') extrinsic_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Extrinsic:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 380) optionVarExtr = StringVar() optionVarExtr.set("UP") optionmenuext = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarExtr, "UP", "UP", "TOP", "NEAR", "FRONT") = 190, y = 380) optionmenuext.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) extrinsicgroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) extrinsicgroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 370, y = 380) tooltip.CreateToolTip(extrinsicgroup_entry, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' '*OPTIONAL*') extrinsicarg1_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) extrinsicarg1_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 440, y = 380) extrinsicarg2_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) extrinsicarg2_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 485, y = 380) add_extrinsic_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="add", command = lambda: addhabitat(optionVarExtr, extrinsicgroup_entry, extrinsicarg1_entry, extrinsicarg2_entry, extrinsiclist, extrinsicvaluelist, "extr", debug_textfield, optionVarExtrinsiclist, OptionMenuExtrinsiclist, componentlist_textfield)) add_extrinsic_button.config(image = framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#a3ff8f", activebackground= "#a3ff8f", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 378 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_extrinsic_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add an extrinsic habitat\n' 'to the list of extrinsic habitats of the current object') affordance_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "<Affordances>", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 50, y = 410) affordanceformula_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Formula:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 440) optionVarAfford = StringVar() optionVarAfford.set("grasp") optionmenuafford = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarAfford, "grasp", "grasp", "lift", "roll", "slide", "put_on", "put_in") = 190, y = 440) optionmenuafford.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) affordanceformulagroup_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) affordanceformulagroup_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 370, y = 440) affordarg1_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) affordarg1_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 440, y = 440) affordarg2_entry = Entry(framer.Objframe, width = 4) affordarg2_entry.configure(relief = RIDGE, width = 3, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) (x = 485, y = 440) add_affordanceformula_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="add", command = lambda: addformula(optionVarAfford, affordanceformulagroup_entry, affordarg1_entry, affordarg2_entry, debug_textfield, optionVarAffordancelist, OptionMenuAffordancelist, componentlist_textfield)) add_affordanceformula_button.config(image = framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#a3ff8f", activebackground= "#a3ff8f", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 560, y = 438 ) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_affordanceformula_button, text = 'Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add an affordance formula\n' 'to the list of affordance formulas of the current object') embodiement_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text="<Embodiement>", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 50, y = 470) scale_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Scale:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 500) optionVarScale = StringVar() optionVarScale.set("agent") OptionMenuScale = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarScale, "< agent", "< agent", "agent", "> agent") = 190, y = 500) OptionMenuScale.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) movable_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "Movable:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 12)) (x = 100, y = 530) optionVarMovable = StringVar() optionVarMovable.set("True") OptionMenuMovable = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarMovable, "True", "True", "False") = 190, y = 530) OptionMenuMovable.config(width=145, height = 14, image = framer.menutickpic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) componentlist_label = Label(framer.Objframe, text = "File Preview:", foreground = "white", background = "#404040", font=(None, 14)) (x = 670, y = 50) componentlist_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Objframe, height=10, width=40) componentlist_textfield.configure(relief = RIDGE, bd = 2, foreground = "white", insertbackground = "white", background = "#505050", font=(None, 12)) ( x = 670, y = 80 ) optionVarComponentlist = StringVar() optionVarComponentlist.set("Select Component") OptionMenuComponentlist = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarComponentlist, "Select Component") = 670, y = 300) OptionMenuComponentlist.config(width=250, height = 16, image = framer.cancelmenupic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 12)) OptionMenuComponentlist['menu'].entryconfig(1, background = "#404040" ,activebackground = "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878") removecompo_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="remove", command = lambda: removefromlist(componentlist, componentlist_textfield, OptionMenuComponentlist, optionVarComponentlist, debug_textfield)) removecompo_button.config(image = framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#fa7878", activebackground= "#fa7878", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 960, y = 300 ) optionVarIntrinsiclist = StringVar() optionVarIntrinsiclist.set("Select Intrinsic Habitat") OptionMenuIntrinsiclist = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarIntrinsiclist, "Select Intrinsic Habitat") = 670, y = 348) OptionMenuIntrinsiclist.config(width=250, height = 16, image = framer.cancelmenupic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 12)) removeintr_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="remove", command = lambda: removefromlist(intrinsiclist, componentlist_textfield, OptionMenuIntrinsiclist, optionVarIntrinsiclist, debug_textfield)) removeintr_button.config(image = framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#fa7878", activebackground= "#fa7878", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 960, y = 348 ) optionVarExtrinsiclist = StringVar() optionVarExtrinsiclist.set("Select Extrinsic Habitat") OptionMenuExtrinsiclist = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarExtrinsiclist, "Select Extrinsic Habitat") = 670, y = 380) OptionMenuExtrinsiclist.config(width=250, height = 16, image = framer.cancelmenupic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 12)) removeextr_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="remove", command = lambda: removefromlist(extrinsiclist, componentlist_textfield, OptionMenuExtrinsiclist, optionVarExtrinsiclist, debug_textfield)) removeextr_button.config(image = framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#fa7878", activebackground= "#fa7878", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 960, y = 380 ) optionVarAffordancelist = StringVar() optionVarAffordancelist.set("Select Affordance Formula") OptionMenuAffordancelist = OptionMenu(framer.Objframe, optionVarAffordancelist, "Select Affordance Formula") = 670, y = 440) OptionMenuAffordancelist.config(width=250, height = 16, image = framer.cancelmenupic, anchor = "w", borderwidth = 0, indicatoron=0, compound = LEFT, bg = "#404040", activebackground= "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 12)) removeAffordance_button = Button(framer.Objframe, text="remove", command = lambda: removefromlist(affordanceformulalist, componentlist_textfield, OptionMenuAffordancelist, optionVarAffordancelist, debug_textfield)) removeAffordance_button.config(image = framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth = 0, bg = "#fa7878", activebackground= "#fa7878", compound = CENTER, foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878", font=(None, 13)) ( x = 960, y = 440 ) drdwnlistgrn = [option, optionmenuhead, optionmenuconc, optionmenuint, optionmenuext, optionmenuafford, OptionMenuScale, OptionMenuMovable] drdwnlistred = [OptionMenuComponentlist, OptionMenuIntrinsiclist, OptionMenuExtrinsiclist, OptionMenuAffordancelist] for drdwn in drdwnlistgrn: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background = "#404040" ,activebackground = "#505050", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#a3ff8f") i += 1 for drdwn in drdwnlistred: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background = "#404040" ,activebackground = "#505050", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878") i += 1 drdwn['menu'].add_command(label = " ", command=tk._setit(optionVarComponentlist, "Select Component")) drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(1, background = "#404040" ,activebackground = "#404040", foreground = "white", activeforeground = "#fa7878")
def createwindow(): global arglist clearall_button = Button(framer.Attrframe, text="clear", command=lambda: clearlists(arglist)) clearall_button.config(image=framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#fa7878", activebackground="#fa7878", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#fa7878", font=(None, 13)), y=590) tooltip.CreateToolTip( clearall_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to discard your modifications\n' 'and clear all checkboxes, option menus and text fields') exec_button = Button( framer.Attrframe, text="save", command=lambda: getvals(pred_entry, optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, optionVarScale, optionVarArity)) exec_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=636) tooltip.CreateToolTip(exec_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to save your modifications\n' 'to a VoxML conform XML document') debug_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Attrframe, height=4, width=48) debug_textfield.configure(relief=RIDGE, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=590) lex_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="<Lex>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=50) pred_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="Predicate:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=80) pred_entry = Entry(framer.Attrframe) pred_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=80) type_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="<Type>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=140) arguments_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="Argument:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=200) optionVarArgtype = StringVar() optionVarArgtype.set("agent") optionmenuargtype = OptionMenu(framer.Attrframe, optionVarArgtype, "agent", "agent", "location", "physobj"), y=200) optionmenuargtype.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) argvar_entry = Entry(framer.Attrframe, width=4) argvar_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=3, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=200) add_argument_button = Button( framer.Attrframe, text="add", command=lambda: addargument(optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, debug_textfield)) add_argument_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=198) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_argument_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add a component\n' 'to the componentlist of the current object') scale_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="Scale:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=230) optionVarScale = StringVar() optionVarScale.set("binary") optionmenuscale = OptionMenu(framer.Attrframe, optionVarScale, "binary", "binary", "nominal", "ordinal", "intervall", "rational"), y=230) optionmenuscale.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) arity_label = Label(framer.Attrframe, text="Arity:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=260) optionVarArity = StringVar() optionVarArity.set("intransitive") optionmenuarity = OptionMenu(framer.Attrframe, optionVarArity, "intransitive", "intransitive", "transitive"), y=260) optionmenuarity.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) drdwnlist = [optionmenuargtype, optionmenuscale, optionmenuarity] for drdwn in drdwnlist: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background="#404040", activebackground="#505050", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f") i += 1
frame.pack() #Se define el frame en el que irán el cuadro de texto del codigo y el que mostrará la variables textframe = tkinter.Frame(root) textframe.pack() #Se define el frame en el que irá el cuadro de texto consoleframe = tkinter.Frame(root) consoleframe.pack() #se genera el boton "nuevo" newbutton = tkinter.Button(frame, text="Nuevo", command=nuevo, image=iconnew, width=30, height=30) newbutton.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) newbutton_ttp = ttp.CreateToolTip(newbutton, "Nuevo") #se genera el botón "abrir" openbutton = tkinter.Button(frame, text="Abrir", command=abrir, image=iconopen, width=30, height=30) openbutton.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) openbutton_ttp = ttp.CreateToolTip(openbutton, "Abrir") #se genera el botón "guardar" savebutton = tkinter.Button(frame, text="Guardar", command=guardar, image=iconsave, width=30,
def createwindow(): global arglist clearall_button = Button(framer.Funcframe, text="clear", command=lambda: clearlists(arglist, root)) clearall_button.config(image=framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#fa7878", activebackground="#fa7878", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#fa7878", font=(None, 13)), y=590) tooltip.CreateToolTip( clearall_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to discard your modifications\n' 'and clear all checkboxes, option menus and text fields') exec_button = Button( framer.Funcframe, text="save", command=lambda: getvals(pred_entry, optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, referent_entry, mapping_entry, optionVarSpace, axis_entry, arity_entry)) exec_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=636) tooltip.CreateToolTip(exec_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to save your modifications\n' 'to a VoxML conform XML document') debug_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Funcframe, height=4, width=48) debug_textfield.configure(relief=RIDGE, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=590) lex_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="<Lex>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=50) pred_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Predicate:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=80) pred_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe) pred_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=80) type_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="<Type>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=140) arguments_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Argument:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=170) optionVarArgtype = StringVar() optionVarArgtype.set("agent") optionmenuargtype = OptionMenu(framer.Funcframe, optionVarArgtype, "agent", "agent", "location", "physobj"), y=170) optionmenuargtype.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) argvar_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe, width=4) argvar_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=3, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=170) add_argument_button = Button( framer.Funcframe, text="add", command=lambda: addargument(optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, debug_textfield)) add_argument_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=168) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_argument_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add an argument\n' 'to the current function.') referent_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Referent:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=200) referent_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe), y=200) referent_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)) mapping_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Mapping:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=230) mapping_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe), y=230) mapping_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)) orientation_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="<Orientation>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=290) space_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Space:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=320) optionVarSpace = StringVar() optionVarSpace.set("world") optionmenuspace = OptionMenu(framer.Funcframe, optionVarSpace, "world", "world", "object"), y=320) optionmenuspace.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) axis_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Axis:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=350) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_argument_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'add a + or - to the axis to specify\n' 'a direction') axis_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe), y=350) axis_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)) arity_label = Label(framer.Funcframe, text="Arity:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=380) arity_entry = Entry(framer.Funcframe), y=380) arity_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)) drdwnlist = [optionmenuargtype, optionmenuspace] for drdwn in drdwnlist: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background="#404040", activebackground="#505050", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f") i += 1
def createwindow(): global arglist global constraintlist global corresplist clearall_button = Button( framer.Relatframe, text="clear", command=lambda: clearlists(arglist, constraintlist, corresplist)) clearall_button.config(image=framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#fa7878", activebackground="#fa7878", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#fa7878", font=(None, 13)), y=590) tooltip.CreateToolTip( clearall_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to discard your modifications\n' 'and clear all checkboxes, option menus and text fields') exec_button = Button( framer.Relatframe, text="save", command=lambda: getvals(pred_entry, optionVarClass, optionVarValue, optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, constr_entry, corresps_entry)) exec_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=636) tooltip.CreateToolTip(exec_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to save your modifications\n' 'to a VoxML conform XML document') debug_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Relatframe, height=4, width=48) debug_textfield.configure(relief=RIDGE, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=590) lex_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="<Lex>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=50) pred_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Predicate:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=80) pred_entry = Entry(framer.Relatframe) pred_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=80) type_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="<Type>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=140) class_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Class:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=170) optionVarClass = StringVar() optionVarClass.set("config") optionmenuclass = OptionMenu(framer.Relatframe, optionVarClass, "config", "config", "force_dynamic"), y=170) optionmenuclass.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) arguments_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Value:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=200) optionVarValue = StringVar() optionVarValue.set("RCC8.EC") optionmenuvalue = OptionMenu(framer.Relatframe, optionVarValue, "RCC8.EC", "RCC8.EC"), y=200) optionmenuvalue.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) arguments_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Argument:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=230) optionVarArgtype = StringVar() optionVarArgtype.set("agent") optionmenuargtype = OptionMenu(framer.Relatframe, optionVarArgtype, "agent", "agent", "location", "physobj"), y=230) optionmenuargtype.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) argvar_entry = Entry(framer.Relatframe, width=4) argvar_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=3, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=230) add_argument_button = Button( framer.Relatframe, text="add", command=lambda: addargument(optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, debug_textfield)) add_argument_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=228) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_argument_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add a component\n' 'to the componentlist of the current object') constr_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Constraint:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=260) constr_entry = Entry(framer.Relatframe) constr_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=260) add_constr_button = Button( framer.Relatframe, text="add", command=lambda: addconstr(constr_entry, debug_textfield)) add_constr_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=258) corresps_label = Label(framer.Relatframe, text="Corresps.:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=290) corresps_entry = Entry(framer.Relatframe) corresps_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=290) add_corresps_button = Button( framer.Relatframe, text="add", command=lambda: addcorresp(corresps_entry, debug_textfield)) add_corresps_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=288) drdwnlist = [optionmenuclass, optionmenuvalue, optionmenuargtype] for drdwn in drdwnlist: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background="#404040", activebackground="#505050", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f") i += 1
def __init__(self, parent): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent.video_miner, FRAME_SETTINGS) self.parent = parent self.video_frame = parent.video_frame self.scale_drag = False tk.Grid.rowconfigure(self, 0, weight=1, minsize=15) tk.Grid.columnconfigure(self, 0, weight=1) # button images: self.decrease_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/rewind.png") self.increase_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/fast_forward.png") self.pause_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/pause.png") self.play_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/play.png") self.stop_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/stop.png") self.track_photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="bitmaps/track.png") self.play_cycle = it.cycle([self.pause_photo, self.play_photo]) # using a tkinter scale to control current location in video self.scale = tk.Scale(self, from_=0, to=self.parent.frame_count, resolution=1, width=15, border=0, highlightbackground=GUI_BG, showvalue=False, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, cursor="hand2", troughcolor=WINDOWS_GRAYL, sliderrelief=tk.FLAT, bg=GUI_BLUE, activebackground=GUI_BLUE) self.scale.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW, pady=10) self.scale.bind("<Button-1>", self.drag_switch) self.scale.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.update_video_location) # the frame that holds the control buttons self.button_panel = tk.Frame(self, bg=GUI_BG) self.button_panel.grid(columnspan=2, row=1) tk.Grid.rowconfigure(self.button_panel, 0, weight=1, minsize=40) # tracking button self.trackbut = tk.Button(self.button_panel, BUTTON_SETTINGS, command=self.video_frame.get_rect, image=self.track_photo) self.trackbut.grid(button_config, column=0) tooltip.CreateToolTip(self.trackbut, "Toggle tracking") # play pause button self.playbut = tk.Button(self.button_panel, BUTTON_SETTINGS, command=self.playpause, image=self.play_photo) self.playbut.grid(button_config, column=1) tooltip.CreateToolTip(self.playbut, "Play/pause") # playing speed decrease button decreasebut = tk.Button(self.button_panel, BUTTON_SETTINGS, command=self.decrease_speed, image=self.decrease_photo) decreasebut.grid(button_config, column=2) tooltip.CreateToolTip(decreasebut, "Decrease speed") # stop button stopbut = tk.Button(self.button_panel, BUTTON_SETTINGS, command=self.stop) stopbut.config(image=self.stop_photo, height=24, width=24) stopbut.grid(button_config, column=3) tooltip.CreateToolTip(stopbut, "Stop playing") # playing speed increase button increasebut = tk.Button(self.button_panel, BUTTON_SETTINGS, command=self.increase_speed, image=self.increase_photo) increasebut.grid(button_config, column=4) tooltip.CreateToolTip(increasebut, "Increase speed")
subMenu.add_command(label="Exit",command = quitfunc) helpMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=False) menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu = helpMenu) helpMenu.add_command(label="About", command = lambda: MsgBox("About Hex-Manipulator", "Hex-Manipulator v1.0\n contact: [email protected]")) #-------------------- Toolbar --------------------# Ssett = PhotoImage(file=resource_path("saveSett.png")) Dsett = PhotoImage(file=resource_path("delSett.png")) CFields = PhotoImage(file=resource_path("clear.png")) Loadsett = PhotoImage(file=resource_path("load.png")) toolbar = Frame(root, width="500", pady=4, bg="#6bb2c6") # toolbar.configure(pady=(0,10)) saveSett = Button(toolbar, image=Ssett, command=saveSetting) saveSett.grid(row=0, padx=5) SaveConfigTooltip = tooltip.CreateToolTip(saveSett, "Save current settings") reloadSett = Button(toolbar, image=Loadsett, command=reloadSetting) reloadSett.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5) reloadConfigTooltip = tooltip.CreateToolTip(reloadSett, "Load/reload settings") delSett = Button(toolbar, image=Dsett, command=deleteSetting) delSett.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5) DeleteConfigTooltip = tooltip.CreateToolTip(delSett, "Delete current settings") SeparatorSettField = ttk.Separator(toolbar, orient=VERTICAL) SeparatorSettField.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5, sticky=N+S) ClearFields = Button(toolbar, image=CFields, command=ClearAllFields) ClearFields.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5) ClearFieldsTooltip = tooltip.CreateToolTip(ClearFields, "Clear Fields")
def createwindow(): global arglist global subeventlist clearall_button = Button(framer.Progrframe, text="clear", command=lambda: clearlists(arglist, subeventlist)) clearall_button.config(image=framer.cancelbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#fa7878", activebackground="#fa7878", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#fa7878", font=(None, 13)), y=590) tooltip.CreateToolTip( clearall_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to discard your modifications\n' 'and clear all checkboxes, option menus and text fields') exec_button = Button(framer.Progrframe, text="save", command=lambda: getvals( pred_entry, optionVar, optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, )) exec_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=636) tooltip.CreateToolTip(exec_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to save your modifications\n' 'to a VoxML conform XML document') debug_textfield = tk.Text(framer.Progrframe, height=4, width=48) debug_textfield.configure(relief=RIDGE, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=590) group_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Group:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=50) tooltip.CreateToolTip(group_label, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Use Integers to refer to groups of parts,\n' 'habitats or affordance formulas') lex_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="<Lex>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=50) pred_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Predicate:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=80) pred_entry = Entry(framer.Progrframe) pred_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=80) typesub_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Type:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=110) optionVar = StringVar() optionVar.set("process") option = OptionMenu(framer.Progrframe, optionVar, "process", "process", "state", "transition_event"), y=110) option.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", bd=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 12)) type_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="<Type>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=140) head_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Head:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=170) optionmenuhead = OptionMenu(framer.Progrframe, optionVar, "process", "process", "state", "transition_event"), y=170) optionmenuhead.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", borderwidth=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 11)) arguments_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Argument:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=200) optionVarArgtype = StringVar() optionVarArgtype.set("agent") optionmenuargtype = OptionMenu(framer.Progrframe, optionVarArgtype, "agent", "agent", "location", "physobj"), y=200) optionmenuargtype.config(width=145, height=14, image=framer.menutickpic, anchor="w", borderwidth=0, indicatoron=0, compound=LEFT, bg="#404040", activebackground="#404040", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 11)) argvar_entry = Entry(framer.Progrframe, width=4) argvar_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=3, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=200) add_argument_button = Button( framer.Progrframe, text="add", command=lambda: addargument(optionVarArgtype, argvar_entry, debug_textfield)) add_argument_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=198) tooltip.CreateToolTip(add_argument_button, text='Tooltip:\n\n' 'Klick this button to add a component\n' 'to the componentlist of the current object') body_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="<Body>", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 14)), y=230) subevent_label = Label(framer.Progrframe, text="Subevent:", foreground="white", background="#404040", font=(None, 12)), y=260) subevent_entry = Entry(framer.Progrframe) subevent_entry.configure(relief=RIDGE, width=17, bd=2, foreground="white", insertbackground="white", background="#505050", font=(None, 12)), y=260) add_subevent_button = Button(framer.Progrframe, text="add", command=lambda: addsubevent(debug_textfield)) add_subevent_button.config(image=framer.smallbtnpic, borderwidth=0, bg="#a3ff8f", activebackground="#a3ff8f", compound=CENTER, foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f", font=(None, 13)), y=258) drdwnlist = [option, optionmenuhead, optionmenuargtype] for drdwn in drdwnlist: i = 0 while i < drdwn['menu'].index('end') + 1: drdwn['menu'].entryconfig(i, background="#404040", activebackground="#505050", foreground="white", activeforeground="#a3ff8f") i += 1