def _initDBVals(self, ownerId, name=None, traitSeed=0, dna=None, safeZone=ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral): self.b_setOwnerId(ownerId) if name is None: name = 'pet%s' % self.doId self.b_setPetName(name) self.b_setTraitSeed(traitSeed) self.b_setSafeZone(safeZone) traits = PetTraits.PetTraits(traitSeed, safeZone) for traitName in PetTraits.getTraitNames(): setter = self.getSetterName(traitName, 'b_set') self.__dict__[setter](traits.getTraitValue(traitName)) self.traits = traits for component in PetMood.PetMood.Components: setterName = self.getSetterName(component, 'b_set') self.__dict__[setterName](0.0) if not dna: dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA() self.setDNA(dna) self.b_setLastSeenTimestamp(self.getCurEpochTimestamp()) for component in PetMood.PetMood.Components: self.setMoodComponent(component, 0.0) self.b_setTrickAptitudes([])
def load(self): SafeZoneLoader.load(self) self.flippy = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(2001) self.flippy.reparentTo(render) self.flippy.setPickable(0) self.flippy.setPos(188, -260, 11.187) self.flippy.setH(108.411) self.flippy.initializeBodyCollisions('toon') self.flippy.addActive() self.flippy.startBlink() # Just keeping things relevant to 2.5.2, keeping away from TTR and TTO phrases... self.flippyBlatherSequence = Sequence(Wait(10), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Hello and welcome Toons, far and wide!', CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Func(, 'wave'), Func(self.flippy.loop, 'neutral'), Wait(12), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, "It's been a great time at Toontown, with you helping us stop the Cogs from ruining the experience with their destructive bugs, and we're glad you could join us!", CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(10), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, "Oh, don't mind the little guy back there. That's my new-found lovable yet mysterious pet, Fluffy. That's what he calls himself.", CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(8), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, "He came out of nowhere...", CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(13), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, "Just when I thought Toontown couldn't be any sillier! He's a real rascal, but he already has the Cog-fighting down to a science!", CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(12), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Doctor Surlee says he\'s some sort of creature called a "Doodle". Funny name, right?', CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(16), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, "He also says Fluffy might have some friends and we may learn more about them soon.", CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(8), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Anyway, what are you waiting for?', CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(8), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Grab some pies and go for a spin. ToonFest is in full swing!', CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(13), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Buddy over there has made a few mistakes at the office so I have asked him to manage the balloon ride.', CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Wait(13), Func(self.flippy.setChatAbsolute, 'Hop in the balloon with Buddy and have a ride.', CFSpeech | CFTimeout)) self.flippyBlatherSequence.loop() self.fluffy = Pet.Pet() self.fluffy.addActive() self.flippy.startBlink() self.fluffy.setDNA(PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA()) self.fluffy.setName('Fluffy') self.fluffy.setPickable(0) self.fluffy.reparentTo(render) self.fluffy.setPos(191, -263, 11.382) self.fluffy.setH(829) self.fluffy.enterNeutralHappy() self.fluffy.initializeBodyCollisions('pet') try: self.towerGeom = self.geom.find('**/toonfest_tower_DNARoot') self.base1 = self.towerGeom.find('**/base1') self.base2 = self.towerGeom.find('**/base2') self.base3 = self.towerGeom.find('**/base3') except: self.notify.warning('Something messed up loading the tower bases!')
def _initDBVals(self, ownerId, name = None, traitSeed = 0, dna = None, safeZone = ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral): self.b_setOwnerId(ownerId) if name is None: name = 'pet%s' % self.doId self.b_setPetName(name) self.b_setTraitSeed(traitSeed) self.b_setSafeZone(safeZone) traits = PetTraits.PetTraits(traitSeed, safeZone) for traitName in PetTraits.getTraitNames(): setter = self.getSetterName(traitName, 'b_set') self.__dict__[setter](traits.getTraitValue(traitName)) self.traits = traits for component in PetMood.PetMood.Components: setterName = self.getSetterName(component, 'b_set') self.__dict__[setterName](0.0) if not dna: dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA() self.setDNA(dna) self.b_setLastSeenTimestamp(self.getCurEpochTimestamp()) for component in PetMood.PetMood.Components: self.setMoodComponent(component, 0.0) self.b_setTrickAptitudes([]) return
def getPicture(self, avatar): from toontown.pets import PetDNA, Pet pet = Pet.Pet(forGui=1) dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA() pet.setDNA(dna) pet.setH(180) model, ival = self.makeFrameModel(pet, 0) pet.setScale(2.0) pet.setP(-40) track = PetTricks.getTrickIval(pet, self.trickId) name = 'petTrick-item-%s' % self.sequenceNumber CatalogPetTrickItem.sequenceNumber += 1 if track is not None: track = Sequence( Sequence(track), ActorInterval( pet, 'neutral', duration=2), name=name) else: pet.animFSM.request('neutral') track = Sequence(Wait(4), name=name) self.petPicture = pet self.hasPicture = True return model, track
def getPetInfoFromSeed(seed, safezoneId): S = random.getstate() random.seed(seed) dnaArray = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA(safezoneId) gender = PetDNA.getGender(dnaArray) nameString = TTLocalizer.getRandomPetName(gender=gender, seed=seed) traitSeed = PythonUtil.randUint31() random.setstate(S) return (nameString, dnaArray, traitSeed)
def getPicture(self, avatar): # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the # item has no representation. This method is only called on # the client. # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code # must run on the AI. from toontown.pets import PetDNA, Pet pet = Pet.Pet(forGui = 1) # We use the avatar's own pet if he/she has a pet (and we know # its DNA), otherwise use a random pet. dna = avatar.petDNA if dna == None: dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA() pet.setDNA(dna) pet.setH(180) model, ival = self.makeFrameModel(pet, 0) pet.setScale(2.0) pet.setP(-40) # Discard the ival from makeFrameModel, since we don't want to # spin. track = PetTricks.getTrickIval(pet, self.trickId) name = "petTrick-item-%s" % (self.sequenceNumber) CatalogPetTrickItem.sequenceNumber += 1 if track != None: track = Sequence(Sequence(track), ActorInterval(pet, 'neutral', duration = 2), name = name) else: pet.animFSM.request('neutral') track = Sequence(Wait(4), name = name) self.petPicture = pet assert (not self.hasPicture) self.hasPicture=True return (model, track)
def makeRandomPet(self): dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA() self.setDNA(dna)