コード例 #1
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def __init__(self, topicNameTuple, providers):
     if providers:
         msg = ("No topic specification for topic '%s' " % stringize(topicNameTuple)
             + "found from registered providers (%s)." % providers)
         msg = "No topic specification for topic '%s'."  % stringize(topicNameTuple)
     RuntimeError.__init__(self, msg + " See pub.newTopic(), pub.addTopicDefnProvider(), and/or pubsubconf.setTopicUnspecifiedFatal()")
コード例 #2
def validateNameHierarchy(topicTuple):
    '''Check that names in topicTuple are valid: no spaces, not empty.
    Raise ValueError if fails check. E.g. ('',) and ('a',' ') would
    both fail, but ('a','b') would be ok. '''
    if not topicTuple:
        topicName = stringize(topicTuple)
        errMsg = 'empty topic name'
        raise TopicNameInvalid(topicName, errMsg)
    for indx, topic in enumerate(topicTuple):
        errMsg = None
        if topic is None:
            topicName = list(topicTuple)
            topicName[indx] = 'None'
            errMsg = 'None at level #%s'

        elif not topic:
            topicName = stringize(topicTuple)
            errMsg = 'empty element at level #%s'

        elif topic.isspace():
            topicName = stringize(topicTuple)
            errMsg = 'blank element at level #%s'

        if errMsg:
            raise TopicNameInvalid(topicName, errMsg % indx)
コード例 #3
    def getTopic(self, name, okIfNone=False):
        '''Get the Topic instance that corresponds to the given topic name 
        path. By default, raises an UndefinedTopic or UndefinedSubtopic
        exception if a topic with given name doesn't exist. If
        okIfNone=True, returns None instead of raising an exception.'''
        topicNameDotted = stringize(name)
        #if not name:
        #    raise TopicNameInvalid(name, 'Empty topic name not allowed')
        obj = self._topicsMap.get(topicNameDotted, None)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj

        if okIfNone:
            return None

        # NOT FOUND! Determine what problem is and raise accordingly:
        # find the closest parent up chain that does exists:
        parentObj, subtopicNames = self.__getClosestParent(topicNameDotted)
        assert subtopicNames
        subtopicName = subtopicNames[0]
        if parentObj is self.__allTopics:
            raise UndefinedTopic(subtopicName)

        raise UndefinedSubtopic(parentObj.getName(), subtopicName)
コード例 #4
ファイル: topicargspec.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
    def __init__(self, getArgsSpec, topicNameTuple, parent, argsDocs, reqdArgs, argsSpec):
        argsDocs = argsDocs or {}
        reqdArgs = tuple(reqdArgs or ())
        # check that all args marked as required are in argsDocs
        missingArgs = set(reqdArgs).difference(argsDocs.keys())
        if missingArgs:
            msg = 'The argsDocs dict doesn\'t contain keys (%s) given in reqdArgs'
            raise InvalidArgsSpec(msg, missingArgs)
        self.allOptional = None # list of topic message optional argument names
        self.allRequired = None # list of topic message required argument names
        self.subArgsDocs = None # documentation for each subtopic arg (dict)
        self.subArgsReqd = None # which keys in subArgsDocs repr. required args (tuple)
        self.argsSpec = self.SPEC_NONE
        topicName = stringize(topicNameTuple)
        if argsSpec == self.SPEC_NONE:
            # other self.all* members will be updated when our sub args get set 
            assert not argsDocs
            assert not reqdArgs
            assert self.argsSpec == self.SPEC_NONE
            subArgsDocs, subArgsReqd = getArgsSpec(topicNameTuple)
            if subArgsDocs is not None:
                self.__setSubArgs(subArgsDocs, subArgsReqd, parent, topicName)
        elif argsSpec == self.SPEC_SUBONLY:
            self.__setSubArgs(argsDocs.copy(), reqdArgs, parent, topicName)

            assert argsSpec == self.SPEC_ALL
            self.__setAllArgs(getArgsSpec, topicNameTuple, 
                parent, argsDocs.copy(), reqdArgs)
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, topicNameTuple):
     msg = "No topic specification for topic '%s'."  \
         % stringize(topicNameTuple)
         self, msg +
         " See pub.getOrCreateTopic(), pub.addTopicDefnProvider(), and/or pub.setTopicUnspecifiedFatal()"
コード例 #6
    def __createParentTopics(self, topicName):
        '''This will find which parents need to be created such that
        topicName can be created (but doesn't create given topic),
        and creates them. Returns the parent object.'''
        assert self.getTopic(topicName, okIfNone=True) is None
        parentObj, subtopicNames = self.__getClosestParent(

        # will create subtopics of parentObj one by one from subtopicNames
        if parentObj is self.__allTopics:
            nextTopicNameList = []
            nextTopicNameList = list(parentObj.getNameTuple())
        for name in subtopicNames[:-1]:
            desc, specGiven = self.__defnProvider.getDefn(
            if desc is None:
                desc = 'UNDOCUMENTED: created as parent without specification'
            parentObj = self.__createTopic(tuple(nextTopicNameList),

        return parentObj
コード例 #7
 def __validateArgsToParent(self):
     # validate relative to parent arg spec
     closestParentAI = self.parentAI().getCompleteAI()
     if closestParentAI is not None:
         # verify that parent args is a subset of spec given:
         topicName = stringize(self.topicNameTuple)
         verifySubset(self.getArgs(), closestParentAI.getArgs(), topicName)
         verifySubset(self.allRequired, closestParentAI.getReqdArgs(), topicName, " required args")
コード例 #8
ファイル: topicargspec.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def __setAllArgs(self, getArgsSpec, topicNameTuple, parent, argsDocs, reqdArgs):
     self.argsSpec = self.SPEC_NONE
     subArgsDocs, subArgsReqd = getArgsSpec(topicNameTuple)
     topicName = stringize(topicNameTuple)
     if subArgsDocs is None:
         # no user spec available, create spec from args given:
         allOptional = set( argsDocs.keys() ).difference( reqdArgs )
         self.allOptional = tuple(allOptional)
         self.allRequired = reqdArgs
         self.argsSpec = self.SPEC_COMPLETE
         if parent is None:
             self.subArgsDocs = argsDocs.copy()
             self.subArgsReqd = reqdArgs
             self.argsSpec = self.SPEC_COMPLETE_FINAL
         elif parent.argsSpecComplete():
             # verify that parent args is a subset of spec given:
             parentReqd, parentOpt, dummySpec = parent.getArgs()
             verifySubset(argsDocs.keys(), parentReqd+parentOpt, topicName)
             verifySubset(reqdArgs, parentReqd, topicName, 
                          'list of required args for ')
             # ok, good to go:
             subArgsOpt  = allOptional.difference(parentOpt)
             subArgsReqd = set(reqdArgs).difference(parentReqd)
             self.subArgsReqd = tuple(subArgsReqd)
             subArgs = tuple(subArgsOpt)+self.subArgsReqd
             self.subArgsDocs = dict( (k,argsDocs[k]) for k in subArgs )
     else: # user spec available, takes precedence
         if parent is None:
             if set(argsDocs) != set(subArgsDocs):
                 raise ValueError("bad listener due to args")
             if set(reqdArgs) != set(subArgsReqd):
                 raise ValueError("bad listener due to reqd args")
         elif parent.argsSpecComplete():
             # then arg spec given must be equal to parent spec + user def
             parentReqd, parentOpt, dummySpec = parent.getArgs()
             if set(argsDocs) != set(subArgsDocs).union(parentReqd+parentOpt):
                 raise ValueError("bad listener due to args")
             allReqd = set(subArgsReqd).union(parentReqd)
             if set(reqdArgs) != allReqd:
                 print 'all, sub', allReqd, reqdArgs
                 raise ValueError("bad listener due to reqd args")
         self.__setSubArgs(subArgsDocs, subArgsReqd, parent, topicName)
         if self.argsSpec == self.SPEC_SUBONLY:
             # then parent spec incomplete 
             assert (parent is not None) and not parent.argsSpecComplete()
             allOptional = set( argsDocs.keys() ).difference( reqdArgs )
             verifySubset(allOptional, subArgsDocs.keys(), topicName)
             verifySubset(reqdArgs, subArgsReqd, topicName, 
                          'list of required args for ')
             self.allOptional = tuple(allOptional)
             self.allRequired = reqdArgs
             self.argsSpec = self.SPEC_COMPLETE
コード例 #9
 def __validateArgsToParent(self):
     # validate relative to parent arg spec
     closestParentAI = self.parentAI().getCompleteAI()
     if closestParentAI is not None:
         # verify that parent args is a subset of spec given:
         topicName = stringize(self.topicNameTuple)
         verifySubset(self.getArgs(), closestParentAI.getArgs(), topicName)
         verifySubset(self.allRequired, closestParentAI.getReqdArgs(),
                      topicName, ' required args')
コード例 #10
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def __createParentTopics(self, topicName):
     assert self.getTopicOrNone(topicName) is None
     parentObj, subtopicNames = self.__getClosestParent(stringize(topicName))
     # will create subtopics of parentObj one by one from subtopicNames
     if parentObj is self._rootTopic:
         nextTopicNameList = []
         nextTopicNameList = list(parentObj.getNameTuple())
     desc = 'Defined from listener of subtopic "%s"' % stringize(topicName)
     for name in subtopicNames[:-1]:
         parentObj = self.__createTopic(
             desc = desc, 
             parent = parentObj, 
             argsSpec = ARGS_SPEC_NONE)
     return parentObj
コード例 #11
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
    def newTopic(self, _name, _desc, _required=(), 
                 _argsSpec=ARGS_SPEC_SUBONLY, **args):
        '''Create a new topic of given _name, with description desc explaining 
        the topic (for documentation purposes). The **args defines the data 
        that can be given as part of messages of this topic: the keys define 
        what arguments names must be present for listeners of this topic, 
        whereas the values describe each argument (for documentation purposes).  

        Returns True only if a new topic was created, False if it already 
        existed identically (same description, same args -- in which case 
        the operation is a no-op). Otherwise raises ValueError. ''' 
        # check _name
        topicTuple = tupleize(_name)

        # create only if doesn't exist:
        nameDotted = stringize(_name)
        #print 'Checking for "%s"' % nameDotted
        if self._topicsMap.has_key(nameDotted):
            msg = 'Topic "%s" already exists' % nameDotted
            raise TopicAlreadyDefined(msg)
        # get parent in which to create topic
        path = topicTuple[:-1]
        if path:
            pathDotted = stringize(path)
            parent = self._topicsMap.get(pathDotted, None)
            if parent is None:
                msg = 'Parent topic "%s" does not exist, cannot create'
                raise UndefinedTopic(pathDotted)
            parent = self._rootTopic

        # ok to create!
        newTopicObj = self.__createTopic(
                          topicTuple, desc=_desc, 
                          parent=parent, argsSpec=_argsSpec,
                          argsDocs=args, reqdArgs=_required) 

        return newTopicObj
コード例 #12
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def _newTopicFromTemplate_(self, topicName, desc, usingCallable=None):
     '''Return a new topic object created from protocol of 
     callable referenced by usingCallable. Creates missing parents.'''
     assert not self._topicsMap.has_key( stringize(topicName) )
     topicNameTuple = tupleize(topicName)
     parentObj = self.__createParentTopics(topicName)
     # now the final topic object, args from listener if provided
     allArgsDocs, required, argsSpec = None, None, ARGS_SPEC_NONE
     if usingCallable is not None:
         allArgsDocs, required = topicArgsFromCallable(usingCallable)
     # if user description exists, use it rather than desc:
     desc = self.__defnProvider.getDescription(topicNameTuple) or desc
     return self.__createTopic(
         topicNameTuple, desc,
         parent=parentObj, argsSpec=argsSpec, 
         argsDocs=allArgsDocs, reqdArgs=required)
コード例 #13
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
    def delTopic(self, name):
        '''Undefines the named topic. Returns True if the subtopic was 
        removed, false otherwise (ie the topic doesn't exist). Also 
        unsubscribes any listeners of topic. Note that it must undefine 
        all subtopics to all depths, and unsubscribe their listeners. '''
        # find from which parent the topic object should be removed
        dottedName = stringize(name)
            obj = weakref( self._topicsMap[dottedName] )
        except KeyError:
            return False
        assert obj().getName() == dottedName
        # notification must be before deletion in case 
        if self.__notifyOnDelTopic:
        assert obj() is None

        return True
コード例 #14
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
    def getTopic(self, name):
        '''Get the Topic instance that corresponds to the given topic name 
        path. Raises an UndefinedTopic or UndefinedSubtopic error if the 
        path cannot be resolved. '''
        if not name:
            raise TopicNameInvalid(name, 'Empty topic name not allowed')
        topicNameDotted = stringize(name)
        obj = self._topicsMap.get(topicNameDotted, None)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj
        # NOT FOUND! Determine what problem is and raise accordingly:
        # find the closest parent up chain that does exists:
        parentObj, subtopicNames = self.__getClosestParent(topicNameDotted)
        assert subtopicNames
        subtopicName = subtopicNames[0]
        if parentObj is self._rootTopic:
            raise UndefinedTopic(subtopicName)

        raise UndefinedSubtopic(parentObj.getName(), subtopicName)
コード例 #15
ファイル: topicmgr.py プロジェクト: Thwaitesy/PortableJekyll
 def __createParentTopics(self, topicName):
     '''This will find which parents need to be created such that
     topicName can be created (but doesn't create given topic),
     and creates them. Returns the parent object.'''
     assert self.getTopic(topicName, okIfNone=True) is None
     parentObj, subtopicNames = self.__getClosestParent(stringize(topicName))
     # will create subtopics of parentObj one by one from subtopicNames
     if parentObj is self.__allTopics:
         nextTopicNameList = []
         nextTopicNameList = list(parentObj.getNameTuple())
     for name in subtopicNames[:-1]:
         desc, specGiven = self.__defnProvider.getDefn( tuple(nextTopicNameList) )
         if desc is None:
             desc = 'UNDOCUMENTED: created as parent without specification'
         parentObj = self.__createTopic( tuple(nextTopicNameList),
             desc, specGiven = specGiven,  parent = parentObj)
     return parentObj
コード例 #16
    def delTopic(self, name):
        '''Undefines the named topic. Returns True if the subtopic was
        removed, false otherwise (ie the topic doesn't exist). Also
        unsubscribes any listeners of topic. Note that it must undefine
        all subtopics to all depths, and unsubscribe their listeners. '''
        # find from which parent the topic object should be removed
        dottedName = stringize(name)
            #obj = weakref( self._topicsMap[dottedName] )
            obj = self._topicsMap[dottedName]
        except KeyError:
            return False

        #assert obj().getName() == dottedName
        assert obj.getName() == dottedName
        # notification must be before deletion in case

        #assert obj() is None

        return True
コード例 #17
ファイル: topicexc.py プロジェクト: KarthikSync/3DPrinter
 def __init__(self, topicNameTuple):
     msg = "No topic specification for topic '%s'."  \
         % stringize(topicNameTuple)
     RuntimeError.__init__(self, msg +
         " See pub.getOrCreateTopic(), pub.addTopicDefnProvider(), and/or pub.setTopicUnspecifiedFatal()")
コード例 #18
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def getTopicOrNone(self, name):
     '''Get the named topic, or None if doesn't exist'''
     name = stringize(name)
     obj = self._topicsMap.get(name, None)
     return obj
コード例 #19
ファイル: topics.py プロジェクト: sproaty/whyteboard
 def getName(self):
     '''Return dotted form of full topic name'''
     return stringize(self.__tupleName)