def no_slurm( cmd: List[str], current_case_file: Path, current_sse: str, unimaster: Path, imaster: Path, unidata: Path ): """ """ # Search on MASTER result = [] for com in cmd: TButil.plugin_bash(com) run(com, stdout=DEVNULL) outf = Path(com[-1]) if outf.is_file(): result.append(str(outf)) result.insert(0, 'cat') TButil.plugin_filemaker('Unify matches at {0}'.format(unimaster)) with'w') as fd: run(result, stdout=fd) result[0] = 'rm' run(result[:-2], stdout=DEVNULL) # Analyze createbash = 'python {0} -case {1} -master {2} -present {3} -out {4}' cmd = shlex.split(createbash.format(imaster, current_case_file, unimaster, current_sse, unidata)) TButil.plugin_bash(cmd) run(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL)
def make_mode_stats( df: pd.DataFrame, wdir: Path ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ data = {'close': [], 'mid': [], 'far': [], 'extreme': []} topi, midi, boti = [], [], [] for angle in [x for x in df.columns if x.startswith('angles_') or x.startswith('points_')]: for part in ['close', 'mid', 'far', 'extreme']: dfp = df[df['bin'] == part] for lay in df.layer.unique(): for sse in df.sse.unique(): dfs = dfp[(dfp['sse'] == sse) & (dfp['layer'] == lay)] try: kde = sc.stats.gaussian_kde(dfs[angle]) x = np.linspace(dfs[angle].min(), dfs[angle].max(), 200) kde = kde(x) mode = x[np.argsort(kde)[-1]] except ValueError: mode = 0 data[part].append(mode) if part == 'close': topi.append(angle) midi.append(lay) boti.append(sse) stats = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(*[topi, midi, boti])), names=['measure', 'layer', 'sse'])) stats.reset_index().to_csv(wdir.joinpath('mode_stats.csv'), index=False) TButil.plugin_filemaker('Mode stats stored at {}'.format(wdir.joinpath('mode_stats.csv'))) return stats
def execute(log: Logger, data: Dict, wpaths: Dict) -> Dict: """Run Rosetta. """ if TBcore.get_option('slurm', 'use'): slurm_file = wpaths['main'].joinpath('') TButil.plugin_filemaker('Submission file at {}'.format(slurm_file)) with'w') as fd: fd.write(TButil.slurm_header() + '\n') for k in ['assembly', 'design']: cmd = [ 'srun', ] cmd.extend(data['cmd'][k]) fd.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in cmd]) + '\n') if TBcore.get_option('system', 'verbose'): sys.stdout.write( 'Submiting jobs to SLURM... this might take a while\n') TButil.submit_slurm(slurm_file) else: for k in ['assembly', 'design']: log.notice( f'EXECTUE: {" ".join([str(x) for x in data["cmd"][k]])}') run([str(x) for x in data['cmd'][k]], stdout=DEVNULL) return data
def with_slurm( cmd: List[str], current_case_file: Path, current_sse: str, unimaster: Path, imaster: Path, unidata: Path ): """ """ # Make bashfile bashcont = [] createbash = 'python {0} -case {1} -master {2} -present {3} -out {4}' parts = math.ceil(len(cmd) / TBcore.get_option('slurm', 'array')) wwd = unimaster.parent.parent cwd = Path().cwd() os.chdir(str(wwd)) for i, com in enumerate(cmd): cmd[i][2] = str(Path(com[2]).relative_to(wwd)) cmd[i][-1] = str(Path(com[-1]).relative_to(wwd)) for ii, cp in enumerate(cmd): cmd[ii][-1] = cp[-1] + '_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}' for j, i in enumerate(range(0, len(cmd), parts)): sumfile = unimaster.parent.joinpath('_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.master').relative_to(wwd) datfile = unimaster.parent.joinpath('_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.geo').relative_to(wwd) bashcont.append('if (( ${{SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}} == {} )); then'.format(j + 1)) bashcont.extend([' '.join(x) for x in cmd[i:i + parts]]) bashcont.append('cat {0} > {1}'.format(Path(cmd[-1][-1]).parent.joinpath('*_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}'), sumfile)) bashcont.append(createbash.format(imaster, current_case_file.relative_to(wwd), sumfile, current_sse, datfile)) bashcont.append('fi') with unimaster.parent.joinpath('').relative_to(wwd).open('w') as fd: fd.write(TButil.slurm_header()) fd.write(TButil.slurm_pyenv()) fd.write('\n'.join(bashcont)) TButil.submit_slurm(unimaster.parent.joinpath('').relative_to(wwd)) TButil.plugin_filemaker('Creating geometric coordinate file {}'.format(unidata)) allCSV = [str(x) for x in unimaster.parent.relative_to(wwd).glob('_*.geo.csv')] pd.concat([pd.read_csv(x) for x in allCSV]).to_csv(unidata.relative_to(wwd), index=False) TButil.plugin_filemaker('Creating MASTER search file {}'.format(unimaster)) with unimaster.relative_to(wwd).open('w') as fd: for x in unimaster.parent.glob('_*.master'): with x.relative_to(wwd).open() as fi: fd.write(''.join(fi.readlines())) os.chdir(str(cwd))
def cli_absolute_case(): """Transform a relative :class:`.Case` to absolute. """ # Parse Arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=cli_case_template.__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-case', dest='case', action='store', help='Relative case file.', required=True) parser.add_argument('-corrections', dest='corrections', action='store', nargs='+', help='Correction file for the case.', default=None) parser.add_argument('-caseout', dest='caseout', action='store', help='Output filename (optional).', default=None) options = parser.parse_args() # Process naming system prefix ='.') format = 'yaml' if prefix[-1] == 'yml' else 'json' if options.caseout is None: prefix[-1] = 'absolute' options.caseout = '.'.join(prefix) # Read, transform and write case = plugin_source.load_plugin('corrector').apply([ Case(Path(, ], -1, options.corrections)[0] case = case.cast_absolute() outfile = case.write(options.caseout, format) TButil.plugin_filemaker('New case file created at: {}'.format( outfile.resolve()))
def cli_case_template(): """Generate a :class:`.Case`. """ # Parse Arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=cli_case_template.__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-name', dest='name', action='store', help='Job Name.', required=True) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-architecture', dest='architecture', action='store', help='Architecture string definition.', default=None) group.add_argument('-topology', dest='topology', action='store', help='Topology string definition.', default=None) parser.add_argument('-format', dest='format', action='store', choices=['json', 'yaml'], help='Format for the case file.', default='yaml') options = parser.parse_args() _, outfile = case_template(**vars(options)) TButil.plugin_filemaker('New case file created at: {}'.format( os.path.abspath(outfile)))
def execute(data: Dict, wpaths: Dict) -> Dict: """Run Rosetta. """ if TBcore.get_option('slurm', 'use'): slurm_file = wpaths['main'].joinpath('') TButil.plugin_filemaker('Submission file at {}'.format(slurm_file)) with'w') as fd: fd.write(TButil.slurm_header() + '\n') for k in ['folding', 'design']: cmd = [ 'srun', ] cmd.extend(data['cmd'][k]) fd.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in cmd]) + '\n') if TBcore.get_option('system', 'verbose'): sys.stdout.write( 'Submiting jobs to SLURM... this might take a while\n') TButil.submit_slurm(slurm_file) else: for k in ['folding', 'design']: TButil.plugin_bash(data['cmd'][k]) run([str(x) for x in data['cmd'][k]], stdout=DEVNULL) return data['metadata']['corrections'].append(reload['corrections']) corrections.update(reload['corrections']) done_l.update(reload['layers']) # CKase = CKase.apply_corrections(corrections) continue # Apply corrections from previous steps and rebuild CKase = Case(kase).apply_corrections(corrections) with TBcore.on_option_value('system', 'overwrite', True): CKase = plugin_source.load_plugin('builder').case_apply(CKase, connectivity=True) # Generate structure query and get layer displacements layers = set(itemgetter(*step)(ascii_uppercase)) sses = [sse for sse in CKase.ordered_structures if sse['id'][0] in layers] structure, cends = TButil.build_pdb_object(sses, 3) TButil.plugin_filemaker('Writing structure {0}'.format(query)) structure.write(output_file=str(query), format='pdb', clean=True, force=True) flip = cycle([CKase['configuration.flip_first'], not CKase['configuration.flip_first']]) counts = np.asarray([sse['length'] for sse in CKase.ordered_structures]) cends = np.cumsum(counts) cstrs = cends - counts + 1 rules = list(zip([sse['id'] for sse in CKase.ordered_structures], list(zip(cstrs, cends)), list(next(flip) for _ in range(len(CKase.ordered_structures))))) extras = TButil.pdb_geometry_from_rules(query, rules) # MASTER search createpds = TButil.createPDS(query) TButil.plugin_bash(createpds)