コード例 #1
def test_instantiate():

    c = topoflow_driver.topoflow_driver()
    c.CCA   = False
    c.DEBUG = False
    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory   = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix      = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    c.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############    

    # Call initialize() and call update() once
##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()
##    c.initialize( mode="driver" )
##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()
##    time_sec = np.float64(0)
##    c.update(time_sec)
##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()

    c.run_model( cfg_directory=cfg_directory,
                 cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix )
def test_instantiate():

    d = diversions_fraction_method.diversions_component()
    d.CCA = False
    d.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    d.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    ## d.run_model( cfg_directory=cfg_directory,
    ##              cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix )

    d.initialize(cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix, mode="driver")

    print 'use_sources =', d.use_sources
    print 'use_sinks   =', d.use_sinks
    print 'use_canals  =', d.use_canals
    print ' '
    print 'source_file =', d.source_file
    print 'sink_file   =', d.sink_file
    print 'canal_file  =', d.canal_file

    print 'Finished with unit_test().'
コード例 #3
def test_instantiate():

    c = channels_base.channels_component()
    c.CCA = False
    c.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    c.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    # Call initialize() and call update() once
    ##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()
    ##    c.initialize( mode="driver" )
    ##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()
    ##    time_sec = c.initialize_scalar()
    ##    c.update(time_sec)
    ##    print 'STATUS =', c.get_status()

    c.run_model(cfg_directory=cfg_directory, cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix)

    print(' ')
    print(' WARNING!  Running unit_test() for channels_base.py')
    print('           so all velocities will be zero.')
    print(' ')
コード例 #4
def test_instantiate(soil_type='sandy_loam'):

    soil = soil_base.soil_base(soil_type=soil_type)
    soil.CCA = False
    soil.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    soil.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    soil.initialize(cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix, REPORT=True)

    print('soil_type =', c.soil_type)
    print('Note:  t_r < t_H < t_w < t_f < t_i < t_u < t_s')
    print(' ')
    print('theta_r =', soil.theta_r)  # ("absolute" min)
    print('theta_H =', soil.theta_H)  # (achievable min)
    print('theta_w =', soil.theta_w)
    print('theta_f =', soil.theta_f)
    print('theta_i =', soil.theta_i)
    print('theta_u =', soil.theta_u)  # (max possible)
    print('theta_s =', soil.theta_s)
    print(' ')
    print('K_s        =', soil.K_s)
    print('K(theta_s) =', soil.K_of_theta(soil.theta_s))
    print(' ')
    print('K_i        =', soil.K_i)
    print('K(theta_i) =', soil.K_of_theta(soil.theta_i))
    print(' ')
コード例 #5
def test_instantiate():

    c = infil_green_ampt.infil_component
    c.CCA = False
    c.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    c.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    c.run_model(cfg_directory=cfg_directory, cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix)
コード例 #6
def test_instantiate():

    ec = evap_base.evap_component()
    ec.CCA = False
    ec.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    ec.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    ec.run_model(cfg_directory=cfg_directory, cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix)
コード例 #7
def test_instantiate():

    g = evap_energy_balance.evap_component()
    g.CCA = False
    g.DEBUG = False

    # This function adjusts for the platform
    # and can be changed in "tf_utils.py".
    cfg_directory = tf_utils.TF_Test_Directory()
    cfg_prefix = tf_utils.TF_Test_Case_Prefix()
    g.site_prefix = 'Treynor'  #############

    g.run_model(cfg_directory=cfg_directory, cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix)

    ##    g.initialize( cfg_prefix=cfg_prefix, mode="driver" )

    print('nx =', g.nx)
    print('ny =', g.ny)