def test_consistency(request, env, traj_string): "Check the consistency between the OpenRAVE trajectory and the interpolator." robot = env.GetRobots()[0] active_indices = robot.GetActiveDOFIndices() traj = orpy.RaveCreateTrajectory(env, "") traj.deserialize(traj_string) path = toppra.RaveTrajectoryWrapper(traj, robot) spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification() N = 100 ss = np.linspace(0, path.duration, N) # Openrave samples qs_rave = [] qds_rave = [] qdds_rave = [] for s in ss: data = traj.Sample(s) qs_rave.append(spec.ExtractJointValues(data, robot, active_indices, 0)) qds_rave.append(spec.ExtractJointValues(data, robot, active_indices, 1)) qdds_rave.append(spec.ExtractJointValues(data, robot, active_indices, 2)) # Interpolator samples qs_ra = path.eval(ss) qds_ra = path.evald(ss) if path._interpolation != "quadratic": qdds_ra = path.evaldd(ss) # plt.plot(qs_ra) # plt.title( # np.testing.assert_allclose(qs_rave, qs_ra, atol=1e-8) np.testing.assert_allclose(qds_rave, qds_ra, atol=1e-8) if path._interpolation != "quadratic": np.testing.assert_allclose(qdds_rave, qdds_ra, atol=1e-8)
def plot_trajectories(traj1, traj2, robot, N=50): "Plot the trajectory (position, velocity and acceleration)." fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) for idx, traj in enumerate([traj1, traj2]): ts = np.linspace(0, traj.GetDuration(), N) traj_ra = toppra.RaveTrajectoryWrapper(traj, robot) qs = traj_ra.eval(ts) qds = traj_ra.evald(ts) qdds = traj_ra.evaldd(ts) if idx == 0: style = "o" alpha = 0.5 else: style = "-" alpha = 1.0 for i in range(traj_ra.get_dof()): axs[0].plot(ts, qs[:, i], style, c="C"+str(i), alpha=alpha) axs[1].plot(ts, qds[:, i], style, c="C"+str(i), alpha=alpha) axs[2].plot(ts, qdds[:, i], style, c="C"+str(i), alpha=alpha) vel_max = robot.GetActiveDOFMaxVel() accel_max = robot.GetActiveDOFMaxAccel() style = "--" for i in range(traj_ra.get_dof()): axs[1].plot([0, ts[-1]], [vel_max[i], vel_max[i]], style, c="C" + str(i)) axs[1].plot([0, ts[-1]], [-vel_max[i], -vel_max[i]], style, c="C" + str(i)) axs[2].plot([0, ts[-1]], [accel_max[i], accel_max[i]], style, c="C" + str(i)) axs[2].plot([0, ts[-1]], [-accel_max[i], -accel_max[i]], style, c="C" + str(i))
def plot_trajectories(traj1, traj2, robot, N=50): "Plot the trajectory (position, velocity and acceleration)." fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) for idx, traj in enumerate([traj1, traj2]): ts = np.linspace(0, traj.GetDuration(), N) traj_ra = toppra.RaveTrajectoryWrapper(traj, robot) qs = traj_ra.eval(ts) qds = traj_ra.evald(ts) qdds = traj_ra.evaldd(ts) if idx == 0: style = "o" alpha = 0.5 else: style = "-" alpha = 1.0 for i in range(traj_ra.dof): axs[0].plot(range(N), qs[:, i], style, c="C" + str(i), alpha=alpha) axs[1].plot(range(N), qds[:, i], style, c="C" + str(i), alpha=alpha) axs[2].plot(range(N), qdds[:, i], style, c="C" + str(i), alpha=alpha)