def generate_data_additive_treatment_process(m, alpha=1, print_details=False): normal_sigma_1 = dists.Normal(0, 1) bern = dists.Bernoulli(0.5) unif = dists.Uniform(0, 1) z = normal_sigma_1.sample((m, )) eps = normal_sigma_1.sample((m, )) assert z.shape == eps.shape, (z.shape, eps.shape) t = (z + eps) / 1.414 if print_details: print("generated data with treated fraction {}".format(torch.mean(t))) print("running with alpha = ", alpha) y = 0.32 * normal_sigma_1.sample((m, )) + t + alpha * t * t * z # replace 0*z with just z to use the confounder in the main code return None, 0 * z, eps, t, y
def step(self, x, model): sample = x.clone() for i in range(self.dim): lp_keep = model(sample).squeeze() xi_keep = sample[:, i] xi_change = 1. - xi_keep sample_change = sample.clone() sample_change[:, i] = xi_change lp_change = model(sample_change).squeeze() lp_update = lp_change - lp_keep update_dist = dists.Bernoulli(logits=lp_update) updates = update_dist.sample() sample = sample_change * updates[:, None] + sample * ( 1. - updates[:, None]) self.changes[i] = updates.mean() return sample
def forward(self, x): batch_sz = x.size()[0] sz = self.q_pi_a.size() p_pi = distributions.Beta( torch.ones(sz) * self.p_pi_alpha, torch.ones(sz) * self.p_pi_beta) beta_a = F.softplus(self.q_pi_alpha) + 0.01 beta_b = F.softplus(self.q_pi_beta) + 0.01 q_pi = distributions.Beta(beta_a, beta_b) # Differentiable Sample Knowles et al. qpi_sample = q_pi.rsample() q_z = shared.STRelaxedBernoulli(temperature=0.1, probs=qpi_sample) z = q_z.rsample() q_z = distributions.Bernoulli(probs=qpi_sample) q_phi = distributions.Normal(loc=self.phi_mean, scale=(self.phi_logvar / 2).exp()) q_w = distributions.Normal(loc=self.w_mean, scale=(self.w_logvar / 2).exp()) # For now, just take the mean phi = q_phi.mean w = q_w.mean # Alternatively, sample # phi = q_phi.rsample() # w = q_w.rsample() # NLL sinbasis = torch.ones(K, N_SAMPLES) * torch.arange(0, N_SAMPLES, 1) for k in range(K): sinbasis[k] = torch.sin(sinbasis[k] * phi[k]) x_mean =, w), sinbasis) # z and w multiplied elementwise nll = -(distributions.Normal(loc=x_mean, scale=self.sigma_n).log_prob(x)) return nll, p_pi, q_pi, q_z, q_phi, q_w, sinbasis
def __init__(self, n_node, avg_degree=2, init_bias=0., learn_G=False, learn_bias=False): super().__init__() g = ig.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n_node, float(avg_degree) / float(n_node)) A = np.asarray(g.get_adjacency().data) # g.get_sparse_adjacency() A = torch.tensor(A).float() weights = torch.randn_like(A) * ((1. / avg_degree)**.5) weights = weights * (1 - torch.tril(torch.ones_like(weights))) weights = weights + weights.t() self.G = nn.Parameter(A * weights, requires_grad=learn_G) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones((n_node, )).float() * init_bias, requires_grad=learn_bias) self.init_dist = dists.Bernoulli(logits=2 * self.bias) self.data_dim = n_node
def __init__(self, in_channels=1, out_dim=1, probs_fn=torch.sigmoid, sample_fn=lambda x: distributions.Bernoulli(probs=x).sample(), n_gated=10, gated_channels=128, head_channels=32): """Initializes a new GatedPixelCNN instance. Args: in_channels: The number of channels in the input. out_dim: The dimension of the output. Given input of the form NCHW, the output from the GatedPixelCNN model will be N out_dim CHW. probs_fn: See the base class. sample_fn: See the base class. n_gated: The number of gated layers (not including the input layers). gated_channels: The number of channels to use in the gated layers. head_channels: The number of channels to use in the 1x1 convolution blocks in the head after all the gated channels. """ super().__init__(probs_fn, sample_fn) self._out_dim = out_dim self._input = GatedPixelCNNLayer(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=gated_channels, kernel_size=7, is_causal=True) self._gated_layers = nn.ModuleList([ GatedPixelCNNLayer(in_channels=gated_channels, out_channels=gated_channels, kernel_size=3, is_causal=False) for _ in range(n_gated) ]) self._head = nn.Sequential( nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=gated_channels, out_channels=head_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=head_channels, out_channels=self._out_dim * in_channels, kernel_size=1))
def __init__(self, in_channels=1, out_dim=1, probs_fn=torch.sigmoid, sample_fn=lambda x: distributions.Bernoulli(probs=x).sample(), n_residual=15, residual_channels=128, head_channels=32): """Initializes a new PixelCNN instance. Args: in_channels: The number of channels in the input image (typically either 1 or 3 for black and white or color images respectively). out_dim: The dimension of the output. Given input of the form NCHW, the output from the model will be N out_dim CHW. probs_fn: See the base class. sample_fn: See the base class. n_residual: The number of residual blocks. residual_channels: The number of channels to use in the residual layers. head_channels: The number of channels to use in the two 1x1 convolutional layers at the head of the network. """ super().__init__(probs_fn, sample_fn) self._out_dim = out_dim self._input = pg_nn.MaskedConv2d(is_causal=True, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=2 * residual_channels, kernel_size=7, padding=3) self._masked_layers = nn.ModuleList([ MaskedResidualBlock(n_channels=2 * residual_channels) for _ in range(n_residual) ]) self._head = nn.Sequential( nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=2 * residual_channels, out_channels=head_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=head_channels, out_channels=self._out_dim * in_channels, kernel_size=1))
def __init__(self, dim, init_sigma=.15, init_bias=0., learn_G=False, learn_sigma=False, learn_bias=False, lattice_dim=2): super().__init__() g = ig.Graph.Lattice(dim=[dim] * lattice_dim, circular=True) # Boundary conditions A = np.asarray(g.get_adjacency().data) # g.get_sparse_adjacency() self.G = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(A).float(), requires_grad=learn_G) self.sigma = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(init_sigma).float(), requires_grad=learn_sigma) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones( (dim**lattice_dim, )).float() * init_bias, requires_grad=learn_bias) self.init_dist = dists.Bernoulli(logits=2 * self.bias) self.data_dim = dim**lattice_dim
def generate(self, n_samples, args): samples_time_seq = [] # initialize model c = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.C * self.H * self.W).to(args.device) h_dec = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.lstm_size).to(args.device) c_dec = torch.zeros_like(h_dec).to(args.device) # run for the number of time steps for t in range(self.time_steps): z_sample = D.Normal(0, 1).sample( (n_samples, self.z_size)).to(args.device) h_dec, c_dec = self.decoder(z_sample, (h_dec, c_dec)) c = c + self.write(h_dec) x = D.Bernoulli( logits=c.view(n_samples, self.C, self.H, self.W)).probs samples_time_seq.append(x) return samples_time_seq
def forward(self, p, inputs, sample=True, **kwargs): ''' Performs a forward pass through the network. Args: p (tensor): sampled points inputs (tensor): conditioning input sample (bool): whether to sample for z ''' # print(p.shape) batch_size = p.size(0) c = self.encoder(inputs) logits = self.decoder(p, c) crf_out = None if self.crf != None: crf_out = self.crf(logits, p) #crf_out = self.crf(logits.unsqueeze(1),p.permute(0,2,1)).squeeze() p_r = dist.Bernoulli(logits=crf_out) #logits) # return logits,p_r,crf_out return crf_out, p_r
def get_losses(z_mean, z_std, x_pred, x_std, x): kld = kld_loss(z_mean, z_std) x_loss = 0 pred_i = 0 #x_pred is much longer than x if x has categorical variables with more categories than 2 for i, mode in enumerate(x_mode): if mode == 0: x_loss += -dist.Normal(loc=x_pred[:, pred_i], scale=x_std[:, pred_i]).log_prob( x[:, i]).sum() pred_i += 1 elif mode == 2: x_loss += -dist.Bernoulli(logits=x_pred[:, pred_i]).log_prob( x[:, i]).sum() pred_i += 1 else: x_loss += -dist.Categorical(logits=x_pred[:, pred_i:pred_i + mode]).log_prob( x[:, i]).sum() pred_i += mode return kld, x_loss
def select_action(self, obs): # [B, P], [B, P, A], [B, P] (q, pi, beta) =, rnncs=self.rnncs) self.rnncs_ = options_onehot = F.one_hot(self.options, self.options_num).float() # [B, P] options_onehot_expanded = options_onehot.unsqueeze(-1) # [B, P, 1] pi = (pi * options_onehot_expanded).sum(-2) # [B, A] if self.is_continuous: mu = pi # [B, A] log_std = self.log_std[self.options] # [B, A] dist = td.Independent(td.Normal(mu, log_std.exp()), 1) action = dist.sample().clamp(-1, 1) # [B, A] log_prob = dist.log_prob(action).unsqueeze(-1) # [B, 1] else: logits = pi # [B, A] norm_dist = td.Categorical(logits=logits) action = norm_dist.sample() # [B,] log_prob = norm_dist.log_prob(action).unsqueeze(-1) # [B, 1] value = q_o = (q * options_onehot).sum(-1, keepdim=True) # [B, 1] beta_adv = q_o - ((1 - self.eps) * q.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0] + self.eps * q.mean(-1, keepdim=True)) # [B, 1] max_options = q.argmax(-1) # [B, P] => [B, ] beta_probs = (beta * options_onehot).sum(-1) # [B, P] => [B,] beta_dist = td.Bernoulli(probs=beta_probs) # <1 则不改变op, =1 则改变op new_options = th.where(beta_dist.sample() < 1, self.options, max_options) self.new_options = th.where(self._done_mask, max_options, new_options) self.oc_mask = (self.new_options == self.options).float() acts_info = Data( action=action, value=value, log_prob=log_prob + th.finfo().eps, beta_advantage=beta_adv + self.dc, last_options=self.options, options=self.new_options, reward_offset=-((1 - self.oc_mask) * self.dc).unsqueeze(-1)) if self.use_rnn: acts_info.update(rnncs=self.rnncs) return action, acts_info
def bernoulli_loss(reconstructions, images, activation, subtract_entropy=False): """Bernoulli loss""" flattened_dim = images.size(1)*images.size(2)*images.size(3) reconstructions = reconstructions.view(-1, flattened_dim) images = images.view(-1, flattened_dim) if subtract_entropy: dist = distributions.Bernoulli(probs=torch.clamp(images, 1e-6, (1-1e-6))) lower_bound = dist.entropy().sum(dim=1) else: lower_bound = 0 if activation == "logits": loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(reconstructions, images, reduction="none").sum(dim=1) elif activation == "tanh": reconstructions = torch.clamp(torch.tanh(reconstructions).div(2).add(0.5), 1e-6, (1-1e-6)) loss = -torch.sum(images.mul(torch.log(reconstructions)) + (1-images).mul(torch.log(1 - reconstructions)), dim=1) else: raise ValueError("unknown activation function") return loss - lower_bound
def score_image(self, ctoken, image): """ Compute the log-likelihood of a binary image Note: Should only be called from Model Parameters ---------- image : (H,W) tensor binary image to score Returns ------- ll : tensor scalar; log-likelihood of the image """ pimg = self.get_pimg(ctoken) bern = dist.Bernoulli(pimg) ll = bern.log_prob(image) ll = torch.sum(ll) return ll
def __init__( self, in_channels=1, out_dim=1, probs_fn=torch.sigmoid, sample_fn=lambda x: distributions.Bernoulli(probs=x).sample()): """Initializes a new TinyCNN instance. Args: in_channels: Number of input channels. out_dim: Dimension of the output per channel. probs_fn: See the base class. sample_fn: See the base class. """ super().__init__(probs_fn, sample_fn) self._out_dim = out_dim self._conv = pg_nn.MaskedConv2d(is_causal=True, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_dim * in_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
def forward(self, x, mask): """ x.size() = ("seq", "batch", ...) """ # Compute the parameters for the Bernoulli embeddings = self.compute_embedding(x) dist_params = self.predict_distribution(embeddings) dist_params = dist_params.squeeze() # Sample sampler = dist.Bernoulli(probs=dist_params) actions = sampler.sample() # Compute LogProba log_probas = sampler.log_prob(actions) log_probas = apply_mask(log_probas, mask) # Compute Entropy entropy = sampler.entropy() entropy = apply_mask(log_probas, mask) return actions, log_probas, entropy, dist_params
def _forward(self, x): """Computes the forward pass and samples a new output. Returns: (p_hat, x_hat) where p_hat is the probability distribution over dimensions and x_hat is sampled from p_hat. """ # If the input is an image, flatten it during the forward pass. original_shape = x.shape if len(x.shape) > 2: x = x.view(original_shape[0], -1) in_W, in_b = self.params["in_W"], self.params["in_b"] h_W, h_b = self.params["h_W"], self.params["h_b"] batch_size = 1 if x is None else x.shape[0] p_hat = [] x_hat = [] # Only the bias is used to compute the first hidden unit so we must # replicate it to account for the batch size. a = in_b.expand(batch_size, -1) for i in range(self._input_dim): h = torch.relu(a) p_i = torch.sigmoid(h_b[i : i + 1] + h @ h_W[i : i + 1, :].t()) p_hat.append(p_i) # Sample 'x' at dimension 'i' if it is not given. x_i = x[:, i : i + 1] x_i = torch.where(x_i < 0, distributions.Bernoulli(probs=p_i).sample(), x_i) x_hat.append(x_i) # We do not need to add in_b[i:i+1] when computing the other hidden units # since it was already added when computing the first hidden unit. a = a + x_i @ in_W[:, i : i + 1].t() if x_hat: return (, dim=1).view(original_shape),, dim=1).view(original_shape), ) return []
def forward(self, encoder_output): # encoder_output is a tensor of size [batch_size, max_length, input_embed] W = self._W logits = torch.einsum('ijk, kn, imn->ijm', encoder_output, W, encoder_output) # Readability self.logit_bias = self._l if self.use_bias: # Bias to control sparsity/density logits += self.logit_bias self.adj_prob = logits self.samples = [] self.mask = 0 self.mask_scores = [] self.entropy = [] for i in range(self.max_length): position = torch.ones([encoder_output.shape[0]], device=self.device) * i position = position.long() # Update mask self.mask = torch.zeros((encoder_output.shape[0], self.max_length), device=self.device).scatter_(1, position.view(encoder_output.shape[0], 1), 1) masked_score = self.adj_prob[:,i,:] - 100000000.*self.mask prob = distr.Bernoulli(logits=masked_score) # probs input probability, logit input log_probability sampled_arr = prob.sample() # Batch_size, seqlenght for just one node sampled_arr.requires_grad=True self.samples.append(sampled_arr) self.mask_scores.append(masked_score) self.entropy.append(prob.entropy()) return self.samples, self.mask_scores, self.entropy
def generate_image_data(num_samples, zdim, generator, t_a, t_b, y_a0, y_b0, y_a1, y_b1, c_x, s_x): z = torch.randn(num_samples, zdim) with torch.no_grad(): image_expectations = (1 + generator(z[:, :, None, None])) / 2 images = dist.Bernoulli( image_expectations).sample() #This way binary data #image_means = generator(z[:,:,None,None]) #images = image_means# + torch.randn_like(image_means)*0.05 # <- this way continuous data z_temp = z[:, 0][:, None].detach().numpy( ) #Use the first dimension for prediction of ordinary variables x = torch.Tensor( np.random.normal( np.tile(c_x, (num_samples, 1)) * z_temp, np.tile(s_x, (num_samples, 1)), (num_samples, 1))) t = (np.random.random( (num_samples, 1)) < sigmoid(t_a * z_temp + t_b)).astype(int) y = torch.Tensor((np.random.random((num_samples, 1)) < sigmoid(y_a1*z_temp + y_b1)).astype(int)*t \ + (np.random.random((num_samples, 1)) < sigmoid(y_a0*z_temp + y_b0)).astype(int)*(1-t)) t = torch.Tensor(t) dataset = ImageDataset(images, x, t, y, zdim) return z, images, x, t, y, dataset
def __init__(self, in_channels, in_size, out_dim=1, probs_fn=torch.sigmoid, sample_fn=lambda x: distributions.Bernoulli(probs=x).sample(), n_transformer_blocks=8, n_attention_heads=4, n_embedding_channels=16): """Initializes a new ImageGPT instance. Args: in_channels: The number of input channels. in_size: Size of the input images. Used to create positional encodings. out_dim: The dimension of the output. Given input of the form NCHW, the output from the model will be N out_dim CHW. probs_fn: See the base class. sample_fn: See the base class. n_transformer_blocks: Number of TransformerBlocks to use. n_attention_heads: Number of attention heads to use. n_embedding_channels: Number of attention embedding channels to use. """ super().__init__(probs_fn, sample_fn) self._out_dim = out_dim self._pos = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, in_channels, in_size, in_size)) self._input = pg_nn.MaskedConv2d( is_causal=True, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=n_embedding_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self._transformer = nn.ModuleList( TransformerBlock(n_channels=n_embedding_channels, n_attention_heads=n_attention_heads) for _ in range(n_transformer_blocks)) self._out = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=n_embedding_channels, out_channels=self._out_dim * in_channels, kernel_size=1)
def sample(self, n: int, device: str = 'cpu'): """ Sample n samples from the model. """ with torch.no_grad(): x = torch.zeros(n, self.input_size).to(device) alphas = self.sample_alphas(n, device) for idx in range(self.input_size): alpha_row, alpha_column = alphas[:, idx], alphas[:, idx + 1] theta =, self.input_size, self.distribution_param_count, *(self.alpha_dim, ) * 2) batch_idx = torch.arange(theta.shape[0]).to(theta.device) if self.distribution == 'binary': beta_logits = theta[batch_idx, idx, 0, alpha_row, alpha_column] d = D.Bernoulli(logits=beta_logits) x[:, idx] = d.sample() elif self.distribution == 'categorical': category_logits = theta[batch_idx, idx, :, alpha_row, alpha_column] d = D.Categorical(logits=category_logits) x[:, idx] = d.sample().float() / (self.kwargs['categories'] - 1) elif self.distribution == 'gaussian': mu = theta[batch_idx, idx, 0, alpha_row, alpha_column] std = theta[batch_idx, idx, 1, alpha_row, alpha_column].exp() d = self._sigmoid_gaussian(mu, std) x[:, idx] = d.sample() assert (x >= 0).all() assert (x <= 1).all() return x, theta
def __init__(self, *args, word_dim=300, hidden_dim=600, word_dropout=0.0, word_emb_dropout=0.0, word_encoder=AbstractWordEncoder, dst_encoder=AbstractDSTEncoder, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.word_dim = word_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.word_dropout = word_dropout self.word_emb_dropout = word_emb_dropout self.word_encoder_cls = word_encoder self.dst_encoder_cls = dst_encoder self.word_encoder = self.word_encoder_cls(vocab=self.vocabs.word, word_dim=self.word_dim) self.sent_encoder = self.dst_encoder_cls( ontology=self.vocabs.speaker_state["user"], input_dim=self.word_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim) self.act_encoder = self.dst_encoder_cls( ontology=self.vocabs.speaker_state["user"], input_dim=self.word_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim) self.ont_encoder = self.dst_encoder_cls( ontology=self.vocabs.speaker_state["user"], input_dim=self.word_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim) self.sent_linear = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, 1) self.act_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.5)) if self.word_dropout: self.word_dropout_dist = dist.Bernoulli(self.word_dropout) else: self.word_dropout_dist = None self.word_emb_dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(self.word_emb_dropout)
def decode(self, p, z, f3, f2, f1, **kwargs): ''' Returns occupancy probabilities for the sampled points. Args: p (tensor): points z (tensor): latent code z c (tensor): latent conditioned code c ''' logits3 = self.decoder3(p, z, f3, **kwargs) logits2 = self.decoder2(p, z, f2, **kwargs) logits1 = self.decoder1(p, z, f1, **kwargs) if self.local_feature_mask: logits = logits3 w = (torch.abs(logits) < 1.5).detach().float() logits = logits + self.logits2_ratio * logits2 * w w = (torch.abs(logits) < 1).detach().float() logits = logits + self.logits1_ratio * logits1 * w else: logits = logits3 + self.logits2_ratio * logits2 + self.logits1_ratio * logits1 p_r = dist.Bernoulli(logits=logits) return p_r
def log_prob(self, x): """ Evaluate the log likelihood of a batch of samples. """ theta =, self.input_size, self.distribution_param_count, *(self.alpha_dim, ) * 2) if self.distribution == 'binary': d = D.Bernoulli(logits=theta[:, :, 0]) elif self.distribution == 'categorical': d = D.Categorical( logits=theta.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2) ) # We need to permute to put the categories on the last dimension for D.Categorical elif self.distribution == 'gaussian': mu, std = theta[:, :, 0], theta[:, :, 1].exp() d = self._sigmoid_gaussian(mu, std) # We need the indices for categorical distribution if self.distribution == 'categorical': x = x * (self.kwargs['categories'] - 1) # Conditional probability matrices log p(x_i | alpha_{i-1}, alpha_i, x_{<i}) log_px_matrices = d.log_prob(x.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)) if self.alpha_dim > 1 or True: # Multiply with the alpha marginals so that matrix multiplication corresponds to summing out alpha joint_matrices = log_px_matrices[:, :-1] + self._log_p_alpha() # Reduce all of the "inner" matrices (all except x_1 and x_n) left_reduce_product = reduce(fast_logexpmv, joint_matrices.transpose(0, 1)) p_xn_g_alpha_n1 = log_px_matrices[:, -1, :, 0:1] log_px = fast_logexpmv(left_reduce_product, p_xn_g_alpha_n1) else: log_px = log_px_matrices.sum(1).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1) return log_px, theta
def mixture(self, output): e_est, mu_x, mu_y, std_x_est, std_y_est, rho_est, pi_est = output.squeeze( ).requires_grad_(True) # From estimated to real value e = torch.sigmoid(e_est).requires_grad_(True) rho = torch.tanh(rho_est).requires_grad_(True) std_x = torch.exp(std_x_est).requires_grad_(True) std_y = torch.exp(std_y_est).requires_grad_(True) cov = (rho * std_x * std_y).requires_grad_(True) # Parameters of the bivariate Gaussian cov_matrix = torch.tensor([[std_x**2, cov], [cov, std_y**2]]).requires_grad_(True) means = torch.tensor([mu_x, mu_y]).requires_grad_(True) # Instantiate distributions bivariate_distrib = distrib.MultivariateNormal(means, cov_matrix) bernoulli_distrib = distrib.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([e])) # Sample from distributions x, y = bivariate_distrib.sample().requires_grad_(True) end_of_stroke = bernoulli_distrib.sample().requires_grad_(True) return torch.tensor([end_of_stroke, x, y]).requires_grad_(True)
def extra_pass(self, name, passes): # Render image with no NEE if name[:5] == "nonee": samples = int(name[5:]) beauty = self.renderer.get_image(samples, nee=False)["beauty"] beauty = torch.from_numpy(beauty).float().to(self.device).permute( 2, 0, 1) beauty = beauty.reshape((1, 1, *beauty.shape)) return beauty # Create a noisy image if name == "noise": strength = 0.25 tmp = passes["beauty"].clone() noise_level = torch.ones_like(tmp)[:, :, 0] noise_level -= strength snp_noise = D.Bernoulli(probs=noise_level).sample() tmp = D.Normal(tmp, 2 * strength).sample() tmp = snp_noise * tmp return tmp # Create a gray scale image if name == "gray": tmp = passes["beauty"].clone() tmp = torch.mean(tmp, dim=2, keepdim=True) return tmp
def crossover(parents, fitness, population): """ Crossover parents to get next generation. Parents are coupled and the features are sampled according to parents' fitness scores. Args: parents (1D array): indexes of sampled parents, [2 * (population_size - 1)] fitness (1D array): population fitness scores, [population_size] population (4D array): current generation features, [population_size x n_channels x h x w] Returns: children (4D array): next generation features, [population_size - 1 x n_features] """ _, nchannels, h, w = population.shape fitness_pairs = fitness[parents.long()].view(-1, 2) prob = fitness_pairs[:, 0] / fitness_pairs.sum(1) parental_bernoulli = td.Bernoulli(prob) inherit_mask = parental_bernoulli.sample_n(nchannels * h * w) # [N-1, nchannels * h * w] inherit_mask = inherit_mask.view(-1, nchannels, h, w) parent_features = population[parents.long()] children = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(inherit_mask.shape) children = where(inherit_mask, parent_features[::2], parent_features[1::2]) return children
def compute_loss(p, occ, images): ''' Computes the loss. ''' inputs = kwargs = {} p0_z = dist.Normal(torch.tensor([]).to(device), torch.tensor([]).to(device)) c = encode_inputs(inputs) q_z = infer_z(p, occ, c, **kwargs) z = q_z.rsample() # KL-divergence kl = dist.kl_divergence(q_z, p0_z).sum(dim=-1) loss = kl.mean() # General points logits = dist.Bernoulli(logits=occ_net.loss_addon(p, z, c).squeeze()).logits # logits = logits.usqueeze(-11) loss_i = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits, occ, reduction='none') loss = loss + loss_i.sum(-1).mean() return loss
def _sample(self): sample_shape = self.local_rate.shape locations = D.Bernoulli(self.local_rate).sample() zero_point_five = torch.tensor(0.5, device=self.device) x_offset = D.Uniform( low=0 - zero_point_five, high=0 + zero_point_five, ).sample(sample_shape=sample_shape) y_offset = D.Uniform( low=0 - zero_point_five, high=0 + zero_point_five, ).sample(sample_shape=sample_shape) z_offset = D.Uniform( low=0 - zero_point_five, high=0 + zero_point_five, ).sample(sample_shape=sample_shape) intensities = D.Uniform(low=self.min_int, high=1.0).sample(sample_shape=sample_shape) x_offset *= locations y_offset *= locations z_offset *= locations intensities *= locations return locations, x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, intensities
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, use_bias=True,noisin_noise_type=None,noisin_noise_parama=0.0,noisin_noise_paramb=0.0): """ Most parts are copied from torch.nn.LSTMCell. """ super(NoisinCell, self).__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.use_bias = use_bias self.weight_ih = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(4 * hidden_size,input_size)) self.weight_hh = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(4 * hidden_size,hidden_size)) self.weight_hh_wdrop = None if use_bias: self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(4 * hidden_size)) else: self.register_parameter('bias', None) self.reset_parameters() self.noisin_noise_type = noisin_noise_type self.noisin_noise_parama = noisin_noise_parama self.noisin_noise_paramb = noisin_noise_paramb self.bernoulli_dist = tdist.Bernoulli(noisin_noise_parama) self.gamma_dist = tdist.Gamma(noisin_noise_parama,noisin_noise_paramb) # alpha, gammma
def get_mnist_loaders(batch_size, dynamically_binarize=False, resize_to_32=False): """Create train and test loaders for the MNIST dataset. Args: batch_size: The batch size to use. dynamically_binarize: Whether to dynamically binarize images values to {0, 1}. resize_to_32: Whether to resize the images to 32x32. Returns: Tuple of (train_loader, test_loader). """ transform = [transforms.ToTensor()] if dynamically_binarize: transform.append(lambda x: distributions.Bernoulli(probs=x).sample()) if resize_to_32: transform.append(lambda x: F.pad(x, (2, 2, 2, 2))) transform = transforms.Compose(transform) train_loader = data.DataLoader( datasets.MNIST("/tmp/data", train=True, download=True, transform=transform), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8, ) test_loader = data.DataLoader( datasets.MNIST("/tmp/data", train=False, download=True, transform=transform), batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=8, ) return train_loader, test_loader