def run(self): m = Manager() global_ep, res_dict = m.dict(), m.dict() global_ep['g_ep'] = 0 global_ep['g_sum_step'] = 0 res_dict['res_q'] = [] rew_queue = m.Queue() agent_input_dict_list = m.list([self.input_dict for _ in range(1)]) agent_return_dict_list = m.list([m.dict() for _ in range(1)]) a3c_workers = [ A3CWorker(global_ep, res_dict, rew_queue, agent_input_dict_list[i], agent_return_dict_list[i], i) for i in range(1) ] [w.start() for w in a3c_workers] [w.join() for w in a3c_workers] res = res_dict['res_q'] print('game_result:', res) for agent_return_dict in agent_return_dict_list: print(agent_return_dict) win_rate, tie_rate, lose_rate, step_game = self.calculate_statistics( agent_return_dict_list) print(win_rate, tie_rate, lose_rate, step_game) self.return_dict[int(self.nth_pbt_process)] = [win_rate, step_game]
def hdf5_to_dict(hdf5_file_path): data = {} manager = Manager() md_data = manager.dict() with h5py.File(hdf5_file_path, 'r') as read_file: for scene in tqdm(read_file.keys()): # data[scene] = {} data[scene] = manager.dict() for pos in read_file[scene].keys(): data[scene][pos] = read_file[scene][pos][()] md_data.update(data) return md_data
def colorize(request, context): try: manager = Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() p = Process(target=mp_colorize, args=(request.img_input, request.render_factor, return_dict)) p.start() p.join() response = return_dict.get("response", None) if not response or "error" in response: error_msg = response.get("error", None) if response else None log.error(error_msg) context.set_details(error_msg) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL) return Output() log.debug("colorize({})={}".format(request.img_input[:50], response["img_colorized"][:50])) return Output(img_colorized=response["img_colorized"]) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() log.error(e) return Output()
def run(args): # setup N, D = args.N, args.D n_examples = args.n_train_examples n_threads = args.n_threads n_examples_per_thread = n_examples // n_threads # create policy network policy_network = alphatsp.util.get_policy_network(args.policy_network) # generate examples print("Generating examples and training...") manager = Manager() train_queue = manager.Queue() shared_dict = manager.dict() shared_dict["success"] = False producers = [] for _ in range(n_threads): producers.append( Process(target=generate_examples, args=(n_examples_per_thread, train_queue, args))) for p in producers: p.start() c = Process(target=train, args=(policy_network, train_queue, shared_dict, args)) c.start() for p in producers: p.join() train_queue.put(None) c.join() status = shared_dict["success"] if not status: print("Experiment failed.") return -1
count_tie = 0 count_lose = 0 count_sum_game = 0 count_sum_step = 0 # calculate the count number of games wins or loses, and the count number of steps, # and return the average number of them for agent_return_dict in agent_return_dict_list: for idx in range(len(agent_return_dict['game_result'])): count_sum_game += 1 count_sum_step += agent_return_dict['game_steps'][idx] if agent_return_dict['game_result'][idx] == "Win": count_win += 1 if agent_return_dict['game_result'][idx] == "Tie": count_tie += 1 if agent_return_dict['game_result'][idx] == "Lose": count_lose += 1 assert count_sum_game != 0, 'No Game Counted!!!' print("Count Sum games : ", count_sum_game) return count_win / count_sum_game, count_tie / count_sum_game, count_lose / count_sum_game, count_sum_step / count_sum_game if __name__ == '__main__': mp.set_start_method("spawn") manager = Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() input_dict = manager.dict() uniq_name = "" #sys.argv[1] instance = TestFunc(uniq_name, 0, input_dict, return_dict)
def train(experiment: int, batch: int, resume: bool): cfg = OthelloConfig(experiment, batch) manager = Manager() buffer = manager.list() replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(buffer) shared_state_dicts = manager.dict() message_queue = Queue() log_queue = Queue( ) # a single log is dictionary and "gs", "type" keys are must writer = SummaryWriter(cfg.dir_log) if resume: print("Loading replay buffer to resume training...") with open(cfg.dir_replay_buffer, "rb") as f: buff_list = pickle.load(f) replay_buffer.save_training_data(buff_list) del buff_list print("Replay buffer loaded.") training_worker = TrainingWorker("Training Worker", message_queue, log_queue, shared_state_dicts, replay_buffer, cfg.device_name_tw, cfg, resume) evaluation_worker = EvaluationWorker("Evaluation Worker", message_queue, log_queue, shared_state_dicts, cfg.device_name_ew, cfg, resume) self_play_workers = [] for i in range(cfg.num_self_play_workers): self_play_workers.append( SelfPlayWorker("Self-Play Worker-" + str(i), message_queue, log_queue, shared_state_dicts, replay_buffer, cfg.device_names_sp[i], cfg)) print("Starting training...") training_worker.start() evaluation_worker.start() for worker in self_play_workers: worker.start() print("Training started.") try: while training_worker.is_alive(): if log_queue.empty(): time.sleep(1.0) continue log = log_queue.get() for k, v in log.items(): if k in ["gs", "type"]: continue if log["type"] == "scalar": writer.add_scalar(k, v, log["gs"]) else: print("Unknown log type found:", log["type"]) del log except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt, stopping training...") finally: for i in range(cfg.num_self_play_workers * 5): message_queue.put(cfg.message_interrupt) training_worker.join() evaluation_worker.join() for worker in self_play_workers: worker.join() print("Saving replay buffer...") buff_list = list(buffer) with open(cfg.dir_replay_buffer, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(buff_list, f) del buff_list print("Replay buffer saved.")
def main(): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False args = flag_parser.parse_arguments() create_shared_model = model_class(args.model) init_agent = agent_class(args.agent_type) args.episode_type = "TestValEpisode" args.test_or_val = "val" tb_log_dir = args.log_dir + "/" + '{}_{}_{}'.format( args.title, args.test_or_val, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))) log_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tb_log_dir) print('Start Loading!') optimal_action_path = './data/AI2thor_Combine_Dataset/Optimal_Path_Combine.json' with open(optimal_action_path, 'r') as read_file: optimal_action_dict = json.load(read_file) manager = Manager() optimal_action = manager.dict() optimal_action.update(optimal_action_dict) glove_file_path = './data/AI2thor_Combine_Dataset/det_feature_512_eval.hdf5' glove_file = hdf5_to_dict(glove_file_path) print('Loading Success!') # Get all valid saved_models for the given title and sort by train_ep. checkpoints = [(f, f.split("_")) for f in os.listdir(args.save_model_dir)] checkpoints = [(f, int(s[-3])) for (f, s) in checkpoints if len(s) >= 4 and f.startswith(args.title)] checkpoints.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) best_model_on_val = None best_performance_on_val = 0.0 for (f, train_ep) in tqdm(checkpoints, desc="Checkpoints."): model = os.path.join(args.save_model_dir, f) args.load_model = model # run eval on model args.test_or_val = "val" main_eval(args, create_shared_model, init_agent, glove_file, optimal_action) # check if best on val. with open(args.results_json, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) if results["success"] > best_performance_on_val: best_model_on_val = model best_performance_on_val = results["success"] log_writer.add_scalar("val/success", results["success"], train_ep) log_writer.add_scalar("val/spl", results["spl"], train_ep) # run on test. args.test_or_val = "test" main_eval(args, create_shared_model, init_agent, glove_file, optimal_action) with open(args.results_json, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) log_writer.add_scalar("test/success", results["success"], train_ep) log_writer.add_scalar("test/spl", results["spl"], train_ep) args.record_route = True args.test_or_val = "test" args.load_model = best_model_on_val main_eval(args, create_shared_model, init_agent, glove_file, optimal_action) with open(args.results_json, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) print( tabulate( [ ["SPL >= 1:", results["GreaterThan/1/spl"]], ["Success >= 1:", results["GreaterThan/1/success"]], ["SPL >= 5:", results["GreaterThan/5/spl"]], ["Success >= 5:", results["GreaterThan/5/success"]], ], headers=["Metric", "Result"], tablefmt="orgtbl", )) print("Best model:", args.load_model)
def main(): setproctitle.setproctitle("Train/Test Manager") args = flag_parser.parse_arguments() if args.model == "BaseModel" or args.model == "GCN": args.learned_loss = False args.num_steps = 50 target = nonadaptivea3c_val if args.eval else nonadaptivea3c_train else: args.learned_loss = True args.num_steps = 6 target = savn_val if args.eval else savn_train create_shared_model = model_class(args.model) init_agent = agent_class(args.agent_type) optimizer_type = optimizer_class(args.optimizer) if args.eval: main_eval(args, create_shared_model, init_agent) return start_time = time.time() local_start_time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(start_time)) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) if args.log_dir is not None: tb_log_dir = args.log_dir + "/" + args.title + "-" + local_start_time_str log_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tb_log_dir) else: log_writer = SummaryWriter(comment=args.title) if args.gpu_ids == -1: args.gpu_ids = [-1] else: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) mp.set_start_method("spawn") shared_model = create_shared_model(args) train_total_ep = 0 n_frames = 0 if shared_model is not None: shared_model.share_memory() optimizer = optimizer_type( filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, shared_model.parameters()), args) optimizer.share_memory() print(shared_model) else: assert (args.agent_type == "RandomNavigationAgent" ), "The model is None but agent is not random agent" optimizer = None processes = [] print('Start Loading!') optimal_action_path = './data/AI2thor_Combine_Dataset/Optimal_Path_Combine.json' with open(optimal_action_path, 'r') as read_file: optimal_action_dict = json.load(read_file) manager = Manager() optimal_action = manager.dict() optimal_action.update(optimal_action_dict) glove_file_path = './data/AI2thor_Combine_Dataset/det_feature_512_train.hdf5' glove_file = hdf5_to_dict(glove_file_path) # det_gt_path = './data/AI2thor_Combine_Dataset/Instance_Detection_Combine.pkl' # with open(det_gt_path, 'rb') as read_file: # det_gt = pickle.load(read_file) print('Loading Success!') end_flag = mp.Value(ctypes.c_bool, False) train_res_queue = mp.Queue() for rank in range(0, args.workers): p = mp.Process( target=target, args=( rank, args, create_shared_model, shared_model, init_agent, optimizer, train_res_queue, end_flag, glove_file, optimal_action, # det_gt, ), ) p.start() processes.append(p) time.sleep(0.1) print("Train agents created.") train_thin = args.train_thin train_scalars = ScalarMeanTracker() # start_ep_time = time.time() try: while train_total_ep < args.max_ep: train_result = train_res_queue.get() train_scalars.add_scalars(train_result) train_total_ep += 1 n_frames += train_result["ep_length"] # if train_total_ep % 10 == 0: # print(n_frames / train_total_ep) # print((time.time() - start_ep_time) / train_total_ep) if (train_total_ep % train_thin) == 0: log_writer.add_scalar("n_frames", n_frames, train_total_ep) tracked_means = train_scalars.pop_and_reset() for k in tracked_means: log_writer.add_scalar(k + "/train", tracked_means[k], train_total_ep) if (train_total_ep % args.ep_save_freq) == 0: print(n_frames) if not os.path.exists(args.save_model_dir): os.makedirs(args.save_model_dir) state_to_save = shared_model.state_dict() save_path = os.path.join( args.save_model_dir, "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.dat".format(args.title, n_frames, train_total_ep, local_start_time_str), ), save_path) finally: log_writer.close() end_flag.value = True for p in processes: time.sleep(0.1) p.join()
def recognize_scene(self, request, context): """Wraps the scene recognition model to make sure inputs and outputs match the service requirements.""" # Store the names of the images to delete them afterwards created_images = [] # Python command call arguments. Key = argument name, value = tuple(type, required?, default_value) arguments = { "input_image": ("image", True, None), "predict": ("string", True, self.prediction_list) } # Treat inputs try: image_path, predict, file_index_str = self.treat_inputs( request, arguments, created_images) except HTTPError as e: error_message = "Error downloading the input image \n" + str(e) log.error(error_message) = error_message context.set_details(error_message) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL) return self.result except Exception as e: log.error(e) = e context.set_details(str(e)) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL) return self.result # Get cam (color activation mappings) file path input_filename = os.path.split(created_images[0])[1] log.debug("Input file name: {}".format(input_filename)) output_image_path = self.output_dir + '/' + input_filename log.debug("Output image path (cam_path): {}".format(output_image_path)) created_images.append(output_image_path) manager = Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() p = Process(target=mp_recognize, args=(image_path, predict, output_image_path, return_dict)) p.start() p.join() response = return_dict.get("response", None) if not response or "error" in response: error_msg = response.get("error", None) if response else None log.error(error_msg) context.set_details(error_msg) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL) return SceneRecognitionResult() # Prepare gRPC output message self.result = SceneRecognitionResult() log.debug("Got result.") = json.dumps(response) log.debug("Output generated. Service successfully completed.") for image in created_images: service.serviceUtils.clear_file(image) return self.result
# Get save directory save_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.save_dir, exp_name) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_dir, 'configs')) print('Save directory:\t {}'.format(save_dir)) # Get device ID if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.cuda.device_count() else: device = 'cpu' print('Device:\t {}'.format(device)) #init master master = manager.dict() master['start_time'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) master['experiment_name'] = exp_name master['device'] = device master['summaries'] = {} # Run a single experiment if args.index >= 0: if args.index < len(config_files): config_files = [config_files[args.index]] else: print( "WARNING: Index out of range, will run all experiments in folder." ) if device == 'cpu':