def make_viz_stations(model, data_loader, viz_stations, station2id): inds = [station2id[k] for k in viz_stations] inds_slicer = [[ind * 2, ind * 2 + 1] for ind in inds] inds_slicer = torch.tensor(inds_slicer).flatten() totals_predict = [] totals_actual = [] for n_time, data in enumerate(data_loader): predict = model(data).y actual = data.y v_predict = torch.take(predict, inds_slicer) v_actual = torch.take(actual, inds_slicer) totals_predict.extend(list(v_predict)) totals_actual.extend(list(v_actual)) mind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['arrivals', 'departures'], range(n_time + 1), viz_stations], names=['event_type', 'local_time_id', 'station_id']) df_1 = pd.DataFrame(totals_actual, index=mind, columns=['actual_count']) df_2 = pd.DataFrame(totals_predict, index=mind, columns=['predicted_count']) df = df_1.join(df_2) print(df)
def eval_rank(model, test_loader, lossfn, parallel, top_k): model.eval() HR, NDCG = [], [] for batch_id, batch in enumerate(test_loader): u_idxs = batch[0].long().cuda() i_idxs = batch[1].long().cuda() predictions = model(u_idxs, i_idxs) if parallel and torch.cuda.device_count() >1: i_idxs = i_idxs.view(torch.cuda.device_count(), -1) print(predictions) for device_idx, prediction in enumerate(predictions): device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(device_idx)) i_idx = i_idxs[device_idx, :].to(device) _, indices = torch.topk(prediction, top_k) recommends = torch.take(i_idx, indices).cpu().numpy().tolist() gt_item = i_idx[0].item() HR.append(hit(gt_item, recommends)) NDCG.append(ndcg(gt_item, recommends)) else: _, indices = torch.topk(predictions, top_k) recommends = torch.take(i_idxs, indices).cpu().numpy().tolist() gt_item = i_idxs[0].item() HR.append(hit(gt_item, recommends)) NDCG.append(ndcg(gt_item, recommends)) if batch_id % 240 == 0 : print("-----------The timeStamp of evaluating batch {:03d}/{}".format(batch_id, len(test_loader)) + " is: " + time.strftime("%H: %M: %S", time.gmtime(time.time()))) return np.mean(HR), np.mean(NDCG)
def advance(self, word_probs): """ Given prob over words for every last beam Parameters: * `word_probs`- probs of advancing from the last step ([K x] slot num) Returns: True if beam search is complete. """ num_words = word_probs.size(-1) cur_top_k = self.size if len(self.prev_ks) == 0 else self.top_k top_k, sort_key = word_probs.topk(cur_top_k, -1, True, True) # Sum the previous scores. if len(self.prev_ks) > 0: beam_scores = top_k + self.scores.unsqueeze( 1) # broadcast mechanism else: beam_scores = top_k if word_probs.dim() == 1 else top_k[0] rank_beam_scores = beam_scores + self.penalty[:cur_top_k] flat_beam_scores = rank_beam_scores.contiguous().view(-1) _, best_scores_id = flat_beam_scores.topk(self.size, 0, True, True) # best_scores_id is flattened beam x cur_top_k array, so calculate which # word and beam each score came from prev_k = best_scores_id // cur_top_k self.prev_ks.append(prev_k) if sort_key.dim() == 1: sort_key = sort_key.unsqueeze(0).repeat(self.size, 1) next_y = torch.take(sort_key.contiguous().view(-1), best_scores_id) self.next_ys.append(next_y) self.scores = torch.take(beam_scores.contiguous().view(-1), best_scores_id) return self.done()
def _train_on_label(self, images, labels, target_label): optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.retrain_lr) label_num = len(labels[0]) labels = labels[:, target_label] images = torch.from_numpy(images) labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).float() self.model.train() for m in self.model.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.eval() images, labels =, optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(images) indexes = [i * label_num + target_label for i in range(len(labels))] loss = nn.MSELoss()(torch.take(output, torch.tensor(indexes).to(self.device)), labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() self.model.eval() loss = nn.MSELoss()(torch.take(output, torch.tensor(indexes).to(self.device)), labels) loss_number = loss.item() return loss_number
def forward(self, input_data, target, adaptive_margin, size_average=False): """自定义损失函数,自适应边际损失函数""" # 自定义max函数 torch.max(), 自适应阈值为 1+P(p|s, o)-P(p'!s,o) # 网络输出为score, paper中的loss assert input_data.ndimension() == 2 assert input_data.ndimension() == adaptive_margin.ndimension() assert adaptive_margin.ndimension() == input_data.ndimension() loss_data = 0 for mini_index in range(input_data.size()[0]): mask = target[mini_index] > -1 mini_target = torch.masked_select(target[mini_index], mask) assert mini_target.ndimension() == 1 # 一维的 for i in range(mini_target.size()[0]): # index_self = input_data[mini_index] != input_data[mini_index, mini_target[i]] index = torch.range(start=0, end=input_data.size()[1] - 1, dtype=torch.int64).cuda() index_mask = (index != mini_target[i]) except_index = torch.masked_select(index, index_mask) except_self = torch.take(input_data[mini_index], except_index) need_margin = torch.take(adaptive_margin[mini_index], except_index) different = 1 + ( adaptive_margin[mini_index, mini_target[i]] - need_margin ) - (input_data[mini_index, mini_target[i]] - except_self) loss_data += torch.sum(F.relu(different)) loss_data = loss_data / input_data.size()[1] if size_average: return loss_data / input_data.size()[0] else: return loss_data
def predict(self, data): index_data = torch.IntTensor([[int(ele[0]), int(ele[1])] for ele in data]) torch.take(x, torch.LongTensor(indices)) u_features = self.U.take(index_data.take(0, axis=1), axis=0) v_features = self.V.take(index_data.take(1, axis=1), axis=0) a = u_features * v_features preds_value_array = torch.sum(u_features * v_features, 1) return preds_value_array
def compute_loss(model, x): mean, logvar = model.encode(x) z = model.reparameterize(mean, logvar) x_decoded = model.decode(z) pdist = nn.PairwiseDistance(p=2) # Euclidean distance # This removes the channel dimension from the tensor and makes pdist easier to use x_pos = torch.zeros(batch_size,2,num_particles).cuda() x_pos = x[:,0,1:,:] x_int = torch.zeros(batch_size,num_particles).cuda() x_int = x[:,0,0,:] x_pos = x_pos.view(batch_size, 2, 1, num_particles) # This removes the channel dimension from the tensor and makes pdist easier to use x_decoded_pos = torch.zeros(batch_size,2,num_particles).cuda() x_decoded_pos = x_decoded[:,0,1:,:] x_decoded_int = torch.zeros(batch_size,num_particles).cuda() x_decoded_int[:] = x_decoded[:,0,0,:] x_decoded_pos = x_decoded_pos.view(batch_size, 2, num_particles, 1) x_decoded_pos = torch.repeat_interleave(x_decoded_pos, num_particles, -1) dist = torch.pow(pdist(x_pos, x_decoded_pos),2) ieo = torch.min(dist, dim = 1) ieo_idx = ieo.indices.clone() oei = torch.min(dist, dim = 2) oei_idx = oei.indices.clone() aux_idx = num_particles * torch.arange(batch_size).cuda() aux_idx = aux_idx.view(batch_size, 1) aux_idx = torch.repeat_interleave(aux_idx, num_particles, axis=-1) ieo_idx = ieo_idx + aux_idx oei_idx = oei_idx + aux_idx get_x_int = torch.take(x_int, oei_idx) get_x_decoded_int = torch.take(x_decoded_int,ieo_idx) eucl = ieo.values + oei.values + beta * (torch.pow((x_decoded_int - get_x_int), 2) + torch.pow((x_int - get_x_decoded_int), 2)) eucl = torch.sum(eucl) / batch_size reconstruction_loss = - eucl KL_divergence = 0.5 * torch.sum(torch.pow(mean, 2) + torch.exp(logvar) - logvar - 1.0).sum() / batch_size # Compares mu = mean, sigma = exp(0.5 * logvar) gaussians with standard gaussians ELBO = reconstruction_loss - KL_divergence loss = - ELBO return loss, KL_divergence, eucl
def convert_semantics_to_rgb(semantics): r"""Converts semantic IDs to RGB images. """ semantics = semantics.long() % 40 mapping_rgb = torch.from_numpy(d3_40_colors_rgb).to(semantics.device) semantics_r = torch.take(mapping_rgb[:, 0], semantics) semantics_g = torch.take(mapping_rgb[:, 1], semantics) semantics_b = torch.take(mapping_rgb[:, 2], semantics) semantics_rgb = torch.stack([semantics_r, semantics_g, semantics_b], -1) return semantics_rgb
def uvcount(self, data): tmp = torch.LongTensor([0, 1, 2, 3]) index_data = torch.IntTensor([[int(ele[0]), int(ele[1])] for ele in data]) u_index = torch.LongTensor( [torch.take(i, torch.LongTensor([0])) for i in index_data]) v_index = torch.LongTensor( [torch.take(i, torch.LongTensor([1])) for i in index_data]) u_features = [torch.gather(self.U[i.item()], 0, tmp) for i in u_index] v_features = [torch.gather(self.V[i.item()], 0, tmp) for i in v_index] a = [torch.mul(u, v) for u, v in zip(u_features, v_features)] self.uv = torch.stack(a)
def log_prob(self, weights): new_weights = weights.view(-1) normal_density1 = dist.Normal(0,self.sigma1).log_prob(new_weights) exp_normal_density1 = torch.exp(normal_density1) exp_normal_density2 = torch.exp( dist.Normal(0.0, self.sigma2).log_prob(new_weights)) nonzero = exp_normal_density2.nonzero() zero = (exp_normal_density2==0).nonzero() sum_log_prob = torch.sum(torch.log(self.pi * torch.take(exp_normal_density1,nonzero) \ + (1-self.pi)*torch.take(exp_normal_density2,nonzero))) \ + torch.sum(torch.take(normal_density1, zero)+np.log(self.pi)) return sum_log_prob
def predict(self, data): tmp = torch.LongTensor([0, 1, 2, 3]) index_data = torch.IntTensor([[int(ele[0]), int(ele[1])] for ele in data]) u_index = torch.LongTensor( [torch.take(i, torch.LongTensor([0])) for i in index_data]) v_index = torch.LongTensor( [torch.take(i, torch.LongTensor([1])) for i in index_data]) u_features = [torch.gather(self.U[i.item()], 0, tmp) for i in u_index] v_features = [torch.gather(self.V[i.item()], 0, tmp) for i in v_index] a = [torch.mul(u, v) for u, v in zip(u_features, v_features)] preds_value_array = torch.DoubleTensor([torch.sum(i, 0) for i in a]) uv = [i.detach().numpy() for i in torch.stack(a)] return uv, preds_value_array
def forward(self, inputs, targets): n = inputs.size(0) # pairwise distances dist = pdist(inputs) # find the hardest positive and negative mask_pos = targets.expand(n, n).eq(targets.expand(n, n).t()) mask_neg = ~mask_pos mask_pos[torch.eye(n).byte().cuda()] = 0 if self.sample: # sample pos and negative to avoid outliers causing collapse posw = (dist + 1e-12) * mask_pos.float() posi = torch.multinomial(posw, 1) dist_p = dist.gather(0, posi.view(1, -1)) negw = (1 / (dist + 1e-12)) * mask_neg.float() negi = torch.multinomial(negw, 1) dist_n = dist.gather(0, negi.view(1, -1)) else: # hard negative ninf = torch.ones_like(dist) * float('-inf') dist_p = torch.max(dist * mask_pos.float(), dim=1)[0] nindex = torch.max(torch.where(mask_neg, -dist, ninf), dim=1)[1] dist_n = dist.gather(0, nindex.unsqueeze(0)) # calc loss diff = dist_p - dist_n if isinstance(self.margin, str) and self.margin == 'soft': diff = F.softplus(diff) else: diff = torch.clamp(diff + self.margin, min=0.) loss = diff.mean() # calculate metrics, no impact on loss metrics = OrderedDict() with torch.no_grad(): _, top_idx = torch.topk(dist, k=2, largest=False) top_idx = top_idx[:, 1:] flat_idx = top_idx.squeeze() + n * torch.arange( n, out=torch.LongTensor()).cuda() top1_is_same = torch.take(mask_pos, flat_idx) metrics['prec'] = top1_is_same.float().mean().item() metrics['dist_acc'] = (dist_n > dist_p).float().mean().item() metrics['dist_sm'] = (dist_n > dist_p + self.margin).float().mean().item() metrics['nonzero_count'] = torch.nonzero(diff).size(0) metrics['dist_p '] = dist_p.mean().item() metrics['dist_n'] = dist_n.mean().item() if self.debug: print('%.5f' % loss.item(), end=' ') for k, v in metrics.items(): if k.startswith('non'): print('%s: %4d' % (k, v), end=', ') else: print('%s: %.5f' % (k, v), end=', ') print() return loss, metrics
def best_nghb_vtx(self, log_probs: torch.Tensor) -> int: r""" Args: log_probs (torch.Tensor): vector of vertices' probabilities. Returns: the vertex id with the best probability """ vtx = self.pos[0] # Neighbours' ids of the current vertex `vtx` scalar_ngbs = gp.build_neighbours(self.env_knl.ntw.graph)[vtx] # Neighbours' probabilities output by the model ngbs_log_probs = \ torch.take(log_probs, torch.LongTensor(scalar_ngbs).cuda() if self.gpu else torch.LongTensor(scalar_ngbs)) max_log_probs, indices = torch.max(ngbs_log_probs, 0) # plural for the # case where there are maximum probabilities equal i = indices.item() return scalar_ngbs[i]
def metric_prediction(gallery, query, train_label, metric_type): gallery = gallery.view(gallery.shape[0], -1) query = query.view(query.shape[0], -1) #print("in metric_prediction; size of gallery is ", gallery.size()) #print("in metric_prediction; size of query is ", query.size()) distance = get_metric(metric_type)(gallery, query) print("in metric_prediction; size of distance is ", distance.shape) print("distance is", distance) dist2 = torch.zeros(75, 5) for gallery_index, gallery_item in enumerate(gallery): for query_index, query_item in enumerate(query): gallery_norm = torch.norm(gallery_item) query_norm = torch.norm(query_item) x = gallery_item / gallery_norm y = query_item / query_norm dist2[query_index][gallery_index] = 1. - torch.sum(torch.mul(x, y)) print("dist2 is ", dist2) print("dist2 shape ", dist2.shape) #'cosine': lambda gallery, query: 1. - F.cosine_similarity(query[:, None, :], gallery[None, :, :], dim=2), predict = torch.argmin(distance, dim=1) predict = torch.take(train_label, predict) #print("in metric_prediction; prediction (label) is ", predict) return predict
def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): query_tokens, batch_qids, batch_qrels = batch queries = self.forward(query_tokens, token_type=1) scores, indices = torch.einsum("ae, be->ba", self.index_tensor, queries).topk( self.hparams.test_rank_len, sorted=True) rankings = [row.tolist() for row in torch.take(self.pid_map, indices)] if self.hparams.save_test_rankings: with open(self.hparams.save_test_rankings, "a") as w: for qid, ranking in zip(batch_qids, rankings): for i, pid in enumerate(ranking): w.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(qid, pid, i + 1)) metrics = calc_ranking_metrics(rankings, batch_qrels, count_rankings=False) metrics = {"test/" + k: v for k, v in metrics.items()} result = pl.EvalResult() result.log_dict( metrics, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, ) return result
def get_point_value(point): subs = [locs[cd][i] for i, cd in enumerate(point)] loc_list_p = [ s.long() * np.long(l) for s, l in zip(subs, d_size) ] idx_p = torch.sum(torch.stack(loc_list_p, dim=0), dim=0) vol_val_flat = torch.stack([ torch.stack( [torch.take(vol_ij, idx_i) for vol_ij in vol_i], dim=0) for vol_i, idx_i in zip(vol, idx_p) ], dim=0) vol_val = torch.reshape(vol_val_flat, final_shape) # get the weight of this cube_pt based on the distance # if c[d] is 0 --> weight = 1 - (pt - floor(pt)) = diff_loc1 # if c[d] is 1 --> weight = pt - floor(pt) = diff_loc0 wts_lst = [weights_loc[cd][i] for i, cd in enumerate(point)] if self.linear_norm: wt = sum(wts_lst) / norm_factor else: wt = reduce(mul, wts_lst) wt = torch.reshape(wt, weights_shape) if self.interp_layer is not None: return wt, vol_val else: return wt * vol_val
def encode_score(self, emit): batch_size = emit.size()[0] sentence_len = emit.size()[1] - 2 label_num = emit.size()[2] mask = torch.tensor(self.make_s_row(batch_size, label_num)) emit = torch.chunk(emit, batch_size, 0) emits = torch.squeeze(, 2), 0) one_t_row = self.transition[1][:].repeat(batch_size) if self.config.use_cuda is True: s_matrix = torch.zeros((sentence_len, label_num * batch_size), dtype=torch.float).cuda() mask = mask.cuda() else: s_matrix = torch.zeros((sentence_len, label_num * batch_size), dtype=torch.float) s_matrix[0][:] = emits[1][:] + one_t_row for idx in range(1, sentence_len): s_row = torch.take(s_matrix[idx - 1][:], mask) e_row = self.make_e_row(emits[idx + 1][:], batch_size, label_num) t_row = self.make_t_row(self.transition, batch_size, label_num) next_tag_var = s_row + e_row + t_row s_matrix[idx][:] = self.log_sum_exp(next_tag_var, batch_size, label_num) t_last_row = self.transition[:, 2].repeat((1, batch_size)) last_tag_var = s_matrix[-1][:] + t_last_row s_end = self.log_sum_exp(last_tag_var, batch_size, label_num) s_end_sum = s_end.sum() return s_end_sum
def __getitem__(self, index): # encode sentence s = self._get_line() label, sentence = s.strip().split(" ", 1) if self.truncate_to: sentence = sentence[:self.truncate_to] sentence = [self.charset[c] for c in sentence] # if sentence not long enough then pad with a dummy character if len(sentence) < self.sample_len: diff = self.sample_len - len(sentence) sentence += [self.charset_size] * diff # sentence to torch tensor sentence = torch.LongTensor(sentence) # calculate number of samples to take from sentence num_samples = min(self.max_samples, math.ceil(sentence.size(0) / self.sample_len)) # create matrix of indices to take from the sentence sample_idxes = torch.randint(sentence.size(0) - (self.sample_len - 1), (num_samples, 1), dtype=torch.long) sample_idxes = sample_idxes + self.sample_broadcaster # grab samples samples = torch.take(sentence, sample_idxes) # num_samples x sample_len # make labels for samples labels = [self.label_encoder[label]] * num_samples labels = torch.LongTensor(labels) return samples, labels, num_samples
def best_nghb_vtx(self, log_probs: torch.Tensor) -> int: r""" Args: log_probs (torch.Tensor): vector of vertices' probabilities. Returns: the vertex id with the best probability """ vtx = self.pos[0] # Neighbours' ids of the current vertex `vtx` scalar_ngbs = gp.build_neighbours(self.env_knl.ntw.graph)[vtx] # Tensor containing `scalar_ngbs` scalar_ngbs_t = self.cuda(torch.LongTensor(scalar_ngbs), self.gpu) # Neighbours' probabilities output by the model ngbs_probs = torch.exp(torch.take(log_probs, scalar_ngbs_t)) ngbs_probs = ngbs_probs / torch.sum(ngbs_probs) next_vtx = np.random.choice(scalar_ngbs, p=ngbs_probs.detach().cpu(). \ numpy()) del scalar_ngbs_t, ngbs_probs return next_vtx
def gather_nd(params, indices): """ Args: params: Tensor to index indices: k-dimension tensor of integers. Returns: output: 1-dimensional tensor of elements of ``params``, where output[i] = params[i][indices[i]] params indices output 1 2 1 1 4 3 4 2 0 ----> 5 5 6 0 0 1 """ max_value = functools.reduce(operator.mul, list(params.size())) - 1 indices = indices.t().long() ndim = indices.size(0) idx = torch.zeros_like(indices[0]).long() m = 1 for i in range(ndim)[::-1]: idx += indices[i]*m m *= params.size(i) idx[idx < 0] = 0 idx[idx > max_value] = 0 return torch.take(params, idx)
def __getitem__(self, index): # highdata_raw二维,经过dataloader输出为三维,与conv层match raw0 = load_data(self.filenames[index]) # raw = sequence_random_crop(raw0, 30000) highdata_raw = np.expand_dims(raw0, 0) highdata = torch.from_numpy(highdata_raw).type('torch.FloatTensor') # 如果highdata是100Hz的话,需要先把highdata降到100 # highdata = torch.take(highdata, torch.arange(0, highdata.size()[1], 10).long()).unsqueeze(0) highdata_log = torch.div(torch.log(torch.mul(highdata, 1000) + 1), math.log(100)) # interpolate需要三维输入,先升为三维后,再squeeze降维 # lowdata = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(highdata.unsqueeze(0), scale_factor=1 / self.config.scale_factor).squeeze(0) # take 函数结果变为一维 lowdata = torch.take( highdata, torch.arange(0, highdata.size()[1], self.config.scale_factor).long()).unsqueeze(0) lowdata_log = torch.div(torch.log(torch.mul(lowdata, 1000) + 1), math.log(100)) return lowdata_log, highdata_log, highdata # 返回txt, label, groundtruth
def get_point_value(point): subs = map(lambda (i, cd): locs[cd][i], enumerate(point)) loc_list_p = map(lambda (s, l): s * l, zip(subs, d_size)) idx_p = torch.sum(torch.stack(loc_list_p, dim=0), dim=0) vol_val_flat = torch.stack( map( lambda (vol_i, idx_i): torch.stack( map( lambda vol_ij: torch.take( vol_ij, idx_i ), vol_i ), dim=0 ), zip(vol, idx_p) ), dim=0 ) vol_val = torch.reshape(vol_val_flat, final_shape) # get the weight of this cube_pt based on the distance # if c[d] is 0 --> want weight = 1 - (pt - floor[pt]) = diff_loc1 # if c[d] is 1 --> want weight = pt - floor[pt] = diff_loc0 wts_lst = map(lambda (i, cd): weights_loc[cd][i], enumerate(point)) if self.linear_norm: wt = sum(wts_lst) / norm_factor else: wt = reduce(mul, wts_lst) wt = torch.reshape(wt, weights_shape) return wt * vol_val
def get_matrix_by_index(tensor, _x, _y): assert tensor.dim() == 4 and tensor.size(0) == _x.size(0) == _y.size(0) (_B, _H, _W, _), _P = tensor.size(), _x.size(1) indexes = torch.arange(0, _B, device=_x.device).unsqueeze( -1) * _H * _W * 2 + _y * _W * 2 + _x * 2 indexes = torch.stack([indexes, indexes + 1], dim=-1) return torch.take(tensor, indexes)
def select_top_values_and_indices(self, tensor, name=None, momentum=None): """Selecting top k gradient per layer :parameter tensor : 4D tensor, tensor of gradients at the certain layer name : string, name of the layer momentum : float, value of momentum correlation :return top_indices : tensor, indices with top values at current layer top_values : tensor, values at top_indices """ current_layer = tensor + self.layers[name] current_layer = current_layer.flatten() kbig = int(len(current_layer) * self.percentage / 100) if kbig == 0: kbig = 10 _, top_indices_unsorted = torch.topk(torch.abs(current_layer), kbig) top_values_unsorted = torch.take(current_layer, top_indices_unsorted) indices_sorted = torch.argsort(top_values_unsorted) top_values = top_values_unsorted[indices_sorted] top_indices = top_indices_unsorted[indices_sorted] small_values_tensor = tensor.clone() small_values_tensor = small_values_tensor.put_(top_indices, torch.zeros(len(top_indices))) self.layers[name] = self.layers[name].put_(top_indices, torch.zeros(len(top_indices))) self.layers[name] += small_values_tensor * momentum return top_indices, top_values
def multinomial_cross_entropy_loss(Z_hat, Z, w): """Calculates the weighted multinomial cross entropy loss.""" q_star = torch.argmax(Z, dim=1, keepdim=True) v = torch.take(w, q_star) loss = torch.mean(-torch.sum(v * Z * torch.log(Z_hat + eps), dim=(1, 2, 3))) return loss
def pushpull_loss(self, pred, gt): nGT = gt.shape[0] gt = gt.transpose(0, 1) tl = torch.take(pred[0], gt[0]) br = torch.take(pred[1], gt[1]) pred_mean = (tl + br) / 2 pull = ((tl - pred_mean)**2 + (br - pred_mean)**2).sum() / (nGT + self.eps) dist = (1 - torch.abs(pred_mean[..., None] - pred_mean[None, ...])).clamp( min=0) push = dist.triu(1).sum() / ((nGT - 1) * nGT + self.eps) return self.push_scale * push + self.pull_scale * pull
def take_3_by_2(x: th.Tensor, index: th.LongTensor) -> th.Tensor: """Index into a rank 3 tensor with a rank 2 tensor. Specifically, replace each index I with the corresponding indexed D-dimensional vector, where I specifies the location in L, batch-wise. Args: x: [B,L,D] The D-dimensional vectors to be indexed. index: [B,I] The indexes. Returns: [B,I,D] The indexed tensor. """ b, l, d = x.shape batch_idx_shift = th.arange(start=0, end=b, device=x.device) * l * d batch_idx_shift = batch_idx_shift.reshape([b, 1, 1]) rep_idxs = th.arange(start=0, end=d, device=x.device).reshape([1, 1, d]) idxs_shift = batch_idx_shift + rep_idxs # [B,1,D] idxs_shifted = index.unsqueeze(dim=-1) * d # [B,I,1] idxs_shifted = idxs_shifted + idxs_shift # [B,I,D] return th.take(x, index=idxs_shifted) # [B,I,D]
def evaluate(model, test_data, top_k): """ 用于模型评估 :param model: 评估的模型 :param test_data: 评估数据集 :param top_k: 前k个项目 :return: """ hr, ndcg = [], [] user_list, pos_list, neg_list = torch.from_numpy( test_data[0]), torch.from_numpy(test_data[1]), torch.from_numpy( test_data[2]) for user_id, pos_id, neg_id in zip(user_list, pos_list, neg_list): items =[pos_id.unsqueeze(0), neg_id]) pos_score, neg_score = model(user_id, pos_id, neg_id) score =[pos_score.unsqueeze(0), neg_score]) _, idx = torch.topk(score, top_k) recommends = torch.take(items, idx).numpy().tolist() if pos_id in recommends: hr.append(1) index = recommends.index(pos_id) ndcg.append(1 / np.log2(index + 2)) else: hr.append(0) ndcg.append(0) return np.mean(hr), np.mean(ndcg)
def compute_focal_class_loss(anchor_matches, class_pred_logits, gamma=2.): """ Focal Loss FL = -(1-q)^g log(q) with q = pred class probability. :param anchor_matches: (n_anchors). [-1, 0, class] for negative, neutral, and positive matched anchors. :param class_pred_logits: (n_anchors, n_classes). logits from classifier sub-network. :param gamma: g in above formula, good results with g=2 in original paper. :return: focal loss """ # Positive and Negative anchors contribute to the loss, # but neutral anchors (match value = 0) don't. pos_indices = torch.nonzero(anchor_matches > 0).squeeze( -1) # dim=-1 instead of 1 or 0 to cover empty matches. neg_indices = torch.nonzero(anchor_matches == -1).squeeze(-1) target_classes = (anchor_matches[pos_indices].long(), torch.LongTensor([0] * neg_indices.shape[0]).cuda())) non_neutral_indices =, neg_indices)) q = F.softmax(class_pred_logits[non_neutral_indices], dim=1) # q shape: (n_non_neutral_anchors, n_classes) # one-hot encoded target classes: keep only the pred probs of the correct class. it will receive incentive to be maximized. # log(q_i) where i = target class --> FL shape (n_anchors,) # need to transform to indices into flattened tensor to use torch.take target_locs_flat = q.shape[1] * torch.arange( q.shape[0]).cuda() + target_classes q = torch.take(q, target_locs_flat) FL = torch.log(q) # element-wise log FL *= -(1 - q)**gamma # take mean over all considered anchors FL = FL.sum() / FL.shape[0] return FL
def _take_from_embedding(self, idx): offsets = torch.arange(0, self.latent_dim, device=idx.device) * self.num_categories dist_idx_flat = idx + offsets.repeat(idx.shape[0], 1) latent_code = torch.take(self.embeddings.squeeze(0), dist_idx_flat) return latent_code