コード例 #1
    def forward(self, input_, hx):
            input_: A (batch, input_size) tensor containing input
            hx: A tuple (h_0, c_0), which contains the initial hidden
                and cell state, where the size of both states is
                (batch, hidden_size).
            time: The current timestep value, which is used to
                get appropriate running statistics.

            h_1, c_1: Tensors containing the next hidden and cell state.

        h_0, c_0 = hx
        batch_size = h_0.size(0)
        bias_batch = (self.bias.unsqueeze(0)
                      .expand(batch_size, *self.bias.size()))
        wh = torch.mm(h_0, self.weight_hh)
        wh = torch.mm(h_0, self.weight_hh)
        wi = torch.mm(input_, self.weight_ih)
        bn_wh = self.bn_hh(wh)
        bn_wi = self.bn_ih(wi)
        f, i, o, g = torch.split(bn_wh + bn_wi + bias_batch,
                                 split_size=self.hidden_size, dim=1)
        c_1 = torch.sigmoid(f)*c_0 + torch.sigmoid(i)*torch.tanh(g)
        h_1 = torch.sigmoid(o) * torch.tanh(self.bn_c(c_1))
        return h_1, c_1
コード例 #2
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: lanseyege/lets-do-irl
 def forward(self, x):
     x = torch.tanh(self.fc1(x))
     x = torch.tanh(self.fc2(x))
     mu = self.fc3(x)
     logstd = torch.zeros_like(mu)
     std = torch.exp(logstd)
     return mu, std
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: Northrend/pytorch
    def test_cse(self):
        x = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.4, 0.3]), requires_grad=True)
        y = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.7, 0.5]), requires_grad=True)

        trace = torch._C._tracer_enter((x, y), 0)
        w = (x + y) * (x + y) * (x + y)
        t = torch.tanh(w) + torch.tanh(w)
        z = (x + y) * (x + y) * (x + y) + t

コード例 #4
    def forward(self, input, doc_lens):
        :param input: (B*S, L)
        :param doc_lens: (B)
        sent_lens = torch.sum(torch.sign(input), dim=1).data  # (B*S); word id is a positive number and pad_id is 0
        input = self.embed(input)  # (B*S, L, D)
        # word level GRU
        input = self.word_RNN(input)[0]  # (B*S, L, D) -> (B*S, L, 2*H), (B*S, 1, 2*H) -> (B*S, L, 2*H)
        # word_out = self.avg_pool1d(x, sent_lens)
        word_out = self.max_pool1d(input, sent_lens)  # (B*S, L, 2*H) -> (B*S, 2*H)
        # make sent features(pad with zeros)
        input = self.pad_doc(word_out, doc_lens)  # (B*S, 2*H) -> (B, max_doc_len, 2*H)

        # sent level GRU
        sent_out = self.sent_RNN(input)[0]  # (B, max_doc_len, 2*H) -> (B, max_doc_len, 2*H)
        # docs = self.avg_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B, 2*H)
        docs = self.max_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B, 2*H)
        batch_probs = []
        for index, doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens):  # for idx, doc_len in (B)
            valid_hidden = sent_out[index, :doc_len, :]  # (doc_len, 2*H)
            doc = torch.tanh(self.fc(docs[index])).unsqueeze(0)  # (1, 2*H)
            s = torch.zeros(1, 2 * self.args.hidden_dim).to(opt.device)  # (1, 2*H)
            probs = []
            for position, h in enumerate(valid_hidden):
                h = h.view(1, -1)  # (1, 2*H)

                # get position embeddings
                abs_index = torch.LongTensor([[position]]).to(opt.device)
                abs_features = self.abs_pos_embed(abs_index).squeeze(0)

                rel_index = int((position + 1) * 9.0 / doc_len)
                rel_index = torch.LongTensor([[rel_index]]).to(opt.device)
                rel_features = self.rel_pos_embed(rel_index).squeeze(0)

                # classification layer
                content = self.content(h)  # (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                salience = self.salience(h, doc)  # (1, 2*H), (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                novelty = -1 * self.novelty(h, torch.tanh(s))  # (1, 2*H), (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                abs_p = self.abs_pos(abs_features)  # (1, 1)
                rel_p = self.rel_pos(rel_features)  # (1, 1)
                prob = torch.sigmoid(content + salience + novelty + abs_p + rel_p + self.bias)  # (1, 1); [[0.35]]
                s = s + torch.mm(prob, h)  # (1, 2*H) + (1, 1) * (1, 2*H) -> (1, 2*H)
                probs.append(prob)  # S * (1, 1)
            batch_probs.append(torch.cat(probs).squeeze())  # (S*1, 1) -> (S) -> B * (S)

        # return torch.stack(batch_probs).squeeze()  # B * (S) -> (B, S)
        return torch.cat(batch_probs).squeeze()  # B * (S) -> (B * S)
コード例 #5
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: anoopsarkar/nlp-class-hw
    def forward(self, data, last_hidden):
        hx, cx = last_hidden
        m = self.wmx(data) * self.wmh(hx)
        gates = self.wx(data) + self.wh(m)
        i, f, o, u = gates.chunk(4, 1)

        i = torch.sigmoid(i)
        f = torch.sigmoid(f)
        u = torch.tanh(u)
        o = torch.sigmoid(o)

        cy = f * cx + i * u
        hy = o * torch.tanh(cy)

        return hy, cy
コード例 #6
 def forward(self, input, hidden_state):
     hidden,c=hidden_state#hidden and c are images with several channels
     #print 'hidden ',hidden.size()
     #print 'input ',input.size()
     combined = torch.cat((input, hidden), 1)#oncatenate in the channels
     #print 'combined',combined.size()
     (ai,af,ao,ag)=torch.split(A,self.num_features,dim=1)#it should return 4 tensors
     return next_h, next_c
コード例 #7
ファイル: nmt.py プロジェクト: chubbymaggie/pytorch_basic_nmt
    def encode(self, src_sents_var: torch.Tensor, src_sent_lens: List[int]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
        Use a GRU/LSTM to encode source sentences into hidden states

            src_sents: list of source sentence tokens

            src_encodings: hidden states of tokens in source sentences, this could be a variable
                with shape (batch_size, source_sentence_length, encoding_dim), or in orther formats
            decoder_init_state: decoder GRU/LSTM's initial state, computed from source encodings

        # (src_sent_len, batch_size, embed_size)
        src_word_embeds = self.src_embed(src_sents_var)
        packed_src_embed = pack_padded_sequence(src_word_embeds, src_sent_lens)

        # src_encodings: (src_sent_len, batch_size, hidden_size * 2)
        src_encodings, (last_state, last_cell) = self.encoder_lstm(packed_src_embed)
        src_encodings, _ = pad_packed_sequence(src_encodings)

        # (batch_size, src_sent_len, hidden_size * 2)
        src_encodings = src_encodings.permute(1, 0, 2)

        dec_init_cell = self.decoder_cell_init(torch.cat([last_cell[0], last_cell[1]], dim=1))
        dec_init_state = torch.tanh(dec_init_cell)

        return src_encodings, (dec_init_state, dec_init_cell)
コード例 #8
    def forward(self, s_t_hat, h, enc_padding_mask, coverage):
        b, t_k, n = list(h.size())
        h = h.view(-1, n)  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        encoder_feature = self.W_h(h)

        dec_fea = self.decode_proj(s_t_hat) # B x 2*hidden_dim
        dec_fea_expanded = dec_fea.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, t_k, n).contiguous() # B x t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        dec_fea_expanded = dec_fea_expanded.view(-1, n)  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim

        att_features = encoder_feature + dec_fea_expanded # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        if self.args.is_coverage:
            coverage_input = coverage.view(-1, 1)  # B * t_k x 1
            coverage_feature = self.W_c(coverage_input)  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
            att_features = att_features + coverage_feature

        e = torch.tanh(att_features) # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        scores = self.v(e)  # B * t_k x 1
        scores = scores.view(-1, t_k)  # B x t_k

        attn_dist_ = F.softmax(scores, dim=1)*enc_padding_mask # B x t_k
        normalization_factor = attn_dist_.sum(1, keepdim=True)
        attn_dist = attn_dist_ / normalization_factor

        attn_dist = attn_dist.unsqueeze(1)  # B x 1 x t_k
        h = h.view(-1, t_k, n)  # B x t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        c_t = torch.bmm(attn_dist, h)  # B x 1 x n
        c_t = c_t.view(-1, self.args.hidden_dim * 2)  # B x 2*hidden_dim

        attn_dist = attn_dist.view(-1, t_k)  # B x t_k

        if self.args.is_coverage:
            coverage = coverage.view(-1, t_k)
            coverage = coverage + attn_dist

        return c_t, attn_dist, coverage
コード例 #9
    def forward(self, input_seq, last_hidden, encoder_outputs):
        # Note: we run this one step at a time

        # Get the embedding of the current input word (last output word)
        batch_size = input_seq.size(0)
        embedded = self.embedding(input_seq)
        embedded = embedded.view(1, batch_size, self.hidden_size) # S=1 x B x N

        # Get current hidden state from input word and last hidden state
        rnn_output, hidden = self.gru(embedded, last_hidden)

        # Calculate attention from current RNN state and all encoder outputs;
        # apply to encoder outputs to get weighted average
        context = self.attn(rnn_output, encoder_outputs)
        context = context.squeeze(1)
        # context is 32 by 256

        # Attentional vector using the RNN hidden state and context vector
        # concatenated together (Luong eq. 5)
        rnn_output = rnn_output.squeeze(0) # S=1 x B x N -> B x N
        # rnn_output is 32 by 256
        concat_input = torch.cat((rnn_output, context), 1)
        concat_output = torch.tanh(self.concat(concat_input))

        # Finally predict next token (Luong eq. 6, without softmax)
        output = self.out(concat_output)
        # output is 32 by vocab_size
        output = self.LogSoftmax(output)

        # Return final output, hidden state
        return output, hidden
コード例 #10
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: UriSha/sigmorphon
    def decode_step(self, enc_hs, enc_mask, input_, hidden):
        enc_hs: tuple(enc_hs, scale_enc_hs)
        src_seq_len = enc_hs[0].size(0)
        h_t, hidden = self.dec_rnn(input_, hidden)

        # ht: batch x trg_hid_dim
        # enc_hs: seq_len x batch x src_hid_dim*2
        # attns: batch x 1 x seq_len
        _, attns = self.attn(h_t, enc_hs, enc_mask, weighted_ctx=False)

        # Concatenate the ht and hs
        # ctx: batch x seq_len x (trg_hid_siz+src_hid_size*2)
        ctx = torch.cat(
            (h_t.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, src_seq_len, -1), enc_hs[0].transpose(
                0, 1)),
        # ctx: batch x seq_len x out_dim
        ctx = self.linear_out(ctx)
        ctx = torch.tanh(ctx)

        # word_prob: batch x seq_len x nb_vocab
        word_prob = F.softmax(self.final_out(ctx), dim=-1)
        # word_prob: batch x nb_vocab
        word_prob = torch.bmm(attns, word_prob).squeeze(1)
        return torch.log(word_prob), hidden, attns
コード例 #11
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: UriSha/sigmorphon
    def decode_step(self, enc_hs, enc_mask, input_, hidden):
        src_seq_len, bat_siz = enc_mask.shape
        h_t, hidden = self.dec_rnn(input_, hidden)

        # Concatenate the ht and hs
        # ctx_trans: batch x seq_len x (trg_hid_siz*2)
        ctx_trans = torch.cat(
            (h_t.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, src_seq_len, -1), enc_hs[1].transpose(
                0, 1)),
        trans = F.softmax(self.trans(ctx_trans), dim=-1)
        trans_list = trans.split(1, dim=1)
        ws = (self.wid_siz - 1) // 2
        trans_shift = [
            F.pad(t, (-ws + i, src_seq_len - (ws + 1) - i))
            for i, t in enumerate(trans_list)
        trans = torch.cat(trans_shift, dim=1)
        trans = trans * enc_mask.transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1) + EPSILON
        trans = trans / trans.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
        trans = trans.log()

        # Concatenate the ht and hs
        # ctx_emiss: batch x seq_len x (trg_hid_siz+src_hid_size*2)
        ctx_emiss = torch.cat(
            (h_t.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, src_seq_len, -1), enc_hs[0].transpose(
                0, 1)),
        ctx = torch.tanh(self.linear_out(ctx_emiss))
        # emiss: batch x seq_len x nb_vocab
        emiss = F.log_softmax(self.final_out(ctx), dim=-1)

        return trans, emiss, hidden
コード例 #12
    def forward(self, input_, c_input, hx):
            batch = 1
            input_: A (batch, input_size) tensor containing input
            c_input: A  list with size c_num,each element is the input ct from skip word (batch, hidden_size).
            hx: A tuple (h_0, c_0), which contains the initial hidden
                and cell state, where the size of both states is
                (batch, hidden_size).
            h_1, c_1: Tensors containing the next hidden and cell state.

        h_0, c_0 = hx
        batch_size = h_0.size(0)
        #assert(batch_size == 1)
        bias_batch = (self.bias.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, *self.bias.size()))
        wh_b = torch.addmm(bias_batch, h_0, self.weight_hh)
        wi = torch.mm(input_, self.weight_ih)
        i, o, g = torch.split(wh_b + wi, split_size_or_sections=self.hidden_size, dim=1)
        i = torch.sigmoid(i)
        g = torch.tanh(g)
        o = torch.sigmoid(o)
        c_num = len(c_input)
        if c_num == 0:
            f = 1 - i
            c_1 = f*c_0 + i*g
            h_1 = o * torch.tanh(c_1)
            c_input_var = torch.cat(c_input, 0)
            alpha_bias_batch = (self.alpha_bias.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, *self.alpha_bias.size()))
            c_input_var = c_input_var.squeeze(1) ## (c_num, hidden_dim)
            alpha_wi = torch.addmm(self.alpha_bias, input_, self.alpha_weight_ih).expand(c_num, self.hidden_size)
            alpha_wh = torch.mm(c_input_var, self.alpha_weight_hh)
            alpha = torch.sigmoid(alpha_wi + alpha_wh)
            ## alpha  = i concat alpha
            alpha = torch.exp(torch.cat([i, alpha],0))
            alpha_sum = alpha.sum(0)
            ## alpha = softmax for each hidden element
            alpha = torch.div(alpha, alpha_sum)
            merge_i_c = torch.cat([g, c_input_var],0)
            c_1 = merge_i_c * alpha
            c_1 = c_1.sum(0).unsqueeze(0)
            h_1 = o * torch.tanh(c_1)
        return h_1, c_1
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: bhuWenDongchao/pytorch
 def f(x, y):
     out = x + y
     with torch.jit.scope('Foo', out):
         out = x * out
         with torch.jit.scope('Bar', out):
             out = torch.tanh(out)
         out = torch.sigmoid(out)
     return out
コード例 #14
ファイル: layers.py プロジェクト: jiaxiangshang/pyhowfar
    def forward(self, input_tensor, cur_state):

        h_cur, c_cur = cur_state

        combined = torch.cat([input_tensor, h_cur], dim=1)  # concatenate along channel axis

        combined_conv = self.conv(combined)
        cc_i, cc_f, cc_o, cc_g = torch.split(combined_conv, self.hidden_dim, dim=1)
        i = torch.sigmoid(cc_i)
        f = torch.sigmoid(cc_f)
        o = torch.sigmoid(cc_o)
        g = torch.tanh(cc_g)

        c_next = f * c_cur + i * g
        h_next = o * torch.tanh(c_next)

        return h_next, c_next
コード例 #15
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: aiedward/nn4nlp-code
 def forward(self, words):
     emb = self.embedding(words)
     emb_sum = torch.sum(emb, dim=0) # size(emb_sum) = emb_size
     h = emb_sum.view(1, -1) # size(h) = 1 x emb_size
     for i in range(self.nlayers):
         h = torch.tanh(self.linears[i](h))
     out = self.output_layer(h)
     return out
コード例 #16
    def norm_flow_reverse(self, params, z1, z2):

        h = torch.tanh(params[1][0](z2))
        mew_ = params[1][1](h)
        sig_ = torch.sigmoid(params[1][2](h)) #[PB,Z]
        z1 = (z1 - mew_) / sig_
        logdet2 = torch.sum(torch.log(sig_), 1)

        h = torch.tanh(params[0][0](z1))
        mew_ = params[0][1](h)
        sig_ = torch.sigmoid(params[0][2](h)) #[PB,Z]
        z2 = (z2 - mew_) / sig_
        logdet = torch.sum(torch.log(sig_), 1)
        logdet = logdet + logdet2
        #[PB,Z], [PB]
        return z1, z2, logdet
コード例 #17
ファイル: torchy.py プロジェクト: dpressel/baseline
 def _attention(self, query_t, keys_bth, keys_mask):
     B, T, H = keys_bth.shape
     q = self.W_a(query_t.view(-1, self.hsz)).view(B, 1, H)
     u = self.E_a(keys_bth.contiguous().view(-1, self.hsz)).view(B, T, H)
     z = torch.tanh(q + u)
     a = self.v(z.view(-1, self.hsz)).view(B, T)
     a = a.masked_fill(keys_mask == 0, -1e9)
     a = F.softmax(a, dim=-1)
     return a
コード例 #18
ファイル: gan_models.py プロジェクト: anihamde/cs287-s18
 def forward(self, input):
     x = F.relu(self.linear_bn(self.linear(input)))
     x = x.view(-1, self.d*8, 2, 2)
     x = F.relu(self.deconv1_bn(self.deconv1(x)))
     x = x[:,:,:-1,:-1] # hacky way to get shapes right (like "SAME" in tf)
     x = F.relu(self.deconv2_bn(self.deconv2(x)))
     x = F.relu(self.deconv3_bn(self.deconv3(x)))
     x = x[:,:,:-1,:-1]
     x = torch.tanh(self.deconv4(x))
     x = x[:,:,:-1,:-1]
     return x
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: Northrend/pytorch
    def test_disabled_traced_function(self):
        x = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.4]), requires_grad=True)
        y = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.7]), requires_grad=True)

        def doit(x, y):
            return torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y)))

        z = doit(x, y)
        z2 = doit(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(z, torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y))))
        self.assertEqual(z, z2)
コード例 #20
ファイル: nmt.py プロジェクト: chubbymaggie/pytorch_basic_nmt
    def step(self, x: torch.Tensor,
             h_tm1: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
             src_encodings: torch.Tensor, src_encoding_att_linear: torch.Tensor, src_sent_masks: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        # h_t: (batch_size, hidden_size)
        h_t, cell_t = self.decoder_lstm(x, h_tm1)

        ctx_t, alpha_t = self.dot_prod_attention(h_t, src_encodings, src_encoding_att_linear, src_sent_masks)

        att_t = torch.tanh(self.att_vec_linear(torch.cat([h_t, ctx_t], 1)))  # E.q. (5)
        att_t = self.dropout(att_t)

        return (h_t, cell_t), att_t, alpha_t
コード例 #21
def tanh_quantize(input, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input)
    input = torch.tanh(input) # [-1, 1]
    input_rescale = (input + 1.0) / 2 #[0, 1]
    n = math.pow(2.0, bits) - 1
    v = torch.floor(input_rescale * n + 0.5) / n
    v = 2 * v - 1 # [-1, 1]

    v = 0.5 * torch.log((1 + v) / (1 - v)) # arctanh
    return v
コード例 #22
ファイル: lstm.py プロジェクト: florianmohnert/under-the-hood
    def forward(self, inp, h0_l0, c0_l0, h0_l1, c0_l1):

        # Look up the embeddings of the input words
        if inp in self.w2i:
            inp = self.encoder[self.w2i[inp]]
            inp = self.encoder[self.unk_idx]

        # LAYER 0
        # forget gate
        f_g_l0 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_if_l0, inp) + self.b_if_l0) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hf_l0 , h0_l0) + self.b_hf_l0))
        # input gate
        i_g_l0 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_ii_l0,inp) + self.b_ii_l0) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hi_l0, h0_l0) + self.b_hi_l0))
        # output gate
        o_g_l0 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_io_l0, inp) + self.b_io_l0) + (torch.matmul(self.w_ho_l0, h0_l0) + self.b_ho_l0))
        # intermediate cell state
        c_tilde_l0 = torch.tanh((torch.matmul(self.w_ig_l0, inp) + self.b_ig_l0) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hg_l0, h0_l0) + self.b_hg_l0))
        # current cell state
        cx_l0 = f_g_l0 * c0_l0 + i_g_l0 * c_tilde_l0
        # hidden state
        hx_l0 = o_g_l0 * torch.tanh(cx_l0)

        # LAYER 1
        # forget gate
        f_g_l1 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_if_l1  , hx_l0)+ self.b_if_l1) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hf_l1, h0_l1) + self.b_hf_l1))
        # input gate 
        i_g_l1 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_ii_l1  , hx_l0)+ self.b_ii_l1) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hi_l1, h0_l1) + self.b_hi_l1))
        # output gate 
        o_g_l1 = torch.sigmoid((torch.matmul(self.w_io_l1  , hx_l0) + self.b_io_l1) + (torch.matmul(self.w_ho_l1, h0_l1) + self.b_ho_l1))
        # intermediate cell state
        c_tilde_l1 = torch.tanh((torch.matmul(self.w_ig_l1 , hx_l0)+ self.b_ig_l1) + (torch.matmul(self.w_hg_l1, h0_l1) + self.b_hg_l1))
        # current cell state
        cx_l1 = f_g_l1 * c0_l1 + i_g_l1 * c_tilde_l1
        # hidden state
        hx_l1 = o_g_l1 * torch.tanh(cx_l1)

        out = torch.matmul(self.w_decoder, hx_l1) + self.b_decoder

        return out, [hx_l0, cx_l0, f_g_l0, i_g_l0, o_g_l0, c_tilde_l0], [hx_l1, cx_l1, f_g_l1, i_g_l1, o_g_l1, c_tilde_l1]
コード例 #23
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pemazare/InferSent
    def forward(self, sent_tuple):
        # sent_len: [max_len, ..., min_len] (batch)
        # sent: Variable(seqlen x batch x worddim)

        sent, sent_len = sent_tuple
        bsize = sent.size(1)

        self.init_lstm = self.init_lstm if bsize == self.init_lstm.size(1) else \
                Variable(torch.FloatTensor(2, bsize, self.enc_lstm_dim).zero_()).cuda()

        # Sort by length (keep idx)
        sent_len, idx_sort = np.sort(sent_len)[::-1], np.argsort(-sent_len)
        sent = sent.index_select(1, Variable(torch.cuda.LongTensor(idx_sort)))
        # Handling padding in Recurrent Networks
        sent_packed = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(sent, sent_len)
        sent_output = self.enc_lstm(sent_packed,
                                    (self.init_lstm, self.init_lstm))[0]
        # seqlen x batch x 2*nhid
        sent_output = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(sent_output)[0]
        # Un-sort by length
        idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)
        sent_output = sent_output.index_select(1,

        sent_output = sent_output.transpose(0,1).contiguous()

        sent_output_proj = self.proj_lstm(sent_output.view(-1,
            2*self.enc_lstm_dim)).view(bsize, -1, 2*self.enc_lstm_dim)

        sent_keys = self.proj_enc(sent_output.view(-1,
            2*self.enc_lstm_dim)).view(bsize, -1, 2*self.enc_lstm_dim)

        sent_max = torch.max(sent_output, 1)[0].squeeze(1)  # (bsize, 2*nhid)
        sent_summary = self.proj_query(
        # (bsize, seqlen, 2*nhid)

        sent_M = torch.tanh(sent_keys + sent_summary)
        # (bsize, seqlen, 2*nhid) YANG : M = tanh(Wh_i + Wh_avg
        sent_w = self.query_embedding(Variable(torch.LongTensor(
            bsize*[0]).cuda())).unsqueeze(2)  # (bsize, 2*nhid, 1)

        sent_alphas = self.softmax(sent_M.bmm(sent_w).squeeze(2)).unsqueeze(1)
        # (bsize, 1, seqlen)

        if int(time.time()) % 200 == 0:
            print('w', torch.max(sent_w[0]), torch.min(sent_w[0]))
            print('alphas', sent_alphas[0][0][0:sent_len[0]])
        # Get attention vector
        emb = sent_alphas.bmm(sent_output_proj).squeeze(1)

        return emb
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: Northrend/pytorch
    def test_traced_function(self):
        x = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.4]), requires_grad=True)
        y = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.7]), requires_grad=True)

        def doit(x, y):
            return torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y)))

        z = doit(x, y)
        with self.assertCompiled(doit):
            z2 = doit(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(z, torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y))))
        self.assertEqual(z, z2)
コード例 #25
    def norm_flow(self, params, z1, z2):
        # print (z.size())
        h = torch.tanh(params[0][0](z1))
        mew_ = params[0][1](h)
        # sig_ = F.sigmoid(params[0][2](h)+5.) #[PB,Z]
        sig_ = torch.sigmoid(params[0][2](h)) #[PB,Z]

        z2 = z2*sig_ + mew_
        logdet = torch.sum(torch.log(sig_), 1)

        h = torch.tanh(params[1][0](z2))
        mew_ = params[1][1](h)
        # sig_ = F.sigmoid(params[1][2](h)+5.) #[PB,Z]
        sig_ = torch.sigmoid(params[1][2](h)) #[PB,Z]
        z1 = z1*sig_ + mew_
        logdet2 = torch.sum(torch.log(sig_), 1)

        logdet = logdet + logdet2
        #[PB,Z], [PB]
        return z1, z2, logdet
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: Northrend/pytorch
    def test_compile_run_twice(self):
        x = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.4]), requires_grad=True)
        y = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.7]), requires_grad=True)

        @torch.jit.compile(nderivs=0, optimize=False)
        def doit(x, y):
            return torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y)))

        z = doit(x, y)
        with self.assertCompiled(doit):
            z2 = doit(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(z, torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y))))
        self.assertEqual(z, z2)
コード例 #27
ファイル: modules.py プロジェクト: afd77/FloWaveNet
    def forward(self, tensor, c=None):
        h_filter = self.filter_conv(tensor)
        h_gate = self.gate_conv(tensor)

        if self.local_conditioning:
            h_filter += self.filter_conv_c(c)
            h_gate += self.gate_conv_c(c)

        out = torch.tanh(h_filter) * torch.sigmoid(h_gate)

        res = self.res_conv(out)
        skip = self.skip_conv(out) if self.skip else None
        return (tensor + res) * math.sqrt(0.5), skip
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_jit.py プロジェクト: Northrend/pytorch
    def test_compile_addc(self):
        x = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.4]), requires_grad=True).float().cuda()
        y = Variable(torch.Tensor([0.7]), requires_grad=True).float().cuda()

        def doit(x, y):
            return torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y) + 1))

        z = doit(x, y)
        with self.assertCompiled(doit):
            z2 = doit(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(z, torch.sigmoid(torch.tanh(x * (x + y) + 1)))
        self.assertEqual(z, z2)
コード例 #29
ファイル: memNNCoattenTorch.py プロジェクト: Og192/python
def memModel(contxtWords, aspectWords, position, sentLength):
    vaspect = aspectWords
    for i in range(hopNumber):
        Vi = 1.0 - position / sentLength - (i / vectorLength) * (1.0 - 2.0 * (position / sentLength))
        Mi = Vi.expand_as(contxtWords) * contxtWords

        attentionContxt = torch.mm(attention_w, Mi)
        alphaContxt = softmax(torch.mm(attention_wh, torch.tanh(attentionContxt)))
        g0 = torch.sum(alphaContxt.expand_as(Mi) * Mi, 1)

        attentionE = torch.mm(attention_w, vaspect) + torch.mm(attention_wg, g0).expand(k, 1)
        alphaE = softmax(torch.mm(attention_wh, torch.tanh(attentionE)))
        ge = torch.sum(alphaE.expand_as(vaspect) * vaspect, 1)

        attentionEContxt = torch.mm(attention_w, Mi) + torch.mm(attention_wg, ge).expand(k, sentLength)
        alphaEContxt = softmax(torch.mm(attention_wh, torch.tanh(attentionEContxt)))
        gContxt = torch.sum(alphaEContxt.expand_as(Mi) * Mi, 1)

        linearLayerOut = torch.mm(linearLayer_W, vaspect) + linearLayer_b
        vaspect = gContxt + linearLayerOut

    finallinearLayerOut = torch.mm(softmaxLayer_W, vaspect) + softmaxLayer_b
    return finallinearLayerOut
コード例 #30
ファイル: attention.py プロジェクト: jworr/ml_tools
def seqAttention(sequence, weights):
	Applies attention to the given sequence
	#compute the importance over the sequence
	importance = t.tanh(t.matmul(sequence, weights))

	#compute the attention
	attention = f.softmax(importance, 0)

	tSeq = sequence.permute(1,0)

	#compute and return the representation
	return t.matmul(tSeq, attention)
コード例 #31
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: KrikunovEV/CosmicEncounter
import torch
import numpy as np

data = np.arange(15) - 5
a = torch.Tensor(data)

print(torch.tanh(a).view(3, 5))
print(torch.tanh(a).view(3, 5).prod(0))
コード例 #32
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: hrashkin/plotmachines
 def forward(self, Y, Mi, Ymask, Mmask):
     #Y=[B,1xd] Ymask=[B,1x1] Mi=[B,mxd] Mmask=[B,mx1]
     Mhat = torch.tanh(self.W1(Y.expand(-1, Mi.size(1), -1)) + self.W2(Mi))
     g = torch.sigmoid(self.W3(Y.expand(-1, Mi.size(1), -1)) + self.W4(Mi))
     Mnext = torch.mul(1 - g, Mi) + torch.mul(g, Mhat)
     return F.normalize(1e-7 + Mnext, dim=-1)
コード例 #33
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# fake data
x = torch.linspace(-5, 5, 200)  # x data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
x = Variable(x)
x_np = x.data.numpy()  # numpy array for plotting

# following are popular activation functions
y_relu = torch.relu(x).data.numpy()
y_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(x).data.numpy()
y_tanh = torch.tanh(x).data.numpy()
y_softplus = F.softplus(x).data.numpy()  # there's no softplus in torch
y_softmax = torch.softmax(x, dim=0).data.numpy(
)  #softmax is a special kind of activation function, it is about probability

# plt to visualize these activation function
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(x_np, y_relu, c='red', label='relu')
plt.ylim((-1, 5))

plt.plot(x_np, y_sigmoid, c='red', label='sigmoid')
plt.ylim((-0.2, 1.2))
コード例 #34
 def get_matrix(self, encoderp):
     tp = torch.tanh(self.wp(encoderp))
     tc = torch.tanh(self.wc(encoderp))
     f = tp.bmm(self.wa(tc).transpose(1, 2))
     return F.softmax(f, dim=2)
コード例 #35
def train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch,
          compression_scheduler, loggers, args):
    """Training loop for one epoch."""
    losses = OrderedDict([(OVERALL_LOSS_KEY, tnt.AverageValueMeter()),
                          (OBJECTIVE_LOSS_KEY, tnt.AverageValueMeter())])

    classerr = tnt.ClassErrorMeter(accuracy=True, topk=(1, 5))
    batch_time = tnt.AverageValueMeter()
    data_time = tnt.AverageValueMeter()

    # For Early Exit, we define statistics for each exit
    # So exiterrors is analogous to classerr for the non-Early Exit case
    if args.earlyexit_lossweights:
        args.exiterrors = []
        for exitnum in range(args.num_exits):
            args.exiterrors.append(tnt.ClassErrorMeter(accuracy=True, topk=(1, 5)))

    total_samples = len(train_loader.sampler)
    batch_size = train_loader.batch_size
    steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(total_samples / batch_size)
    msglogger.info('Training epoch: %d samples (%d per mini-batch)', total_samples, batch_size)
    epoch_frac = args.partial_epoch
    steps_per_frac_epoch = math.ceil((total_samples*epoch_frac) / batch_size)

    # Switch to train mode
    end = time.time()

    for train_step, (inputs, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        # Measure data loading time
        data_time.add(time.time() - end)
        inputs, target = inputs.to('cuda'), target.to('cuda')

        if train_step == steps_per_frac_epoch:
        # Execute the forward phase, compute the output and measure loss
        if compression_scheduler:
            compression_scheduler.on_minibatch_begin(epoch, train_step, steps_per_epoch, optimizer)

        if args.kd_policy is None:
            output = model(inputs)
            output = args.kd_policy.forward(inputs)
        if not args.earlyexit_lossweights:
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------ AHMED edit sin2-reg - April19
            """ adding sin2 regularization here"""
            qbits_dict = {}
            sin2_reg_loss = 0
            #print('weights:', (model.module.conv2.weight.size()))
            bw = 3
            qbits_dict['conv1'] = bw
            qbits_dict['conv2'] = bw
            qbits_dict['fc1'] = bw
            qbits_dict['fc2'] = bw
            qbits_dict['fc3'] = bw

            # ---------------------
            #kernel = model.module.features[0].float_weight
            kernel1 = model.module.conv1.weight
            kernel2 = model.module.conv2.weight
            kernel3 = model.module.fc1.weight
            kernel4 = model.module.fc2.weight
            kernel5 = model.module.fc3.weight
            last_epoch = 999
            if (train_step == last_epoch):
                w1 = kernel1.data.cpu().numpy()
                w2 = kernel2.data.cpu().numpy()
                w3 = kernel3.data.cpu().numpy()
                w4 = kernel4.data.cpu().numpy()
                w5 = kernel5.data.cpu().numpy()
                np.save('weights_sin2Reg/cifar10_L1_weights'+str(last_epoch), w1)
                np.save('weights_sin2Reg/cifar10_L2_weights'+str(last_epoch), w2)
                np.save('weights_sin2Reg/cifar10_L3_weights'+str(last_epoch), w3)
                np.save('weights_sin2Reg/cifar10_L4_weights'+str(last_epoch), w4)
                np.save('weights_sin2Reg/cifar10_L5_weights'+str(last_epoch), w5)
                print('++++saving weights+++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
            # ---------------------

            # ----------------------------------
            q = 2
            power = 2
            step = 1/(2**(q)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 

            #step = 1/(2**(q)-1) # wrpn
            #shift = 0 
            #amplitude   = (np.sin(pi*(weight+step/2)/(step)))**2
            step = 1/(2**(model.module.B1.clone())-0.5) # dorefa 
            #step = 1/(2**(5)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 
            #kernel = model.module.conv1.float_weight
            kernel = model.module.conv1.weight
            #sin2_func_1 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*kernel/(2**(-(qbits_dict['conv1']))-1)),2))
            sin2_func_1 =torch.mean((torch.sin(pi*(kernel+shift)/(step)))**power)  # dorefa

            step = 1/(2**(model.module.B2.clone())-0.5) # dorefa 
            #step = 1/(2**(3)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 
            #kernel = model.module.conv2.float_weight
            kernel = model.module.conv2.weight
            #sin2_func_2 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*kernel/(2**(-(qbits_dict['conv2']))-1)),2))
            sin2_func_2 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*(kernel+shift)/step),power)) # dorefa

            step = 1/(2**(model.module.B3.clone())-0.5) # dorefa 
            #step = 1/(2**(3)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 
            #kernel = model.module.fc1.float_weight
            kernel = model.module.fc1.weight
            #sin2_func_3 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*kernel/(2**(-(qbits_dict['fc1']))-1)),2))
            sin2_func_3 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*(kernel+shift)/step),power)) # dorefa

            step = 1/(2**(model.module.B4.clone())-0.5) # dorefa 
            #step = 1/(2**(3)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 
            #kernel = model.module.fc2.float_weight
            kernel = model.module.fc2.weight
            #sin2_func_4 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*kernel/(2**(-(qbits_dict['fc2']))-1)),2))
            sin2_func_4 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*(kernel+shift)/step),power)) # dorefa

            step = 1/(2**(model.module.B5.clone())-0.5) # dorefa 
            #step = 1/(2**(4)-0.5) # dorefa 
            shift = step/2 
            #kernel = model.module.fc3.float_weight
            kernel = model.module.fc3.weight
            #sin2_func_5 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*kernel/(2**(-(qbits_dict['fc3']))-1)),2))
            sin2_func_5 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.sin(pi*(kernel+shift)/step),power)) # dorefa

            # ----------------------------------

            sin2_reg_loss = sin2_func_1 + sin2_func_2 + sin2_func_3 + sin2_func_4 + sin2_func_5 
            freq_loss = model.module.B1 + model.module.B2 + model.module.B3 + model.module.B4 + model.module.B5
            #sin2_reg_loss =  sin2_func_1 + sin2_func_3 + sin2_func_4  

            #loss = criterion(output, target) 

            """ settings 0 """ 
            #if train_step > 100: 
            #   lambda_q = 1
            #   lambda_f = 0.05
            #   lambda_q = 0
            #   lambda_f = 0
            """ settings 1 """ 
            #lambda_q = (1/torch.exp(torch.tensor(4.0))).to('cuda')*torch.exp(torch.tensor(4*int(epoch)/1000)).to('cuda')# rising1
            #lambda_f =  0.05
            #lambda_qp = (1/np.exp(4))*torch.exp(torch.from_numpy(np.array(4*epoch/500))).cpu().numpy().data # rising1
            #lambda_fp = lambda_f
            """ settings  2:  step-like lambda """
            r = 0.2*args.epochs
            d = 0.8*args.epochs
            s = 20
            f1 = 0.5 * (1+torch.tanh(torch.tensor((epoch-r)/s).to('cuda')));
            f2 = 0.5 * (1+torch.tanh(torch.tensor((epoch-d)/s).to('cuda')));
            lambda_q = f1
            #lambda_f_value = 0.02*(f1-f2)
            lambda_f = 0.03
            reg_loss = lambda_q * sin2_reg_loss
            loss = criterion(output, target) + reg_loss + (lambda_f * freq_loss)

            #print('sin2_reg_LOSS:', sin2_reg_loss.data[0])
            #print('total_LOSS:', loss.data[0])
            #print('MODEL:', (model.state_dict()))
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------ AHMED edit sin2-reg - April19
            # Measure accuracy and record loss
            classerr.add(output.data, target)
            # Measure accuracy and record loss
            loss = earlyexit_loss(output, target, criterion, args)
        #print('sin2_reg_LOSS:', sin2_reg_loss.data[0])

        if compression_scheduler:
            # Before running the backward phase, we allow the scheduler to modify the loss
            # (e.g. add regularization loss)
            agg_loss = compression_scheduler.before_backward_pass(epoch, train_step, steps_per_epoch, loss,
                                                                  optimizer=optimizer, return_loss_components=True)
            loss = agg_loss.overall_loss
            for lc in agg_loss.loss_components:
                if lc.name not in losses:
                    losses[lc.name] = tnt.AverageValueMeter()

        # Compute the gradient and do SGD step
        if compression_scheduler:
            compression_scheduler.on_minibatch_end(epoch, train_step, steps_per_epoch, optimizer)

        # measure elapsed time
        batch_time.add(time.time() - end)
        steps_completed = (train_step+1)

        if steps_completed % args.print_freq == 0:
            # Log some statistics
            errs = OrderedDict()
            if not args.earlyexit_lossweights:
                errs['Top1'] = classerr.value(1)
                errs['Top5'] = classerr.value(5)
                # for Early Exit case, the Top1 and Top5 stats are computed for each exit.
                for exitnum in range(args.num_exits):
                    errs['Top1_exit' + str(exitnum)] = args.exiterrors[exitnum].value(1)
                    errs['Top5_exit' + str(exitnum)] = args.exiterrors[exitnum].value(5)

            stats_dict = OrderedDict()
            for loss_name, meter in losses.items():
                stats_dict[loss_name] = meter.mean
            stats_dict['LR'] = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']
            stats_dict['Time'] = batch_time.mean
            stats = ('Peformance/Training/', stats_dict)

            params = model.named_parameters() if args.log_params_histograms else None
                                            epoch, steps_completed,
                                            steps_per_epoch, args.print_freq,
        end = time.time()

    kernel = model.module.conv1.weight
    #kernel = model.module.conv1.float_weight
    w1 = kernel.data.cpu().numpy()
    np.save('w1_cifar', w1)

    print('======================================', reg_loss.data[0])
    print('learned bitwidths', model.module.B1.data.cpu().numpy()[0], model.module.B2.data.cpu().numpy()[0], model.module.B3.data.cpu().numpy()[0], model.module.B4.data.cpu().numpy()[0], model.module.B5.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
コード例 #36
def mish(x):
    return x * torch.tanh(nn.functional.softplus(x))
コード例 #37
def val(epoch, writer_val):

    # define meters
    loss_meter, iou_meter = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter()

    # put model into eval mode

    with torch.no_grad():

        for i, sample in enumerate(tqdm(val_dataset_it)):

            im = sample['image']
            instances = sample['instance'].squeeze()
            class_labels = sample['label'].squeeze()

            output = model(im)
            loss = criterion(output,
            loss = loss.mean()

            if args['display'] and i % args['display_it'] == 0:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    visualizer.display(im[0], 'image')

                    predictions = cluster.cluster_with_gt(
                    visualizer.display([predictions.cpu(), instances[0].cpu()],

                    sigma = output[0][2].cpu()
                    sigma = (sigma - sigma.min()) / (sigma.max() - sigma.min())
                    sigma[instances[0] == 0] = 0
                    visualizer.display(sigma, 'sigma')

                    seed = torch.sigmoid(output[0][3]).cpu()
                    visualizer.display(seed, 'seed')


        if args['tensorboard']:
            with torch.no_grad():
                color_map = draw_flow(torch.tanh(output[0][0:2]))
                seed = torch.sigmoid(output[0][3:11]).cpu()
                sigma = output[0][2].cpu()
                sigma = (sigma - sigma.min()) / (sigma.max() - sigma.min())
                sigma[instances[0] == 0] = 0

                #predictions = cluster.cluster_with_gt(output[0], instances[0], n_sigma=args['loss_opts']['n_sigma'])

                color_map = color_map.transpose(2, 0, 1)

                seed_visual = seed.unsqueeze(1)

                seed_show = vutils.make_grid(seed_visual,

                writer_val.add_image('Input', im[0], epoch)
                writer_val.add_image('ColorMap', color_map, epoch)
                writer_val.add_image('SeedMap', seed_show, epoch)
                                     sigma.unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), epoch)
                #writer_val.add_image('Prediction', predictions.unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), epoch)

    return loss_meter.avg, iou_meter.avg
コード例 #38
    def single_test(self, jpg=None, fls=None, filename=None, prefix='', grey_only=False):
        import time
        st = time.time()

        if(jpg is None):
            jpg = glob.glob1(self.opt_parser.single_test, '*.jpg')[0]
            jpg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.opt_parser.single_test, jpg))

        if(fls is None):
            fls = glob.glob1(self.opt_parser.single_test, '*.txt')[0]
            fls = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.opt_parser.single_test, fls))
            fls = fls * 95
            fls[:, 0::3] += 130
            fls[:, 1::3] += 80

        writer = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 62.5, (256 * 3, 256))

        for i, frame in enumerate(fls):

            img_fl = np.ones(shape=(256, 256, 3)) * 255
            fl = frame.astype(int)
            img_fl = vis_landmark_on_img(img_fl, np.reshape(fl, (68, 3)))
            frame = np.concatenate((img_fl, jpg), axis=2).astype(np.float32)/255.0

            image_in, image_out = frame.transpose((2, 0, 1)), np.zeros(shape=(3, 256, 256))
            # image_in, image_out = frame.transpose((2, 1, 0)), np.zeros(shape=(3, 256, 256))
            image_in, image_out = torch.tensor(image_in, requires_grad=False), \
                                  torch.tensor(image_out, requires_grad=False)

            image_in, image_out = image_in.reshape(-1, 6, 256, 256), image_out.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256)
            image_in, image_out = image_in.to(device), image_out.to(device)

            g_out = self.G(image_in)
            g_out = torch.tanh(g_out)

            g_out = g_out.cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
            g_out[g_out < 0] = 0
            ref_in = image_in[:, 3:6, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
            fls_in = image_in[:, 0:3, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
            # g_out = g_out.cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 3, 2, 1))
            # g_out[g_out < 0] = 0
            # ref_in = image_in[:, 3:6, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 3, 2, 1))
            # fls_in = image_in[:, 0:3, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 3, 2, 1))

                g_out_grey =np.mean(g_out, axis=3, keepdims=True)
                g_out[:, :, :, 0:1] = g_out[:, :, :, 1:2] = g_out[:, :, :, 2:3] = g_out_grey

            for i in range(g_out.shape[0]):
                frame = np.concatenate((ref_in[i], g_out[i], fls_in[i]), axis=1) * 255.0

        print('Time - only video:', time.time() - st)

        if(filename is None):
            filename = 'v'
        os.system('ffmpeg -loglevel error -y -i out.mp4 -i {} -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict -2 examples/{}_{}.mp4'.format(
            prefix, filename[:-4]))
        # os.system('rm out.mp4')

        print('Time - ffmpeg add audio:', time.time() - st)
コード例 #39
    def test(self):
        if (self.opt_parser.use_vox_dataset == 'raw'):
                from src.dataset.image_translation.image_translation_dataset import \
                    image_translation_raw98_with_audio_test_dataset as image_translation_test_dataset
                from src.dataset.image_translation.image_translation_dataset import image_translation_raw98_test_dataset as image_translation_test_dataset
            from src.dataset.image_translation.image_translation_dataset import image_translation_preprocessed98_test_dataset as image_translation_test_dataset
        self.dataset = image_translation_test_dataset(num_frames=self.opt_parser.num_frames)
        self.dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(self.dataset,

        for i, batch in enumerate(self.dataloader):
            print(i, 50)
            if (i > 50):

            if (self.opt_parser.add_audio_in):
                image_in, image_out, audio_in = batch
                audio_in = audio_in.reshape(-1, 1, 256, 256).to(device)
                image_in, image_out = batch

            # # online landmark (AwingNet)
            with torch.no_grad():
                image_in, image_out = \
                    image_in.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256).to(device), image_out.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256).to(device)

                pred_landmarks = []
                for j in range(image_in.shape[0] // 16):
                    inputs = image_out[j*16:j*16+16]
                    outputs, boundary_channels = self.fa_model(inputs)
                    pred_heatmap = outputs[-1][:, :-1, :, :].detach().cpu()
                    pred_landmark, _ = get_preds_fromhm(pred_heatmap)
                    pred_landmarks.append(pred_landmark.numpy() * 4)
                pred_landmarks = np.concatenate(pred_landmarks, axis=0)

            # draw landmark on while bg
            img_fls = []
            for pred_fl in pred_landmarks:
                img_fl = np.ones(shape=(256, 256, 3)) * 255.0
                img_fl = vis_landmark_on_img98(img_fl, pred_fl)  # 98x2
                img_fls.append(img_fl.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
            img_fls = np.stack(img_fls, axis=0).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
            image_fls_in = torch.tensor(img_fls, requires_grad=False).to(device)

            if (self.opt_parser.add_audio_in):
                # print(image_fls_in.shape, image_in.shape, audio_in.shape)
                image_in = torch.cat([image_fls_in,
                                      audio_in[0:image_fls_in.shape[0]]], dim=1)
                image_in = torch.cat([image_fls_in, image_in[0:image_fls_in.shape[0]]], dim=1)

            # normal 68 test dataset
            # image_in, image_out = image_in.reshape(-1, 6, 256, 256), image_out.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256)

            # random single frame
            # cv2.imwrite('random_img_{}.jpg'.format(i), np.swapaxes(image_out[5].numpy(),0, 2)*255.0)

            image_in, image_out = image_in.to(device), image_out.to(device)

            writer = cv2.VideoWriter('tmp_{:04d}.mp4'.format(i), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 25, (256*4, 256))

            for j in range(image_in.shape[0] // 16):
                g_out = self.G(image_in[j*16:j*16+16])
                g_out = torch.tanh(g_out)

                # norm 68 pts
                # g_out = np.swapaxes(g_out.cpu().detach().numpy(), 1, 3)
                # ref_out = np.swapaxes(image_out[j*16:j*16+16].cpu().detach().numpy(), 1, 3)
                # ref_in = np.swapaxes(image_in[j*16:j*16+16, 3:6, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy(), 1, 3)
                # fls_in = np.swapaxes(image_in[j * 16:j * 16 + 16, 0:3, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy(), 1, 3)
                g_out = g_out.cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
                g_out[g_out < 0] = 0
                ref_out = image_out[j * 16:j * 16 + 16].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
                ref_in = image_in[j * 16:j * 16 + 16, 3:6, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
                fls_in = image_in[j * 16:j * 16 + 16, 0:3, :, :].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))

                for k in range(g_out.shape[0]):
                    frame = np.concatenate((ref_in[k], g_out[k], fls_in[k], ref_out[k]), axis=1) * 255.0


            os.system('ffmpeg -y -i tmp_{:04d}.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p random_{:04d}.mp4'.format(i, i))
            os.system('rm tmp_{:04d}.mp4'.format(i))
コード例 #40
    def step(
            self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor, dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor, enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.

        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length. 

        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        combined_output = None

        ### YOUR CODE HERE (~3 Lines)
        ### TODO:
        ###     1. Apply the decoder to `Ybar_t` and `dec_state`to obtain the new dec_state.
        ###     2. Split dec_state into its two parts (dec_hidden, dec_cell)
        ###     3. Compute the attention scores e_t, a Tensor shape (b, src_len).
        ###        Note: b = batch_size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        ###       Hints:
        ###         - dec_hidden is shape (b, h) and corresponds to h^dec_t in the PDF (batched)
        ###         - enc_hiddens_proj is shape (b, src_len, h) and corresponds to W_{attProj} h^enc (batched).
        ###         - Use batched matrix multiplication (torch.bmm) to compute e_t.
        ###         - To get the tensors into the right shapes for bmm, you will need to do some squeezing and unsqueezing.
        ###         - When using the squeeze() function make sure to specify the dimension you want to squeeze
        ###             over. Otherwise, you will remove the batch dimension accidentally, if batch_size = 1.
        ### Use the following docs to implement this functionality:
        ###     Batch Multiplication:
        ###        https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.bmm
        ###     Tensor Unsqueeze:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.unsqueeze
        ###     Tensor Squeeze:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.squeeze
        dec_state = self.decoder(Ybar_t, dec_state)
        dec_hidden, dec_cell = dec_state
        e_t = torch.squeeze(
            torch.bmm(enc_hiddens_proj, torch.unsqueeze(dec_hidden, 2)), 2)

        ### END YOUR CODE

        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        # enc_mask makes the probability of <paded> approaching 0
        if enc_masks is not None:
            e_t.data.masked_fill_(enc_masks.byte(), -float('inf'))

        ### YOUR CODE HERE (~6 Lines)
        ### TODO:
        ###     1. Apply softmax to e_t to yield alpha_t
        ###     2. Use batched matrix multiplication between alpha_t and enc_hiddens to obtain the
        ###         attention output vector, a_t.
        #$$     Hints:
        ###           - alpha_t is shape (b, src_len)
        ###           - enc_hiddens is shape (b, src_len, 2h)
        ###           - a_t should be shape (b, 2h)
        ###           - You will need to do some squeezing and unsqueezing.
        ###     Note: b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        ###     3. Concatenate dec_hidden with a_t to compute tensor U_t
        ###     4. Apply the combined output projection layer to U_t to compute tensor V_t
        ###     5. Compute tensor O_t by first applying the Tanh function and then the dropout layer.
        ### Use the following docs to implement this functionality:
        ###     Softmax:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.functional.softmax
        ###     Batch Multiplication:
        ###        https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.bmm
        ###     Tensor View:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensors.html#torch.Tensor.view
        ###     Tensor Concatenation:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.cat
        ###     Tanh:
        ###         https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html#torch.tanh

        alpha_t = F.softmax(e_t, dim=1)  # attention vector
        a_t = torch.squeeze(torch.bmm(torch.unsqueeze(alpha_t, 1),
                                      enc_hiddens), 1)  # context vector
        U_t = torch.cat((a_t, dec_hidden), 1)
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout(torch.tanh(V_t))

        ### END YOUR CODE

        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
コード例 #41
def mattanh(*args):
    return torch.tanh(args[0])
コード例 #42
ファイル: BCLSTM.py プロジェクト: LittleBoyHacker/diasenti
    def forward(self, in_modalities):
        umask = in_modalities[-1]
        in_modalities = in_modalities[:-2]

        batch_size = in_modalities[0].shape[0]
        time_stamps = in_modalities[0].shape[1]

        all_h = []

        for modality, dim, lstm, dropout, fc in zip(in_modalities,
                                                    self.lstms, self.drop_outs,

            self.h = torch.zeros(batch_size, dim).to(self.device)
            self.c = torch.zeros(batch_size, dim).to(self.device)

            h = []
            for t in range(time_stamps):
                #Apply the mask dirrectly on the data
                input_u = modality[:, t, :] * umask[:, t].unsqueeze(dim=-1)
                self.h, self.c = lstm(input_u, (self.h, self.c))
                self.h = torch.tanh(self.h)
                self.h = dropout(self.h)


        utterance_features = [torch.stack(h, dim=-2) for h in all_h]

        dialogue_utterance_feature = torch.cat(utterance_features, dim=-1)

        self.h_dialogue = torch.zeros(batch_size,
        self.c_dialogue = torch.zeros(batch_size,

        all_h_dialogue = []
        for t in range(time_stamps):
            input_m = dialogue_utterance_feature[:, t, :] * umask[:,
            self.h_dialogue, self.c_dialogue = self.dialogue_lstm(
                input_m, (self.h_dialogue, self.c_dialogue))
            self.h_dialogue = self.drop_out(self.h_dialogue)

        output_emo = [self.smax_fc_emo(_h) for _h in all_h_dialogue]

        output_act = [self.smax_fc_act(_h) for _h in all_h_dialogue]

        #Stack hidden states
        output_emo = torch.stack(output_emo, dim=-2)

        output_act = torch.stack(output_act, dim=-2)

        log_prob_emo = F.log_softmax(output_emo,
                                     2)  # batch, seq_len,  n_classes

        log_prob_act = F.log_softmax(output_act,
                                     2)  # batch, seq_len,  n_classes

        return log_prob_emo, log_prob_act
コード例 #43
ファイル: nn_models.py プロジェクト: aniketc12/ddpg_pid
 def forward(self, state):
     x = F.relu(self.linear1(state))
     x = F.relu(self.linear2(x))
     x = torch.tanh(self.output(x))
     return x
コード例 #44
def gelu(x):
    return 0.5 * x * (1 + torch.tanh(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3))))
コード例 #45
ファイル: OurDDPG.py プロジェクト: sahandrez/jaco_rl
 def forward(self, state):
     a = F.relu(self.l1(state))
     a = F.relu(self.l2(a))
     return self.max_action * torch.tanh(self.l3(a))
コード例 #46
ファイル: reformer_layers.py プロジェクト: AUTH-MINT/LongSeq
 def forward(self, x):
     return 0.5 * x * (1 + torch.tanh(
         math.sqrt(2 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3))))
コード例 #47
ファイル: layers.py プロジェクト: dorgun/pyolov4
 def forward(ctx, x):
     return x.mul(torch.tanh(F.softplus(x)))  # x * tanh(ln(1 + exp(x)))
コード例 #48
ファイル: lf.py プロジェクト: sashank06/visdialciss
    def forward(self, batch):
        # shape: (batch_size, img_feature_size) - CNN fc7 features
        # shape: (batch_size, num_proposals, img_feature_size) - RCNN features
        img = batch["img_feat"]
        # shape: (batch_size, 10, max_sequence_length)
        ques = batch["ques"]
        # shape: (batch_size, 10, max_sequence_length * 2 * 10)
        # concatenated qa * 10 rounds
        hist = batch["hist"]
        # num_rounds = 10, even for test (padded dialog rounds at the end)
        batch_size, num_rounds, max_sequence_length = ques.size()

        # embed questions
        ques = ques.view(batch_size * num_rounds, max_sequence_length)
        ques_embed = self.word_embed(ques)

        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, max_sequence_length,
        #         lstm_hidden_size)
        _, (ques_embed, _) = self.ques_rnn(ques_embed, batch["ques_len"])

        # project down image features and ready for attention
        # shape: (batch_size, num_proposals, lstm_hidden_size)
        projected_image_features = self.image_features_projection(img)

        # repeat image feature vectors to be provided for every round
        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, num_proposals, lstm_hidden_size)
        projected_image_features = (
                batch_size, 1, -1, self.config["lstm_hidden_size"]
            .repeat(1, num_rounds, 1, 1)
            .view(batch_size * num_rounds, -1, self.config["lstm_hidden_size"])

        # computing attention weights
        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, num_proposals)
        projected_ques_features = ques_embed.unsqueeze(1).repeat(
            1, img.shape[1], 1
        projected_ques_image = (
            projected_ques_features * projected_image_features
        projected_ques_image = self.dropout(projected_ques_image)
        image_attention_weights = self.attention_proj(
        image_attention_weights = F.softmax(image_attention_weights, dim=-1)
        image_attention_scores = image_attention_weights
        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, num_proposals, img_features_size)
        img = (
            img.view(batch_size, 1, -1, self.config["img_feature_size"])
            .repeat(1, num_rounds, 1, 1)
            .view(batch_size * num_rounds, -1, self.config["img_feature_size"])

        # multiply image features with their attention weights
        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, num_proposals, img_feature_size)
        image_attention_weights = image_attention_weights.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(
            1, 1, self.config["img_feature_size"]
        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, img_feature_size)
        attended_image_features = (image_attention_weights * img).sum(1)
        img = attended_image_features

        # embed history
        hist = hist.view(batch_size * num_rounds, max_sequence_length * 20)
        hist_embed = self.word_embed(hist)

        # shape: (batch_size * num_rounds, lstm_hidden_size)
        _, (hist_embed, _) = self.hist_rnn(hist_embed, batch["hist_len"])

        fused_vector = torch.cat((img, ques_embed, hist_embed), 1)
        fused_vector = self.dropout(fused_vector)

        fused_embedding = torch.tanh(self.fusion(fused_vector))
        # shape: (batch_size, num_rounds, lstm_hidden_size)
        fused_embedding = fused_embedding.view(batch_size, num_rounds, -1)
        # old code
        #return fused_embedding

        return fused_embedding, image_attention_scores
コード例 #49
    def __train_pass__(self, epoch, is_training=True):
        st_epoch = time.time()
            status = 'TRAIN'
            status = 'EVAL'

        g_time = 0.0
        for i, batch in enumerate(self.dataloader):
            if(i >= len(self.dataloader)-2):
            st_batch = time.time()

                image_in, image_out, fan_pred_landmarks = batch
                fan_pred_landmarks = fan_pred_landmarks.reshape(-1, 68, 3).detach().cpu().numpy()
                image_in, image_out, audio_in = batch
                audio_in = audio_in.reshape(-1, 1, 256, 256).to(device)
                image_in, image_out = batch

            with torch.no_grad():
                # # online landmark (AwingNet)
                image_in, image_out = \
                    image_in.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256).to(device), image_out.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256).to(device)
                inputs = image_out
                outputs, boundary_channels = self.fa_model(inputs)
                pred_heatmap = outputs[-1][:, :-1, :, :].detach().cpu()
                pred_landmarks, _ = get_preds_fromhm(pred_heatmap)
                pred_landmarks = pred_landmarks.numpy() * 4

                # online landmark (FAN) -> replace jaw + eye brow in AwingNet
                    fl_jaw_eyebrow = fan_pred_landmarks[:, 0:27, 0:2]
                    fl_rest = pred_landmarks[:, 51:, :]
                    pred_landmarks = np.concatenate([fl_jaw_eyebrow, fl_rest], axis=1).astype(np.int)

            # draw landmark on while bg
            img_fls = []
            for pred_fl in pred_landmarks:
                img_fl = np.ones(shape=(256, 256, 3)) * 255.0
                    img_fl = vis_landmark_on_img74(img_fl, pred_fl)  # 74x2
                    img_fl = vis_landmark_on_img98(img_fl, pred_fl)  # 98x2
                img_fls.append(img_fl.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
            img_fls = np.stack(img_fls, axis=0).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
            image_fls_in = torch.tensor(img_fls, requires_grad=False).to(device)

                # print(image_fls_in.shape, image_in.shape, audio_in.shape)
                image_in = torch.cat([image_fls_in, image_in, audio_in], dim=1)
                image_in = torch.cat([image_fls_in, image_in], dim=1)

            # image_in, image_out = \
            #     image_in.reshape(-1, 6, 256, 256).to(device), image_out.reshape(-1, 3, 256, 256).to(device)

            # image2image net fp
            g_out = self.G(image_in)
            g_out = torch.tanh(g_out)

            loss_l1 = self.criterionL1(g_out, image_out)
            loss_vgg, loss_style = self.criterionVGG(g_out, image_out, style=True)

            loss_vgg, loss_style = torch.mean(loss_vgg), torch.mean(loss_style)

            loss = loss_l1  + loss_vgg + loss_style

            # log
                self.writer.add_scalar('loss', loss.cpu().detach().numpy(), self.count)
                self.writer.add_scalar('loss_l1', loss_l1.cpu().detach().numpy(), self.count)
                self.writer.add_scalar('loss_vgg', loss_vgg.cpu().detach().numpy(), self.count)
                self.count += 1

            # save image to track training process
            if (i % self.opt_parser.jpg_freq == 0):
                vis_in = np.concatenate([image_in[0, 3:6].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)),
                                         image_in[0, 0:3].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))], axis=1)
                vis_out = np.concatenate([image_out[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)),
                                          g_out[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))], axis=1)
                vis = np.concatenate([vis_in, vis_out], axis=0)
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.opt_parser.jpg_dir, self.opt_parser.name))
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.opt_parser.jpg_dir, self.opt_parser.name, 'e{:03d}_b{:04d}.jpg'.format(epoch, i)), vis * 255.0)
            # save ckpt
            if (i % self.opt_parser.ckpt_last_freq == 0):
                self.__save_model__('last', epoch)

            print("Epoch {}, Batch {}/{}, loss {:.4f}, l1 {:.4f}, vggloss {:.4f}, styleloss {:.4f} time {:.4f}".format(
                epoch, i, len(self.dataset) // self.opt_parser.batch_size,
                          time.time() - st_batch))

            g_time += time.time() - st_batch

                if(i >= 100):

        print('Epoch time usage:', time.time() - st_epoch, 'I/O time usage:', time.time() - st_epoch - g_time, '\n=========================')
        if(epoch % self.opt_parser.ckpt_epoch_freq == 0):
            self.__save_model__('{:02d}'.format(epoch), epoch)
コード例 #50
 def forward(self, inputs):
     x = inputs
     x = torch.tanh(self.linear1(x))
     action_scores = self.linear2(x)
     return F.softmax(action_scores)
コード例 #51
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: qinwang2333/MathDemo
    def forward(self, node_stacks, left_childs, encoder_outputs, num_pades,
                padding_hidden, seq_mask, mask_nums):
        current_embeddings = []

        for st in node_stacks:
            if len(st) == 0:
                current_node = st[-1]

        current_node_temp = []
        for l, c in zip(left_childs, current_embeddings):
            if l is None:
                c = self.dropout(c)
                g = torch.tanh(self.concat_l(c))
                t = torch.sigmoid(self.concat_lg(c))
                current_node_temp.append(g * t)
                ld = self.dropout(l)
                c = self.dropout(c)
                g = torch.tanh(self.concat_r(torch.cat((ld, c), 1)))
                t = torch.sigmoid(self.concat_rg(torch.cat((ld, c), 1)))
                current_node_temp.append(g * t)

        current_node = torch.stack(current_node_temp)

        current_embeddings = self.dropout(current_node)

        current_attn = self.attn(current_embeddings.transpose(0, 1),
                                 encoder_outputs, seq_mask)
        current_context = current_attn.bmm(encoder_outputs.transpose(
            0, 1))  # B x 1 x N

        # the information to get the current quantity
        batch_size = current_embeddings.size(0)
        # predict the output (this node corresponding to output(number or operator)) with PADE

        repeat_dims = [1] * self.embedding_weight.dim()
        repeat_dims[0] = batch_size
        embedding_weight = self.embedding_weight.repeat(
            *repeat_dims)  # B x input_size x N
        embedding_weight = torch.cat((embedding_weight, num_pades),
                                     dim=1)  # B x O x N

        leaf_input = torch.cat((current_node, current_context), 2)
        leaf_input = leaf_input.squeeze(1)
        leaf_input = self.dropout(leaf_input)

        # p_leaf = nn.functional.softmax(self.is_leaf(leaf_input), 1)
        # max pooling the embedding_weight
        embedding_weight_ = self.dropout(embedding_weight)
        num_score = self.score(leaf_input.unsqueeze(1), embedding_weight_,

        # num_score = nn.functional.softmax(num_score, 1)

        op = self.ops(leaf_input)

        # return p_leaf, num_score, op, current_embeddings, current_attn

        return num_score, op, current_node, current_context, embedding_weight
コード例 #52
ファイル: quantum_network.py プロジェクト: austinbeauch/QML
 def forward(self, input_features):
     pre_out = self.pre_net(input_features)
     q_in = torch.tanh(pre_out) * np.pi / 2.0
     q_out = self.q_net(q_in)
     return self.post_net(q_out)
コード例 #53
 def forward(self, B, S):
     h = self.func(self.line_1(torch.cat((B, S), dim=1)))
     h = self.func(self.line_2(h))
     return torch.tanh(self.line_3(h))
コード例 #54
def tanh2(x, min_y, max_y):
    scale_x = 1 / ((max_y - min_y) / 2)
    return (max_y - min_y) / 2 * (torch.tanh(x * scale_x) + 1.0) + min_y
コード例 #55
 def forward(self, x):
     x = x * (torch.tanh(F.softplus(x)))
     return x
コード例 #56
 def forward(self, x):
     cdf = 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.tanh(
         math.sqrt(2 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3))))
     return x * cdf
コード例 #57
 def forward(self, input):
     output = self.conv(input)
     output = torch.tanh(output)
     output = smooth_binary(output)
     return output
コード例 #58
 def forward(self, prediction):
     for layer in self.layers:
         prediction = torch.tanh(layer(prediction))
     return prediction
コード例 #59
    def forward(self, input):
        in_len = input.size(3)
        if in_len < self.receptive_field:
            x = nn.functional.pad(input,
                                  (self.receptive_field - in_len, 0, 0, 0))
            x = input
        x = self.start_conv(x)
        skip = 0

        # calculate the current adaptive adj matrix once per iteration
        new_supports = None
        if self.gcn_bool and self.addaptadj and self.supports is not None:
            adp = F.softmax(F.relu(torch.mm(self.nodevec1, self.nodevec2)),
            new_supports = self.supports + [adp]

        # WaveNet layers
        for i in range(self.blocks * self.layers):

            #            |----------------------------------------|     *residual*
            #            |                                        |
            #            |    |-- conv -- tanh --|                |
            # -> dilate -|----|                  * ----|-- 1x1 -- + -->	*input*
            #                 |-- conv -- sigm --|     |
            #                                         1x1
            #                                          |
            # ---------------------------------------> + ------------->	*skip*

            # (dilation, init_dilation) = self.dilations[i]

            # residual = dilation_func(x, dilation, init_dilation, i)
            residual = x
            # dilated convolution
            filter = self.filter_convs[i](residual)
            filter = torch.tanh(filter)
            gate = self.gate_convs[i](residual)
            gate = torch.sigmoid(gate)
            x = filter * gate

            # parametrized skip connection

            s = x
            s = self.skip_convs[i](s)
                skip = skip[:, :, :, -s.size(3):]
                skip = 0
            skip = s + skip

            if self.gcn_bool and self.supports is not None:
                if self.addaptadj:
                    x = self.gconv[i](x, new_supports)
                    x = self.pn[i](x)
                    if self.att_bool:
                        x = self.att_conv[i](x)
                    x = self.gconv[i](x, self.supports)
                    x = self.pn[i](x)
                    if self.att_bool:
                        x = self.att_conv[i](x)
                x = self.residual_convs[i](x)

            x = x + residual[:, :, :, -x.size(3):]

            x = self.bn[i](x)

        x = F.relu(skip)
        x = F.relu(self.end_conv_1(x))
        x = self.end_conv_2(x)
        return x
コード例 #60
def train(epoch, writer):

    # define meters
    loss_meter = AverageMeter()

    # put model into training mode

    # set this only when it is finetuning
    # for module in model.modules():
    #     if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.BatchNorm1d):
    #         module.eval()
    #     if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.BatchNorm2d):
    #         module.eval()
    #     if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.BatchNorm3d):
    #         module.eval()

    for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
        print('learning rate: {}'.format(param_group['lr']))

    for i, sample in enumerate(tqdm(train_dataset_it)):

        im = sample['image']
        instances = sample['instance'].squeeze()
        class_labels = sample['label'].squeeze()

        output = model(im)
        loss = criterion(output, instances, class_labels, **args['loss_w'])
        loss = loss.mean()



        if args['display'] and i % args['display_it'] == 0:
            with torch.no_grad():
                visualizer.display(im[0], 'image')

                predictions = cluster.cluster_with_gt(
                visualizer.display([predictions.cpu(), instances[0].cpu()],

                sigma = output[0][2].cpu()
                sigma = (sigma - sigma.min()) / (sigma.max() - sigma.min())
                sigma[instances[0] == 0] = 0
                visualizer.display(sigma, 'sigma')

                seed = torch.sigmoid(output[0][3]).cpu()
                visualizer.display(seed, 'seed')


    if args['tensorboard']:
        with torch.no_grad():
            color_map = draw_flow(torch.tanh(output[0][0:2]))
            seed = torch.sigmoid(output[0][3:11]).cpu()
            sigma = output[0][2].cpu()
            sigma = (sigma - sigma.min()) / (sigma.max() - sigma.min())
            sigma[instances[0] == 0] = 0

            #predictions = cluster.cluster_with_gt(output[0], instances[0], n_sigma=args['loss_opts']['n_sigma'])

            color_map = color_map.transpose(2, 0, 1)

            seed_visual = seed.unsqueeze(1)

            seed_show = vutils.make_grid(seed_visual,

            writer.add_image('Input', im[0], epoch)
                             instances[0].unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), epoch)
            writer.add_image('ColorMap', color_map, epoch)
            writer.add_image('SeedMap', seed_show, epoch)
                             sigma.unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), epoch)
            #writer.add_image('Prediction', predictions.unsqueeze(0).cpu().numpy(), epoch)

    return loss_meter.avg