コード例 #1
def aten_clone(inputs, attributes, scope):
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_identity(inputs[0])
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return [inputs[0].clone()]
コード例 #2
def aten_relu_(inputs, attributes, scope):
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inputs[0], trt.ActivationType.RELU)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.nn.relu(inputs[0])]
    return [F.relu_(inputs[0])]
コード例 #3
def aten_sigmoid(inputs, attributes, scope):
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inputs[0], trt.ActivationType.SIGMOID)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.sigmoid(inputs[0])]

    return [torch.sigmoid(inputs[0])]
コード例 #4
def aten_softsign(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inputs[0], trt.ActivationType.SOFTSIGN)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    return [F.softsign(inputs[0])]
コード例 #5
def aten_tanh(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[:1]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inp, trt.ActivationType.TANH)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.tanh(inputs[0])]

    return [F.tanh(inp)]
コード例 #6
def aten_leaky_relu_(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, leak = inputs[:2]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inp, trt.ActivationType.LEAKY_RELU)
        layer.alpha = leak
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.nn.leaky_relu(inputs[0], leak)]

    return [F.leaky_relu_(inp, leak)]
コード例 #7
def aten_size(inputs, attributes, scope):
    axis = inputs[1]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        # trt tensor shape don't include batch axis
        if axis == 0:
            return [-1
                    ]  # can't be None because prim::Int may take this result.
            return [inputs[0].shape[inputs[1] - 1]]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        inp_shape = infer_shape(inputs[0])
        return [inp_shape[axis]]
    return [inputs[0].shape[inputs[1]]]
コード例 #8
def aten_elu(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, alpha = inputs[:2]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inputs[0], trt.ActivationType.ELU)
        layer.alpha = alpha
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.nn.elu(inputs[0], alpha)]

    return [F.elu(inputs[0], alpha)]
コード例 #9
def aten_transpose(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, dim0, dim1 = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        assert all([p > 0 for p in [dim0, dim1]])
        params = list(range(len(inp.shape)))
        tmp = params[dim1 - 1]
        params[dim1 - 1] = params[dim0 - 1]
        params[dim0 - 1] = tmp
        layer = net.add_shuffle(inp)
        layer.first_transpose = tuple(params)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        inp_shape = infer_shape(inp)
        params = list(range(len(inp_shape)))
        tmp = params[dim1]
        params[dim1] = params[dim0]
        params[dim0] = tmp
        return [_op.transform.transpose(inp, params)]

    return [torch.transpose(inputs[0], dim0, dim1)]
コード例 #10
def aten_chunk(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, chunk, dim = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        assert dim > 0
        # use slice to implement chunk
        outputs = []
        step = inp.shape[dim - 1] // chunk
        for i in range(chunk):
            out = _trt_torch_slice(net, inp, dim, i * step, (i + 1) * step, 1,
                                   scope + "/slice_{}".format(i))
        return [outputs]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        outputs = []
        shape = infer_shape(inp)
        step = shape[dim] // chunk
        for i in range(chunk):
            out = _tvm_torch_slice(inp, dim, i * step, (i + 1) * step, 1,
                                   scope + "/slice_{}".format(i))
        return [outputs]

    return [torch.chunk(inputs[0], chunk, dim)]
コード例 #11
def aten_adaptive_avg_pool2d(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ksize = inputs[1]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        inp_shape = inp.shape[1:]
        ksize = [i // k for i, k in zip(inp_shape, ksize)]
        assert all([i % k == 0 for i, k in zip(inp_shape, ksize)])
        layer = net.add_pooling(inp, trt.PoolingType.AVERAGE, ksize)
        # print("WARNING: adaptive_avg_pool2d support is imcomplete")
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        inp_shape = infer_shape(inp)
        inp_shape = inp_shape[2:]
        ksize = [i // k for i, k in zip(inp_shape, ksize)]
        assert all([i % k == 0 for i, k in zip(inp_shape, ksize)])

        return [_op.nn.avg_pool2d(inp, ksize)]

    inp = inputs[0]
    ksize = inputs[1]
    res = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(inp, ksize)
    return [res]
コード例 #12
def aten_batch_norm(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var = inputs[:5]
    training, momentum, eps = inputs[5:8]
    # assert training is False
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        running_mean = running_mean.detach().cpu().numpy()
        running_var = running_var.detach().cpu().numpy()
        weight = weight.detach().cpu().numpy()
        bias = bias.detach().cpu().numpy()
        shift = (-running_mean / np.sqrt(running_var + eps)) * weight + bias
        scale = weight / np.sqrt(running_var + eps)
        power = np.ones_like(shift)
        layer = net.add_scale(inp, trt.ScaleMode.CHANNEL, shift, scale, power)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        ctx.refit_weight_dict[layer.name] = {
            "type": "BatchNorm",
            "running_mean": inputs[3].__torch2trt_weight_name,
            "running_var": inputs[4].__torch2trt_weight_name,
            "weight": inputs[1].__torch2trt_weight_name,
            "bias": inputs[2].__torch2trt_weight_name,
            "eps": eps,
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        running_mean = running_mean.detach().cpu().numpy()
        running_var = running_var.detach().cpu().numpy()
        weight = weight.detach().cpu().numpy()
        bias = bias.detach().cpu().numpy()
        running_mean_t = _expr.var(scope + "/running_mean",
        running_var_t = _expr.var(scope + "/running_var",
        weight_t = _expr.var(scope + "/weight",
        bias_t = _expr.var(scope + "/bias", shape=bias.shape, dtype="float32")
        ctx.tvm_weight_dict[running_mean_t] = running_mean
        ctx.tvm_weight_dict[running_var_t] = running_var
        ctx.tvm_weight_dict[weight_t] = weight
        ctx.tvm_weight_dict[bias_t] = bias
        new_attrs = {}
        new_attrs["axis"] = 1
        new_attrs["epsilon"] = eps
        new_attrs["center"] = True
        new_attrs["scale"] = True
        new_attrs['gamma'] = weight_t
        new_attrs['beta'] = bias_t
        new_attrs['moving_mean'] = running_mean_t
        new_attrs['moving_var'] = running_var_t
        result, moving_mean, moving_var = _op.nn.batch_norm(inp, **new_attrs)
        return [result]
    res = F.batch_norm(inp, running_mean, running_var, weight, bias,
                       bool(training), momentum, eps)
    return [res]
コード例 #13
def aten_repeat(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, params = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        assert params[0] == 1
        assert len(params) > 1
        assert len(params) == len(inp.shape) + 1
        # implement repeat by several gather operation, slower than native repeat
        i = 0
        for p, s in zip(params[1:], inp.shape):
            if p > 1:
                repeat_weights = np.tile(np.arange(0, s), [p]).astype(np.int32)
                layer = net.add_constant([1, s * p],
                layer.name = scope + "/" + "constant_{}".format(i)
                gather_inds = layer.get_output(0)
                gather_inds.name = scope + "/" + "constant_{}".format(i)
                layer = net.add_gather(inp, gather_inds, i)
                layer.name = scope + "/" + "gather_{}".format(i)
                out = layer.get_output(0)
                out.name = scope + "/" + "gather_{}".format(i)
            i += 1
        return [out]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    return [inp.repeat(*params)]
コード例 #14
def aten_matmul(inputs, attributes, scope):
    mat1, mat2 = inputs[:2]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        assert isinstance(mat2, torch.Tensor)
        inp = mat1
        weight = mat2.t().detach().cpu().numpy()
        C = weight.shape[0]
        # use fc to implement this
        if len(inp.shape) < 3:
            inp = _trt_reshape(net, inp, [-1, 1, 1], scope + "/reshape")
        layer = net.add_fully_connected(inp, C, weight, trt.Weights())
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        ctx.refit_weight_dict[layer.name] = {
            "type": "Linear",
            "weight": inputs[1].__torch2trt_weight_name,
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        inp = mat1
        weight = mat2.t().detach().cpu().numpy()
        C = weight.shape[0]
        weight_t = _expr.var(scope + "/weight",
        ctx.tvm_weight_dict[weight_t] = weight
        res = _op.nn.dense(inputs[0], weight_t, units=C)
        return [res]
    res = torch.matmul(mat1, mat2)
    return [res]
コード例 #15
def aten_avg_pool2d(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ksize, stride, pad, ceil_mode, count_include_pad = inputs[1:6]
    if len(stride) == 0:
        stride = ksize
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_pooling(inp, trt.PoolingType.AVERAGE, ksize)
        layer.stride = stride
        layer.padding = pad
        layer.average_count_excludes_padding = not count_include_pad
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        new_attrs = {}
        new_attrs["pool_size"] = ksize
        new_attrs["strides"] = stride
        new_attrs["padding"] = pad
        new_attrs["ceil_mode"] = ceil_mode
        new_attrs["count_include_pad"] = count_include_pad
        return [_op.nn.avg_pool2d(inp, **new_attrs)]

    inp = inputs[0]
    ksize, stride, pad, ceil_mode = inputs[1:5]
    res = F.avg_pool2d(inp, ksize, stride, pad, bool(ceil_mode),
    return [res]
コード例 #16
def aten_max_pool2d(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ksize, stride, pad, dilation, ceil_mode = inputs[1:6]
    if len(stride) == 0:
        stride = ksize
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_pooling(inp, trt.PoolingType.MAX, ksize)
        layer.stride = stride
        layer.padding = pad
        assert all([b == 1
                    for b in dilation]), "trt pool don't support dilation"
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        assert all([b == 1
                    for b in dilation]), "tvm maxpool don't support dilation"
        new_attrs = {}
        new_attrs["pool_size"] = ksize
        new_attrs["strides"] = stride
        new_attrs["padding"] = pad
        new_attrs["ceil_mode"] = ceil_mode
        return [_op.nn.max_pool2d(inp, **new_attrs)]

    res = F.max_pool2d(inp, ksize, stride, pad, dilation, bool(ceil_mode))
    return [res]
コード例 #17
def aten_softplus(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, beta, thresh = inputs[:3]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_activation(inputs[0], trt.ActivationType.SOFTPLUS)
        layer.alpha = 1 / beta
        layer.beta = beta
        print("WARNING: tensorrt don't support threshold for softsign")
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    return [F.softplus(inputs[0], beta, thresh)]
コード例 #18
def aten_contiguous(inputs, attributes, scope):
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        return [inputs[0]]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [inputs[0]]
    return [inputs[0].contiguous()]
コード例 #19
def aten_to(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, dst = inputs[:2]
    net = current_context().network
    if net is not None and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError
    res = inp.to(dst)
    if hasattr(inp, "__torch2trt_weight_name"):
        res.__torch2trt_weight_name = inp.__torch2trt_weight_name
    return [res]
コード例 #20
def aten_unsqueeze(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, dim = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        return [_trt_unsqueeze(net, inp, dim, scope)]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_tvm_unsqueeze(inp, dim, scope)]
    return [inp.unsqueeze(dim)]
コード例 #21
def aten_flatten(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, start_dim, end_dim = inputs[:3]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        assert len(inp.shape) == 3
        assert start_dim == 1 and (end_dim == -1 or end_dim == len(inp.shape))
        new_shape = [int(np.prod(list(inp.shape))), 1, 1]
        layer = net.add_shuffle(inputs[0])
        layer.reshape_dims = new_shape
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        assert len(infer_shape(inp)) == 4
        assert start_dim == 1 and (end_dim == -1 or end_dim == len(infer_shape(inp)) - 1)
        return [_op.nn.batch_flatten(inputs[0])]
    return [torch.flatten(*inputs)]
コード例 #22
def aten_dropout(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        return [inputs[0]]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [inputs[0]]
    rate, training = inputs[1:3]
    res = F.dropout2d(inp, rate, bool(training))
    return [res]
コード例 #23
def aten_hardtanh_(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, min_val, max_val = inputs[:3]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        # use relu(x) - relu(x - 6) to implement relu6 (subset of hardtanh)
        assert min_val == 0, "only support relu6"
        layer = net.add_activation(inp, trt.ActivationType.RELU)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope + "/relu"
        tensor = np.full([1] * len(inp.shape), max_val, dtype=np.float32)
        trt_6 = ctx.network.add_constant([1] * len(inp.shape), tensor)
        layer = ctx.network.add_elementwise(output, trt_6.get_output(0),
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope + "/elem_min"
        output.name = scope + "/relu6"
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return [F.hardtanh_(inp, min_val, max_val)]
コード例 #24
def aten_view(inputs, attributes, scope):
    assert len(inputs) == 2
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        shape = inputs[1][1:]
        # trt tensor shape don't include batch axis
        # TODO add batch size check
        if len(shape) == 1:
            shape += [1, 1]
        # elif len(shape) == 2:
        #     shape += [1]
        layer = net.add_shuffle(inputs[0])
        layer.reshape_dims = shape
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.reshape(inputs[0], newshape=inputs[1])]
    return [inputs[0].view(*inputs[1])]
コード例 #25
ファイル: unary.py プロジェクト: traveller59/torch2trt
def aten_cos(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_unary(inp, trt.UnaryOperation.COS)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return [torch.cos(inp)]
コード例 #26
def aten_div(inputs, attributes, scope):
    # print_inputs(inputs)
    lfs, rfs = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        output = _scale_or_elementwise(net, lfs, rfs, "div", scope)
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        lfs, rfs = _tvm_to_const([lfs, rfs])
        return [_op.divide(lfs, rfs)]
    return [lfs / rfs]
コード例 #27
def aten_add(inputs, attributes, scope):
    lfs, rfs, alpha = inputs
    assert alpha == 1
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        output = _scale_or_elementwise(net, lfs, rfs, "add", scope)
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        lfs, rfs = _tvm_to_const([lfs, rfs])
        return [_op.add(lfs, rfs)]
    return [lfs + rfs]
コード例 #28
def aten_index_select(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, axis, index = inputs
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_gather(inp, index, axis - 1)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return [torch.index_select(inp, axis, index)]
コード例 #29
def aten_hardtanh_(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp, min_val, max_val = inputs[:3]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = current_context().network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        # use relu(x) - relu(x - 6) to implement relu6 (subset of hardtanh)
        assert min_val == 0, "only support relu6"
        layer = net.add_activation(inp, trt.ActivationType.RELU)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        layer.name = scope + "/relu"
        inp_sub_6 = _scale_or_elementwise(net, inp, torch.tensor(max_val),
                                          "sub", scope + "/sub")
        layer = net.add_activation(inp_sub_6, trt.ActivationType.RELU)
        layer.name = scope + "/relu(x-6)"
        output_6 = layer.get_output(0)
        output = _scale_or_elementwise(net, output, output_6, "sub",
                                       scope + "/sub_relu")
        output.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    return [F.hardtanh_(inp, min_val, max_val)]
コード例 #30
ファイル: unary.py プロジェクト: traveller59/torch2trt
def aten_neg(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ctx = current_context()
    net = ctx.network
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_unary(inp, trt.UnaryOperation.NEG)
        output = layer.get_output(0)
        output.name = scope
        layer.name = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        return [_op.negative(inp)]

    return [torch.neg(inp)]