コード例 #1
def test_discrete_train_test_split_dynamic():

    snapshot_count = 250
    n_count = 100
    feature_count = 32

    edge_indices, edge_weights, features = generate_signal(250, 100, 32)

    feature = features[0]

    targets = [
        np.random.uniform(0, 10, (n_count, )) for _ in range(snapshot_count)

    dataset = DynamicGraphStaticSignal(edge_indices, edge_weights, feature,

    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (100, 32)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (100, )

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (100, 32)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (100, )
コード例 #2
def test_discrete_train_test_split_dynamic_batch():

    snapshot_count = 250
    node_count = 100
    feature_count = 32
    graph_count = 10

    edge_indices, edge_weights, features, targets, batches = generate_signal(
        snapshot_count, node_count, feature_count, graph_count)

    feature = features[0]

    dataset = DynamicGraphStaticSignalBatch(edge_indices, edge_weights,
                                            feature, targets, batches)

    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (node_count * graph_count,
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (node_count * graph_count, )

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (node_count * graph_count,
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (node_count * graph_count, )
コード例 #3
def test_train_test_split_dynamic_graph_static_signal():

    snapshot_count = 250
    n_count = 100
    feature_count = 32

    edge_indices, edge_weights, features, additional_features = generate_signal(
        250, 100, 32, ["optional1", "optional2"])

    targets = [
        np.random.uniform(0, 10, (n_count, )) for _ in range(snapshot_count)
    dataset = StaticGraphTemporalSignal(edge_indices[0], edge_weights[0],
                                        features, targets,

    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (100, 32)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (100, )
            assert getattr(snapshot, "optional1").shape == (100, 32)
            assert getattr(snapshot, "optional2").shape == (100, 32)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape[1] == snapshot.edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (100, 32)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (100, )
            assert getattr(snapshot, "optional1").shape == (100, 32)
            assert getattr(snapshot, "optional2").shape == (100, 32)
コード例 #4
def test_train_test_split_dynamic_hetero_graph_static_signal_batch():

    snapshot_count = 250
    node_count = 100
    feature_count = 32
    graph_count = 10

    edge_index_dicts, edge_weight_dicts, feature_dicts, target_dicts, batch_dicts = generate_heterogeneous_signal(
        snapshot_count, node_count, feature_count, graph_count)

    dataset = DynamicHeteroGraphStaticSignalBatch(edge_index_dicts,
                                                  target_dicts, batch_dicts)

    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for _ in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert len(snapshot.node_types) == 2
            assert snapshot.node_types[0] == 'author'
            assert snapshot.node_types[1] == 'paper'
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['x'].shape == (node_count *
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['x'].shape == (node_count *
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['y'].shape == (node_count *
                                                          graph_count, )
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['y'].shape == (node_count *
                                                          graph_count, )
            assert len(snapshot.edge_types) == 1
            assert snapshot.edge_types[0] == ('author', 'writes', 'paper')
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[
                1] == snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_attr.shape[0]

    for _ in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert len(snapshot.node_types) == 2
            assert snapshot.node_types[0] == 'author'
            assert snapshot.node_types[1] == 'paper'
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['x'].shape == (node_count *
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['x'].shape == (node_count *
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['y'].shape == (node_count *
                                                          graph_count, )
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['y'].shape == (node_count *
                                                          graph_count, )
            assert len(snapshot.edge_types) == 1
            assert snapshot.edge_types[0] == ('author', 'writes', 'paper')
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[
                1] == snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_attr.shape[0]
コード例 #5
def test_train_test_split_static_hetero_graph_temporal_signal():

    snapshot_count = 250
    n_count = 100
    feature_count = 32

    edge_index_dicts, edge_weight_dicts, feature_dicts, target_dicts, additional_feature_dicts = generate_heterogeneous_signal(
        snapshot_count, n_count, feature_count, "optional1", "optional2")

    dataset = StaticHeteroGraphTemporalSignal(edge_index_dicts[0],
                                              feature_dicts, target_dicts,

    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert len(snapshot.node_types) == 2
            assert snapshot.node_types[0] == 'author'
            assert snapshot.node_types[1] == 'paper'
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['x'].shape == (n_count,
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['x'].shape == (n_count,
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['y'].shape == (n_count, )
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['y'].shape == (n_count, )
            assert len(snapshot.edge_types) == 1
            assert snapshot.edge_types[0] == ('author', 'writes', 'paper')
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[
                1] == snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['optional1'].shape == (
                n_count, feature_count)
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['optional2'].shape == (
                n_count, feature_count)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert len(snapshot.node_types) == 2
            assert snapshot.node_types[0] == 'author'
            assert snapshot.node_types[1] == 'paper'
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['x'].shape == (n_count,
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['x'].shape == (n_count,
            assert snapshot.node_stores[0]['y'].shape == (n_count, )
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['y'].shape == (n_count, )
            assert len(snapshot.edge_types) == 1
            assert snapshot.edge_types[0] == ('author', 'writes', 'paper')
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[0] == 2
            assert snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_index.shape[
                1] == snapshot.edge_stores[0].edge_attr.shape[0]
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['optional1'].shape == (
                n_count, feature_count)
            assert snapshot.node_stores[1]['optional2'].shape == (
                n_count, feature_count)
コード例 #6
def test_discrete_train_test_split_static():
    loader = ChickenpoxDatasetLoader()
    dataset = loader.get_dataset()
    train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, 0.8)

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in train_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape == (2, 102)
            assert snapshot.edge_attr.shape == (102, )
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (20, 4)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (20, )

    for epoch in range(2):
        for snapshot in test_dataset:
            assert snapshot.edge_index.shape == (2, 102)
            assert snapshot.edge_attr.shape == (102, )
            assert snapshot.x.shape == (20, 4)
            assert snapshot.y.shape == (20, )
コード例 #7
# Implementation to train a regressor on the Hungarian Chickenpox Cases dataset to predict weekly cases reported by the countries using a Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network (R-GCN)

# Import libraries
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric_temporal.nn.recurrent import DCRNN
from torch_geometric_temporal.dataset import ChickenpoxDatasetLoader
from torch_geometric_temporal.signal import temporal_signal_split

# Load dataset
loader = ChickenpoxDatasetLoader()
dataset = loader.get_dataset()

# Split dataset into train and test
train_dataset, test_dataset = temporal_signal_split(dataset, train_ratio=0.2)

# Define a Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network (R-GCN)
class RecurrentGCN(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, node_features):
        super(RecurrentGCN, self).__init__()
        self.recurrent = DCRNN(node_features, 32, 1)
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(32, 1)

    def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_weight):
        h = self.recurrent(x, edge_index, edge_weight)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.linear(h)
        return h
コード例 #8
        x = val_batch.x
        y = val_batch.y.view(-1, 1)
        edge_index = val_batch.edge_index
        h = self.recurrent(x, edge_index)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.linear(h)
        loss = F.mse_loss(h, y)
        metrics = {'val_loss': loss}
        return metrics

loader = ChickenpoxDatasetLoader()

dataset_loader = loader.get_dataset(lags=32)

train_loader, val_loader = temporal_signal_split(dataset_loader,

model = LitDiffConvModel(node_features=32, filters=16)

early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss',

trainer = pl.Trainer(callbacks=[early_stop_callback])

trainer.fit(model, train_loader, val_loader)