コード例 #1
ファイル: ppo_rnd.py プロジェクト: DanIulian/minigrid_rl
    def collect_random_statistics(self, num_timesteps):
        #  initialize observation normalization with data from random agent

        self.obs_rms = RunningMeanStd(shape=(1, 7, 7, 3))

        curr_obs = self.obs
        collected_obss = [None] * (self.num_frames_per_proc * num_timesteps)
        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc * num_timesteps):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            action = torch.randint(
                0, self.env.action_space.n,
                (self.num_procs, ))  # sample uniform actions
            obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())

            # Update experiences values
            collected_obss[i] = curr_obs
            curr_obs = obs

        self.obs = curr_obs
        exps = DictList()
        exps.obs = [
            collected_obss[i][j] for j in range(self.num_procs)
            for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc * num_timesteps)

        images = [obs["image"] for obs in exps.obs]
        images = numpy.array(images)
        images = torch.tensor(images, dtype=torch.float)

コード例 #2
    def collect_experiences(self):
        """Collects rollouts and computes advantages.

        Runs several environments concurrently. The next actions are computed
        in a batch mode for all environments at the same time. The rollouts
        and advantages from all environments are concatenated together.

        exps : DictList
            Contains actions, rewards, advantages etc as attributes.
            Each attribute, e.g. `exps.reward` has a shape
            (self.num_frames_per_proc * num_envs, ...). k-th block
            of consecutive `self.num_frames_per_proc` frames contains
            data obtained from the k-th environment. Be careful not to mix
            data from different environments!
        logs : dict
            Useful stats about the training process, including the average
            reward, policy loss, value loss, etc.
        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs,

            with torch.no_grad():
                if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                    dist, value, memory = self.acmodel(
                        preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                    dist, value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)
            action = dist.sample()
            obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())


            # Update experiences values
            self.obss[i] = self.obs
            self.obs = obs
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                self.memories[i] = self.memory
                self.memory = memory
            self.masks[i] = self.mask
            self.mask = 1 - torch.tensor(
                done, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.actions[i] = action
            self.values_ext[i] = value[0]
            self.values_int[i] = value[1]
            if self.reshape_reward is not None:
                self.rewards_ext[i] = torch.tensor([
                    self.reshape_reward(obs_, action_, reward_, done_)
                    for obs_, action_, reward_, done_ in zip(
                        obs, action, reward, done)
                self.rewards_ext[i] = torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device)

            self.log_probs[i] = dist.log_prob(action)

            # Update log values

            self.log_episode_return += torch.tensor(reward,
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return += self.rewards_ext[i]
            self.log_episode_num_frames += torch.ones(self.num_procs,

            for i, done_ in enumerate(done):
                if done_:
                    self.log_done_counter += 1

            self.log_episode_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_num_frames *= self.mask

        # ==========================================================================================
        # Define experiences: ---> for observations
        #   the whole experience is the concatenation of the experience
        #   of each process.
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        exps = DictList()

        exps.obs = [
            self.obss[i][j] for j in range(self.num_procs)
            for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc)

        # Preprocess experiences
        exps.obs = self.preprocess_obss(exps.obs, device=self.device)
        exps.action = self.actions.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        if self.acmodel.recurrent:
            # T x P x D -> P x T x D -> (P * T) x D
            exps.memory = self.memories.transpose(0, 1).reshape(
                -1, *self.memories.shape[2:])
            # T x P -> P x T -> (P * T) x 1
            exps.mask = self.masks.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1).unsqueeze(1)

        # Add other data to experience buffer

        # ==========================================================================================

        # -- Calculate intrinsic return
        self.rewards_int = self.calculate_intrinsic_reward(
            exps, self.rewards_int)

        # Add advantage and return to experiences
        # don;t use end of episode signal for intrinsic rewards
        preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
        with torch.no_grad():
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                _, next_value, _ = self.acmodel(
                    preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                _, next_value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)

        # Calculate intrinsic rewards and advantages
        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_value_int = self.values_int[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value[1]
            next_advantage_int = self.advantages_int[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0

            delta = self.rewards_int[
                i] + self.discount * next_value_int - self.values_int[i]
                i] = delta + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage_int

        # Calculate extrinisc rewards and advantages
        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_mask = self.masks[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else self.mask

            next_value_ext = self.values_ext[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value[0]
            next_advantage_ext = self.advantages_ext[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0

            delta = self.rewards_ext[
                i] + self.discount * next_value_ext * next_mask - self.values_ext[
                i] = delta + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage_ext * next_mask

        # ==========================================================================================
        # @ continue Define experiences:
        #   the whole experience is the concatenation of the experience
        #   of each process.
        # In comments below:
        #   - T is self.num_frames_per_proc,
        #   - P is self.num_procs,
        #   - D is the dimensionality.

        # for all tensors below, T x P -> P x T -> P * T
        exps.value_ext = self.values_ext.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.value_int = self.values_int.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.reward_ext = self.rewards_ext.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.reward_int = self.rewards_int.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.advantage_ext = self.advantages_ext.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.advantage_int = self.advantages_int.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.returnn_ext = exps.value_ext + exps.advantage_ext
        exps.returnn_int = exps.value_int + exps.advantage_int
        exps.log_prob = self.log_probs.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)

        # Log some values

        keep = max(self.log_done_counter, self.num_procs)

        log = {
            "return_per_episode": self.log_return[-keep:],
            "reshaped_return_per_episode": self.log_reshaped_return[-keep:],
            "num_frames_per_episode": self.log_num_frames[-keep:],
            "num_frames": self.num_frames

        aux_logs = self.process_interactions()
        # add extra logs with agent interactions
        for k in aux_logs:
            log[k] = aux_logs[k]

        self.log_done_counter = 0
        self.log_return = self.log_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_reshaped_return = self.log_reshaped_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_num_frames = self.log_num_frames[-self.num_procs:]

        return exps, log
コード例 #3
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: rizar/pytorch-a2c-ppo
    def collect_experiences(self):
        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs,
            with torch.no_grad():
                if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                    dist, value, memory = self.acmodel(
                        preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                    dist, value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)
            action = dist.sample()

            obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())

            # Update experiences values

            self.obss[i] = self.obs
            self.obs = obs
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                self.memories[i] = self.memory
                self.memory = memory
            self.masks[i] = self.mask
            self.mask = 1 - torch.tensor(
                done, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.actions[i] = action
            self.values[i] = value
            if self.reshape_reward is not None:
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor([
                    self.reshape_reward(obs_, action_, reward_, done_)
                    for obs_, action_, reward_, done_ in zip(
                        obs, action, reward, done)
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device)
            self.log_probs[i] = dist.log_prob(action)

            # Update log values

            self.log_episode_return += torch.tensor(reward,
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return += self.rewards[i]
            self.log_episode_num_frames += torch.ones(self.num_procs,

            for i, done_ in enumerate(done):
                if done_:
                    self.log_done_counter += 1

            self.log_episode_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_num_frames *= self.mask

        # Add advantage and return to experiences

        preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
        with torch.no_grad():
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                _, next_value, _ = self.acmodel(
                    preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                _, next_value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)

        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_mask = self.masks[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else self.mask
            next_value = self.values[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value
            next_advantage = self.advantages[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0

            delta = self.rewards[
                i] + self.discount * next_value * next_mask - self.values[i]
                i] = delta + self.discount * self.gae_tau * next_advantage * next_mask

        # Defines experiences

        exps = DictList()
        exps.obs = [obs for obss in self.obss for obs in obss]
        if self.acmodel.recurrent:
            exps.memory = self.memories.view(-1, *self.memories.shape[2:])
            exps.mask = self.masks.view(-1, *self.masks.shape[2:]).unsqueeze(1)
        exps.action = self.actions.view(-1, *self.actions.shape[2:])
        exps.value = self.values.view(-1, *self.values.shape[2:])
        exps.reward = self.rewards.view(-1, *self.rewards.shape[2:])
        exps.advantage = self.advantages.view(-1, *self.advantages.shape[2:])
        exps.returnn = exps.value + exps.advantage
        exps.log_prob = self.log_probs.view(-1, *self.log_probs.shape[2:])

        # Preprocess experiences

        exps.obs = self.preprocess_obss(exps.obs, device=self.device)

        # Log some values

        keep = max(self.log_done_counter, self.num_procs)

        log = {
            "return_per_episode": self.log_return[-keep:],
            "reshaped_return_per_episode": self.log_reshaped_return[-keep:],
            "num_frames_per_episode": self.log_num_frames[-keep:],
            "num_frames": self.num_frames

        self.log_done_counter = 0
        self.log_return = self.log_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_reshaped_return = self.log_reshaped_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_num_frames = self.log_num_frames[-self.num_procs:]

        return exps, log
コード例 #4
    def collect_experiences(self):
        """Collects rollouts and computes advantages.

        Runs several environments concurrently. The next actions are computed
        in a batch mode for all environments at the same time. The rollouts
        and advantages from all environments are concatenated together.

        exps : DictList
            Contains actions, rewards, advantages etc as attributes.
            Each attribute, e.g. `exps.reward` has a shape
            (self.num_frames_per_proc * num_envs, ...). k-th block
            of consecutive `self.num_frames_per_proc` frames contains
            data obtained from the k-th environment. Be careful not to mix
            data from different environments!
        logs : dict
            Useful stats about the training process, including the average
            reward, policy loss, value loss, etc.

        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
            with torch.no_grad():
                x = self.base_model(preprocessed_obs)

            action = torch.argmax(x, dim=1)
            #target[i][int(action[i][-1])] = reward[i][-1] + self.gamma * (target_val[i][a])

            obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())

            # Update experiences values

            self.obss[i] = self.obs
            self.obs = obs
            self.masks[i] = self.mask
            self.mask = 1 - torch.tensor(done, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.actions[i] = action
            if self.reshape_reward is not None:
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor([
                    self.reshape_reward(obs_, action_, reward_, done_)
                    for obs_, action_, reward_, done_ in zip(obs, action, reward, done)
                ], device=self.device)
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device)

            # Update log values

            self.log_episode_return += torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return += self.rewards[i]
            self.log_episode_num_frames += torch.ones(self.num_procs, device=self.device)

            for i, done_ in enumerate(done):
                if done_:
                    self.log_done_counter += 1

            self.log_episode_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_num_frames *= self.mask

        # Add advantage and return to experiences

        preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
        with torch.no_grad():
            x = self.base_model(preprocessed_obs)

        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_mask = self.masks[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else self.mask
            next_value = self.values[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value
            next_advantage = self.advantages[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0

            delta = self.rewards[i] + self.discount * next_value * next_mask - self.values[i]
            self.advantages[i] = delta + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage * next_mask

        # Define experiences:
        #   the whole experience is the concatenation of the experience
        #   of each process.
        # In comments below:
        #   - T is self.num_frames_per_proc,
        #   - P is self.num_procs,
        #   - D is the dimensionality.

        exps = DictList()
        exps.obs = [self.obss[i][j]
                    for j in range(self.num_procs)
                    for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc)]
        # for all tensors below, T x P -> P x T -> P * T
        exps.action = self.actions.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.value = self.values.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.reward = self.rewards.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.advantage = self.advantages.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.returnn = exps.value + exps.advantage
        exps.log_prob = self.log_probs.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)

        # Preprocess experiences

        exps.obs = self.preprocess_obss(exps.obs, device=self.device)

        # Log some values

        keep = max(self.log_done_counter, self.num_procs)

        log = {
            "return_per_episode": self.log_return[-keep:],
            "reshaped_return_per_episode": self.log_reshaped_return[-keep:],
            "num_frames_per_episode": self.log_num_frames[-keep:],
            "num_frames": self.num_frames

        self.log_done_counter = 0
        self.log_return = self.log_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_reshaped_return = self.log_reshaped_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_num_frames = self.log_num_frames[-self.num_procs:]

        return exps, log
コード例 #5
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: maximilianigl/rl-iter
    def collect_experiences(self, alpha):
        """Collects rollouts and computes advantages.

        Runs several environments concurrently. The next actions are computed
        in a batch mode for all environments at the same time. The rollouts
        and advantages from all environments are concatenated together.
        alpha: float between 0 and 1
            used to determine which policy to execute, based on whether
            we're currently distilling or not and what iter_type is

        exps : DictList
            Contains actions, rewards, advantages etc as attributes.
            Each attribute, e.g. `exps.reward` has a shape
            (self.num_frames_per_proc * num_envs, ...). k-th block
            of consecutive `self.num_frames_per_proc` frames contains
            data obtained from the k-th environment. Be careful not to mix
            data from different environments!
        logs : dict
            Useful stats about the training process, including the average
            reward, policy loss, value loss, etc.

        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
            with torch.no_grad():
                model_results = self.execute_model(alpha=alpha, obs=preprocessed_obs)
                dist = model_results['dist_execute']
                value_old = model_results['value_old']
                value_train = model_results['value_train']
            action = dist.sample()

            obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())

            # Update experiences values
            self.obss[i] = self.obs
            self.obs = obs
            self.masks[i] = self.mask
            self.mask = 1 - torch.tensor(done, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)

            self.actions[i] = action
            self.values_train[i] = value_train

            if alpha > 0:
                self.values_old[i] = value_old

            if self.reshape_reward is not None:
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor([
                    self.reshape_reward(obs_, action_, reward_, done_)
                    for obs_, action_, reward_, done_ in zip(obs, action, reward, done)
                ], device=self.device)
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device)
            self.log_probs[i] = dist.log_prob(action)

            # Update log values
            self.log_episode_return += torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return += self.rewards[i]
            self.log_episode_num_frames += torch.ones(self.num_procs, device=self.device)

            for i, done_ in enumerate(done):
                if done_:
                    self.log_done_counter += 1

            self.log_episode_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_num_frames *= self.mask

        # Add advantage and return to experiences

        preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
        with torch.no_grad():
            model_results = self.execute_model(alpha=alpha, obs=preprocessed_obs)
            next_value_old = model_results['value_old']
            next_value_train = model_results['value_train']

        # For self.advantages_old
        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_mask = self.masks[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else self.mask

            if alpha > 0:
                next_value_old = self.values_old[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value_old
                next_advantage_old = self.advantages_old[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0
                delta_old = self.rewards[i] + self.discount * next_value_old * next_mask - self.values_old[i]
                self.advantages_old[i] = delta_old + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage_old * next_mask

            next_value_train = self.values_train[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value_train
            next_advantage_train = self.advantages_train[i+1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0
            delta_train = self.rewards[i] + self.discount * next_value_train * next_mask - self.values_train[i]
            self.advantages_train[i] = delta_train + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage_train * next_mask

        # Define experiences:
        #   the whole experience is the concatenation of the experience
        #   of each process.
        # In comments below:
        #   - T is self.num_frames_per_proc,
        #   - P is self.num_procs,
        #   - D is the dimensionality.

        exps = DictList()
        exps.obs = [self.obss[i][j]
                    for j in range(self.num_procs)
                    for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc)]
        # for all tensors below, T x P -> P x T -> P * T
        exps.action = self.actions.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.advantage_old = self.advantages_old.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.advantage_train = self.advantages_train.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)

        if alpha > 0:
            exps.value_old = self.values_old.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
            exps.returnn_old = exps.value_old + exps.advantage_old
        exps.value_train = self.values_train.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.returnn_train = exps.value_train + exps.advantage_train

        exps.reward = self.rewards.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)
        exps.log_prob = self.log_probs.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1)

        # Preprocess experiences
        exps.obs = self.preprocess_obss(exps.obs, device=self.device)

        # Log some values
        keep = max(self.log_done_counter, self.num_procs)

        log = {
            "return_per_episode": self.log_return[-keep:],
            "reshaped_return_per_episode": self.log_reshaped_return[-keep:],
            "num_frames_per_episode": self.log_num_frames[-keep:],
            "num_frames": self.num_frames

        self.log_done_counter = 0
        self.log_return = self.log_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_reshaped_return = self.log_reshaped_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_num_frames = self.log_num_frames[-self.num_procs:]

        return exps, log
コード例 #6
    def collect_experiences(self):
        """Collects rollouts and computes advantages.

        Runs several environments concurrently. The next actions are computed
        in a batch mode for all environments at the same time. The rollouts
        and advantages from all environments are concatenated together.

        exps : DictList
            Contains actions, rewards, advantages etc as attributes.
            Each attribute, e.g. `exps.reward` has a shape
            (self.num_frames_per_proc * num_envs, ...). k-th block
            of consecutive `self.num_frames_per_proc` frames contains
            data obtained from the k-th environment. Be careful not to mix
            data from different environments!
        logs : dict
            useful stats about the training process, including the average
            reward, policy loss, value loss, etc.

        for i in range(self.num_frames_per_proc):
            # Do one agent-environment interaction

            preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs,
            with torch.no_grad():
                if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                    dist, value, memory = self.acmodel(
                        preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                    dist, value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)
            action = dist.sample()

            obs, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action.cpu().numpy())

            # Update experiences values

            self.obss[i] = self.obs
            self.obs = obs
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                self.memories[i] = self.memory
                self.memory = memory
            self.masks[i] = self.mask
            self.mask = 1 - torch.tensor(
                done, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
            self.actions[i] = action
            self.values[i] = value
            if self.reshape_reward is not None:
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor([
                    self.reshape_reward(obs_, action_, reward_, done_)
                    for obs_, action_, reward_, done_ in zip(
                        obs, action, reward, done)
                self.rewards[i] = torch.tensor(reward, device=self.device)
            self.log_probs[i] = dist.log_prob(action)

            # Update log values

            self.log_episode_return += torch.tensor(reward,
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return += self.rewards[i]
            self.log_episode_num_frames += torch.ones(self.num_procs,

            for i, done_ in enumerate(done):
                if done_:
                    self.log_done_counter += 1

            self.log_episode_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_reshaped_return *= self.mask
            self.log_episode_num_frames *= self.mask

        # Add advantage and return to experiences

        preprocessed_obs = self.preprocess_obss(self.obs, device=self.device)
        with torch.no_grad():
            if self.acmodel.recurrent:
                _, next_value, _ = self.acmodel(
                    preprocessed_obs, self.memory * self.mask.unsqueeze(1))
                _, next_value = self.acmodel(preprocessed_obs)

        for i in reversed(range(self.num_frames_per_proc)):
            next_mask = self.masks[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else self.mask
            next_value = self.values[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else next_value
            next_advantage = self.advantages[
                i + 1] if i < self.num_frames_per_proc - 1 else 0

            delta = self.rewards[
                i] + self.discount * next_value * next_mask - self.values[i]
                i] = delta + self.discount * self.gae_lambda * next_advantage * next_mask

        # Defines experiences

        exps = DictList()
        exps.obs = [obs for obss in self.obss for obs in obss]
        if self.acmodel.recurrent:
            exps.memory = self.memories.view(-1, *self.memories.shape[2:])
            exps.mask = self.masks.view(-1, *self.masks.shape[2:]).unsqueeze(1)
        exps.action = self.actions.view(-1, *self.actions.shape[2:])
        exps.value = self.values.view(-1, *self.values.shape[2:])
        exps.reward = self.rewards.view(-1, *self.rewards.shape[2:])
        exps.advantage = self.advantages.view(-1, *self.advantages.shape[2:])
        exps.returnn = exps.value + exps.advantage
        exps.log_prob = self.log_probs.view(-1, *self.log_probs.shape[2:])

        # Preprocess experiences

        exps.obs = self.preprocess_obss(exps.obs, device=self.device)

        # Log some values

        keep = max(self.log_done_counter, self.num_procs)

        log = {
            "return_per_episode": self.log_return[-keep:],
            "reshaped_return_per_episode": self.log_reshaped_return[-keep:],
            "num_frames_per_episode": self.log_num_frames[-keep:],
            "num_frames": self.num_frames

        self.log_done_counter = 0
        self.log_return = self.log_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_reshaped_return = self.log_reshaped_return[-self.num_procs:]
        self.log_num_frames = self.log_num_frames[-self.num_procs:]

        return exps, log