コード例 #1
ファイル: networks.py プロジェクト: LordHui/inr-gan
    def forward(self, x, img, ws, force_fp32=False, fused_modconv=None, **layer_kwargs):
        misc.assert_shape(ws, [None, self.num_conv + self.num_torgb, self.w_dim])
        w_iter = iter(ws.unbind(dim=1))
        dtype = torch.float16 if self.use_fp16 and not force_fp32 else torch.float32
        memory_format = torch.channels_last if self.channels_last and not force_fp32 else torch.contiguous_format

        if fused_modconv is None:
            with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings(): # this value will be treated as a constant
                fused_modconv = (not self.training) and (dtype == torch.float32 or (isinstance(x, Tensor) and int(x.shape[0]) == 1))

        # Input.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            conv1_w = next(w_iter)
            x = self.input(ws.shape[0], conv1_w, device=ws.device, dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)
            misc.assert_shape(x, [None, self.in_channels, self.input_resolution, self.input_resolution])
            x = x.to(dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)

        x = maybe_upsample(x, self.cfg.upsampling_mode, self.up)

        # Main layers.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            x = self.conv1(x, conv1_w, fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
        elif self.architecture == 'resnet':
            y = self.skip(x, gain=np.sqrt(0.5))
            x = self.conv0(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
            x = self.conv1(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, gain=np.sqrt(0.5), **layer_kwargs)
            x = y.add_(x)
            conv0_w = next(w_iter)

            if self.coord_fuser is not None:
                x = self.coord_fuser(x, conv0_w, dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)

            x = self.conv0(x, conv0_w, fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
            x = self.conv1(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)

        if not self.extra_convs is None:
            for conv, w in zip(self.extra_convs, w_iter):
                x = conv(x, w, fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)

        # ToRGB.
        if img is not None:
            misc.assert_shape(img, [None, self.img_channels, self.input_resolution, self.input_resolution])

            if self.up == 2:
                if self.cfg.upsampling_mode is None:
                    img = upfirdn2d.upsample2d(img, self.resample_filter)
                    img = maybe_upsample(img, self.cfg.upsampling_mode, 2)

        if self.is_last or self.architecture == 'skip':
            y = self.torgb(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv)
            y = y.to(dtype=torch.float32, memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
            img = img.add_(y) if img is not None else y

        assert x.dtype == dtype
        assert img is None or img.dtype == torch.float32
        return x, img
コード例 #2
def modulated_conv2d(
    x,                          # Input tensor of shape [batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width].
    weight,                     # Weight tensor of shape [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width].
    styles,                     # Modulation coefficients of shape [batch_size, in_channels].
    noise           = None,     # Optional noise tensor to add to the output activations.
    up              = 1,        # Integer upsampling factor.
    down            = 1,        # Integer downsampling factor.
    padding         = 0,        # Padding with respect to the upsampled image.
    resample_filter = None,     # Low-pass filter to apply when resampling activations. Must be prepared beforehand by calling upfirdn2d.setup_filter().
    demodulate      = True,     # Apply weight demodulation?
    flip_weight     = True,     # False = convolution, True = correlation (matches torch.nn.functional.conv2d).
    fused_modconv   = True,     # Perform modulation, convolution, and demodulation as a single fused operation?
    batch_size = x.shape[0]
    out_channels, in_channels, kh, kw = weight.shape
    misc.assert_shape(weight, [out_channels, in_channels, kh, kw]) # [OIkk]
    misc.assert_shape(x, [batch_size, in_channels, None, None]) # [NIHW]
    misc.assert_shape(styles, [batch_size, in_channels]) # [NI]

    # Pre-normalize inputs to avoid FP16 overflow.
    if x.dtype == torch.float16 and demodulate:
        weight = weight * (1 / np.sqrt(in_channels * kh * kw) / weight.norm(float('inf'), dim=[1,2,3], keepdim=True)) # max_Ikk
        styles = styles / styles.norm(float('inf'), dim=1, keepdim=True) # max_I

    # Calculate per-sample weights and demodulation coefficients.
    w = None
    dcoefs = None
    if demodulate or fused_modconv:
        w = weight.unsqueeze(0) # [NOIkk]
        w = w * styles.reshape(batch_size, 1, -1, 1, 1) # [NOIkk]
    if demodulate:
        dcoefs = (w.square().sum(dim=[2,3,4]) + 1e-8).rsqrt() # [NO]
    if demodulate and fused_modconv:
        w = w * dcoefs.reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1, 1) # [NOIkk]

    # Execute by scaling the activations before and after the convolution.
    if not fused_modconv:
        x = x * styles.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1)
        x = conv2d_resample.conv2d_resample(x=x, w=weight.to(x.dtype), f=resample_filter, up=up, down=down, padding=padding, flip_weight=flip_weight)
        if demodulate and noise is not None:
            x = fma.fma(x, dcoefs.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1), noise.to(x.dtype))
        elif demodulate:
            x = x * dcoefs.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1)
        elif noise is not None:
            x = x.add_(noise.to(x.dtype))
        return x

    # Execute as one fused op using grouped convolution.
    with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings(): # this value will be treated as a constant
        batch_size = int(batch_size)
    misc.assert_shape(x, [batch_size, in_channels, None, None])
    x = x.reshape(1, -1, *x.shape[2:])
    w = w.reshape(-1, in_channels, kh, kw)
    x = conv2d_resample.conv2d_resample(x=x, w=w.to(x.dtype), f=resample_filter, up=up, down=down, padding=padding, groups=batch_size, flip_weight=flip_weight)
    x = x.reshape(batch_size, -1, *x.shape[2:])
    if noise is not None:
        x = x.add_(noise)
    return x
コード例 #3
ファイル: networks.py プロジェクト: LordHui/inr-gan
    def forward(self, x):
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings(): # as_tensor results are registered as constants
            G = torch.min(torch.as_tensor(self.group_size), torch.as_tensor(N)) if self.group_size is not None else N
        F = self.num_channels
        c = C // F

        y = x.reshape(G, -1, F, c, H, W)    # [GnFcHW] Split minibatch N into n groups of size G, and channels C into F groups of size c.
        y = y - y.mean(dim=0)               # [GnFcHW] Subtract mean over group.
        y = y.square().mean(dim=0)          # [nFcHW]  Calc variance over group.
        y = (y + 1e-8).sqrt()               # [nFcHW]  Calc stddev over group.
        y = y.mean(dim=[2,3,4])             # [nF]     Take average over channels and pixels.
        y = y.reshape(-1, F, 1, 1)          # [nF11]   Add missing dimensions.
        y = y.repeat(G, 1, H, W)            # [NFHW]   Replicate over group and pixels.
        x = torch.cat([x, y], dim=1)        # [NCHW]   Append to input as new channels.
        return x
コード例 #4
    def forward(self, x, img, ws, force_fp32=False, fused_modconv=None, **layer_kwargs):
        misc.assert_shape(ws, [None, self.num_conv + self.num_torgb, self.w_dim])
        w_iter = iter(ws.unbind(dim=1))
        dtype = torch.float16 if self.use_fp16 and not force_fp32 else torch.float32
        memory_format = torch.channels_last if self.channels_last and not force_fp32 else torch.contiguous_format
        if fused_modconv is None:
            with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings(): # this value will be treated as a constant
                fused_modconv = (not self.training) and (dtype == torch.float32 or int(x.shape[0]) == 1)

        # Input.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            x = self.const.to(dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)
            x = x.unsqueeze(0).repeat([ws.shape[0], 1, 1, 1])
# !!! custom
            misc.assert_shape(x, [None, self.in_channels, self.resolution * self.init_res[0] // 8, self.resolution * self.init_res[1] // 8])
            # misc.assert_shape(x, [None, self.in_channels, self.resolution // 2, self.resolution // 2])
            x = x.to(dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)

        # Main layers.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            x = self.conv1(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
        elif self.architecture == 'resnet':
            y = self.skip(x, gain=np.sqrt(0.5))
            x = self.conv0(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
            x = self.conv1(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, gain=np.sqrt(0.5), **layer_kwargs)
            x = y.add_(x)
            x = self.conv0(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)
            x = self.conv1(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv, **layer_kwargs)

        # ToRGB.
        if img is not None:
# !!! custom
            misc.assert_shape(img, [None, self.img_channels, self.resolution * self.init_res[0] // 8, self.resolution * self.init_res[1] // 8])
            # misc.assert_shape(img, [None, self.img_channels, self.resolution // 2, self.resolution // 2])
            img = upfirdn2d.upsample2d(img, self.resample_filter)
        if self.is_last or self.architecture == 'skip':
            y = self.torgb(x, next(w_iter), fused_modconv=fused_modconv)
            y = y.to(dtype=torch.float32, memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
            img = img.add_(y) if img is not None else y

        assert x.dtype == dtype
        assert img is None or img.dtype == torch.float32
        return x, img
def modulated_conv2d(
        x,  # input, shape=[batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width]
        weight,  # weights, shape=[out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width]
        styles,  # modulation co-efficients, shape=[batch_size, in_channels]
        noise=None,  # to add noise to the output activations
        up=1,  # upsampling factpr
        down=1,  # downsampling factor
        padding=0,  # padding as per upsampled image
        demodulate=True,  # Weight demodulation
        fused_modconv=True,  # To perform modulation
    batch_size = x.shape[0]
    out_channels, in_channels, kh, kw = weight.shape

    misc.assert_shape(weight, [out_channels, in_channels, kh, kw])
    misc.assert_shape(x, [batch_size, in_channels, None, None])
    misc.assert_shape(styles, [batch_size, in_channels])

    # Normalize inputs
    if x.dtype == torch.float16 and demodulate:
        weight = weight * (1 / np.sqrt(in_channels * kh * kw) / weight.norm(
            float('inf'), dim=[1, 2, 3], keepdim=True))
        styles = styles / styles.norm(float('inf'), dim=1, keepdim=True)

    # Calculate sample weights and demodultion coefficients
    w = None
    demod_coeff = None

    if demodulate or fused_modconv:
        w = weight.unsqueeze(0)
        w = w + styles.reshape(batch_size, 1, -1, 1, 1)

    if demodulate:
        demod_coeff = (w.square().sum(dim=[2, 3, 4]) + 1e-8).rsqrt()

    if demodulate and fused_modconv:
        w = w * demod_coeff.reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1, 1)

    # Modulation execution by scaling activations
    if not fused_modconv:
        x = x * styles.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1)
        x = conv2d_resample.conv2d_resample(

        if demodulate and noise is not None:
            x = fma.fma(x,
                        demod_coeff.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1),
        elif demodulate:
            x = x * demod_coeff.to(x.dtype).reshape(batch_size, -1, 1, 1)
        elif noise is not None:
            x = x.add_(noise.to(x.dtype))

        return x

    with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings():
        batch_size = int(batch_size)

    misc.assert_shape(x, [batch_size, in_channels, None, None])
    x = x.reshape(1, 1, *x.shape[2:])
    w = w.reshape(-1, in_channels, kh, kw)

    x = conv2d_resample.conv2d_resample(
    x = x.reshape(batch_size, -1, *x.shape[2:])

    if noise is not None:
        x = x.add_(noise)

    return x
コード例 #6
    def forward(self,
                          [None, self.num_conv + self.num_torgb, self.w_dim])
        w_iter = iter(ws.unbind(dim=1))
        dtype = torch.float16 if self.use_fp16 and not force_fp32 else torch.float32
        memory_format = torch.channels_last if self.channels_last and not force_fp32 else torch.contiguous_format
        if fused_modconv is None:
            with misc.suppress_tracer_warnings(
            ):  # this value will be treated as a constant
                fused_modconv = (not self.training) and (
                    dtype == torch.float32 or int(x.shape[0]) == 1)

        # Input.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            x = self.const.to(dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)
            x = x.unsqueeze(0).repeat([ws.shape[0], 1, 1, 1])
            misc.assert_shape(x, [
                None, self.in_channels, self.resolution // 2,
                self.resolution // 2
            x = x.to(dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format)

        # Main layers.
        if self.in_channels == 0:
            x = self.conv1(x,
        elif self.architecture == 'resnet':
            y = self.skip(x, gain=np.sqrt(0.5))
            x = self.conv0(x,
            x = self.conv1(x,
            x = y.add_(x)
            x = self.conv0(x,
            x = self.conv1(x,

        # ToRGB.
        if img is not None:
            misc.assert_shape(img, [
                None, self.img_channels + self.segmentation_channels,
                self.resolution // 2, self.resolution // 2
            img = upfirdn2d.upsample2d(img, self.resample_filter)

        if self.is_last or self.architecture == 'skip':
            w_temp = next(w_iter)
            rgb = self.torgb(x, w_temp, fused_modconv=fused_modconv)
            rgb = rgb.to(dtype=torch.float32,
            segmentation = self.tosegmentation(x,
            newImg = torch.cat((rgb, segmentation), dim=1)
            img = img.add_(newImg) if img is not None else newImg

            if self.is_last:
                originalSegmentation = img[:, 3:]
                maxs = torch.max(originalSegmentation, dim=1)[0].unsqueeze(1)
                afterSubtraction = originalSegmentation - maxs + self.eps
                finalArray = torch.round(
                    torch.max(self.zeroTensor, afterSubtraction) / self.eps)

                img[:, 3:] = finalArray

        assert x.dtype == dtype
        assert img is None or img.dtype == torch.float32
        return x, img