コード例 #1
def retrieval_r_precision(preds: Tensor, target: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the r-precision metric (for information retrieval). R-Precision is the fraction of relevant
    documents among all the top ``k`` retrieved documents where ``k`` is equal to the total number of relevant

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be `float`,
    otherwise an error is raised. If you want to measure Precision@K, ``k`` must be a positive integer.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.

        a single-value tensor with the r-precision of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_r_precision(preds, target)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    relevant_number = target.sum()
    if not relevant_number:
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    relevant = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)][:relevant_number].sum().float()
    return relevant / relevant_number
コード例 #2
ファイル: reciprocal_rank.py プロジェクト: Borda/metrics
def retrieval_reciprocal_rank(preds: Tensor, target: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Computes reciprocal rank (for information retrieval). See `Mean Reciprocal Rank`_

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    0 is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be ``float``,
    otherwise an error is raised.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.

        a single-value tensor with the reciprocal rank (RR) of the predictions ``preds`` wrt the labels ``target``.

        >>> from torchmetrics.functional import retrieval_reciprocal_rank
        >>> preds = torch.tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = torch.tensor([False, True, False])
        >>> retrieval_reciprocal_rank(preds, target)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    target = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)]
    position = torch.nonzero(target).view(-1)
    res = 1.0 / (position[0] + 1.0)
    return res
コード例 #3
def retrieval_average_precision(preds: Tensor, target: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Computes average precision (for information retrieval), as explained in `IR Average precision`_.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be `float`,
    otherwise an error is raised.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.

        a single-value tensor with the average precision (AP) of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

        >>> from torchmetrics.functional import retrieval_average_precision
        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_average_precision(preds, target)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    target = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)]
    positions = torch.arange(1,
                             len(target) + 1,
                             dtype=torch.float32)[target > 0]
    res = torch.div((torch.arange(
        len(positions), device=positions.device, dtype=torch.float32) + 1),
    return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: precision.py プロジェクト: Borda/metrics
def retrieval_precision(preds: Tensor,
                        target: Tensor,
                        k: Optional[int] = None,
                        adaptive_k: bool = False) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the precision metric (for information retrieval). Precision is the fraction of relevant documents
    among all the retrieved documents.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be ``float``,
    otherwise an error is raised. If you want to measure Precision@K, ``k`` must be a positive integer.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: ``None``, which considers them all)
        adaptive_k: adjust `k` to `min(k, number of documents)` for each query

        a single-value tensor with the precision (at ``k``) of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

            If ``k`` is not `None` or an integer larger than 0.
            If ``adaptive_k`` is not boolean.

        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_precision(preds, target, k=2)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    if not isinstance(adaptive_k, bool):
        raise ValueError("`adaptive_k` has to be a boolean")

    if k is None or (adaptive_k and k > preds.shape[-1]):
        k = preds.shape[-1]

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    relevant = target[preds.topk(min(k, preds.shape[-1]),
    return relevant / k
コード例 #5
def retrieval_normalized_dcg(preds: Tensor, target: Tensor, k: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Computes `Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain`_ (for information retrieval).

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device.
    ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be `float`,
    otherwise an error is raised.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document relevance.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: `None`, which considers them all)

        a single-value tensor with the nDCG of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

            If ``k`` parameter is not `None` or an integer larger than 0

        >>> from torchmetrics.functional import retrieval_normalized_dcg
        >>> preds = torch.tensor([.1, .2, .3, 4, 70])
        >>> target = torch.tensor([10, 0, 0, 1, 5])
        >>> retrieval_normalized_dcg(preds, target)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target, allow_non_binary_target=True)

    k = preds.shape[-1] if k is None else k

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    sorted_target = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)][:k]
    ideal_target = torch.sort(target, descending=True)[0][:k]

    ideal_dcg = _dcg(ideal_target)
    target_dcg = _dcg(sorted_target)

    # filter undefined scores
    all_irrelevant = ideal_dcg == 0
    target_dcg[all_irrelevant] = 0
    target_dcg[~all_irrelevant] /= ideal_dcg[~all_irrelevant]

    return target_dcg.mean()
コード例 #6
ファイル: fall_out.py プロジェクト: Borda/metrics
def retrieval_fall_out(preds: Tensor,
                       target: Tensor,
                       k: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the Fall-out (for information retrieval), as explained in `IR Fall-out`_ Fall-out is the fraction
    of non-relevant documents retrieved among all the non-relevant documents.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be ``float``,
    otherwise an error is raised. If you want to measure Fall-out@K, ``k`` must be a positive integer.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: ``None``, which considers them all)

        a single-value tensor with the fall-out (at ``k``) of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

            If ``k`` parameter is not `None` or an integer larger than 0

        >>> from  torchmetrics.functional import retrieval_fall_out
        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_fall_out(preds, target, k=2)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    k = preds.shape[-1] if k is None else k

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    target = 1 - target  # we want to compute the probability of getting a non-relevant doc among all non-relevant docs

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    relevant = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1,
    return relevant / target.sum()
コード例 #7
def retrieval_normalized_dcg(preds: Tensor,
                             target: Tensor,
                             k: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    Computes Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (for information retrieval), as explained
    `here <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discounted_cumulative_gain>`__.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device.
    ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be `float`,
    otherwise an error is raised.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document relevance.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: None)

        a single-value tensor with the nDCG of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

        >>> from torchmetrics.functional import retrieval_normalized_dcg
        >>> preds = torch.tensor([.1, .2, .3, 4, 70])
        >>> target = torch.tensor([10, 0, 0, 1, 5])
        >>> retrieval_normalized_dcg(preds, target)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(
        preds, target, allow_non_binary_target=True)

    k = preds.shape[-1] if k is None else k

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    sorted_target = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)][:k]
    ideal_target = torch.sort(target, descending=True)[0][:k]

    return _dcg(sorted_target) / _dcg(ideal_target)
コード例 #8
ファイル: precision.py プロジェクト: tmachnitzki/metrics
def retrieval_precision(preds: Tensor,
                        target: Tensor,
                        k: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    Computes the precision metric (for information retrieval),
    as explained `here <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall#Precision>`__.
    Precision is the fraction of relevant documents among all the retrieved documents.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be `float`,
    otherwise an error is raised. If you want to measure Precision@K, ``k`` must be a positive integer.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: None)

        a single-value tensor with the precision (at ``k``) of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_precision(preds, target, k=2)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    if k is None:
        k = preds.shape[-1]

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    if not target.sum():
        return tensor(0.0, device=preds.device)

    relevant = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1,
    return relevant / k
コード例 #9
def retrieval_hit_rate(preds: Tensor,
                       target: Tensor,
                       k: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the hit rate (for information retrieval). The hit rate is 1.0 if there is at least one relevant
    document among all the top `k` retrieved documents.

    ``preds`` and ``target`` should be of the same shape and live on the same device. If no ``target`` is ``True``,
    ``0`` is returned. ``target`` must be either `bool` or `integers` and ``preds`` must be ``float``,
    otherwise an error is raised. If you want to measure HitRate@K, ``k`` must be a positive integer.

        preds: estimated probabilities of each document to be relevant.
        target: ground truth about each document being relevant or not.
        k: consider only the top k elements (default: `None`, which considers them all)

        a single-value tensor with the hit rate (at ``k``) of the predictions ``preds`` w.r.t. the labels ``target``.

            If ``k`` parameter is not `None` or an integer larger than 0

        >>> preds = tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        >>> target = tensor([True, False, True])
        >>> retrieval_hit_rate(preds, target, k=2)
    preds, target = _check_retrieval_functional_inputs(preds, target)

    if k is None:
        k = preds.shape[-1]

    if not (isinstance(k, int) and k > 0):
        raise ValueError("`k` has to be a positive integer or None")

    relevant = target[torch.argsort(preds, dim=-1, descending=True)][:k].sum()
    return (relevant > 0).float()