def rt2ct(y, axis=0): r"""Converts a real-valued tensor to a complex-valued tensor Converts a real-valued tensor :math:`{\bf y}` to a complex-valued tensor with FFT and conjugate symmetry. Parameters ---------- y : Tensor The input tensor :math:`{\bf y}\in {\mathbb C}^{2H×W}`. axis : int The axis for excuting FFT. Returns ------- Tensor The output tensor :math:`{\bf x}\in {\mathbb R}^{H×W}` ( :attr:`axis` = 0 ), :math:`{\bf x}\in {\mathbb R}^{H×W}` ( :attr:`axis` = 1 ) """ d = y.dim() n = y.shape[axis] Y = th.fft.fft(y, axis=axis) X = Y[sl(d, axis, range(0, int(n / 2)))] X[sl(d, axis, [[0]])].imag = Y[sl(d, axis, [[int(n / 2)]])].real del y, Y x = th.fft.ifft(X, axis=axis) return x
def ct2rt(x, axis=0): r"""Converts a complex-valued tensor to a real-valued tensor Converts a complex-valued tensor :math:`{\bf x}` to a real-valued tensor with FFT and conjugate symmetry. Parameters ---------- x : Tensor The input tensor :math:`{\bf x}\in {\mathbb C}^{H×W}`. axis : int The axis for excuting FFT. Returns ------- Tensor The output tensor :math:`{\bf y}\in {\mathbb R}^{2H×W}` ( :attr:`axis` = 0 ), :math:`{\bf y}\in {\mathbb R}^{H×2W}` ( :attr:`axis` = 1 ) """ d = x.dim() n = x.shape[axis] X = th.fft.fft(x, axis=axis) X0 = X[sl(d, axis, [[0]])] X1 = th.conj(X[sl(d, axis, range(n - 1, 0, -1))]) Y =, X0.imag, X1), dim=axis) Y[sl(d, axis, [[0]])] = X0.real + 0j del x, X, X1 y = th.fft.ifft(Y, axis=axis) return y
def patch2tensor(p, size=(256, 256), axis=(1, 2), mode='nfirst'): """merge patch to a tensor Args: p (Tensor): A tensor of patches. size (tuple, optional): Merged tensor size in the dimension (the default is (256, 256)). axis (tuple, optional): Merged axis of patch (the default is (1, 2)) mode (str, optional): Patch mode ``'nfirst'`` or ``'nlast'`` (the default is 'nfirst', which means the first dimension is the number of patches) Returns: Tensor: Merged tensor. """ naxis = len(axis) sizep = list(p.shape) sizex = list(p.shape) dimp = p.dim() axisp = list(range(0, dimp)) npatch = [] steps = sizep.copy() for a, s in zip(axis, size): npatch.append(int((s * 1.) / sizep[a])) sizex[a] = s steps[a] = sizep[a] if mode in ['nfirst', 'Nfirst', 'NFIRST']: axisn = 0 N = p.shape[0] sizex = sizex[1:] steps = sizep[1:] if mode in ['nlast', 'Nlast', 'NLAST']: axisn = -1 N = p.shape[-1] sizex = sizex[:-1] steps = sizep[:-1] x = th.zeros(sizex, dtype=p.dtype, device=p.device) dimx = x.dim() axisx = list(range(dimx)) index = [] for a, stop, step in zip(axisx, sizex, steps): idx = np.array(range(0, stop, step)) index.append(idx) index = arraycomb(index) naxisx = len(axisx) for n in range(N): indexn = [] for a in axisx: indexn.append(slice(index[n, a], index[n, a] + steps[a], 1)) x[sl(dimx, axisx, indexn)] = p[sl(dimp, axisn, n)] return x
def draw_rectangle(x, rects, edgecolors=[[255, 0, 0]], linewidths=[1], fillcolors=[None], axes=(-3, -2)): """Draw rectangles in a tensor Parameters ---------- x : tensor The input with any size. rects : list or tuple The coordinates of the rectangles [[lefttop, rightbottom]]. edgecolors : list, optional The color of edge. linewidths : int, optional The linewidths of edge. fillcolors : int, optional The color for filling. axes : int, optional The axes for drawing the rect (default [(-3, -2)]). """ axes = axes * len(rects) if len(axes) == 1 and len(rects) > 1 else axes if type(x) is not th.Tensor: x = th.tensor(x) d = x.dim() for rect, edgecolor, linewidth, fillcolor, axis in zip(rects, edgecolors, linewidths, fillcolors, axes): edgecolor = th.tensor(edgecolor, dtype=x.dtype) if edgecolor is not None else None fillcolor = th.tensor(fillcolor, dtype=x.dtype) if fillcolor is not None else None if edgecolor is not None: top, left, bottom, right = rect for l in range(linewidth): x[sl(d, axis, [slice(top, bottom + 1), [left, right]])] = edgecolor x[sl(d, axis, [[top, bottom], slice(left, right)])] = edgecolor top += 1 left += 1 bottom -= 1 right -= 1 if fillcolor is not None: top, left, bottom, right = rect top += linewidth left += linewidth bottom -= linewidth right -= linewidth x[sl(d, axis, [slice(top, bottom + 1), slice(left, right + 1)])] = fillcolor return x
def forward(self, X): if th.is_complex(X): X = ((X * X.conj()).real).sqrt() elif X.size(-1) == 2: X = X.pow(2).sum(axis=-1).sqrt() D = X.dim() # compute gradients in axis direction for a in self.axis: d = X.size(a) X = th.abs(X[sl(D, a, range(1, d))] - X[sl(D, a, range(0, d - 1))]) G = th.mean(X, self.axis, keepdim=True) if self.reduction == 'mean': V = th.mean(G) if self.reduction == 'sum': V = th.sum(G) return V
def dnsampling(x, ratio=1., axis=-1, smode='uniform', omode='discard', seed=None, extra=False): """Summary Args: x (Tensor): The Input tensor. ratio (float, optional): Downsampling ratio. axis (int, optional): Downsampling axis (default -1). smode (str, optional): Downsampling mode: ``'uniform'``, ``'random'``, ``'random2'``. omode (str, optional): output mode: ``'discard'`` for discarding, ``'zero'`` for zero filling. seed (int or None, optional): seed for torch's random. extra (bool, optional): If ``True``, also return sampling mask. Returns: (Tensor): Description Raises: TypeError: :attr:`axis` ValueError: :attr:`ratio`, attr:`smode`, attr:`omode` """ nDims = x.dim() if type(axis) is int: if type(ratio) is not float: raise ValueError('Downsampling ratio should be a number!') axis = [axis] ratio = [ratio] elif type(axis) is list or tuple: if len(axis) != len(ratio): raise ValueError('You should specify the DS ratio for each axis!') else: raise TypeError('Wrong type of axis!') axis, ratio = list(axis), list(ratio) for cnt in range(len(axis)): if axis[cnt] < 0: axis[cnt] += nDims # ratio[cnt] = 1. - ratio[cnt] cnt += 1 if omode in ['discard', 'DISCARD', 'Discard']: if smode not in ['uniform', 'UNIFORM', 'Uniform']: raise ValueError("Only support uniform mode!") index = [slice(None)] * nDims for a, r in zip(axis, ratio): sa = x.shape[a] da = int(round(1. / r)) index[a] = slice(0, sa, da) index = tuple(index) if extra: return x[index], index else: return x[index] elif omode in ['zero', 'ZERO', 'Zeros']: mshape = [1] * nDims for a in axis: mshape[a] = x.shape[a] mask = th.zeros(mshape, dtype=th.uint8, device=x.device) if smode in ['uniform', 'UNIFORM', 'Uniform']: for a, r in zip(axis, ratio): sa = x.shape[a] da = int(round(1. / r)) idx = sl(nDims, a, slice(0, sa, da)) mask[idx] += 1 mask[mask < len(axis)] = 0 mask[mask >= len(axis)] = 1 elif smode in ['random', 'RANDOM', 'Random']: setseed(seed, target='torch') for a, r in zip(axis, ratio): d = x.dim() s = x.shape[a] n = int(round(s * r)) idx = randperm(0, s, n) idx = np.sort(idx) idx = sl(d, a, idx) mask[idx] += 1 mask[mask < len(axis)] = 0 mask[mask >= len(axis)] = 1 elif smode in ['random2', 'RANDOM2', 'Random2']: setseed(seed, target='torch') d = x.dim() s0, s1 = x.shape[axis[0]], x.shape[axis[1]] n0, n1 = int(round(s0 * ratio[0])), int(round(s1 * ratio[0])) idx0 = randperm(0, s0, n0) # idx0 = np.sort(idx0) for i0 in idx0: idx1 = randperm(0, s1, n1) mask[sl(d, [axis[0], axis[1]], [[i0], idx1])] = 1 else: raise ValueError('Not supported sampling mode: %s!' % smode) if extra: return x * mask, mask else: return x * mask else: raise ValueError('Not supported output mode: %s!' % omode)
def read_samples(datafiles, keys=[['SI', 'ca', 'cr']], nsamples=[10], groups=[1], mode='sequentially', axis=0, parts=None, seed=None): """Read samples Args: datafiles (list): list of path strings keys (list, optional): data keys to be read nsamples (list, optional): number of samples for each data file groups (list, optional): number of groups in each data file mode (str, optional): sampling mode for all datafiles axis (int, optional): sampling axis for all datafiles parts (None, optional): number of parts (split samples into some parts) seed (None, optional): the seed for random stream Returns: tensor: samples Raises: ValueError: :attr:`nsamples` should be large enough """ nfiles = len(datafiles) if len(keys) == 1: keys = keys * nfiles if len(nsamples) == 1: nsamples = nsamples * nfiles if len(groups) == 1: groups = groups * nfiles nkeys = len(keys[0]) if parts is None: outs = [th.tensor([])] * nkeys else: nparts = len(parts) outs = [[th.tensor([])] * nparts] * nkeys for datafile, key, n, group in zip(datafiles, keys, nsamples, groups): if datafile[datafile.rfind('.'):] == '.mat': data = loadmat(datafile) if datafile[datafile.rfind('.'):] in ['.h5', '.hdf5']: data = loadh5(datafile) N = data[key[0]].shape[axis] M = int(N / group) # each group has M samples m = int(n / group) # each group has m sampled samples if (M < m): raise ValueError('The tensor does not has enough samples') idx = [] if mode in ['sequentially', 'Sequentially']: for g in range(group): idx += list(range(int(M * g), int(M * g) + m)) if mode in ['uniformly', 'Uniformly']: for g in range(group): idx += list(range(int(M * g), int(M * g + M), int(M / m)))[:m] if mode in ['randomly', 'Randomly']: setseed(seed) for g in range(group): idx += randperm(int(M * g), int(M * g + M), m) for j, k in enumerate(key): d = np.ndim(data[k]) if parts is None: outs[j] = (outs[j], th.from_numpy(data[k][sl(d, axis, [idx])])), axis=axis) else: nps, npe = 0, 0 for i in range(nparts): part = parts[i] npe = nps + int(part * group) outs[j][i] = (outs[j][i], th.from_numpy(data[k][sl(d, axis, [idx[nps:npe]])])), axis=axis) nps = npe return outs
def tensor2patch(x, n=None, size=(256, 256), axis=(0, 1), start=(0, 0), stop=(None, None), step=(1, 1), shake=(0, 0), mode='slidegrid', seed=None): """sample patch from a tensor Sample some patches from a tensor, tensor and patch can be any size. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor to be sampled. n (int, optional): The number of pactches, the default is None, auto computed, equals to the number of blocks with specified :attr:`step` size (tuple or int, optional): The size of patch (the default is (256, 256)) axis (tuple or int, optional): The sampling axis (the default is (0, 1)) start (tuple or int, optional): Start sampling index for each axis (the default is (0, 0)) stop (tuple or int, optional): Stopp sampling index for each axis. (the default is (None, None), which [default_description]) step (tuple or int, optional): Sampling stepsize for each axis (the default is (1, 1), which [default_description]) shake (tuple or int or float, optional): float for shake rate, int for shake points (the default is (0, 0), which means no shake) mode (str, optional): Sampling mode, ``'slidegrid'``, ``'randgrid'``, ``'randperm'`` (the default is 'slidegrid') seed (int, optional): Random seed. (the default is None, which means no seed.) Returns: (Tensor): A Tensor of sampled patches. """ axis = [axis] if type(axis) is int else list(axis) naxis = len(axis) sizep = [size] * naxis if type(size) is int else list(size) start = [start] * naxis if type(start) is int else list(start) stop = [stop] * naxis if type(stop) is int else list(stop) step = [step] * naxis if type(step) is int else list(step) shake = [shake] * naxis if type(shake) is float else list(shake) dimx = x.dim() dimp = len(axis) sizex = np.array(x.shape) sizep = np.array(sizep) npatch = [] npatch = np.uint32(sizex[axis] / sizep) N = int( n = N if n is None else int(n) yshape = list(x.shape) for a, p in zip(axis, sizep): yshape[a] = p yshape = [n] + yshape for i in range(naxis): if stop[i] is None: stop[i] = sizex[axis[i]] y = th.zeros(yshape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) if mode in ['slidegrid', 'SLIDEGRID', 'SlideGrid']: assert n <= N, ('n should be slower than ' + str(N + 1)) seppos = slidegrid(start, stop, step, shake, n) if mode in ['randgrid', 'RANDGRID', 'RandGrid']: assert n <= N, ('n should be slower than ' + str(N + 1)) setseed(seed, target='torch') seppos = randgrid(start, stop, step, shake, n) if mode in ['randperm', 'RANDPERM', 'RandPerm']: setseed(seed, target='torch') stop = [x - y for x, y in zip(stop, sizep)] seppos = randgrid(start, stop, [1] * dimp, [0] * dimp, n) for i in range(n): indexi = [] for j in range(dimp): indexi.append(slice(seppos[j][i], seppos[j][i] + sizep[j])) t = x[sl(dimx, axis, indexi)] y[i] = t return y
def shuffle_tensor(x, axis=0, groups=1, mode='inter', seed=None, extra=False): """shuffle a tensor Shuffle a tensor randomly. Args: x (Tensor): A torch tensor to be shuffled. axis (int, optional): The axis to be shuffled (default 0) groups (number, optional): The number of groups in this tensor (default 1) mode (str, optional): - ``'inter'``: between groups (default) - ``'intra'``: within group - ``'whole'``: the whole seed (None or number, optional): random seed (the default is None) extra (bool, optional): If ``True``, also returns the shuffle indexes, the default is ``False``. Returns: y (Tensor): Shuffled torch tensor. idx (list): Shuffled indexes, if :attr:`extra` is ``True``, this will also be returned. Example: :: setseed(2020, 'torch') x = th.randint(1000, (20, 3, 4)) y1, idx1 = shuffle_tensor(x, axis=0, groups=4, mode='intra', extra=True) y2, idx2 = shuffle_tensor(x, axis=0, groups=4, mode='inter', extra=True) y3, idx3 = shuffle_tensor(x, axis=0, groups=4, mode='whole', extra=True) print(x.shape) print(y1.shape) print(y2.shape) print(y3.shape) print(idx1) print(idx2) print(idx3) the outputs are as follows: torch.Size([20, 3, 4]) torch.Size([20, 3, 4]) torch.Size([20, 3, 4]) torch.Size([20, 3, 4]) [1, 0, 3, 4, 2, 8, 6, 5, 9, 7, 13, 11, 12, 14, 10, 18, 15, 17, 16, 19] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] [1, 13, 12, 5, 19, 9, 11, 6, 4, 16, 17, 3, 8, 18, 7, 10, 15, 0, 14, 2] """ N = x.shape[axis] M = int(N / groups) # each group has M samples idx = [] setseed(seed, target='torch') if mode in ['whole', 'Whole', 'WHOLE']: idx = list(randperm(0, N, N).numpy()) if mode in ['intra', 'Intra', 'INTRA']: for g in range(groups): idx += list(randperm(int(M * g), int(M * g + M), M).numpy()) if mode in ['inter', 'Inter', 'INTER']: for g in range(groups): idx += [list(range(int(M * g), int(M * g + M)))] groupidx = list(randperm(0, groups, groups).numpy()) iidx = idx.copy() idx = [] for i in groupidx: idx += iidx[i] if extra: return x[sl(x.dim(), axis=axis, idx=[idx])], idx else: return x[sl(x.dim(), axis=axis, idx=[idx])]
def sample_tensor(x, n, axis=0, groups=1, mode='sequentially', seed=None, extra=False): """sample a tensor Sample a tensor sequentially/uniformly/randomly. Args: x (torch.Tensor): a torch tensor to be sampled n (int): sample number axis (int, optional): the axis to be sampled (the default is 0) groups (int, optional): number of groups in this tensor (the default is 1) mode (str, optional): - ``'sequentially'``: evenly spaced (default) - ``'uniformly'``: [0, int(n/groups)] - ``'randomly'``: randomly selected, non-returned sampling seed (None or int, optional): only work for ``'randomly'`` mode (the default is None) extra (bool, optional): If ``True``, also return the selected indexes, the default is ``False``. Returns: y (torch.Tensor): Sampled torch tensor. idx (list): Sampled indexes, if :attr:`extra` is ``True``, this will also be returned. Example: :: setseed(2020, 'torch') x = th.randint(1000, (20, 3, 4)) y1, idx1 = sample_tensor(x, 10, axis=0, groups=2, mode='sequentially', extra=True) y2, idx2 = sample_tensor(x, 10, axis=0, groups=2, mode='uniformly', extra=True) y3, idx3 = sample_tensor(x, 10, axis=0, groups=2, mode='randomly', extra=True) print(x.shape) print(y1.shape) print(y2.shape) print(y3.shape) print(idx1) print(idx2) print(idx3) the outputs are as follows: torch.Size([20, 3, 4]) torch.Size([10, 3, 4]) torch.Size([10, 3, 4]) torch.Size([10, 3, 4]) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] [3, 1, 5, 8, 7, 17, 18, 13, 16, 10] Raises: ValueError: The tensor does not has enough samples. """ N = x.shape[axis] M = int(N / groups) # each group has M samples m = int(n / groups) # each group has m sampled samples if (M < m): raise ValueError('The tensor does not has enough samples') idx = [] if mode in ['sequentially', 'Sequentially']: for g in range(groups): idx += list(range(int(M * g), int(M * g) + m)) if mode in ['uniformly', 'Uniformly']: for g in range(groups): idx += list(range(int(M * g), int(M * g + M), int(M / m)))[:m] if mode in ['randomly', 'Randomly']: setseed(seed, target='torch') for g in range(groups): idx += list(randperm(int(M * g), int(M * g + M), m).numpy()) if extra: return x[sl(x.dim(), axis=axis, idx=[idx])], idx else: return x[sl(x.dim(), axis=axis, idx=[idx])]