def get_current_user(self, request: web.RequestHandler) -> dict: cookies = dict() # Pass through cookies for name in request.request.cookies: cookies[name] = request.get_cookie(name) if "noteable_auth" not in cookies: logging.debug(f"No noteable_auth cookie found - got {','.join(request.request.cookies)}") return None encoded = cookies["noteable_auth"] result = jwt.decode(encoded, self.jwt_key, algorithms=["HS256"]) # TODO this _ to - transformation is unfortunate but the alternatives are also bad # Due to changes in the API in aug/sept 2020 the username was transformed for the UI to appear # as 1-xyz instead of 1_xyz. This was due to K8S only supporting DNS compatible characters for some reasources # which _ isn't. The other nice benefit was to get rid of %2F in places. Unfortunately nbexchange used this # same API and its username format was changed at the same time. # The username is used in the path to user assignment submissions and is recorded in the nbexchange database # and on the NFS filesystem. Changing this back would require these usernames are reformatted from their # 1-xyz format back to 1_xyz transformed_username = result["username"].replace("_", "-", 1) # We need to strip out forward slashes from the username. If not, the created paths will be invalid transformed_username = transformed_username.replace("/", "-") return { "name": transformed_username, "full_name": result.get("n_fn", ""), "course_id": result["n_cid"], "course_title": result["n_cnm"], "course_role": result["n_rl"], "org_id": result["n_oid"], "cust_id": result["n_cust_id"], }
def _get_user_identificators( request_handler: RequestHandler) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { f'custom_{key}': request_handler.get_cookie(key) for key in _REQUIRED_COOKIE_KEYS }
def track_page_view(handler): """ // Track a page view, updates all the cookies and campaign tracker, // makes a server side request to Google Analytics and writes the transparent // gif byte data to the response. """ time_tup = time.localtime(time.time() + COOKIE_USER_PERSISTENCE) # set some useful items in environ: x_utmac = handler.request.arguments.get('x_utmac', '') domain = handler.request.headers.get('Host', '') # Get the referrer from the utmr parameter, this is the referrer to the # page that contains the tracking pixel, not the referrer for tracking # pixel. document_referer = handler.request.arguments.get('utmr', []) if not document_referer or document_referer == "0": document_referer = "-" else: document_referer = document_referer[0] document_referer = unquote(document_referer) document_path = handler.request.arguments.get('utmp', '') if document_path: document_path = document_path[0] document_path = unquote(document_path) account = handler.request.arguments.get('utmac', '') if account: account = account[0] user_agent = handler.request.headers.get('User-Agent', '') # // Try and get visitor cookie from the request. cookie = RequestHandler.get_cookie(handler, COOKIE_NAME) guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-DCMGUID", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-UP-SUBNO", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-JPHONE-UID", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-EM-UID", '') visitor_id = get_visitor_id(guidheader, account, user_agent, cookie) # // Always try and add the cookie to the response. # cookie = SimpleCookie() # cookie[COOKIE_NAME] = visitor_id # morsel = cookie[COOKIE_NAME] # morsel['expires'] = time.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z', time_tup) # morsel['path'] = COOKIE_PATH expires = datetime(*time_tup[0:6]) RequestHandler.set_cookie(handler, COOKIE_NAME, visitor_id, expires=expires) utm_gif_location = "" i = handler.request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For", handler.request.headers.get("X-Real-Ip", None)) if not i: i = handler.request.remote_ip i = i.split(",")[0] for utmac in [account, x_utmac]: if not utmac: continue # // Construct the gif hit url. utm_url = (utm_gif_location + "?" + "utmwv=" + VERSION + "&utmn=" + get_random_number() + "&utmhn=" + quote(domain) + "&utmsr=" + handler.request.arguments.get('utmsr', [''])[0] + "&utme=" + handler.request.arguments.get('utme', [''])[0] + "&utmr=" + quote(document_referer) + "&utmp=" + quote(document_path) + "&utmac=" + utmac + "&utmcc=__utma%3D999.999.999.999.999.1%3B" + "&utmvid=" + visitor_id + "&utmip=" + get_ip(i) + "&utmul=" + handler.request.headers.get("Accept-Language", '-') + "&utmcs=" + handler.request.headers.get("Accept-Charset", '-') ) # dbgMsg("utm_url: " + utm_url) send_request_to_google_analytics(utm_url, handler) # // If the debug parameter is on, add a header to the response that contains # // the url that was used to contact Google Analytics. # headers = [('Set-Cookie', str(cookie).split(': ')[1])] headers = [] if handler.request.arguments.get('utmdebug', False): headers.append(('X-GA-MOBILE-URL', utm_url)) # Finally write the gif data to the response response = write_gif_data() response_headers = response['response_headers'] response_headers.extend(headers) return response
def track_page_view(handler): """ // Track a page view, updates all the cookies and campaign tracker, // makes a server side request to Google Analytics and writes the transparent // gif byte data to the response. """ time_tup = time.localtime(time.time() + COOKIE_USER_PERSISTENCE) # set some useful items in environ: x_utmac = handler.request.arguments.get('x_utmac', '') domain = handler.request.headers.get('Host', '') # Get the referrer from the utmr parameter, this is the referrer to the # page that contains the tracking pixel, not the referrer for tracking # pixel. document_referer = handler.request.arguments.get('utmr', []) if not document_referer or document_referer == "0": document_referer = "-" else: document_referer = document_referer[0] document_referer = unquote(document_referer) document_path = handler.request.arguments.get('utmp', '') if document_path: document_path = document_path[0] document_path = unquote(document_path) account = handler.request.arguments.get('utmac', '') if account: account = account[0] user_agent = handler.request.headers.get('User-Agent', '') # // Try and get visitor cookie from the request. cookie = RequestHandler.get_cookie(handler, COOKIE_NAME) guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-DCMGUID", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-UP-SUBNO", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-JPHONE-UID", '') if not guidheader: guidheader = handler.request.headers.get("X-EM-UID", '') visitor_id = get_visitor_id(guidheader, account, user_agent, cookie) # // Always try and add the cookie to the response. # cookie = SimpleCookie() # cookie[COOKIE_NAME] = visitor_id # morsel = cookie[COOKIE_NAME] # morsel['expires'] = time.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z', time_tup) # morsel['path'] = COOKIE_PATH expires = datetime(*time_tup[0:6]) RequestHandler.set_cookie(handler, COOKIE_NAME, visitor_id, expires=expires) utm_gif_location = "" i = handler.request.headers.get( "X-Forwarded-For", handler.request.headers.get("X-Real-Ip", None)) if not i: i = handler.request.remote_ip i = i.split(",")[0] for utmac in [account, x_utmac]: if not utmac: continue # // Construct the gif hit url. utm_url = ( utm_gif_location + "?" + "utmwv=" + VERSION + "&utmn=" + get_random_number() + "&utmhn=" + quote(domain) + "&utmsr=" + handler.request.arguments.get('utmsr', [''])[0] + "&utme=" + handler.request.arguments.get('utme', [''])[0] + "&utmr=" + quote(document_referer) + "&utmp=" + quote(document_path) + "&utmac=" + utmac + "&utmcc=__utma%3D999.999.999.999.999.1%3B" + "&utmvid=" + visitor_id + "&utmip=" + get_ip(i) + "&utmul=" + handler.request.headers.get("Accept-Language", '-') + "&utmcs=" + handler.request.headers.get("Accept-Charset", '-')) # dbgMsg("utm_url: " + utm_url) send_request_to_google_analytics(utm_url, handler) # // If the debug parameter is on, add a header to the response that contains # // the url that was used to contact Google Analytics. # headers = [('Set-Cookie', str(cookie).split(': ')[1])] headers = [] if handler.request.arguments.get('utmdebug', False): headers.append(('X-GA-MOBILE-URL', utm_url)) # Finally write the gif data to the response response = write_gif_data() response_headers = response['response_headers'] response_headers.extend(headers) return response
def get_session_user(handler: RequestHandler) -> Optional[User]: token = handler.get_cookie("auth") if token is None: return None user = session_storage.get(token) return user