def __init__(self, screensection, screenname, ExtraCmdButs=(), withnav=True): = screenname self.keysbyord = [] utilities.LocalizeParams(self, screensection, 'CharColor', 'DimTO', 'BackgroundColor', 'CmdKeyCol', 'CmdCharCol', label=[screenname]) self.WithNav = withnav self.PrevScreen = self.NextScreen = None cbutwidth = (config.screenwidth - 2 * config.horizborder) / (2 + len(ExtraCmdButs)) cvertcenter = config.screenheight - config.botborder / 2 cbutheight = config.botborder - config.cmdvertspace * 2 # todo condition on withnav? if False then None? if change then also fix FinishScreen not to fail on none self.PrevScreenKey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( '**prev**', ['**prev**'], self.CmdKeyCol, self.CmdCharCol, self.CmdCharCol, center=(config.horizborder + .5 * cbutwidth, cvertcenter), size=(cbutwidth, cbutheight)) self.NextScreenKey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( '**next**', ['**next**'], self.CmdKeyCol, self.CmdCharCol, self.CmdCharCol, center=(config.horizborder + (1 + len(ExtraCmdButs) + .5) * cbutwidth, cvertcenter), size=(cbutwidth, cbutheight)) self.ExtraCmdKeys = [] for i in range(len(ExtraCmdButs)): hcenter = config.horizborder + (i + 1.5) * cbutwidth self.ExtraCmdKeys.append( toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(ExtraCmdButs[i][0], ExtraCmdButs[i][1], self.CmdKeyCol, self.CmdCharCol, self.CmdCharCol, center=(hcenter, cvertcenter), size=(cbutwidth, cbutheight))) self.ExtraCmdKeys[-1].FinishKey((0, 0), (0, 0)) utilities.register_example('ScreenDesc', self)
def __init__(self, name, keys, overrides=fixedoverrides): screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, overrides, name) debug.debugPrint('Screen', "Build Maintenance Screen") self.NavKeysShowing = False self.DefaultNavKeysShowing = False screen.AddUndefaultedParams(self, None, TitleFontSize=40, SubFontSize=25) for k, kt in keys.items(): NK = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, k, [kt[0]], 'gold', 'black', 'red', KOn='black', KOff='red') if kt[1] is not None: if len( kt ) == 3: # need to add key reference to the proc for this key NK.Proc = functools.partial(kt[1], NK) else: NK.Proc = kt[1] self.Keys[k] = NK topoff = self.TitleFontSize + self.SubFontSize self.LayoutKeys(topoff, self.useablevertspacesansnav - topoff) self.DimTO = 60 self.PersistTO = 1 # setting to 0 would turn off timer and stick us here utilities.register_example("MaintScreenDesc", self)
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): debugprint(config.dbgscreenbuild, "New ThermostatScreenDesc ", screenname) screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) utilities.LocalizeParams(self, screensection, 'KeyColor', 'KeyOffOutlineColor', 'KeyOnOutlineColor') = {} self.fsize = (30, 50, 80, 160) if screenname in config.ISY.NodesByName: self.RealObj = config.ISY.NodesByName[screenname] else: self.RealObj = None config.Logs.Log("No Thermostat: " + screenname, severity=logsupport.ConsoleWarning) self.TitleRen = config.fonts.Font(self.fsize[1]).render(screen.FlatenScreenLabel(self.label), 0, wc(self.CharColor)) self.TitlePos = ((config.screenwidth - self.TitleRen.get_width())/2, config.topborder) self.TempPos = config.topborder + self.TitleRen.get_height() self.StatePos = self.TempPos + config.fonts.Font(self.fsize[3]).get_linesize() - scaleH(20) self.SPPos = self.StatePos + scaleH(25) self.AdjButSurf = pygame.Surface((config.screenwidth, scaleH(40))) self.AdjButTops = self.SPPos + config.fonts.Font(self.fsize[2]).get_linesize() - scaleH(5) centerspacing = config.screenwidth/5 self.AdjButSurf.fill(wc(self.BackgroundColor)) arrowsize = scaleH(40) # pixel for i in range(4): gfxdraw.filled_trigon(self.AdjButSurf, *trifromtop(centerspacing, arrowsize/2, i + 1, arrowsize, wc(("red", "blue", "red", "blue")[i]), i%2 <> 0)) self.keysbyord.append(toucharea.TouchPoint((centerspacing*(i + 1), self.AdjButTops + arrowsize/2), (arrowsize*1.2, arrowsize*1.2))) self.ModeButPos = self.AdjButTops + scaleH(85) # pixel bsize = (scaleW(100), scaleH(50)) # pixel self.keysbyord.append(toucharea.ManualKeyDesc("Mode", ["Mode"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(config.screenwidth/4, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=config.KeyOffOutlineColor)) # todo clean up self.keysbyord.append(toucharea.ManualKeyDesc("Fan", ["Fan"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(3*config.screenwidth/4, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=config.KeyOffOutlineColor)) self.keysbyord[4].FinishKey((0,0),(0,0)) self.keysbyord[5].FinishKey((0,0),(0,0)) self.ModesPos = self.ModeButPos + bsize[1]/2 + scaleH(5) utilities.register_example("ThermostatScreenDesc", self)
def CreateNavKeys(self, prevk, nextk): cvertcenter = hw.screenheight - self.BotBorder / 2 self.prevkey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, 'Nav<' +, prevk.label, prevk.CmdKeyCol, prevk.CmdCharCol, prevk.CmdCharCol, proc=functools.partial(GoToScreen, prevk), center=( self.starthorizspace + .5 * ( self.NavKeyWidth), cvertcenter), size=(self.NavKeyWidth, self.NavKeyHeight), gaps=True) self.nextkey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, 'Nav>' +, nextk.label, nextk.CmdKeyCol, nextk.CmdCharCol, nextk.CmdCharCol, proc=functools.partial(GoToScreen, nextk), center=( self.starthorizspace + 1.5 * ( self.NavKeyWidth), cvertcenter), size=(self.NavKeyWidth, self.NavKeyHeight), gaps=True)
def __init__(self, keys): debugprint(config.dbgscreenbuild, "Build Maintenance Screen") screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, fixedoverrides, 'Maint', withnav=False) utilities.LocalizeParams(self, None, TitleFontSize=40, SubFontSize=25) self.keysbyord = [] for k, kt in keys.iteritems(): self.keysbyord.append( toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(k, [kt[0]], 'gold', 'black', 'black', KOn='black', KOff='black', proc=kt[1])) topoff = self.TitleFontSize + self.SubFontSize self.LayoutKeys(topoff, config.screenheight - 2 * config.topborder - topoff) utilities.register_example("MaintScreenDesc", self)
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): global alertscreens screen.ScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) debug.debugPrint('Screen', "Build Alerts Screen") self.NavKeysShowing = False self.DefaultNavKeysShowing = False screen.IncorporateParams(self, screenname, {'KeyColor', 'KeyCharColorOn', 'KeyCharColorOff'}, screensection) screen.AddUndefaultedParams(self, screensection, CharSize=[20], Font=fonts.monofont, MessageBack='', Message=[], DeferTime="2 minutes", BlinkTime=0) if self.MessageBack == '': self.MessageBack = self.BackgroundColor self.DimTO = 0 # alert screens don't dim or yield voluntarily self.PersistTO = 0 self.BlinkTimer = None self.TimerName = 0 self.DeferTimer = None self.Msg = True messageareapart = .7 messageareaheight = ( hw.screenheight - 2 * self.TopBorder) * messageareapart # no Nav keys todo switch to new screen sizing alertbutheight = (hw.screenheight - messageareaheight - 2 * self.TopBorder) / 2 self.upperleft = (self.HorizBorder, self.TopBorder) self.Defer = utilities.get_timedelta(self.DeferTime) self.Keys = {'defer': toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, 'defer', ['Defer'], self.KeyColor, self.KeyCharColorOn, self.KeyCharColorOff, center=(hw.screenwidth / 2, self.TopBorder + messageareaheight + 0.5 * alertbutheight), size=( hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder, alertbutheight), proc=self.DeferAction)} if 'Action' in screensection: action = screensection['Action'] self.Keys['action'] = keyspecs.CreateKey(self, action, '*Action*') # this is only case so far that is a user descibed key that gets explicit positioning so just do it here self.Keys['action'].Center = ( hw.screenwidth / 2, self.TopBorder + messageareaheight + 1.5 * alertbutheight) self.Keys['action'].Size = (hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder, alertbutheight) self.Keys['action'].State = True # for appearance only self.Keys['action'].FinishKey((0, 0), (0, 0)) else: pass # no key created - just a blank spot on the alert screen # for i in range(len(self.CharSize), len(self.Message)): self.CharSize.append(self.CharSize[-1]) h = 0 l = [] for i, ln in enumerate(self.Message): l.append( fonts.fonts.Font(self.CharSize[i], self.Font).render(ln, 0, wc(self.KeyCharColorOn))) h = h + l[i].get_height() s = (messageareaheight - h) / (len(l)) self.messageimage = pygame.Surface((hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder, messageareaheight)) self.messageblank = pygame.Surface((hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder, messageareaheight)) self.messageimage.fill(wc(self.MessageBack)) self.messageblank.fill(wc(self.BackgroundColor)) vert_off = s / 2 for i in range(len(l)): horiz_off = (hw.screenwidth - l[i].get_width()) / 2 - self.HorizBorder self.messageimage.blit(l[i], (horiz_off, vert_off)) vert_off = vert_off + s + l[i].get_height() self.Alert = None # gets filled in by code that parses/defines an alert that invokes the screen alertscreens[screenname] = self self.DimTO = 0 self.PersistTO = 0 utilities.register_example("AlertsScreen", self)
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname, parentscreen=None): self.userstore = paramstore.ParamStore('Screen-' + screenname, dp=screenStore if parentscreen is None else parentscreen.userstore, locname=screenname) # todo add routine to update allowable mods per screen - but rationalize with incorp parameters from hight level guys self.markradius = int(min(hw.screenwidth, hw.screenheight) * .025) = screenname self.Active = False # true if actually on screen self.ScreenTimers = [] self.DefaultNavKeysShowing = True self.NavKeysShowing = True self.NavKeys = collections.OrderedDict() self.Keys = collections.OrderedDict() self.WithNav = True self.useablevertspace = hw.screenheight - self.TopBorder - self.BotBorder self.useablevertspacesansnav = hw.screenheight - self.TopBorder - self.BotBorderWONav self.useablehorizspace = hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder self.startvertspace = self.TopBorder self.starthorizspace = self.HorizBorder self.titleoffset = 0 self.HubInterestList = {} # one entry per hub, each entry is a dict mapping addr to Node self.ScreenTitleBlk = None self.prevkey = None self.nextkey = None self.NavKeyWidth = (hw.screenwidth - 2 * self.HorizBorder) // 2 cvertcenter = hw.screenheight - self.BotBorder / 2 # print("NKW {} {} {} {}".format(self.NavKeyWidth, self.HorizBorder, self.HorizButGap, cvertcenter)) self.homekey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, 'Back<' + 'Home', ('Home',), self.CmdKeyCol, self.CmdCharCol, self.CmdCharCol, proc=functools.partial(GoToScreen, HOMETOKEN), center=( self.starthorizspace + .5 * (self.NavKeyWidth), cvertcenter), size=(self.NavKeyWidth, self.NavKeyHeight), gaps=True) self.backkey = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, 'Nav>' + 'Back', ('Back',), self.CmdKeyCol, self.CmdCharCol, self.CmdCharCol, proc=functools.partial(GoToScreen, BACKTOKEN), center=( self.starthorizspace + 1.5 * (self.NavKeyWidth), cvertcenter), size=(self.NavKeyWidth, self.NavKeyHeight), gaps=True) IncorporateParams(self, 'Screen', {'CharColor', 'DimTO', 'PersistTO', 'BackgroundColor', 'CmdKeyCol', 'CmdCharCol', 'DefaultHub', 'ScreenTitle', 'ScreenTitleColor', 'ScreenTitleSize'}, screensection) AddUndefaultedParams(self, screensection, label=[screenname]) try: self.DefaultHubObj = hubs.hubs.Hubs[self.DefaultHub] except KeyError: self.DefaultHubObj = None # todo test what happens later or force this to be an exiting error logsupport.Logs.Log("Bad default hub name for screen: ", screenname, severity=ConsoleError) if self.ScreenTitle != '': # adjust space for a title self.ScreenTitleBlk = fonts.fonts.Font(self.ScreenTitleSize, bold=True).render(self.ScreenTitle, 0, wc(self.ScreenTitleColor)) h = self.ScreenTitleBlk.get_height() w = self.ScreenTitleBlk.get_width() titlegap = h // 10 # todo is this the best way to space? self.startvertspace = self.startvertspace + h + titlegap self.useablevertspace = self.useablevertspace - h - titlegap self.titleoffset = self.starthorizspace + (self.useablehorizspace - w) // 2 utilities.register_example('ScreenDesc', self)
def SetScreenContents(self): self.numplayers = 0 # if 0 then Sonos didn't get set up correctly self.numgroups = 0 self.nms = [] self.gpingrms = [] self.PlayerInputs = [] self.SourceSet = None self.SonosNodes = {} self.NodeVPos = [] self.KeysSum = {} self.GCVPos = [] self.KeysGC = {} self.KeysGpCtl = {} self.GPCtlVPos = [] self.SrcSlotsVPos = [] self.KeysSrc = {} self.ButLocSize = [] self.SonosGroups = {} self.RoomNames = {} self.SlotToGp = [] self.Subscreen = -1 self.SourceItem = 0 self.SourceSelection = '' self.ExtraSource = {} self.HubInterestList[] = {} for n, p in self.HA.DomainEntityReg['media_player'].items( ): # todo can simplify if sonos becomes a separate module from media player if p.Sonos: self.SonosNodes[p.entity_id] = p self.SlotToGp.append('') self.HubInterestList[][p.entity_id] = p.entity_id self.numplayers = len(self.SonosNodes) for i in range(self.numplayers + 1): self.GCVPos.append(self.startvertspace + i * 50) # set up the control screen for a group self.ctlhgt = self.useablevertspace // (2 * self.numplayers + 2) for i in range(self.numplayers + 1): self.GPCtlVPos.append(self.startvertspace + i * 2 * self.ctlhgt) # set up the main summary screen vpos = self.startvertspace if self.numplayers != 0: self.roomheight = self.useablevertspace // self.numplayers else: self.roomheight = self.useablevertspace # dummy value to avoid div by 0 in error case self.roomdisplayinfo = (1.5, 1, 1, 1) for n, p in self.SonosNodes.items(): self.NodeVPos.append(vpos) vpos += self.roomheight lineheight = self.roomheight / (sum(self.roomdisplayinfo) / self.roomdisplayinfo[0]) self.RoomNames[p.entity_id] = screenutil.CreateTextBlock( p.FriendlyName, lineheight, self.CharColor, True, FitLine=True) self.NodeVPos.append(vpos) for i in range(self.numplayers): self.KeysSum['Slot' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Slot' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 2, (self.NodeVPos[i] + self.NodeVPos[i + 1]) // 2), (hw.screenwidth, self.roomheight), proc=functools.partial(self.RoomSelect, i), procdbl=functools.partial(self.RoomSelectDbl, i)) self.KeysGC['SlotGC' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'SlotGC' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 2, (self.GCVPos[i] + self.GCVPos[i + 1]) // 2), (hw.screenwidth, 50), proc=functools.partial(self.GroupMemberToggle, i)) butvert = self.GPCtlVPos[i] + self.ctlhgt * 1.5 butsz = (self.ctlhgt, self.ctlhgt) self.ButLocSize.append( {'Dn': ((hw.screenwidth // 4, butvert), butsz)}) self.KeysGpCtl['Dn' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Dn' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 4, butvert), butsz, proc=functools.partial(self.VolChange, i, -1)) self.ButLocSize[i]['Up'] = ((hw.screenwidth // 2, butvert), butsz) self.KeysGpCtl['Up' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Up' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 2, butvert), butsz, proc=functools.partial(self.VolChange, i, 1)) self.ButLocSize[i]['Mute'] = ((3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, butvert), butsz) self.KeysGpCtl['Mute' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Mute' + str(i), (3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, butvert), butsz, proc=functools.partial(self.VolChange, i, 0)) self.KeysGpCtl['Source'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Source', ['Source'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, self.GPCtlVPos[-1] + self.ctlhgt), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, self.ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.SetSource) self.KeysGpCtl['OKCtl'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'OKCtl', ['OK'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 4, self.GPCtlVPos[-1] + self.ctlhgt), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, self.ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.GpCtlOK) self.KeysGC['OK'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'OK', ['OK'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 2, self.GCVPos[-1] + 30), size=(hw.screenwidth // 4, self.ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.GroupMemberOK) self.Keys = self.KeysSum
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): config.SonosScreen = self # todo hack to handle late appearing players debug.debugPrint('Screen', "New SonosScreenDesc ", screenname) screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) screen.IncorporateParams(self, 'SonosScreen', {'KeyColor'}, screensection) self.DullKeyColor = wc(self.KeyColor, .5, self.BackgroundColor) self.HA = self.DefaultHubObj self.Subscreen = -1 self.SetScreenTitle( 'Sonos', hw.screenheight / 12, self.CharColor ) # todo correct the fontsize and maybe the color choice and change to useable vert if not isinstance(self.DefaultHubObj, hasshub.HA): logsupport.Logs.Log("Sonos Default Hub is not HA hub", severity=ConsoleError, tb=False) return self.SetScreenContents() if self.numplayers == 0: logsupport.Logs.Log("No Sonos Players reported - check network", severity=ConsoleWarning) return # set up source selection screen self.SourceSlot = [] vpos = self.startvertspace # todo add buffer? self.sourceslots = 8 self.sourceheight = self.useablevertspace // ( self.sourceslots + 1) # allow space at bottom right for arrow for i in range(self.sourceslots): self.SrcSlotsVPos.append(vpos) self.KeysSrc['Src' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Scr' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 2, vpos + self.sourceheight // 2), (hw.screenwidth, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PickSource, i)) vpos += self.sourceheight self.SourceSlot.append('') self.SrcPrev = ( hw.screenwidth - self.sourceheight - self.HorizBorder, self.startvertspace - self.sourceheight // 2 ) # todo change to horizstart + useablehoriz - sourceheight self.SrcNext = (hw.screenwidth - self.sourceheight - self.HorizBorder, vpos + self.sourceheight // 2 + 10) # for appearance self.KeysSrc['Prev'] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Prev', self.SrcPrev, (self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PrevNext, False)) self.KeysSrc['Next'] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Next', self.SrcNext, (self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PrevNext, True)) self.KeysSrc['OKSrc'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'OKSrc', ['OK'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SrcNext[0] - 2.5 * self.sourceheight, self.SrcNext[1]), size=(2 * self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.PickSourceOK, True)) self.KeysSrc['CnclSrc'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'CnclSrc', ['Back'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SrcNext[0] - 5 * self.sourceheight, self.SrcNext[1]), size=(2 * self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.PickSourceOK, False)) utilities.register_example("SonosScreenDesc", self)
def __init__(self, masterscreen, choosername, slots, screenhgt, voffset, proc): """ Create subscreen(s) that allow choosing from a list :param masterscreen: the real screen for which this operates :param slots: number of slots to create per selection screen :param screenhgt: height of the area to be used for the list :param voffset: vertical offset for start of area to be used :param proc: function called with resultant selection index or -1 if cancelled """ screen.ScreenDesc.__init__(self, {}, + '-' + choosername + '-Chooser', parentscreen=masterscreen) self.Result = proc self.masterscreen = masterscreen self.selection = -1 self.itemlist = [] self.firstitem = 0 self.NumSlots = slots self.ListKeySlots = {} self.SlotsVPos = [] self.SlotItem = [] vpos = voffset self.BackgroundColor = self.masterscreen.BackgroundColor self.DullKeyColor = wc(self.masterscreen.KeyColor, .5, self.BackgroundColor) self.CharColor = self.masterscreen.CharColor self.sourceheight = screenhgt // (self.NumSlots + 1) for i in range(self.NumSlots): self.SlotsVPos.append(vpos) self.ListKeySlots['Src' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Slot' + str(i), (hw.screenwidth // 2, vpos + self.sourceheight // 2), (hw.screenwidth, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PickItem, i)) vpos += self.sourceheight self.SlotItem.append('') self.SrcPrev = (hw.screenwidth - self.sourceheight - self.HorizBorder, voffset - self.sourceheight // 2) self.SrcNext = (hw.screenwidth - self.sourceheight - self.HorizBorder, vpos + self.sourceheight // 2 + 10) # for appearance self.ListKeySlots['Prev'] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Prev', self.SrcPrev, (self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PrevNext, False)) self.ListKeySlots['Next'] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'Next', self.SrcNext, (self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), proc=functools.partial(self.PrevNext, True)) self.ListKeySlots['OKSrc'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'OKSrc', ['OK'], self.BackgroundColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SrcNext[0] - 2.5 * self.sourceheight, self.SrcNext[1]), size=(2 * self.sourceheight, self.sourceheight), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.PickItemOK, True)) '''
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): screen.ScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) debug.debugPrint('Screen', "New OctoPrintScreenDesc ", screenname) self.JobKeys = {} self.files = [] self.filepaths = [] self.PowerKeys = {} # status of printer self.OPstate = 'unknown' self.OPfile = '' self.OPcomppct = 'unknown' self.OPtimeleft = 'unknown' self.OPtemp1 = 'unknown' self.OPbed = 'unknown' self.ValidState = False self.PollTimer = timers.RepeatingPost(5.0, paused=True, start=True, + '-Poll', proc=self.RefreshOctoStatus) screen.IncorporateParams(self, 'OctoPrint', {'KeyColor'}, screensection) screen.AddUndefaultedParams(self, screensection, address='', apikey='') self.title, th, = screenutil.CreateTextBlock(, hw.screenheight / 12, self.CharColor, True) # todo switch to new screen sizing for title self.errornotice, th, self.errwid = screenutil.CreateTextBlock( 'Access Error', hw.screenheight / 12, self.CharColor, True) # todo fix for new vertspace self.titlespace = th + hw.screenheight / 32 useablescreenheight = hw.screenheight - self.TopBorder - self.BotBorder - self.titlespace ctlpos = useablescreenheight / 5 ctlhgt = int(ctlpos * .9) self.head = {"X-Api-Key": self.apikey} self.url = 'http://' + self.address + ':5000' retp = self.OctoGet('connection') if retp.status_code != 200: logsupport.Logs.Log('Access to OctoPrint denied: ', retp.text, severity=logsupport.ConsoleWarning) self.PowerKeys['printeron'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'PowerOn', ['Power On'], self.KeyColor, 'white', 'black', # self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 4), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.Power, 'printeron')) self.PowerKeys['printeroff'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'PowerOff', ['Power Off'], self.KeyColor, 'white', 'black', # self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 4), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.Power, 'printeroff')) self.PowerKeys['connect'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Connect', ['Connect'], self.KeyColor, 'white', 'black', # self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 5), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.Connect, 'connect')) self.PowerKeys['disconnect'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Disconnect', ['Disconnect'], self.KeyColor, 'white', 'black', # self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 5), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=functools.partial(self.Connect, 'disconnect')) self.PowerPlusKeys = self.PowerKeys.copy() self.PowerPlusKeys['Print'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Print', ['Print'], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 2, ctlpos * 6), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.SelectFile) self.JobKeys['Cancel'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Cancel', ['Cancel'], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 5), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.PreDoCancel, Verify=True) self.JobKeys['Pause'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, 'Pause', ['Pause'], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(3 * hw.screenwidth // 4, ctlpos * 5), size=(hw.screenwidth // 3, ctlhgt), KOn='', KOff='', proc=self.PreDoPause, Verify=True) self.VerifyScreenCancel = supportscreens.VerifyScreen( self.JobKeys['Cancel'], ('Cancel', 'Job'), ('Back', ), self.DoCancel, None, screen, self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, True, None) self.VerifyScreenPause = supportscreens.VerifyScreen( self.JobKeys['Pause'], ('Pause', 'Job'), ('Back', ), self.DoCancel, None, screen, self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, True, None) self.FileSubscreen = supportscreens.ListChooserSubScreen( self, 'FileList', 8, useablescreenheight, self.titlespace, self.FilePick)
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): debug.debugPrint('Screen', "New Nest ThermostatScreenDesc ", screenname) screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) screen.IncorporateParams( self, 'NestThermostatScreen', {'KeyColor', 'KeyOffOutlineColor', 'KeyOnOutlineColor'}, screensection) nominalfontsz = (30, 50, 80, 160) nominalspacers = (5, 20, 25, 40, 50, 85) self.fsize = [] self.spacer = [] self.HA = self.DefaultHubObj self.ThermNode = self.HA.GetNode(screenname)[0] # use ControlObj (0) if self.ThermNode is None: logsupport.Logs.Log("No Thermostat: " + screenname, severity=ConsoleWarning) raise ValueError # if isinstance(self.DefaultHub,hasshub.HA): # self.HA = self.DefaultHub # self.ThermNode = self.HA.GetNode(screenname)[0] # use ControlObj (0) # if self.ThermNode is None: # logsupport.Logs.Log("No Thermostat: " + screenname, severity=ConsoleWarning) # raise ValueError # else: # logsupport.Logs.Log("Nest Thermostat screen only works with HA hub", severity=ConsoleError) # self.self.ThermNode = None # raise ValueError self.SetScreenTitle(screen.FlatenScreenLabel(self.label), nominalfontsz[1], self.CharColor) self.TempPos = self.startvertspace ''' Size and positions based on nominal 480 vertical screen less top/bottom borders less default title size of 50 Compute other fonts sizes based on what is left after that given user ability to set actual title size ''' tempsurf = fonts.fonts.Font(50).render('Temp', 0, wc(self.CharColor)) useable = self.useablevertspace / (self.useablevertspace - tempsurf.get_height()) for fs in nominalfontsz: self.fsize.append(int(fs * useable)) for fs in nominalspacers: self.spacer.append(int(fs * useable)) self.StatePos = self.TempPos + fonts.fonts.Font( self.fsize[3]).get_linesize() - scaleH(self.spacer[1]) self.SPVPos = self.StatePos + scaleH(self.spacer[2]) sp = fonts.fonts.Font(self.fsize[2]).render("{:2d}".format(99), 0, wc(self.CharColor)) self.SPHgt = sp.get_height() self.SPWdt = sp.get_width() self.SetPointSurf = pygame.Surface((self.SPWdt, self.SPHgt)) self.SetPointSurf.fill(wc(self.BackgroundColor)) self.AdjButSurf = pygame.Surface( (hw.screenwidth, scaleH(self.spacer[3]))) self.AdjButTops = self.SPVPos + fonts.fonts.Font( self.fsize[2]).get_linesize() - scaleH(self.spacer[0]) centerspacing = hw.screenwidth // 5 self.SPHPosL = int(1.5 * centerspacing) self.SPHPosR = int(3.5 * centerspacing) self.AdjButSurf.fill(wc(self.BackgroundColor)) self.LocalOnly = [0.0, 0.0 ] # Heat setpoint, Cool setpoint: 0 is normal color self.ModeLocal = 0.0 self.FanLocal = 0.0 arrowsize = scaleH( 40) # pixel todo should this be other than a constant? self.t_low = 0 self.t_high = 99 self.t_cur = 0 self.t_state = "Unknown" self.mode = 'auto' = 'auto' self.modes, self.fanstates = self.ThermNode.GetModeInfo() self.TimeBumpSP = None self.TimeBumpModes = None self.TimeBumpFan = None self.TimerName = 0 for i in range(4): gfxdraw.filled_trigon( self.AdjButSurf, *trifromtop(centerspacing, arrowsize // 2, i + 1, arrowsize, wc(("red", "blue", "red", "blue")[i]), i % 2 != 0)) self.Keys['temp' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'temp' + str(i), (centerspacing * (i + 1), self.AdjButTops + arrowsize // 2), (arrowsize * 1.2, arrowsize * 1.2), proc=functools.partial(self.BumpTemp, (True, True, False, False)[i], (1, -1, 1, -1)[i])) self.ModeButPos = self.AdjButTops + scaleH(self.spacer[5]) # pixel bsize = (scaleW(100), scaleH(self.spacer[4])) # pixel self.Keys['Mode'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, "Mode", ["Mode"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SPHPosL, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=self.KeyOffOutlineColor, proc=self.BumpMode) self.Keys['Fan'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc(self, "Fan", ["Fan"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SPHPosR, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=self.KeyOffOutlineColor, proc=self.BumpFan) self.ModesPos = self.ModeButPos + bsize[1] // 2 + scaleH( self.spacer[0]) if self.ThermNode is not None: self.HubInterestList[] = { self.ThermNode.address: self.Keys['Mode'] } # placeholder for thermostat node utilities.register_example("NestThermostatScreenDesc", self)
def __init__(self, screensection, screenname): debug.debugPrint('Screen', "New ThermostatScreenDesc ", screenname) screen.BaseKeyScreenDesc.__init__(self, screensection, screenname) screen.IncorporateParams( self, 'ThermostatScreen', {'KeyColor', 'KeyOffOutlineColor', 'KeyOnOutlineColor'}, screensection) = {} self.oldinfo = {} nominalfontsz = (30, 50, 80, 160) nominalspacers = (5, 20, 25, 40, 50, 85) self.fsize = [] self.spacer = [] if isinstance(self.DefaultHubObj, isy.ISY): self.isy = self.DefaultHubObj self.ISYObj = self.isy.GetNode(screenname)[0] # use ControlObj (0) if self.ISYObj is None: logsupport.Logs.Log("No Thermostat: " + screenname, severity=ConsoleWarning) else: logsupport.Logs.Log("Thermostat screen only works with ISY hub", severity=ConsoleError) self.ISYObj = None self.SetScreenTitle(screen.FlatenScreenLabel(self.label), nominalfontsz[1], self.CharColor) self.TempPos = self.startvertspace ''' Size and positions based on vertical screen space less top/bottom borders less default title size of 50 Compute other fonts sizes based on what is left after that given user ability to set actual title size ''' tempsurf = fonts.fonts.Font(50).render('Temp', 0, wc( self.CharColor)) # todo should the 50 be scaled now? sizingratio = self.useablevertspace / (self.useablevertspace - tempsurf.get_height()) for fs in nominalfontsz: self.fsize.append(int(fs * sizingratio)) for fs in nominalspacers: self.spacer.append(int(fs * sizingratio)) self.StatePos = self.TempPos + fonts.fonts.Font( self.fsize[3]).get_linesize() - scaleH(self.spacer[1]) self.SPPos = self.StatePos + scaleH(self.spacer[2]) self.AdjButSurf = pygame.Surface( (hw.screenwidth, scaleH(self.spacer[3]))) self.AdjButTops = self.SPPos + fonts.fonts.Font( self.fsize[2]).get_linesize() - scaleH(self.spacer[0]) centerspacing = hw.screenwidth // 5 self.SPHPosL = int(1.5 * centerspacing) self.SPHPosR = int(3.5 * centerspacing) self.AdjButSurf.fill(wc(self.BackgroundColor)) arrowsize = scaleH(self.spacer[3]) # pixel for i in range(4): gfxdraw.filled_trigon( self.AdjButSurf, *trifromtop(centerspacing, arrowsize // 2, i + 1, arrowsize, wc(("red", "blue", "red", "blue")[i]), i % 2 != 0)) self.Keys['temp' + str(i)] = toucharea.TouchPoint( 'temp' + str(i), (centerspacing * (i + 1), self.AdjButTops + arrowsize // 2), (arrowsize * 1.2, arrowsize * 1.2), proc=functools.partial(self.BumpTemp, ('CLISPH', 'CLISPH', 'CLISPC', 'CLISPC')[i], (2, -2, 2, -2)[i])) self.ModeButPos = self.AdjButTops + scaleH(self.spacer[5]) # pixel bsize = (scaleW(100), scaleH(self.spacer[4])) # pixel self.Keys['Mode'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, "Mode", ["Mode"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SPHPosL, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=self.KeyOffOutlineColor, proc=functools.partial(self.BumpMode, 'CLIMD', range(8))) self.Keys['Fan'] = toucharea.ManualKeyDesc( self, "Fan", ["Fan"], self.KeyColor, self.CharColor, self.CharColor, center=(self.SPHPosR, self.ModeButPos), size=bsize, KOn=self.KeyOffOutlineColor, proc=functools.partial(self.BumpMode, 'CLIFS', (7, 8))) self.ModesPos = self.ModeButPos + bsize[1] // 2 + scaleH( self.spacer[0]) if self.ISYObj is not None: self.HubInterestList[] = { self.ISYObj.address: self.Keys['Mode'] } # placeholder for thermostat node utilities.register_example("ThermostatScreenDesc", self)