コード例 #1
    def _make_request(self, method, url, args, kwargs):
        # Decide whether to require SSL verification
        verify_ssl = True
        if (settings.verify_ssl is False) or hasattr(settings, 'insecure'):
            verify_ssl = False
        elif settings.certificate is not None:
            verify_ssl = settings.certificate

        # Call the superclass method.
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    "ignore", urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
                return super(Client, self).request(method,
        except SSLError as ex:
            # Throw error if verify_ssl not set to false and server
            #  is not using verified certificate.
            if settings.verbose:
                debug.log('SSL connection failed:', fg='yellow', bold=True)
                debug.log(str(ex), fg='yellow', bold=True, nl=2)
            if not settings.host.startswith('http'):
                    'Suggestion: add the correct http:// or '
                    'https:// prefix to the host configuration.',
            raise exc.ConnectionError(
                'Could not establish a secure connection. '
                'Please add the server to your certificate '
                'authority.\nYou can run this command without verifying SSL '
                'with the --insecure flag, or permanently disable '
                'verification by the config setting:\n\n '
                'tower-cli config verify_ssl false')
        except ConnectionError as ex:
            # Throw error if server can not be reached.
            if settings.verbose:
                debug.log('Cannot connect to Tower:', fg='yellow', bold=True)
                debug.log(str(ex), fg='yellow', bold=True, nl=2)
            raise exc.ConnectionError(
                'There was a network error of some kind trying to connect '
                'to Tower.\n\nThe most common  reason for this is a settings '
                'issue; is your "host" value in `tower-cli config` correct?\n'
                'Right now it is: "%s".' % settings.host)
コード例 #2
    def get_prefix(self, include_version=True):
        """Return the appropriate URL prefix to prepend to requests,
        based on the host provided in settings.
        host = settings.host
        if '://' not in host:
            host = 'https://%s' % host.strip('/')
        elif host.startswith('http://') and settings.verify_ssl:
            raise exc.TowerCLIError(
                'Can not verify ssl with non-https protocol. Change the '
                'verify_ssl configuration setting to continue.')
        # Validate that we have either an http or https based URL
        url_pieces = urlparse(host)
        if url_pieces[0] not in ['http', 'https']:
            raise exc.ConnectionError(
                'URL must be http(s), {} is not valid'.format(url_pieces[0]))

        prefix = urljoin(host, '/api/')
        if include_version:
            # We add the / to the end of {} so that our URL has the ending slash.
            prefix = urljoin(prefix, "{}/".format(CUR_API_VERSION))

        return prefix