def get_graph(): graph = dict() with open("graph.txt") as f: for line in f.readlines(): town = Town(line[0]) if line[0] not in graph else graph[line[0]] town.set_dist(line[1], int(line[2])) graph[line[0]] = town return graph
def add_town(self, country): """Добавление города""" cities_and_belonging = self.board.cities_and_belonging dop = [] i = self.x j = self.y size_x = self.board.get_count_cells_x() size_y = self.board.get_count_cells_y() cities_and_belonging[i][j] = (, True) if i % 2 == 1: if i >= 1 and j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j - 1)) if i >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j)) if j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j)) if i < size_x - 1 and j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j - 1)) if j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j - 1)) if i % 2 == 0: if i >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j)) if i >= 1 and j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j + 1)) if j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1 and j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j)) if j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j - 1)) = Town(self.x, self.y, self, dop, country) self.town_on_cell = True self.unit_on_cell = False = 0 self.unit = None
def parseTOWN(self, data): data = data.split(u' ') id = int(data[0]) x = float(data[1]) y = float(data[2]) return Town(id, x, y)
def read_back_up(): '''this function allows backup file to input string attributes to each person and bus, then it changes those string attributes into town objects''' personList.clear() busList.clear() townList.clear() # create objects whose attributes reflect the current state of the system infile = open("backup.txt", "r") for aline in infile.readlines(): values = aline.split() if values[0] == "Person": personList.append( Person(values[3], values[7], values[5], values[9])) if values[0] == "Bus": busList.append( Bus(values[4:7], int(values[8]), int(values[10]), values[12:])) if values[0] == "Town": townList.append(Town(values[1], values[2:])) # change person.origin and person.destination into town objects for person in personList: for town in townList: if person.locate() == town.getName(): person.setLocation(town) if person.getBus() == "None": town.addPeople( person ) # add ppl who are not on bus to town.peoplelist if person.getDestination() == town.getName(): person.setDestination(town) # change each person's bus information from string into bus object if person.getBus() == "None": person.setBus(None) else: personOnBus = int(person.getBus()) # cannot use int(person.getBus()) in "for" loop because person.getBus() # ceases to be a string at one point and there will be an error in loop for bus in busList: if bus.getID() - 12 == personOnBus: # subtract 12 because 12 bus objects have been created before person.setBus(bus) # change items in bus.route list into town objects for n in range(len(busList[0].getRoute())): for bus in busList: for town in townList: if bus.getRoute()[n] == town.getName(): bus.setRoute(n, town) # change items in bus.peopleList list into person objects for bus in busList: if bus.getPeople() is not None: for n in range(len(bus.getPeople())): for person in personList: if bus.getPeople()[n] == person.getName(): bus.getPeople()[n] = person # add buses to respective towns for town in townList: town.locateBus(busList)
def add_town(self, shape, scale, octaves, persistence, lacunarity, stretch): """Randomly place a town of a given (maximum) size on the map.""" town_loc = self.find_buildable_location(shape[0]) town_map = Town(shape, scale, octaves, persistence, lacunarity) town_map.generate_map(stretch) m = 0 n = 0 for i in range(town_loc[0] - shape[0] // 2, town_loc[0] + shape[0] // 2 + shape[0] % 2 - 1): for j in range(town_loc[1] - shape[1] // 2, town_loc[1] + shape[1] // 2 + shape[1] % 2 - 1): if town_map.pix[m, n] == 0: self.pix[i, j] = n += 1 n = 0 m += 1
def eval_genome(genome, config): net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) fitnesses = [] for runs in range(runs_per_net): sim = Town() sim.load_empty_state(size=20) sim.spawn_citizen(location=(10, 10), ai_type="learning") offsetx = 0 offsety = 0 while np.abs(offsetx) < 2 or np.abs(offsety) < 2: offsetx = randint(-3, 3) offsety = randint(-3, 3) sim.spawn_hunter(location=(5 + offsetx, 5 + offsety)) # Run the given simulation for up to num_steps time steps. fitness = 0.0 caught = False max_sim_iterations = 100 iteration = 0 while iteration < max_sim_iterations: for citizen in sim.citizens: inputs = citizen.action_preference = net.activate(inputs) sim.iterate() for citizen in sim.citizens: if citizen.score["caught"]: caught = True fitness = ((citizen.score["survival_time"] * 100.) / (citizen.score["steps"] + 1)) / (max_sim_iterations) fitness = (citizen.score["survival_time"]) / ( max_sim_iterations) if caught: break iteration += 1 fitnesses.append(fitness) # The genome's fitness is its worst performance across all runs. return min(fitnesses)
def run_simulation(): t = Town() t.load_empty_state(size=30) t.spawn_citizen(location=(15, 15)) t.spawn_hunter() count = 0 while True: if count > 50: break t.iterate() print(t) for citizen in t.citizens: if citizen.score["caught"]: print("DONE") print(citizen.score) return time.sleep(0.05) count += 1
def run_player_game(): t = Town() t.load_empty_state(size=10) t.spawn_player() t.spawn_citizen(location=(5, 5), ai_type="smart") count = 0 while True: for citizen in t.citizens: inputs = print("Inputs", inputs) # citizen.action_preference = net.activate(inputs) if count > 1000: break print(t) t.iterate() for citizen in t.citizens: if citizen.score["caught"]: print("DONE") print(citizen.score) return count += 1
c = pickle.load(f) print('Loaded genome:') print(c) # Load the config file, which is assumed to live in # the same directory as this script. local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) config_path = os.path.join(local_dir, 'configs/neat_config.cfg') config = neat.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction, neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation, config_path) net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(c, config) sim = Town() sim = Town() sim.load_empty_state(size=10) sim.spawn_citizen(location=(5, 5), ai_type="learning") sim.spawn_hunter(location=(3, 3)) caught = False max_sim_iterations = 100 iteration = 0 while iteration < max_sim_iterations: for citizen in sim.citizens: inputs = print(inputs) print("Shape ", inputs.shape) citizen.action_preference = net.activate(inputs)
def main(): t = Town("Dresden", 556780) print(t.toString()) t.residents = -1 print(t.toString())
from bus import Bus from town import Town from people import Person townfile = open("town.txt","r") for aline in townfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() Town(values[1], values[3:]) # create Town objects busfile = open("bus.txt","r") for aline in busfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() Bus(values) # create Bus objects personfile = open("person.txt","r") for aline in personfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() Person(values[0], values[1], values[2]) # create Person objects # Town Info Display print(">>> There are twelve towns in this system... \n") for town in Town.all: print(town.getName()+", which is connected to",town.getNeighbor()) print(" ") print(" ") # Bus Info Display for bus in Bus.all:
class Cell: """Класс игровой клетки""" def __init__(self, coords: list, cell_size, board, x, y, type='Nothing'): """Создаем клетку и задаем её координаты""" self.color = pygame.Color('Black') self.coords = coords self.cell_size = cell_size self.color = '' self.type = type self.sustenance = 0 self.board = board self.x = x self.y = y = None self.unit = None self.town_on_cell = False self.unit_on_cell = False self.farm_on_cell = False def render(self): """Основная функция отрисовки""" pygame.draw.polygon(self.board.screen2, pygame.Color('black'), self.coords, 4) pygame.draw.polygon(self.board.screen2, self.color, self.coords) if self.town_on_cell:, self.cell_size, self.board.screen2) if self.farm_on_cell: dop = pygame.transform.scale( self.image_farm, (int(self.cell_size - 15), int(self.cell_size - 15))) self.board.screen2.blit( dop, ((self.coords[0][0] + self.coords[5][0]) // 2 - 8, (self.coords[0][1] + self.coords[5][1]) // 2 - 3)) if self.unit_on_cell: self.unit.render(self.coords, self.cell_size, self.board.screen2) cities_and_belonging = self.board.cities_and_belonging i = self.x j = self.y size_x = self.board.get_count_cells_x() size_y = self.board.get_count_cells_y() if i % 2 == 1: if i >= 1 and j >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[i - 1][ j - 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[5][0] + 2, self.coords[5][1] + 2), (self.coords[0][0] + 2, self.coords[0][1] + 2), 4) if i >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[ i - 1][j][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[0][0] - 2, self.coords[0][1] + 2), (self.coords[1][0] - 2, self.coords[1][1] + 1), 4) if j < size_y - 1: if cities_and_belonging[i][ j + 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[1][0] - 2, self.coords[1][1]), (self.coords[2][0] - 2, self.coords[2][1]), 5) if i < size_x - 1: if cities_and_belonging[ i + 1][j][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[2][0] - 2, self.coords[2][1] - 2), (self.coords[3][0] - 2, self.coords[3][1] - 2), 5) if i < size_x - 1 and j >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[i + 1][ j - 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[3][0] + 2, self.coords[3][1] - 2), (self.coords[4][0] + 2, self.coords[4][1] - 2), 5) if j >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[i][ j - 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[4][0] + 2, self.coords[4][1]), (self.coords[5][0] + 2, self.coords[5][1]), 4) if i % 2 == 0: if i >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[ i - 1][j][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[5][0] + 2, self.coords[5][1] + 2), (self.coords[0][0] + 2, self.coords[0][1] + 2), 4) if i >= 1 and j < size_y - 1: if cities_and_belonging[i - 1][ j + 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[0][0] - 2, self.coords[0][1] + 2), (self.coords[1][0] - 2, self.coords[1][1] + 2), 4) if j < size_y - 1: if cities_and_belonging[i][ j + 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[1][0] - 2, self.coords[1][1]), (self.coords[2][0] - 2, self.coords[2][1]), 5) if i < size_x - 1 and j < size_y - 1: if cities_and_belonging[i + 1][ j + 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[2][0] - 2, self.coords[2][1] - 2), (self.coords[3][0] - 2, self.coords[3][1] - 2), 5) if i < size_x - 1: if cities_and_belonging[ i + 1][j][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[3][0] + 2, self.coords[3][1] - 2), (self.coords[4][0] + 2, self.coords[4][1] - 2), 5) if j >= 1: if cities_and_belonging[i][ j - 1][0] != cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]: pygame.draw.line( self.board.screen2, self.board.color_country[ cities_and_belonging[i][j][0]], (self.coords[4][0] + 2, self.coords[4][1]), (self.coords[5][0] + 2, self.coords[5][1]), 4) def check_is_pressed(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: """Проверяем была ли нажата именно эта клетка""" x += 500 - (600 + self.board.get_coords()[0]) y += 500 - (600 + self.board.get_coords()[1]) coords = self.coords fl = True for v in range(-1, 1): x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords[(v + 6) % 6][0], coords[(v + 6) % 6][1], coords[(v + 7) % 6][0], \ coords[(v + 7) % 6][1] if y < (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) + y1: fl = False for v in range(2, 4): x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords[v][0], coords[v][1], coords[v + 1][0], \ coords[v + 1][1] if y > (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) + y1: fl = False if x < coords[4][0] or x > coords[2][0]: fl = False if fl: return True else: return False def change_type(self, type): """Меняем тип клетки и задаем ее цвет""" self.type = str(type) if type == 'Forest': self.color = pygame.Color('#013220') elif type == 'Meadow': self.color = pygame.Color('#228b22') elif type == 'Ocean': self.color = pygame.Color('#4169e1') elif type == 'Tundra': self.color = pygame.Color('#e6e6fa') elif type == 'Desert': self.color = pygame.Color('#f7e96d') def change_size(self, type): """Изменить размер клетки""" if type == 1: for i in range(len(self.coords)): self.coords[i] = [ self.coords[i][0] * 1.05 - 32, self.coords[i][1] * 1.05 - 18 ] self.cell_size *= 1.035 if type == -1: for i in range(len(self.coords)): self.coords[i] = [(self.coords[i][0] + 32) / 1.05, (self.coords[i][1] + 18) / 1.05] self.cell_size /= 1.035 def get_coords(self): """Возвращает координаты клетки""" return self.coords def get_town(self): """Возращает город, если он существует""" if self.town_on_cell: return return False def add_town(self, country): """Добавление города""" cities_and_belonging = self.board.cities_and_belonging dop = [] i = self.x j = self.y size_x = self.board.get_count_cells_x() size_y = self.board.get_count_cells_y() cities_and_belonging[i][j] = (, True) if i % 2 == 1: if i >= 1 and j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j - 1)) if i >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j)) if j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j)) if i < size_x - 1 and j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j - 1)) if j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j - 1)) if i % 2 == 0: if i >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j)) if i >= 1 and j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i - 1][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j + 1)) if j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i - 1, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1 and j < size_y - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j + 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j + 1)) if i < size_x - 1: cities_and_belonging[i + 1][j] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i + 1, j)) if j >= 1: cities_and_belonging[i][j - 1] = (, False) dop.append(self.board.get_cell(i, j - 1)) = Town(self.x, self.y, self, dop, country) self.town_on_cell = True self.unit_on_cell = False = 0 self.unit = None def add_settlers(self, unit): """Добавление поселенцев на клетку""" self.unit_on_cell = True self.unit = unit def add_builders(self, unit): """Добавление строителей в клетку""" self.unit_on_cell = True self.unit = unit def have_unit(self): """Определяет есть ли в клетке юнит""" return self.unit_on_cell def have_town(self): """Определяет есть в клетке город""" return self.town_on_cell def get_unit(self): """Возвращает юнит, если тот существует""" if self.unit_on_cell: return self.unit def del_unit(self): """Удаление юнита из клетки""" # del[] self.unit_on_cell = False self.unit = None def add_unit(self, unit): """Добавление юнита в клетку""" who = unit.who() if who == 'Поселенцы': self.add_settlers(unit) elif who == 'Строители': self.add_builders(unit) elif who == 'Воины': self.add_warriors(unit) def move_to(self, x, y): """Передвижение юнита на координаты x, y""" self.unit.move(x, y) def __copy__(self): """Возращает копию клетки""" return Cell(self.coords, self.cell_size, self.board, self.x, self.y) def __str__(self): """Приводит клетку в виду: x-координата y-координата юнит на этой клетке""" return ' '.join([str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.unit)]) def next_move(self): """Следующий ход""" if self.unit_on_cell: self.unit.update() self.unit.next_move() if self.town_on_cell: def add_farm(self, country): """Добавляет ферму в клетку""" if not self.farm_on_cell: self.farm_on_cell = True country.t_food += 3 if self.unit is not None: = 0 self.image_farm = load_image('buildings/farm.png', -1) def add_warriors(self, unit): """Добавление воинов на клетку""" self.unit_on_cell = True self.unit = unit
import constants as c from person import Person from town import Town Town()
def scene(viewer, shader_materials, shader_texture, shader_skinned): size = 10000 """ -------------- create a scene and add objects ------------------- """ # create ground object and add it to the viewer main_ground = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/Ground.obj', light_dir) viewer.add(add_object(main_ground)) # create mountain instances and add them to the viewer mountain = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/Mountain.obj', light_dir) x_mountains = [-0.80, -0.80, 0.80, 0.80] y_mountains = [-0.80, 0.80, -0.80, 0.80] scales = [250, 230, 220, 200] rotation = rotate((1, 0, 0), 90) for x, y, z in zip(x_mountains, y_mountains, scales): viewer.add( add_object( mountain, translate(x * size, y * size, -100) @ rotation @ scale(z))) # create skybox and add it to the viewer skybox = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/SkyBox.obj', light_dir) viewer.add(add_object(skybox)) # create a town and add it to the viewer town = Town(shader_texture, shader_materials) town.construct_town(shader_texture, shader_materials, translate(-0.2 * size, -0.2 * size, 175)) viewer.add(*town.children) # create town ground and church ground town_ground = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/GroundTown.obj', light_dir) church_ground = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/church_ground.obj', light_dir) viewer.add(add_object(town_ground, translate(-0.2 * size, -0.2 * size, 2))) viewer.add( add_object( church_ground, translate(-0.03 * size, 0.06 * size, 5) @ rotate((0, 0, 1), -90))) # create forests forest = Forest(shader_materials) forest.construct_forest(translate(-2500, -6000, 0)) viewer.add(*forest.children) # create a worker rotation = rotate((1, 0, 0), 90) @ rotate((0, 1, 0), 90) @ scale(0.5) worker = ObjectLoadSkinned( shader_skinned, 'models/characters/worker/worker_cutting_down.FBX', (-1, 0, 0)) viewer.add(add_object(worker, transform=rotation)) # create town's guards guard = ObjectLoadSkinned( shader_skinned, 'models/characters/armored_swordman/armored_swordman_standing.FBX', (-1, 0, 0)) transformation = translate(-0.2 * size, -0.2 * size, 0) translations = [ translate(32.5 * 20, 33 * 20 - 50, 0), translate(87.5 * 20, 33 * 20 - 50, 0), translate(115 * 20, 33 * 20 - 50, 0), translate(172.5 * 20, 33 * 20 - 50, 0), translate(172.5 * 20 + 100, 105 * 20, 0), translate(172.5 * 20 + 100, 129 * 20, 0), translate(172.5 * 20 + 100, 159 * 20, 0), translate(172.5 * 20 + 100, 187.5 * 20, 0), translate(75 * 20, 187.5 * 20 + 50, 0), translate(20 * 20, 162.5 * 20 + 50, 0), translate(20 * 20, 131.5 * 20 + 50, 0), translate(20 * 20, 120.5 * 20 + 50, 0), translate(20 * 20 - 100, 92.5 * 20, 0), translate(120 * 20 - 100, 185 * 20, 0), translate(140 * 20 - 100, 185 * 20, 0) ] for t in translations: viewer.add(add_object(guard, transform=transformation @ t @ rotation)) # create a non flat ground non_flat = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/terre_eleve.obj', light_dir) viewer.add( add_object(non_flat, transform=translate(0.10 * size, 0.35 * size, 0))) # create a castle castle = Castle(shader_materials) castle.construct_castle( transform=translate(0.10 * size, 0.35 * size, 400) @ scale(40)) viewer.add(*castle.children) # add an animated door translate_keys = {0: vec(0, 0, 300), 4: vec(0, 0, 100)} scale_keys = {0: 1, 4: 1} rotate_keys = {0: quaternion(), 4: quaternion()} door = ObjectLoadTextured(shader_texture, 'models/models_OBJ/door.obj', light_dir) keynode = KeyFrameControlNode(translate_keys, rotate_keys, scale_keys) keynode.add( add_object( door, translate(30, -1300, 0) @ rotate((0, 1, 0), 90) @ rotate( (1, 0, 0), -90))) viewer.add(keynode)
from town import Town from person import Person from bus import Bus townfile = open("town.txt", "r") townList = [] for aline in townfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() townList.append(Town(values[1], values[3:])) # create Town objects and add to list busfile = open("bus.txt", "r") busList = [] for aline in busfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() busList.append(Bus(values)) # create Bus objects and add them to list personfile = open("person.txt", "r") personList = [] for aline in personfile.readlines(): values = aline.split() personList.append(Person(values[0], values[1], values[2])) # create Person objects and add them to list # change person.origin and person.destination into town objects for person in personList: for town in townList: if person.locate() == town.getName(): person.setLocation(town) if person.getDestination() == town.getName(): person.setDestination(town)
#家から指定の場所までの経路情報 from town import Town from shop import Shop town_1 = Town('東京', '100', '電車+新幹線', '片道5000円超', '1時間30分') town_2 = Town('栃木', '100', '車', '片道2500円', '2時間') town_3 = Town('北海道', '1000', '自転車', '???', '1週間') shop_1 = Shop('ベイシア', '自転車', '頻繁') shop_2 = Shop('ダルマ大使', '自転車', '1ヶ月に1回') shop_3 = Shop('アニメイト', '自転車+電車', '1ヶ月に1回未満') towns = [town_1, town_2, town_3] shops = [shop_1, shop_2, shop_3] index = 1 for town in towns: print(str(index) + ':' + town.info_name()) index += 1 for shop in shops: print(str(index) + ':' + shop.info_name()) index += 1 number = int(input('詳細を知りたい行き先を選んでください。:')) - 1 if 0 <= number <= 2: select = towns[number]