コード例 #1
def feed_chip_four ( table, sid ):
    ''' Gets a star's chip intelligently based on its SOURCEID and table.
    Checks to see if the star is on multiple chips.

      table -- an ATpy table with time-series data and positions.
      sid -- a 13-digit WFCAM source ID.

    Calls get_chip. A convenience function. Uses default get_chip keywords.
    Looks up a star's chip for its first four detections,
    to see if the star is on multiple chips.

    SEE ALSO: feed_chip_one for less.

    I'll have to think carefully about what to return here. 
    (or whether this is even useful or necessary)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, 123)
    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS
    RA = np.degrees(s_table.RA)
    DEC= np.degrees(s_table.DEC)
    chips = [ get_chip( date[x], RA[x], DEC[x] ) for x in range(4) ]

    # chips = [ get_chip( date[0], RA[0], DEC[0] ),
    #           get_chip( date[1], RA[1], DEC[1] ),
    #           get_chip( date[2], RA[2], DEC[2] ),
    #           get_chip( date[3], RA[3], DEC[3] ) ]

    # For now I'll just return the four chips in a list, rather than some kind
    # of flag indicating whether the star was on multiple chips. This seems the
    # most naive way to handle it.
    return chips
コード例 #2
ファイル: plot2.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def phase_trajectory (table, sid, period='auto', outfile='', season=123, 
    """ Does just the trajectory window from earlier. """
    # Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot (note I set flags to 0)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=0)

    if len(s_table) == 0:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jmh =  s_table.JMHPNT
    hmk =  s_table.HMKPNT

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR

# Let's figure out the period.
    if period == 'auto':
        period = 1./test_analyze(date, jcol, jerr)
        print period
    elif period == 'lsp':
        lomb = lsp(date,jcol,6.,6.)
        lsp_freq = lomb[0]
        lsp_power= lomb[1]
        Jmax = lsp_mask( lsp_freq, lsp_power)
        lsp_per = 1./ lomb[0][Jmax]
        period = lsp_per
        print period

    if period < 1:
        period_string = "%f hours" % (period*24)
        print period_string
        period_string = "%f days" % period

    phase = ((date % period) / period + offset) % 1.

    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6), dpi=80,
                     facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    ax_jhk = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
    plot_trajectory_core( ax_jhk, hmk, jmh, phase , label='Phase')
    ax_jhk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    ax_jhk.set_ylabel( "J-H")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})

    return period
コード例 #3
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def plot_jhmk(table, sid, outfile="", sup="", box=True, bands="jhk", season=123, text=True):
    """ Plots J and H-K lightcurves in 3 seasons (separated) over time.

    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, 123)
    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hmkcol = s_table.HMKPNT

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    hmkerr = s_table.HMKPNTERR


    ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2, sharey=ax1)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3, sharey=ax1)

    sx1 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4, sharex=ax1)
    sx2 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5, sharex=ax2)
    sx3 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 6, sharex=ax3)

    for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3):
        plt.errorbar(date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt="k-o", ecolor="k")

    for sx in (sx1, sx2, sx3):
        plt.errorbar(date, hmkcol, yerr=hmkerr, fmt="k-o", ecolor="k")

    plt.ylabel("WFCAM J Magnitude")

    d = 54579
    plt.xlim(d, d + 100)
    plt.xlabel("Season 1")
    plt.xlim(d + 100, d + 300)
    plt.xlabel("Season 2")
    plt.xlim(d + 300, d + 600)
    plt.xlabel("Season 3")

    return True
コード例 #4
def feed_chip_one ( table, sid ):
    ''' Gets a star's chip intelligently based on its SOURCEID and table.

      table -- an ATpy table with time-series data and positions.
      sid -- a 13-digit WFCAM source ID.

    Calls get_chip. A convenience function. Uses default get_chip keywords.
    Only looks up a single event's chip. 
    SEE ALSO: feed_chip_four if you want more.
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, 123)
    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS
    RA = np.degrees(s_table.RA)
    DEC= np.degrees(s_table.DEC)
    return get_chip( date[0], RA[0], DEC[0] )
コード例 #5
def S_sid (table, sid, season=123, flags=0) :
    """ Calculates the Stetson J index for a given source.

      table -- an atpy table with time-series photometry
      sid -- a Source ID from WFCAM (13 digits)
      season -- Which observing season of our dataset (1,2, 3, or all)
    from tr_helpers import season_cut

    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=flags)
    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR

    return S (jcol, jerr, hcol, herr, kcol, kerr)
コード例 #6
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def plot_phase(table, sid, period, band="j", outfile="", season=123, offset=0, clear=True):
    """ Plots magnitude as a function of phase for one source in one band. """

    # Yo! This needs one more argument! A constant term to shift over by...
    # I'll make it scaled to phase (i.e. between 0 and 1)

    if band.lower() not in ["j", "h", "k", "jmh", "hmk"]:
        print "Error: keyword 'band' must be 'j','h', 'k', 'jmh', or 'hmk'."
        print "Keyword 'band' defaulting to 'j'."
        band = "j"

    if "m" in band.lower():
        bandname = band.upper() + "PNT"
        thing = "color"
        bandname = band.upper() + "APERMAG3"
        thing = "magnitude"

    #    w = numpy.where( table.SOURCEID == sid )

    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season)

    # ra1, ra2 = 314.36, 315.77
    # dec1,dec2= 52.02, 52.92

    # rabox = [ra1, ra1, ra2, ra2, ra1]
    # decbox= [dec1,dec2,dec2,dec1,dec1]

    # sra, sdec = table.RA[w][0], table.DEC[w][0]

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS  # - 54579
    phase = ((date % period) / period + offset) % 1.0

    mag = s_table.data[bandname]
    err = s_table.data[bandname + "ERR"]

    if clear:

    ax = plt.gca()

    plt.errorbar(phase, mag, yerr=err, fmt="ko")  # ,ecolor='k')
    #    plt.errorbar(phase-1,mag,yerr=err,fmt='ko',ecolor='0.7', alpha=0.3)
    plt.errorbar(phase - 1, mag, yerr=err, fmt="o", mfc="0.7", mec="0.7", ecolor="0.7")
    plt.errorbar(phase + 1, mag, yerr=err, fmt="o", mfc="0.7", mec="0.7", ecolor="0.7")
    #    plt.errorbar(phase+1,mag,yerr=err,fmt='ko',ecolor='0.7', alpha=0.3)

    plt.xticks([0, 0.5, 1])
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-0.5, 1.5, 0.1), minor=True)

    plt.xlim(-0.25, 1.25)

    if len(band) == 1:

    plt.ylabel("WFCAM %s %s" % (band.upper(), thing))

    if period < 1:
        period_string = "%f hours" % (period * 24)
        print period_string
        period_string = "%f days" % period

    plt.title("Phase-folded lightcurve. Source ID %d. Period: %s." % (sid, period_string))

    if outfile == "":
コード例 #7
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def plot_lc(table, sid, outfile="", sup="", box=True, bands="jhk", season=123, text=True):
    """ Plots J,H,K lightcurves WITH ERRORBARS for a given input source.

    Written with WFCAM columns in mind, specifically like from WSERV1.

    #    w = numpy.where( table.SOURCEID == sid )

    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season)

    ra1, ra2 = 314.36, 315.77
    dec1, dec2 = 52.02, 52.92

    rabox = [ra1, ra1, ra2, ra2, ra1]
    decbox = [dec1, dec2, dec2, dec1, dec1]

    #    print w
    #    print table.RA[w]
    ##    print s_table.RA
    #    sra, sdec = table.RA[w][0], table.DEC[w][0]
    sra, sdec = s_table.RA[0], s_table.DEC[0]

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR


    # This is the size of the lightcurve box
    if box:
        plt.axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8])

    if "j" in bands:
        plt.errorbar(date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt="b-o", ecolor="k", label="J-band, RMS: %f" % jcol.std())
    if "h" in bands:
        plt.errorbar(date, hcol, yerr=herr, fmt="g-o", ecolor="k", label="H-band, RMS: %f" % hcol.std())
    if "k" in bands:
        plt.errorbar(date, kcol, yerr=kerr, fmt="r-o", ecolor="k", label="K-band, RMS: %f" % kcol.std())


    if text:

        if 'j' in bands:
            plt.text(20,jcol.max()+.1,"J-band RMS: %f" % jcol.std())
        if 'h' in bands:
            plt.text(20,hcol.max()+.1,"H-band RMS: %f" % hcol.std())
        if 'k' in bands:
            plt.text(20,kcol.max()+.1,"K-band RMS: %f" % kcol.std())

    plt.ylabel("WFCAM magnitude")
    plt.xlabel("Julian days since 04/23/2008")
    plt.title("J, H, K with errorbars. Source ID %d." % sid)

    # This is the size of the position box
    if box:
        plt.axes([0.775, 0.55, 0.2, 0.35])
        plt.plot(rabox, decbox)
        plt.plot(np.degrees(sra), np.degrees(sdec), "rD")

        dx = 1 / 8.0 * (ra2 - ra1)
        dy = 1 / 8.0 * (dec2 - dec1)
        arrx = ra1 + 2 * dx
        arry = dec1 + 6 * dy
        plt.arrow(arrx, arry, dx, 0)
        plt.arrow(arrx, arry, 0, dy)


        plt.ylabel("Dec, degrees")
        plt.xlabel("RA, degrees")


    if outfile == "":
コード例 #8
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def plot_5(table, sid, outfile="", name="?", season=123, png_too=False):
    """ Plots all five lightcurves of one star: J, H, K, J-H, H-K, 
    on one page, for one season.

      table -- atpy table with time series photometry
      sid -- WFCAM source ID of star to plot
    Optional inputs:
      outfile -- a place to save the file 
      name -- a short string to display as a name atop the plot
      season -- the usual
      png_too -- if True, saves both a PDF and a PNG of the outfile
                 (note - iff True, don't give a filename extension)

    Note: heavy edits have made that not strictly true.

    # Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot (note I set flags to 0)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=0)

    if len(s_table) == 0:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jmh = s_table.JMHPNT
    hmk = s_table.HMKPNT

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR
    jmherr = s_table.JMHPNTERR
    hmkerr = s_table.HMKPNTERR

    kdex = 1.71 * hmk - jmh
    kdexerr = np.sqrt(jerr ** 2 + herr ** 2 + kerr ** 2)
    # Done loading up data.

    # Let's create that plot.
    fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8.5, 11), dpi=80, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k")

    left = 0.125  # don't touch
    width = 0.775  # these two.

    height = 0.8 / 5
    bottom = np.arange(0.1, 0.9, height)
    tri_height = 0.8 / 10
    tri_bottom = np.arange(0.1, 0.9, tri_height)

    ks = 0.05  # this is the size of the kdex box

    ax_hmk = fig.add_axes([left, bottom[0], width, tri_height])
    ax_kdex = fig.add_axes([left, tri_bottom[1], width, tri_height], sharex=ax_hmk)
    #    ax_jmh = fig.add_axes( [left, tri_bottom[2], width, tri_height]
    #                           ,sharex=ax_hmk)
    ax_k = fig.add_axes([left, bottom[1], width, height], sharex=ax_hmk)
    ax_h = fig.add_axes([left, bottom[2], width, height], sharex=ax_hmk)
    ax_j = fig.add_axes([left, bottom[3], width, height], sharex=ax_hmk)

    ax_traj = fig.add_subplot(5, 2, 1)
    ax_small_traj = fig.add_subplot(5, 2, 2)
    #    ax_thumb= fig.add_subplot(6,3,3)

    # Plot J-band:
    ax_j.errorbar(date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt="b-o", ecolor="k")
    #    ax_j.set_xticklabels([])

    # Plot H-band:
    ax_h.errorbar(date, hcol, yerr=herr, fmt="g-o", ecolor="k")

    # Plot K-band:
    ax_k.errorbar(date, kcol, yerr=kerr, fmt="r-o", ecolor="k")

    # Plot J-H color:
    #    ax_jmh.errorbar( date, jmh, yerr=jmherr, fmt='k-o', ecolor='k' )

    # Plot K dex:
    ax_kdex.errorbar(date, kdex, yerr=kdexerr, fmt="k-o", ecolor="k")
    # plot a dotted line:
    xs = [date.min(), date.max()]
    ys = [0.1, 0.1]
    ax_kdex.plot(xs, ys, "r--")
    # plot red dots on disky nights:
    disk = np.where(kdex > 0.1)

    ax_kdex.plot(date[disk], kdex[disk], "ro")

    # Plot H-K color:
    ax_hmk.errorbar(date, hmk, yerr=hmkerr, fmt="k-o", ecolor="k")

    # Plot the trajectory thingy!
    plot_trajectory_core(ax_traj, hmk, jmh, date)
    plot_trajectory_core(ax_small_traj, hmk, jmh, date, ms=False)

    # Done plotting.

    plt.setp(ax_j.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_h.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_k.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    #    plt.setp(ax_jmh.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_kdex.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    # Now let's create labelling information!

    ax_hmk.set_xlabel("Time (JD since 04/23/2008)")
    ax_j.set_ylabel("J mag")
    ax_h.set_ylabel("H mag")
    ax_k.set_ylabel("K mag")
    #    ax_jmh.set_ylabel( "J-H color" )
    ax_hmk.set_ylabel("H-K color")
    ax_kdex.set_ylabel("K excess")

    jmean = jcol.mean()
    hmean = hcol.mean()
    kmean = kcol.mean()
    jrms, hrms, krms = jcol.std(), hcol.std(), kcol.std()

    sra, sdec = s_table.RA[0], s_table.DEC[0]
    sPosition = coords.Position((sra, sdec), units="rad")
    sPositionString = sPosition.hmsdms()

    # i am aware that the following line is SUCH A MESS
    big_title = (
        ("Object %s.\t" % name)
        + (r"$J_{mean} =$ %.2f, $H_{mean} =$ %.2f, $K_{mean} =$ %.2f, " % (jmean, hmean, kmean))
        + "\nSeason %d \t" % season
        + r"$J_{RMS} =$ %.3f, $H_{RMS} =$ %.3f, $K_{RMS} =$ %.3f" % (jrms, hrms, krms)

        xy=(0.5, 0.955),
        xycoords="figure fraction",

    plt.suptitle("Position: %s,       Source ID %d." % (sPositionString, sid))

    if outfile == "":
        if png_too:
            plt.savefig(outfile + ".pdf")
            plt.savefig(outfile + ".png")
コード例 #9
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def plot_page_periods(table, sid, outfile="", name="?", season=123, png_too=False):
    Plot one comprehensive page of periodicity information for one source
    in WFCAM time-series JHK data.

             table: An atpy table with WFCAM time-series photometry
             sid: A 13-digit WFCAM source ID

             outfile: an output filename, including path and filetype 
                 extension, to save plot to (rather than plot interactively)
             name: a nickname/designation for your source
             season: which season to plot? 1, 2, 3, or all

             Returns nothing; optionally saves an output plot.

             This function calls the Lomb Scargle period-finding algorithm and
             the Palmer fast chi-square minimization period-finding algorithm
             to search for periods in the source, in each band.
             Then it plots the periodogram and the lightcurve folded by the
             two best periods (lomb period and palmer period).

    # 1. Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot (note I set flags to 0)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=0)

    if len(s_table) < 2:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    class Band:

    j = Band()
    h = Band()
    k = Band()
    jmh = Band()
    hmk = Band()
    kdex = Band()

    bands = [j, h, k, jmh, kdex, hmk]

    j.col = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    h.col = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    k.col = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jmh.col = s_table.JMHPNT
    hmk.col = s_table.HMKPNT

    j.err = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    h.err = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    k.err = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR
    jmh.err = s_table.JMHPNTERR
    hmk.err = s_table.HMKPNTERR

    kdex.col = 1.71 * hmk.col - jmh.col
    kdex.err = np.sqrt(j.err ** 2 + h.err ** 2 + k.err ** 2)
    # Done loading up data.

    # 2. Compute periods and basic statistics

    # a. Overall stetson variability

    stet = stetson.S(j.col, j.err, h.col, h.err, k.col, k.err)

    for b in bands:

        # b. Lomb-scargle periodogram for each band
        b.lsp = lsp(date, b.col, 6.0, 6.0)

        b.lsp_freq = b.lsp[0]
        b.lsp_power = b.lsp[1]

        Jmax = lsp_mask(b.lsp_freq, b.lsp_power)
        b.lsp_per = 1.0 / b.lsp[0][Jmax]
        print "actually using timing 2"
        print b.lsp_per
        # deprecated:
        # b.lsp_per = 1./ b.lsp[0][b.lsp[3]]

        # c. Fast Chi-squared period for each band

        b.fx2_per = 1.0 / test_analyze(date, b.col, b.err)  # confirmed syntax

    # ok, now as a test let's print these quantities that we just calculated

    #    print "Stetson index: " + str(stet)
    #    for b, n in zip(bands, ('j','h','k', 'j-h','h-k','kdex')):
    #        print n.upper() + " band LSP period: " + str(b.lsp_per)
    #        print n.upper() + " band fx2 period: " + str(b.fx2_per)

    # I gotta silence the output of chi whatever. This may involve some serious popen whatever shit. (or just removing a print statement somewhere...)

    # 3. Create the canvas
    fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8.5, 11), dpi=80, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k")

    # My first approach: using subplots rather than custom coding

    qs = 3 * np.arange(6)

    for b, q in zip(bands, qs):  # qs: something about dimension parameters:
        #        b.ax1 = fig.add_axes
        b.ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 3, q + 1)
        b.ax2 = fig.add_subplot(6, 3, q + 2)
        b.ax3 = fig.add_subplot(6, 3, q + 3)

        b.ax1.plot(1.0 / b.lsp_freq, b.lsp_power)

    colors = ("b", "g", "r")
    for b, c in zip((j, h, k), colors):

        plot_phase_core(b.ax2, date, b.col, b.err, b.lsp_per, color=c)
        plot_phase_core(b.ax3, date, b.col, b.err, b.fx2_per, color=c)


    for b in (jmh, kdex, hmk):
        plot_phase_core(b.ax2, date, b.col, b.err, b.lsp_per)
        plot_phase_core(b.ax3, date, b.col, b.err, b.fx2_per)

        if b is kdex:
            # plot a dotted line:
            xs = [-0.25, 1.25]
            ys = [0.1, 0.1]
            b.ax2.plot(xs, ys, "r--")
            b.ax3.plot(xs, ys, "r--")
            # plot red dots on disky nights:
            disk = np.where(kdex.col > 0.1)

            if date[disk].size > 0:
                plot_phase_core(b.ax2, date[disk], b.col[disk], b.err[disk], b.lsp_per, color="r")
                plot_phase_core(b.ax3, date[disk], b.col[disk], b.err[disk], b.fx2_per, color="r")

    jmean = j.col.mean()
    hmean = h.col.mean()
    kmean = k.col.mean()
    jrms, hrms, krms = j.col.std(), h.col.std(), k.col.std()

    sra, sdec = s_table.RA[0], s_table.DEC[0]
    sPosition = coords.Position((sra, sdec), units="rad")
    sPositionString = sPosition.hmsdms()

    # I'm testing an invisible big axes thing for my title
    #    bigAxes = plt.axes(frameon=False)
    #    plt.xticks([])
    #    plt.yticks([])

    big_title = (
        ("Object %s.\t" % name)
        + (r"$J_{mean} =$ %.2f, $H_{mean} =$ %.2f, $K_{mean} =$ %.2f, " % (jmean, hmean, kmean))
        + "\nSeason %d \t" % season
        + r"$J_{RMS} =$ %.3f, $H_{RMS} =$ %.3f, $K_{RMS} =$ %.3f" % (jrms, hrms, krms)

    mean_per = np.mean([j.lsp_per, h.lsp_per, k.lsp_per, j.fx2_per, h.fx2_per, k.fx2_per])

    second_title = ("Stetson Index: %.1f \n" % stet) + ("Average Period: %.2f days\n" % mean_per)

    #    plt.title(big_title)

        big_title, xy=(0.025, 0.965), xycoords="figure fraction", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top"

        xy=(0.925, 0.965),
        xycoords="figure fraction",

    # Use text and bbox to draw the fitted periods
    for b in bands:
        if b.lsp_per > 0.9:
            b.lsp_per_str = "period: %.2f days" % b.lsp_per
            b.lsp_per_str = "period: %.2f hours" % (b.lsp_per * 24)

        if b.fx2_per > 0.9:
            b.fx2_per_str = "period: %.2f days" % b.fx2_per
            b.fx2_per_str = "period: %.2f hours" % (b.fx2_per * 24)


            bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.3),

    plt.suptitle("Position: %s,       Source ID %d." % (sPositionString, sid))

    j.ax1.set_title("Lomb-Scargle Periodogram", fontsize=10)
    j.ax2.set_title("Best LSP period", fontsize=10)
    j.ax3.set_title("Best fX2 period", fontsize=10)
    hmk.ax1.set_xlabel("Period (days)")

    if outfile == "":
        if png_too:
            plt.savefig(outfile + ".pdf")
            plt.savefig(outfile + ".png")

コード例 #10
ファイル: plot2.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def lsp_power (table, sid, outfile='', name='', season=123, png_too=False):
    Plots J, H, K periodograms for one star.

      table -- atpy table with time series photometry
      sid -- WFCAM source ID of star to plot
    Optional inputs:
      outfile -- a place to save the file 
      name -- a short string to display as a name atop the plot
      season -- the usual
      png_too -- if True, saves both a PDF and a PNG of the outfile
                 (note - iff True, don't give a filename extension)
    # Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot (note I set flags to 0)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=0)

    if len(s_table) < 2:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
#    jmh =  s_table.JMHPNT
#    hmk =  s_table.HMKPNT

#    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
#    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
#    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR
#    jmherr=s_table.JMHPNTERR
#    hmkerr=s_table.HMKPNTERR

    jlsp = lsp(date, jcol, 6., 6.)
    hlsp = lsp(date, hcol, 6., 6.)
    klsp = lsp(date, kcol, 6., 6.)

    j_lsp_freq = jlsp[0]
    h_lsp_freq = hlsp[0]
    k_lsp_freq = klsp[0]

    j_lsp_power = jlsp[1]
    h_lsp_power = hlsp[1]
    k_lsp_power = klsp[1]

    # best periods, filtered by the lsp_mask
    j_lsp_per = 1./ j_lsp_freq[ lsp_mask( j_lsp_freq, j_lsp_power) ]    
    h_lsp_per = 1./ h_lsp_freq[ lsp_mask( h_lsp_freq, h_lsp_power) ]
    k_lsp_per = 1./ k_lsp_freq[ lsp_mask( k_lsp_freq, k_lsp_power) ]

    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6), dpi=80,
                     facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    ax_j = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1)
    ax_h = fig.add_subplot(3,1,2, sharex=ax_j)
    ax_k = fig.add_subplot(3,1,3, sharex=ax_j)

    ax_j.plot(1./j_lsp_freq, j_lsp_power, 'b')
    ax_h.plot(1./h_lsp_freq, h_lsp_power, 'g')
    ax_k.plot(1./k_lsp_freq, k_lsp_power, 'r')

    ax_k.set_xlabel("Period (days)")
    ax_h.set_ylabel("Periodogram Power")

    # bottom = 0.1
    # height = .25
    # left = 0.075
    # width = 0.5

    # ax_k = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom, width, height) )
    # ax_h = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.3, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    # ax_j = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.6, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    # ax_jhk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom, .3, .375) )
    # ax_khk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom+.475, .3, .375) )

    # # Plot J-band:
    # ax_j.errorbar( date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt='bo', ecolor='k')
    # ax_j.invert_yaxis()

    # # Plot H-band:
    # ax_h.errorbar( date, hcol, yerr=herr, fmt='go', ecolor='k' )
    # ax_h.invert_yaxis()

    # # Plot K-band:
    # ax_k.errorbar( date, kcol, yerr=kerr, fmt='ro', ecolor='k' )
    # ax_k.invert_yaxis()

    # # Plot J-H vs H-K
    # plot_trajectory_core( ax_jhk, hmk, jmh, date )

    # # Plot K vs H-K
    # plot_trajectory_core( ax_khk, hmk, kcol, date , ms=False, ctts=False) # gonna update this so that it properly uses K-band main sequence line
    # ax_khk.invert_yaxis()

    # # Hide the bad labels...
    # plt.setp(ax_j.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    # plt.setp(ax_h.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    # # Label stuff
    # ax_k.set_xlabel( "Time (JD since 04/23/2008)" )

    # ax_j.set_ylabel( "J",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    # ax_h.set_ylabel( "H",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    # ax_k.set_ylabel( "K",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )

    # ax_jhk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    # ax_jhk.set_ylabel( "J-H")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})
    # ax_khk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    # ax_khk.set_ylabel( "K")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})

    if outfile == '':
        if png_too:
コード例 #11
ファイル: plot2.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def phase (table, sid, period='auto', outfile='', season=123, offset=0, 
           flags=0, png_too=False):
    Plots J, H, K lightcurves, as well as JHK color-color and color-mag
    trajectories, for one star.

      table -- atpy table with time series photometry
      sid -- WFCAM source ID of star to plot
    Optional inputs:
      outfile -- a place to save the file 
      name -- a short string to display as a name atop the plot
      season -- the usual
      png_too -- if True, saves both a PDF and a PNG of the outfile
                 (note - iff True, don't give a filename extension)
      flags -- whether to remove bad observations from plotting, 
               and where to draw the cutoff.

    # Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot 
    # (note I set 'flags' as a keyword)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=flags)

    if len(s_table) == 0:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jmh =  s_table.JMHPNT
    hmk =  s_table.HMKPNT

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR

# Let's figure out the period.
    if period == 'auto':
        period = 1./test_analyze(date, jcol, jerr)
        print period
    elif period == 'lsp':
        lomb = lsp(date,jcol,6.,6.)
        lsp_freq = lomb[0]
        lsp_power= lomb[1]
        Jmax = lsp_mask( lsp_freq, lsp_power)
        lsp_per = 1./ lomb[0][Jmax]
        period = lsp_per
        print period

    if period < 1:
        period_string = "%f hours" % (period*24)
        print period_string
        period_string = "%f days" % period

    phase = ((date % period) / period + offset) % 1.

    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6), dpi=80,
                     facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    bottom = 0.1
    height = .25
    left = 0.075
    width = 0.5

    ax_k = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom, width, height) )
    ax_h = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.3, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    ax_j = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.6, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    ax_jhk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom, .3, .375) )
    ax_khk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom+.475, .3, .375) )

    # Plot J-band:
    plot_phase_core( ax_j, date, jcol, jerr, period, offset=offset, color='b')
#    ax_j.errorbar( date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt='bo', ecolor='k')

    # Plot H-band:
    plot_phase_core( ax_h, date, hcol, herr, period, offset=offset, color='g')
#    ax_h.errorbar( date, hcol, yerr=herr, fmt='go', ecolor='k' )

    # Plot K-band:
    plot_phase_core( ax_k, date, kcol, kerr, period, offset=offset, color='r')
#    ax_k.errorbar( date, kcol, yerr=kerr, fmt='ro', ecolor='k' )

    # Plot J-H vs H-K
    plot_trajectory_core( ax_jhk, hmk, jmh, phase , label='Phase')

    # Plot K vs H-K
    plot_trajectory_core( ax_khk, hmk, kcol, phase, label='Phase', ms=False, ctts=False) # gonna update this so that it properly uses K-band main sequence line

    # Hide the bad labels...
    plt.setp(ax_j.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_h.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    # Label stuff
    ax_k.set_xlabel( "Phase (Period = %s)" % period_string )

    ax_j.set_ylabel( "J",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    ax_h.set_ylabel( "H",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    ax_k.set_ylabel( "K",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )

    ax_jhk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    ax_jhk.set_ylabel( "J-H")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})
    ax_khk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    ax_khk.set_ylabel( "K")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})

    if outfile == '':
        if png_too:

    return period
コード例 #12
ファイル: plot2.py プロジェクト: tomr-stargazer/wuvars-proto
def lc (table, sid, outfile='', name='?', season=123, png_too=False, 
    Plots J, H, K lightcurves, as well as JHK color-color and color-mag
    trajectories, for one star.

      table -- atpy table with time series photometry
      sid -- WFCAM source ID of star to plot
    Optional inputs:
      outfile -- a place to save the file 
      name -- a short string to display as a name atop the plot
      season -- the usual
      png_too -- if True, saves both a PDF and a PNG of the outfile
                 (note - iff True, don't give a filename extension)
      flags -- whether to remove bad observations from plotting, 
               and where to draw the cutoff.
    # Loading up the relevant datapoints to plot 
    # (note I set 'flags' as a keyword)
    s_table = season_cut(table, sid, season, flags=flags)

    if len(s_table) == 0:
        print "no data here"

    date = s_table.MEANMJDOBS - 54579

    jcol = s_table.JAPERMAG3
    hcol = s_table.HAPERMAG3
    kcol = s_table.KAPERMAG3
    jmh =  s_table.JMHPNT
    hmk =  s_table.HMKPNT

    jerr = s_table.JAPERMAG3ERR
    herr = s_table.HAPERMAG3ERR
    kerr = s_table.KAPERMAG3ERR

    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6), dpi=80,
                     facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    bottom = 0.1
    height = .25
    left = 0.075
    width = 0.5

    ax_k = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom, width, height) )
    ax_h = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.3, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    ax_j = fig.add_axes( (left, bottom+.6, width, height), sharex=ax_k )
    ax_jhk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom, .3, .375) )
    ax_khk = fig.add_axes( (.65, bottom+.475, .3, .375) )

    # Plot J-band:
    ax_j.errorbar( date, jcol, yerr=jerr, fmt='bo', ecolor='k')

    # Plot H-band:
    ax_h.errorbar( date, hcol, yerr=herr, fmt='go', ecolor='k' )

    # Plot K-band:
    ax_k.errorbar( date, kcol, yerr=kerr, fmt='ro', ecolor='k' )

    # Plot J-H vs H-K
    plot_trajectory_core( ax_jhk, hmk, jmh, date )

    # Plot K vs H-K
    plot_trajectory_core( ax_khk, hmk, kcol, date , ms=False, ctts=False) # gonna update this so that it properly uses K-band main sequence line

    # Hide the bad labels...
    plt.setp(ax_j.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_h.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

    # Label stuff
    ax_k.set_xlabel( "Time (JD since 04/23/2008)" )

    ax_j.set_ylabel( "J",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    ax_h.set_ylabel( "H",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )
    ax_k.set_ylabel( "K",{'rotation':'horizontal', 'fontsize':'large'} )

    ax_jhk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    ax_jhk.set_ylabel( "J-H")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})
    ax_khk.set_xlabel( "H-K" )
    ax_khk.set_ylabel( "K")#, {'rotation':'horizontal'})

    if outfile == '':
        if png_too:
コード例 #13
def make_corrections_table ( constants, table ):
    ''' Creates a table of photometric corrections per chip per night.

      constants -- an ATpy table which gives 10 constant stars per chip.
                   Columns: "SOURCEID" (13-digit int), "chip" (1-16 int)
      table -- an ATpy table with time-series photometry

      an ATpy table with the following format:
      night            chip   correction_J  corr_H   corr_K
      '54582.6251067'  3      +0.13         +0.07    -0.03

    # rb.meanr(x) is the robust mean

    # First - let's compute every constant star's robust mean in each band.
    # And keep track of them.

    j_meanr = np.zeros(constants.SOURCEID.size) * 1.
    h_meanr = np.zeros(constants.SOURCEID.size) * 1.
    k_meanr = np.zeros(constants.SOURCEID.size) * 1.
    for sid, i in zip(constants.SOURCEID, range(constants.SOURCEID.size)):
        stable = season_cut(table, sid, 123, flags=0)
        j_meanr[i] = rb.meanr( stable.JAPERMAG3 )
        h_meanr[i] = rb.meanr( stable.HAPERMAG3 )
        k_meanr[i] = rb.meanr( stable.KAPERMAG3 )
        del stable
        constants.add_column('j_meanr', j_meanr)
        constants.add_column('h_meanr', h_meanr)
        constants.add_column('k_meanr', k_meanr)

        print "computed robust-mean magnitude for each constant star"
        print "looks like you already computed robust-mean magnitudes"
    # Second - Calculate mean(r) deviations for each chip for each night
    chip_list = list( set( constants.chip ) )
    corrections_list = [] # add tables to this list, join them up at the end

    for chip in chip_list:
        local_network = constants.where(constants.chip == chip)
        # so I'm taking all of the local stars, and for every night...
        # do i calculate it by each star first, or each night first?
        # each night first I think would work better.

        #let's grab a slice of the big table corresponding only to our 
        # favorite sources' photometry. 

        # by joining together the season_cuts from all 10 sources!
        # no that's stupid. Use an "or |" operator! this is gonna be painful

        cids= local_network.SOURCEID
        ids = table.SOURCEID
        #local_table = season_cut( table, local_network[0], 123 )

        local_table = data_cut( table, cids, 123, flags=0 ) # aww yeah

        # local_table = table.where( ( (ids == cids[0]) | # I really, really wish
        #                              (ids == cids[1]) | # I knew how to make
        #                              (ids == cids[2]) | # this more elegant.
        #                              (ids == cids[3]) | 
        #                              (ids == cids[4]) |
        #                              (ids == cids[5]) |
        #                              (ids == cids[6]) |
        #                              (ids == cids[7]) |
        #                              (ids == cids[8]) |
        #                              (ids == cids[9]) ) &
        #                            (table.JPPERRBITS <= 0) &
        #                            (table.HPPERRBITS <= 0) &
        #                            (table.KPPERRBITS <= 0) )

        # okay, now that i've got the local table... let's get each night's
        # meanr deviation.
        # first, let's make some dates to iterate through
        date_list = list( set( local_table.MEANMJDOBS ) )
        # at some point i need to make a structure to save the corrections to

        ld = len(date_list)
        date_arr = np.zeros(ld)
        j_correction = np.zeros(ld)
        h_correction = np.zeros(ld)
        k_correction = np.zeros(ld)
        chip_arr = chip * np.ones(ld, dtype=int)

        # get each night's correction!
        for date, j in zip( date_list, range(ld) ):
            # a temporary place to keep the individual deviations
            j_deviation = np.zeros_like(cids) * 1.
            h_deviation = np.zeros_like(cids) * 1.
            k_deviation = np.zeros_like(cids) * 1.

            for star, i in zip(cids, range(cids.size) ):
                star_night_row = local_table.where( 
                    (local_table.SOURCEID == star) &
                    (local_table.MEANMJDOBS == date) )

                # deviation: the meanr minus that night's magnitude.
                j_deviation[i] = (constants.j_meanr[constants.SOURCEID==star]- 
                                  star_night_row.JAPERMAG3 )
                h_deviation[i] = (constants.h_meanr[constants.SOURCEID==star]- 
                                  star_night_row.HAPERMAG3 )
                k_deviation[i] = (constants.k_meanr[constants.SOURCEID==star]- 
                                  star_night_row.KAPERMAG3 )

            date_arr[j] = date
            j_correction[j] = -rb.meanr(j_deviation)
            h_correction[j] = -rb.meanr(h_deviation)
            k_correction[j] = -rb.meanr(k_deviation)

        # make a table for each chip, and (at the end) 
        # add it to the corrections_list. We'll join them up at the end.

        correction_subtable = atpy.Table(name="The Corrections Table")
        # add_column( 'name', data )
        correction_subtable.add_column('date', date_arr)
        correction_subtable.add_column('chip', chip_arr)
        correction_subtable.add_column('j_correction', j_correction)
        correction_subtable.add_column('h_correction', h_correction)
        correction_subtable.add_column('k_correction', k_correction)

        corrections_list.append( correction_subtable )

    #whoo, finally!

    correction_table = corrections_list[0]
    for subtable in corrections_list[1:] :
        correction_table.append( subtable )

    return correction_table
