コード例 #1
    def _upload_request(self, req, handler):
        self.log.debug('Handling file upload for "%s"', req.authname)

        # Retrieve uploaded file
        upload_file = req.args['bsop_upload_file']

        # Retrieve filename, normalize, use to check a file was uploaded
        # Filename checks adapted from trac/attachment.py
        filename = getattr(upload_file, 'filename', '')
        filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(filename, 'utf-8'))
        filename = filename.replace('\\', '/').replace(':', '/')
        filename = posixpath.basename(filename)
        if not filename:
            raise TracError('No file uploaded')

        # Check size of uploaded file, accepting 0 to max_upload_size bytes
        file_data = upload_file.value  # Alternatively .file for file object
        file_size = len(file_data)
        if self.max_upload_size > 0 and file_size > self.max_upload_size:
            raise TracError('Uploaded file is too large, '
                            'maximum upload size: %s' %

        self.log.debug('Received file %s with %i bytes', filename, file_size)

        commit_msg = req.args.get('bsop_upload_commit')

        self.log.debug('Opening repository for file upload')
        reponame, repos, path = _get_repository(self.env, req)
            repos_path = repos.normalize_path('/'.join([path, filename]))
            self.log.debug('Writing file %s to %s in %s', filename, repos_path,
            svn_writer = SubversionWriter(self.env, repos, req.authname)

            rev = svn_writer.put_content(repos_path, file_data, commit_msg)
                _("Uploaded %s, creating revision %s.") % (filename, rev))
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception("Failed when uploading file %s" % filename)
            add_warning(req, _("Failed to upload file: %s") % e)
コード例 #2
 def test_add_changeset(self):
     sw = SubversionWriter(self.env, self.repos, 'kalle')
     new_rev = sw.put_content('/trunk/foo.txt',
                              content='Foo Bar',
                              commit_msg='A comment')
     RepositoryManager(self.env).notify('changeset_added', '', [new_rev])
     # Node
     so = self._get_so()
     self.assertEquals('trac:source:trunk/foo.txt', so.doc_id)
     self.assertEquals('source', so.realm)
     self.assertEquals('trunk/foo.txt', so.id)
     self.assertEquals('trunk/foo.txt', so.title)
     self.assertEquals('kalle', so.author)
     self.assertEquals('Foo Bar', so.body.read())
     self.assertTrue('A comment' in so.comments)
     # Changeset
     so = self._get_so(-2)
     self.assertEquals('trac:changeset:%i' % new_rev, so.doc_id)
     self.assertEquals('changeset', so.realm)
     self.assertEquals('%i' % new_rev, so.id)
     self.assertTrue(so.title.startswith('[%i]: A comment' % new_rev))
     self.assertEquals('kalle', so.author)
     self.assertEquals('A comment', so.body)
コード例 #3
    def _create_path_request(self, req, handler):
        self.log.debug('Handling create folder for %s', req.authname)

        create_name = req.args.get('bsop_create_folder_name')
        commit_msg = req.args.get('bsop_create_commit')

        self.log.debug('Opening repository to create folder')
        reponame, repos, path = _get_repository(self.env, req)
            create_path = repos.normalize_path('/'.join([path, create_name]))
            svn_writer = SubversionWriter(self.env, repos, req.authname)

                self.log.info('Creating folder %s in repository %s',
                              create_path, reponame)
                svn_writer.make_dir(create_path, commit_msg)

            except Exception, e:
                self.log.exception("Failed to create directory: %s", e)

                add_warning(req, "Failed to create folder: %s" % e)

            add_notice(req, _("Folder %s created.") % create_name)
コード例 #4
class TracBrowserEdit(Component):
    implements(ITemplateProvider, ITemplateStreamFilter, IRequestFilter,

    max_edit_size = IntOption(
        'browserops', 'max_edit_size', 262144,
        '''Maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for edited files. Set to 0 for
        unlimited editing size.''')

    # ITemplateProvider methods
    def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
        '''Return directories from which to serve js, css and other static files
        return [('trac_browser_svn_ops', resource_filename(__name__,

    def get_templates_dirs(self):
        '''Return directories from which to fetch templates for rendering
        return [resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')]

    # IPermissionRequestor methods
    def get_permission_actions(self):
        return [

    # ITemplateStreamFilter methods
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        action = req.args.get('action', '')

        if filename == 'browser.html' and action == 'edit':
            # NB TracBrowserOps already inserts javascript and css we need
            # So only add css/javascript needed solely by the editor

            if data['file'] and data['file']['preview']['rendered']:
                max_edit_size = self.max_edit_size
                data['max_edit_size'] = max_edit_size

                # Discard rendered table, replace with textarea of file contents
                # This means reading the file from the repository again
                # N.B. If a file is rendered as something other than a table
                # e.g. due to PreCodeBrowserPlugin this code won't trigger

                # Retrieve the same node that BrowserModule.process_request()
                # used to render the preview.
                # At this point reponame has been removed from data['path']
                # and repos has already been determined
                repos = data['repos']
                path = data['path']
                rev = data['rev']
                node = repos.get_node(path, rev)

                # If node is too large then don't allow editing, abort
                if max_edit_size > 0 and node.content_length > max_edit_size:
                    return stream

                # Open the node and read it
                node_file = node.get_content()
                node_data = node_file.read()

                # Discover the mime type and character encoding of the node
                # Try in order
                #  - svn:mime-type property
                #  - detect from file name and content (BOM)
                #  - use configured default for Trac
                mime_view = Mimeview(self.env)
                mime_type = node.content_type \
                            or mime_view.get_mimetype(node.name, node_data) \
                            or 'text/plain'
                encoding = mime_view.get_charset(node_data, mime_type)

                # Populate template data
                content = mime_view.to_unicode(node_data, mime_type, encoding)
                data['file_content'] = content
                data['file_encoding'] = encoding

                # Replace the already rendered preview with a form and textarea
                bsops_stream = Chrome(self.env).render_template(
                    req, 'file_edit.html', data, fragment=True)
                transf = Transformer('//div[@id="preview"]'
                stream |= transf.replace(
        return stream

    # IRequestFilter methods
    def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
        if req.path_info.startswith('/browser') and req.method == 'POST' \
                and "bsop_edit_commit" in req.args:

            self.log.debug('Intercepting browser POST for edit')

            # Dispatch to private edit handler method
            # The private handler performs a redirect, so don't return
            if 'bsop_edit_text' in req.args:
                self._edit_request(req, handler)
            return handler

    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        return (template, data, content_type)

    # Private methods
    def _edit_request(self, req, handler):
        self.log.debug('Handling file edit for "%s"', req.authname)

        # Retrieve fields
        # Form data arrives in req.args as unicode strings so the edited text
        # must be encoded before writing to disk, just as paths and commit
        # messages are. The difference is that subversion always takes paths
        # in utf-8 encoding. File encoding is not prescribed, to subversion
        # it's all just bytes.
        edit_text = req.args['bsop_edit_text']
        commit_msg = req.args['bsop_edit_commit_msg']
        max_edit_size = self.max_edit_size
        self.log.debug('Received %i characters of edited text', len(edit_text))

        if max_edit_size > 0 and len(edit_text) > max_edit_size:
            raise TracError("The edited text is too long, "
                            "the limit is %s (%i bytes)." %
                            (pretty_size(max_edit_size), max_edit_size))

        self.log.debug('Opening repository for file edit')
        reponame, repos, path = _get_repository(self.env, req)
            # Determine encoding to use
            # Try in order
            #  - extract charset= from svn:mimetype property
            #  - Encoding determined earlier and sent to client
            #  - Default encoding (in case returned by client is invalid)

            node = repos.get_node(path)
            encoding = _encoding_from_mime_type(node.content_type) \
                       or req.args.get('bsop_edit_encoding', '')
                text_encoded = edit_text.encode(encoding)
            except (LookupError, UnicodeEncodeError), e:
                    'Failed to encode edited text with encoding '
                    '"%s" retrying with default. Error was: %s', encoding, e)

            encoding = self.config.get('trac', 'default_charset')
                text_encoded = edit_text.encode(encoding)
            except (LookupError, UnicodeEncodeError), e:
                    'Could not encode edited text with default '
                    'encoding "%s": %s', encoding, e)
                raise TracError('Could not commit your text because it '
                                'could not be encoded.')

            repos_path = repos.normalize_path(path)
            filename = posixpath.basename(repos_path)
            self.log.debug('Writing file "%s" encoded as "%s" to "%s" in "%s"',
                           filename, encoding, repos_path, reponame)
            svn_writer = SubversionWriter(self.env, repos, req.authname)

                rev = svn_writer.put_content(repos_path, text_encoded,
                    'Committed changes to rev %i in "%s"' % (rev, filename))

            except Exception, e:
                self.log.exception('Failed when attempting svn write: %s', e)
                add_warning(req, 'Failed to write edited file',
                            'See the Trac log file for more information')
コード例 #5
    def _move_delete_request(self, req, handler):
        self.log.debug('Handling move/delete for %s', req.authname)
        operation = req.args.get('bsop_mvdel_op')  #Moving or deleting?
        src_names = req.args.getlist(
            'bsop_mvdel_src_name')  # Items to move/del
        dst_name = req.args.get('bsop_mvdel_dst_name')  # Destination if move
        commit_msg = req.args.get('bsop_mvdel_commit')

        # ContextMenuPlugin provides each src as [reponame/][page_path/]node_path
        # The Trac request path is of the form   /[reponame/][page_path]
        # Retrieve just the portion of the src items that is relative to this
        # page by stripping the request path. Do this before the request path
        # is itself stripped of reponame when retrieving the repository
        path = req.args.get('path')
        src_names = [posixpath.join('/', src_name) for src_name in src_names]
        src_names = [src_name.split(path, 1)[1] for src_name in src_names]
        self.log.debug('Received %i source items to "%s"', len(src_names),

        # Enforce rename_only mode
        if operation == 'move' and self.rename_only:
            # Do not allow move operation to place src in dst, if dst exists
            move_as_child = False

            # Check that move affects only one node
            if len(src_names) > 1:
                    'Attempted to rename %i nodes, only 1 node can'
                    'be renamed at a time', len(src_names))
                raise TracError('Cannot rename multiple files or folders.')

            # Check that destination is just filename
            # i.e. it doesn't contain any path components
            elif '/' in dst_name:
                    'Rename encountered path seperator "/" in'
                    'destination ("%s", "%s")', src_names[0], dst_name)
                raise TracError(_('A filename can not contain "/"'))

            # Check whether the source is in a sub-folder - probably because
            # the user chose a node delivered by XMLHTTPRequest
            # Ensure destination directory is the same directory as the source
            elif '/' in src_names[0]:
                src_dir, src_base = posixpath.split(src_names[0])
                dst_name = posixpath.join(src_dir, dst_name)
            # Rename only mode is not in effect, allow src to be moved inside
            # dst if dst exists or there is more than one src item
            move_as_child = True

        self.log.debug('Opening repository for %s', operation)
        reponame, repos, path = _get_repository(self.env, req)
            src_paths = [
                repos.normalize_path('/'.join([path, src_name]))
                for src_name in src_names
            dst_path = repos.normalize_path('/'.join([path, dst_name]))
            svn_writer = SubversionWriter(self.env, repos, req.authname)

                if operation == 'delete':
                    self.log.info('Deleting %i items in repository %s',
                                  len(src_paths), reponame)
                    svn_writer.delete(src_paths, commit_msg)

                elif operation == 'move':
                    self.log.info('Moving %i items to %s in repository %s',
                                  len(src_paths), repr(dst_path), reponame)
                    svn_writer.move(src_paths, dst_path, move_as_child,
                    raise TracError("Unknown operation %s" % operation)

                verb = _describe_op(operation, self.rename_only, 'Deleted',
                                    'Moved', 'Renamed')
                    req, "%s %i item(s) successfully" % (verb, len(src_paths)))

            except Exception, e:
                    "Failed when attempting svn operation "
                    "%s with rename_only=%s: %s", operation, self.rename_only,
                verb = _describe_op(operation, self.rename_only, 'Delete',
                                    'Move', 'Rename')
                add_warning(req, "%s failed: %s" % (verb, e))
            self.log.debug('Closing repository')

        # Perform http redirect back to this page in order to rerender
        # template according to new repository state