コード例 #1
ファイル: test_methods.py プロジェクト: cesarrodrig/traces
def test_npoints():

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[0] = 4
    ts[1] = 2
    ts[2] = 1
    ts[5] = 2
    ts[8] = 4

    nose.tools.eq_(ts.n_points(), 5)
        ts.n_points(start=0, end=8, include_start=False, include_end=False), 3)
        ts.n_points(start=0, end=8, include_start=False, include_end=True), 4)
        ts.n_points(start=0, end=8, include_start=True, include_end=False), 4)
        ts.n_points(start=0, end=8, include_start=True, include_end=True), 5)
        ts.n_points(start=1, end=8, include_start=False, include_end=False), 2)
        ts.n_points(start=1, end=8, include_start=False, include_end=True), 3)
        ts.n_points(start=1, end=8, include_start=True, include_end=False), 3)
        ts.n_points(start=1, end=8, include_start=True, include_end=True), 4)

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()

    nose.tools.eq_(ts.n_points(), 0)
    nose.tools.eq_(ts.n_points(include_start=False), 0)
    nose.tools.eq_(ts.n_points(include_end=False), 0)
コード例 #2
  def test_traces(self):
    ts = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  6,  0,  0)] = 10
    ts[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  7,  45,  56)] = 10
    f = ts[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  6,  0,  0)]
    f2 = ts[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  6,  10,  0)]
    print(f, f2)
    # del ts[ts.first_key()]

    ts2 = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts2[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  5,  0,  0)] = 5
    ts2[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  6,  45,  0)] = 5
    ts2[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  7,  40,  0)] = 2
    ts2[datetime(2042, 2, 1,  8,  0,  0)] = 10

    # h = traces.Histogram().median()
    count = ts * ts2
    # d = count.plot(figure_width=6,interpolate=)
    l = list(count.iterintervals(n=1))
    # count = traces.TimeSeries.merge([ts, ts2], operation=sum)
    # hist = count.distribution()
    # a, b= hist.items()
    # plt.hist(hist.items())
    # plt.show()

    self.assertEqual(count[datetime(2042, 2, 1, 7, 50)], 20)
    self.assertEqual(count[datetime(2042, 2, 1, 8)], 100)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_methods.py プロジェクト: cesarrodrig/traces
def test_mean_interpolate():

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[0] = 0
    ts[1] = 0
    ts[3] = 20
        ts.mean(0, 2, interpolate='linear'),
    assert ts.mean(0, 2, interpolate='linear') == 2.5

    mask = traces.TimeSeries(default=False)
    mask[0] = True
    mask[0.5] = False
    mask[1] = True
    mask[3] = False
        ts.mean(0, 2, mask=mask, interpolate='linear'),
        ts.mean(0, 3, mask=mask, interpolate='linear'),
コード例 #4
def test_encode_refuted_rec_sync():
    from magnum.examples.feasible_example2 import feasible_example as g
    from magnum.solvers import smt
    from magnum.solvers import milp
    from stl.boolean_eval import pointwise_sat
    dt = g.model.dt

    refuted = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0.5)])}
    phi = encode_refuted_rec(refuted, 0.1, g.times, dt=dt)

    g = bind(g).specs.learned.set(phi)
    res = smt.encode_and_run(g)
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=dt)(res.solution)
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g)
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=dt)(res.solution)

    refuted = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1), (0.4, 1), (1, 0)])}
    phi = encode_refuted_rec(refuted, 0.1, g.times, dt=dt)
    g = bind(g).specs.learned.set(phi)

    res = smt.encode_and_run(g)
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=dt)(res.solution)

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g)
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=dt)(res.solution)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_methods.py プロジェクト: cesarrodrig/traces
def test_bin():
    # make some random dates
    start = datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 13, 7, 43, 15)
    end = datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 3, 8, 45, 10)

    # make a timeseries
    span = end-start
    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[start-span/2] = 2
    ts[start] = 12
    ts[start+span/3] = 5
    ts[end - span/4] = 14
    ts[end+span] = None
    # nose.tools.assert_raises(KeyError, ts.bin, 'days')

    # make a mask
    mask = traces.TimeSeries(default=False)
    mask[start] = True
    mask[end] = False
    mask[start + 3*span/10] = False
    mask[start + 5*span/10] = True

    binned = ts.bin('weeks', mask=mask)
    first = binned.peekitem(0)
    last = binned.peekitem()

    assert len(binned) == 7
    assert first[0] == datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 10, 0, 0)
    assert last[0] == datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 21, 0, 0)
    assert int(last[1][5]) == 30581
コード例 #6
  def test_traces_am(self):
    ts = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts2 = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=4), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5), value=5)
    ts.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6), value=10)
    ts.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=7), value=3)

    ts2.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=3, minute=30), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=4, minute=30), value=8)
    ts2.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=4, minute=30), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5, minute=30), value=5)
    ts2.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5, minute=30), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6, minute=30), value=3)
    ts2.set_interval(start=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6, minute=30), end=datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=7, minute=30), value=5)

    # ts.plot()
    # ts2.plot()
    ts3 = ts * ts2
    # ts3.plot()
    # plt.show()

    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=3, minute=50)], 0)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=4, minute=10)], 40)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=4, minute=40)], 25)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5, minute=10)], 50)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=5, minute=40)], 30)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6, minute=10)], 9)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=6, minute=40)], 15)
    self.assertEqual(ts3[datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=7, minute=10)], 0)
コード例 #7
def test_missing():
    """example code for dealing with missing datapoints"""
    router_a = traces.TimeSeries([(-10, 0), (-7, 1), (-5, None), (0, 3),
                                  (1, 3), (5, None)])

    assert router_a[-6] == 1
    assert router_a[-15] is None
    assert not router_a[15]

    router_b = traces.TimeSeries([(-8, 0), (-5, 0), (-2, 1), (5, 3)],

    assert router_b[7] == 3

    # a separate signal tells us that the router went down at -10, -1 and 10
    # we have no extra data about when it came online (other than the readings)
    for timestamp in [-10, -1, 10]:
        if timestamp < router_b.first_key():
            router_b.default = None
        for start, end, value in router_b.iterperiods():
            if timestamp >= start and timestamp < end:
                router_b[timestamp] = None
        if timestamp >= router_b.last_key():
            router_b[timestamp] = None

    assert router_b[-15] is None
    assert router_b[-6] == 0
    assert router_b[0] is None
    assert router_b[7] == 3

    router_list = [router_a, router_b]

    # the default here should be the element returned by `count_merge([])`

    clients = traces.TimeSeries.merge(router_list,
    assert clients[-15] is None
    assert clients[-6] == 1
    assert clients[-0.5] is None
    assert clients[3] is None
    assert clients[15] is None

    system_uptime = clients.exists()
    assert system_uptime[-15] is False
    assert system_uptime[-6] is True
    assert system_uptime[-1] is False

    clients = traces.TimeSeries.merge(router_list,
    assert clients[-15] == 0
    assert clients[-6] == 1
    assert clients[-0.5] == 0
    assert clients[3] == 3
    assert clients[15] == 0

    system_uptime = clients.exists()
    assert system_uptime[-15] is True
    assert system_uptime[-5] is True
    assert system_uptime[-1] is True
コード例 #8
def test_reference():
    cart = traces.TimeSeries()
    cart[1.2] = {'broccoli'}
    cart[1.7] = {'broccoli', 'apple'}
    cart[2.2] = {'apple'}
    cart[3.5] = {'apple', 'beets'}

    assert cart[2] == {'broccoli', 'apple'}
    assert cart[-1] is None

    cart = traces.TimeSeries(default=set())
    assert cart[-1] == set([])
コード例 #9
  def test_deltas(self):
    filter = Filters.DepthFilter(3)
    reader = TimeLimitedReader('resources/orderbook/_orderbooks.csv.gz', skip_time='530 sec', limit_time='10 sec')

    bids = []
    asks = []
    for item, _ in reader:
      if item.symbol == 'XBTUSD':
        res = filter.process(item)
        if res is not None and res[-2] != -1:
          v = np.sum(res[-1][1,:])
          if res[-2] % 2 == 0 and v < 0:
            bids.append((res[0], -v))
          elif v > 0:
            asks.append((res[0], v))

    # tf, symbol, side? __delta-values
    bid_ts, bid_deltas = zip(*bids)
    ask_ts, ask_deltas = zip(*asks)
    bid_deltas = np.array(bid_deltas)
    ask_deltas = np.array(ask_deltas)

    bid_deltas[1:] -= bid_deltas[:-1]
    ask_deltas[1:] -= ask_deltas[:-1]

    # bids = zip(bid_ts, np.log(bid_deltas))
    # asks = zip(ask_ts, np.log(ask_deltas))

    # bids = zip(bid_ts[1:], np.clip(bid_deltas[1:], -1000., 1000.))
    # asks = zip(ask_ts[1:], np.clip(ask_deltas[1:], -1000., 1000.))
    bids = zip(bid_ts[1:], bid_deltas[1:])
    asks = zip(ask_ts[1:], ask_deltas[1:])
    print(f'bid deltas (neg) {len(bid_ts)}, ask deltas (pos) = {len(ask_ts)}')

    t1 = time.time()
    ts_bid = traces.TimeSeries(bids, default=0)
    ts_ask = traces.TimeSeries(asks, default=0)
    ts = ts_ask * ts_bid
    t2 = time.time() - t1
    print(f'Time to compute timeseries {t2}')


    t1 = time.time()
    sq1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(ask_deltas[1:])))
    sq2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(bid_deltas[1:])))
    values = sum(list(ts._d.values()))
    hy = values / sq1 / sq2
    t2 = time.time() - t1
    print(f'Time to compute Hoyashi-Yoshido cor {t2}')
コード例 #10
def test_find_refuted_radius():
    from magnum.examples.rock_paper_scissors import rps as g
    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}

    r = find_refuted_radius(g, play, counter, tol=1e-6)
    assert approx(10 / 60, abs=1e-5) == r

    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}

    r = find_refuted_radius(g, play, counter, tol=1e-6)
    assert approx(10 / 60, abs=1e-5) == r

    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 40 / 60)])}

    r = find_refuted_radius(g, play, counter, tol=1e-6)
    assert approx(10 / 60, abs=1e-5) == r

    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 40 / 60)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])}

    r = find_refuted_radius(g, play, counter, tol=1e-6)
    assert approx(10 / 60, abs=1e-5) == r
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_methods.py プロジェクト: zackdrescher/traces
def test_sample():
    time_list = [
        datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
        datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3),
        datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8),
        datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10)
    ts = _make_ts(int, time_list, [1, 2, 3, 0])

    def curr_time(i):
        return datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 1, 1, i)

    # Check first arguments
    assert dict(ts.sample(1, time_list[0], time_list[-1])) == {
        curr_time(i): ts[curr_time(i)]
        for i in range(2, 11)

    assert dict(ts.sample(2, time_list[0], time_list[-1])) == {
        curr_time(i): ts[curr_time(i)]
        for i in range(2, 11, 2)

    nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.sample, -1, time_list[0],
    nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.sample, 20, time_list[0],

    # Check second and third arguments
    nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.sample, 1, time_list[3],

    assert dict(ts.sample(1, curr_time(5), curr_time(10))) == {
        curr_time(i): ts[curr_time(i)]
        for i in range(5, 11)

    assert dict(ts.sample(1, curr_time(2), curr_time(5))) == {
        curr_time(i): ts[curr_time(i)]
        for i in range(2, 6)

    assert dict(ts.sample(1, curr_time(0), curr_time(13))) == {
        curr_time(i): ts[curr_time(i)]
        for i in range(0, 14)

    # Check using int
    ts = traces.TimeSeries([[1, 2], [2, 3], [6, 1], [8, 4]])
    assert dict(ts.sample(1, 1, 8)) == {i: ts[i] for i in range(1, 9)}
    assert dict(ts.sample(
        0.5, 1, 8)) == {1 + i / 2.: ts[1 + i / 2.]
                        for i in range(0, 15)}
    nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.sample, 0.5, -traces.inf, 8)
    nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.sample, 0.5, 1, traces.inf)

    # Test pandas compatibility
    pd_ts = pd.Series(dict(ts.sample(1, 1, 8)))
    assert all(pd_ts.index[i - 1] == i for i in range(1, 9))
    assert all(pd_ts.values[i - 1] == ts[i] for i in range(1, 9))
コード例 #12
ファイル: boolean_eval.py プロジェクト: shromonag/py-stl
    def _eval(x):
        y = f(x)
        out = traces.TimeSeries(((t - dt, v) for t, v in y))
        out = out.slice(y.domain.start(), y.domain.end())

        return out
コード例 #13
def test_histogram_stats_with_nones():

    histogram = traces.Histogram()

    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.mean(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.variance(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.standard_deviation(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.min(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.max(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.median(), None)

    histogram = traces.Histogram.from_dict({None: 1}, key=hash)

    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.mean(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.variance(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.standard_deviation(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.min(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.max(), None)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.median(), None)

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[0] = None
    ts[1] = 5
    ts[2] = 6
    ts[3] = None
    ts[9] = 7
    ts[10] = None

    histogram = ts.distribution(start=0, end=10)
    nose.tools.eq_(histogram.mean(), 6)
コード例 #14
ファイル: boolean_eval.py プロジェクト: shromonag/py-stl
    def _eval(x):
        y1, y2 = f1(x), f2(x)
        y = y1.operation(y2, lambda a, b: (a, b))
        out = traces.TimeSeries(apply_until(y), domain=y1.domain)

        return out
コード例 #15
def test_encode_refuted_rec():
    refuted = {
        'u1': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0), (1, 1)]),
        'u2': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0.5)])
    phi = encode_refuted_rec(refuted, 0.2, [0])
    psi1 = stl.parse('(u1 < -0.2) | (u1 > 0.2)')
    psi2 = stl.parse('(u2 < 0.3) | (u2 > 0.7)')
    assert phi == psi1 | psi2

    psi3 = stl.parse('X(u1 < 0.8)')
    psi4 = stl.parse('(X(u2 < 0.3)) | (X(u2 > 0.7))')
    phi = encode_refuted_rec(refuted, 0.2, [1])
    assert phi == psi3 | psi4

    phi = encode_refuted_rec(refuted, 0.2, [0, 1])
    assert set(phi.args) == set((psi1 | psi2 | psi3 | psi4).args)
コード例 #16
def test_compact():

    # since this is random, do it a bunch of times
    for n_trial in range(100):

        # make two time series, one compact and one not
        test_ts = traces.TimeSeries()
        compact_ts = traces.TimeSeries()
        for t in range(100):
            value = random.randint(0, 2)
            test_ts.set(t, value)
            compact_ts.set(t, value, compact=True)

        # make test_ts compact

        # items should be exactly the same
        assert test_ts.items() == compact_ts.items()
コード例 #17
ファイル: boolean_eval.py プロジェクト: shromonag/py-stl
        def _eval(x):
            y = f(x)
            if len(y) <= 1:
                return y

            out = traces.TimeSeries(process_intervals(y)).slice(
                y.domain.start(), y.domain.end())
            return out
コード例 #18
def extract_ts(name, model, g, store):
    dt = g.model.dt
    # TODO: hack to have to eval this
    # TODO: support extracting H=0 timeseries
    ts = traces.TimeSeries(
        ((dt * t, eval(str(model[store[name, t]]))) for t in g.times
         if (name, t) in store and store[name, t] in model),
        domain=(0, g.scope + dt))
    return ts
コード例 #19
def get_stats_from_ss(ss):
    df = pd.concat([
        pd.DataFrame(dict(t=ss.start, dx=1)),
        pd.DataFrame(dict(t=ss.stop, dx=-1))
    w = df.sort_values('t')['dx'].cumsum().pipe(
        lambda s: set_index(s, df.t - df.t.iloc[0])).sort_index()
    x = traces.TimeSeries(data=w)
    s = pd.Series(*reversed(list(zip(*x.sample(0.1)))))
    return x.mean(), (s == 0).mean()
コード例 #20
def test_plot():

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[0] = 0
    ts[1] = 2
    ts[3] = 1
    ts[5] = 0

    figure, axes = ts.plot()
    return figure
コード例 #21
def extract_ts(name, model, g, store):
    dt = g.model.dt
    model = {k: v.primal for k, v in model.variables.items()}
    ts = traces.TimeSeries(
        ((dt * t, model[store[name, t][0].name])
         for t in g.times if not isinstance(store[name, t][0], (float, int))
         and store[name, t][0].name in model),
        domain=(0, g.scaled_scope + dt))

    return ts
コード例 #22
def test_smt_radius_oracle():
    from magnum.examples.rock_paper_scissors import rps as g

    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}
    oracle = smt_radius_oracle(g=g, play=play, counter=counter)

    assert not oracle(r=9 / 60)
    assert oracle(r=20 / 60)
    assert oracle(r=1)

    play = {'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])}
    counter = {'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}

    oracle = smt_radius_oracle(g=g, play=play, counter=counter)

    assert not oracle(r=5 / 60)
    assert not oracle(r=9 / 60)
    assert oracle(r=11 / 60)
    assert oracle(r=1)
コード例 #23
def test_invalid_call():

    ts = traces.TimeSeries()
    ts[0] = 0
    ts[1] = 1


    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
コード例 #24
def test_radd():

    ts1 = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts1[0] = 1
    ts1[2] = 0
    ts1[3] = 1
    ts1[4] = 0

    ts2 = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
    ts2[-1] = 1
    ts2[2] = 0
    ts2[3] = 1
    ts2[4] = 0

    ts3 = ts1 + ts2

    nose.tools.eq_(list(ts3.items()), [(-1, 1), (0, 2), (2, 0), (3, 2),
                                       (4, 0)])

    nose.tools.assert_raises(TypeError, ts3.__radd__, 1)
コード例 #25
    def slice(self, series, start, end, default=0):
        """Technically TimeSeries has a method for this, but it wasn't working and it
        was easier to write something of my own than to try to fix that.
        result = traces.TimeSeries(default=default)

        for t0, t1, value in series.iterperiods(start, end):
            result[t0] = value

        result[t1] = series[t1]
        return result
コード例 #26
def get_trace(df, date):
    end_date = date + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
    single_date_df = df[(df['Date'] >= date) & (df['Date'] < end_date)]
    per_car_timeseries = []
    for x in single_date_df[["Date", "duration"]].values:
        ts = traces.TimeSeries(default=0)
        ticket_start = x[0]
        ticket_end = get_ticket_end(ticket_start, x[1])
        ts[ticket_start], ts[ticket_end] = 1, 0
    ret = traces.TimeSeries.merge(per_car_timeseries, operation=sum, compact=True)
    return ret
コード例 #27
def test_counter_examples():
    from magnum.examples.feasible_example2 import feasible_example as g

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g)
    assert res.feasible

    ces = [{'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])}]
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible

    ces = [{'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1)])}]
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert not res.feasible

    ces = [{
        'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1)])
    }, {
        'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert not res.feasible
コード例 #28
ファイル: stackystack.py プロジェクト: zhangjiekui/traces
 def stack(self, duration, start_times, operation):
     ts_list = []
     for start in start_times:
         end = start + duration
         ts = traces.TimeSeries()
         for t0, dur, value in self.iterperiods(start, end):
             offset = t0 - start
             if isinstance(offset, datetime.timedelta):
                 offset = offset.total_seconds()
             ts.set(offset, value, compact=True)
     return traces.TimeSeries.merge(ts_list, operation=operation)
コード例 #29
def test_rps_counter_examples():
    from magnum.examples.rock_paper_scissors import rps as g
    from stl.boolean_eval import pointwise_sat

    # Respond to Paper
    ces = [{'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}]

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 10
    phi = stl.parse('X((x >= 10) & (x <= 50))')
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=g.model.dt)(res.solution)

    # Respond to Scissors and Paper
    ces.append({'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 40 / 60)])})
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 10
    phi = stl.parse('X((x >= 30) & (x <= 50))')
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=g.model.dt)(res.solution)

    ces.append({'w': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])})
    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert not res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 0
    phi = stl.parse('X((x = 10) | (x = 30) | (x = 50))')
    assert pointwise_sat(phi, dt=g.model.dt)(res.solution)

    g = g.invert()

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g)
    assert res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 10

    ces = [{'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 20 / 60)])}]

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 10

    ces = [{'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 40 / 60)])}]

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible
    assert pytest.approx(res.cost) == 10

    ces = [({'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 0)])})]

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible

    ces = [({'u': traces.TimeSeries([(0, 1)])})]

    res = milp.encode_and_run(g, counter_examples=ces)
    assert res.feasible
コード例 #30
    def get_time(self, triad):

        credentials = self.get_credentials()
        http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
        service = discovery.build('calendar', 'v3', http=http)
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'  # 'Z' indicates UTC time

        # Got freebusy code from https://gist.github.com/cwurld/9b4e10dbeecab28345a3
        body = {
            "timeMin": now,
            "timeMax": (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + self.time_window).isoformat() + 'Z',
            "timeZone": 'US/Central',
            "items": [{"id": email} for email in triad]

        eventsResult = service.freebusy().query(body=body).execute()
        cal_dict = eventsResult[u'calendars']

        busy_times_list = []
        for cal_name in cal_dict:
            busy_times = traces.TimeSeries(default=0) # default is free (0),
            for busy_window in cal_dict[cal_name]['busy']: # manually add busy times
                busy_times[busy_window['start']] = 1
                busy_times[busy_window['end']] = 0
        # combine all of the calendars to find when everyone is free
            combined_free_times = traces.TimeSeries.merge(busy_times_list, operation=sum)
        except ValueError:
            print('One of the time series is empty. One of the emails is most likely wrong.')

        all_start_times = self.interim_periods(combined_free_times)

        all_intervals = self.entire_interval_free(all_start_times).to_bool(invert=True)

        eligible_times = [i[0] for i in all_intervals.items() if i[1] is True \
                          and self.within_timebox(i[0])\
                          and not self.is_weekend(i[0])]

        if not eligible_times:
            print('There are no available times for that group in that time range.')
            event_time = eligible_times[0] # for now, take first time that works. we can refine


        return event_time