def newFeature(self, chrom, feature): # Put the fields in the right order # line = [feature[i] for i in self.indices] # Convert the score # line[2] = format_float(line[2]) # Make sure eveything is a string # line = [str(f) for f in line] # Write one line # self.file.write(' '.join([chrom] + line) + '\n')
def newFeature(self, chrom, feature): # Put the fields in the right order # if self.indices: line = [feature[i] if i != None else '' for i in self.indices] else: line = list(feature) # Convert the score # try: line[3] = format_float(line[3]) except IndexError: pass # Convert the strand # try: line[4] = int_to_strand(line[4]) except IndexError: pass # Make sure eveything is a string # line = [str(f) for f in line] # Write one line # self.file.write('\t'.join([chrom] + line) + '\n')
def newFeature(self, chrom, feature): # Put the fields in the right order # if self.indices: f = [feature[i] for i in self.indices] else: f = list(feature) start, end, span, score = f[0], f[1], f[1]-f[0], format_float(f[2]) # Look ahead # if not self.previous_end: self.writeFixedStep(chrom, start, end, span, score) return # If we have the same span just add the score # if start == self.previous_end and span == self.previous_span: self.file.write(score + '\n') self.previous_end += span else: self.writeFixedStep(chrom, start, end, span, score)
def newFeature(self, chrom, feature): # Put the fields in the right order # line = range(len(all_fields)) for n,i in enumerate(self.indices): if i == -1: line[n] = defaults[n] else: line[n] = feature[i] # Convert the score # line[4] = format_float(line[4]) # Convert the strand # line[5] = int_to_strand(line[5]) # Convert the frame # if line[6] == '' or line[6] == None: line[6] = '.' # Make sure eveything is a string # line = [str(f) for f in line] # Write one line # self.file.write('\t'.join([chrom] + line) + '\n')