def __init__(self, pb, mr, prefetched_issues, users_by_id, prefetched_projects, prefetched_configs, autolink=None, all_ref_artifacts=None, ending=None, highlight=None): """Constructs an ActivityView out of an Activity protocol buffer. Args: pb: an IssueComment or Activity protocol buffer. mr: HTTP request info, used by the artifact autolink. prefetched_issues: dictionary of the issues for the comments being shown. users_by_id: dict {user_id: UserView} for all relevant users. prefetched_projects: dict {project_id: project} including all the projects that we might need. prefetched_configs: dict {project_id: config} for those projects. autolink: Autolink instance. all_ref_artifacts: list of all artifacts in the activity stream. ending: ending type for activity titles, 'in_project' or 'by_user' highlight: what to highlight in the middle column on user updates pages i.e. 'project', 'user', or None """ template_helpers.PBProxy.__init__(self, pb) activity_type = 'ProjectIssueUpdate' # TODO(jrobbins): more types self.comment = None self.issue = None self.field_changed = None self.multiple_fields_changed = ezt.boolean(False) self.project = None self.user = None self.timestamp = time.time( ) # Bogus value makes bad ones highly visible. if isinstance(pb, tracker_pb2.IssueComment): self.timestamp = pb.timestamp issue = prefetched_issues[pb.issue_id] if self.timestamp == issue.opened_timestamp: issue_change_id = None # This comment is the description. else: issue_change_id = pb.timestamp # instead of seq num. self.comment = tracker_views.IssueCommentView( mr.project_name, pb, users_by_id, autolink, all_ref_artifacts, mr, issue) # TODO(jrobbins): pass effective_ids of the commenter so that he/she # can be identified as a project member or not. config = prefetched_configs[issue.project_id] self.issue = tracker_views.IssueView(issue, users_by_id, config) self.user = self.comment.creator project = prefetched_projects[issue.project_id] self.project_name = project.project_name self.project = project_views.ProjectView(project) else: logging.warn('unknown activity object %r', pb) nested_page_data = { 'activity_type': activity_type, 'issue_change_id': issue_change_id, 'comment': self.comment, 'issue': self.issue, 'project': self.project, 'user': self.user, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'ending_type': ending, } self.escaped_title = self._TITLE_TEMPLATE.GetResponse( nested_page_data).strip() self.escaped_body = self._BODY_TEMPLATE.GetResponse( nested_page_data).strip() if autolink is not None and all_ref_artifacts is not None: # TODO(jrobbins): actually parse the comment text. Actually render runs. runs = autolink.MarkupAutolinks( mr, [template_helpers.TextRun(self.escaped_body)], all_ref_artifacts) self.escaped_body = ''.join(run.content for run in runs) self.date_bucket, self.date_relative = timestr.GetHumanScaleDate( self.timestamp) time_tuple = time.localtime(self.timestamp) self.date_tooltip = time.asctime(time_tuple) # We always highlight the user for starring activities if activity_type.startswith('UserStar'): self.highlight = 'user' else: self.highlight = highlight
def _MakeApprovalEmailTasks( self, hostport, issue, project, approval_value, approval_name, comment, users_by_id, user_ids_from_fields, perms): """Formulate emails to be sent.""" # TODO(jojwang): avoid need to make MonorailRequest and autolinker # for comment_view OR make make tracker_views._ParseTextRuns public # and only pass text_runs to email_data. mr = monorailrequest.MonorailRequest( mr.project_name = project.project_name mr.project = project mr.perms = perms autolinker = autolink.Autolink() approval_url = framework_helpers.IssueCommentURL( hostport, project, issue.local_id, seq_num=comment.sequence) comment_view = tracker_views.IssueCommentView( project.project_name, comment, users_by_id, autolinker, {}, mr, issue) domain_url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain( hostport, project.project_name, '/issues/') commenter_view = users_by_id[comment.user_id] email_data = { 'domain_url': domain_url, 'approval_url': approval_url, 'comment': comment_view, 'issue_local_id': issue.local_id, 'summary': issue.summary, } subject = '%s Approval: %s (Issue %s)' % ( approval_name, issue.summary, issue.local_id) email_body = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data) body = notify_helpers._TruncateBody(email_body) recipient_ids = self._GetApprovalEmailRecipients( approval_value, comment, issue, user_ids_from_fields, omit_ids=[comment.user_id]) direct, indirect = mr.cnxn, recipient_ids) # group ids were found in recipient_ids. # Re-set recipient_ids to remove group_ids if indirect: recipient_ids = set(direct + indirect) users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews( mr.cnxn,, indirect)) # already contains direct # TODO(jojwang): monorail:3588, refine email contents based on direct # and indirect user_ids returned. email_tasks = [] for rid in recipient_ids: # TODO(jojwang): monorail:3588, add reveal_addr based on # recipient member status from_addr = emailfmt.FormatFromAddr( project, commenter_view=commenter_view, can_reply_to=False) dest_email = users_by_id[rid].email email_tasks.append( dict(from_addr=from_addr, to=dest_email, subject=subject, body=body) ) return email_tasks
def _MakeIssueAndCommentViews( self, mr, issue, users_by_id, descriptions, comments, config, issue_reporters=None, comment_reporters=None): """Create view objects that help display parts of an issue. Args: mr: commonly used info parsed from the request. issue: issue PB for the currently viewed issue. users_by_id: dictionary of {user_id: UserView,...}. descriptions: list of IssueComment PBs for the issue report history. comments: list of IssueComment PBs on the current issue. issue_reporters: list of user IDs who have flagged the issue as spam. comment_reporters: map of comment ID to list of flagging user IDs. config: ProjectIssueConfig for the project that contains this issue. Returns: (issue_view, description_views, comment_views). One IssueView for the whole issue, a list of IssueCommentViews for the issue descriptions, and then a list of IssueCommentViews for each additional comment. """ with mr.profiler.Phase('getting related issues'): open_related, closed_related = ( tracker_helpers.GetAllowedOpenAndClosedRelatedIssues(, mr, issue)) all_related_iids = list(issue.blocked_on_iids) + list(issue.blocking_iids) if issue.merged_into: all_related_iids.append(issue.merged_into) all_related =, all_related_iids) with mr.profiler.Phase('making issue view'): issue_view = tracker_views.IssueView( issue, users_by_id, config, open_related=open_related, closed_related=closed_related, all_related={rel.issue_id: rel for rel in all_related}) with mr.profiler.Phase('autolinker object lookup'): all_ref_artifacts = None if all_ref_artifacts = mr, [c.content for c in descriptions + comments if not c.deleted_by]) with mr.profiler.Phase('making comment views'): reporter_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID( mr.cnxn, descriptions[0].user_id, desc_views = [ tracker_views.IssueCommentView( mr.project_name, d, users_by_id,, all_ref_artifacts, mr, issue, effective_ids=reporter_auth.effective_ids) for d in descriptions] # TODO(jrobbins): get effective_ids of each comment author, but # that is too slow right now. comment_views = [ tracker_views.IssueCommentView( mr.project_name, c, users_by_id,, all_ref_artifacts, mr, issue) for c in comments] issue_view.flagged_spam = mr.auth.user_id in issue_reporters if comment_reporters is not None: for c in comment_views: c.flagged_spam = mr.auth.user_id in comment_reporters.get(, []) return issue_view, desc_views, comment_views
def _MakeEmailTasks( self, cnxn, project, issue, config, old_owner_id, users_by_id, all_comments, comment, starrer_ids, contributor_could_view, hostport, omit_ids, perms): """Formulate emails to be sent.""" detail_url = framework_helpers.IssueCommentURL( hostport, project, issue.local_id, seq_num=comment.sequence) # TODO(jrobbins): avoid the need to make a MonorailRequest object. mr = monorailrequest.MonorailRequest( mr.project_name = project.project_name mr.project = project mr.perms = perms # We do not autolink in the emails, so just use an empty # registry of autolink rules. # TODO(jrobbins): offer users an HTML email option w/ autolinks. autolinker = autolink.Autolink() was_created = ezt.boolean(comment.sequence == 0) email_data = { # Pass open_related and closed_related into this method and to # the issue view so that we can show it on new issue email. 'issue': tracker_views.IssueView(issue, users_by_id, config), 'summary': issue.summary, 'comment': tracker_views.IssueCommentView( project.project_name, comment, users_by_id, autolinker, {}, mr, issue), 'comment_text': comment.content, 'detail_url': detail_url, 'was_created': was_created, } # Generate three versions of email body: link-only is just the link, # non-members see some obscured email addresses, and members version has # all full email addresses exposed. body_link_only = self.link_only_email_template.GetResponse( {'detail_url': detail_url, 'was_created': was_created}) body_for_non_members = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data) framework_views.RevealAllEmails(users_by_id) email_data['comment'] = tracker_views.IssueCommentView( project.project_name, comment, users_by_id, autolinker, {}, mr, issue) body_for_members = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data)'link-only body is:\n%r' % body_link_only)'body for non-members is:\n%r' % body_for_non_members)'body for members is:\n%r' % body_for_members) commenter_email = users_by_id[comment.user_id].email omit_addrs = set([commenter_email] + [users_by_id[omit_id].email for omit_id in omit_ids]) auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID( cnxn, comment.user_id, commenter_in_project = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject( project, auth.effective_ids) noisy = tracker_helpers.IsNoisy(len(all_comments) - 1, len(starrer_ids)) # Give each user a bullet-list of all the reasons that apply for that user. group_reason_list = notify_reasons.ComputeGroupReasonList( cnxn,, project, issue, config, users_by_id, omit_addrs, contributor_could_view, noisy=noisy, starrer_ids=starrer_ids, old_owner_id=old_owner_id, commenter_in_project=commenter_in_project) commenter_view = users_by_id[comment.user_id] detail_url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain( hostport, issue.project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL, id=issue.local_id) email_tasks = notify_helpers.MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems( group_reason_list, issue, body_link_only, body_for_non_members, body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view, detail_url, seq_num=comment.sequence) return email_tasks