def main(): print("command line:\n{}\n".format(' '.join(sys.argv))) args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing canvas") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions) axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False) axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing trajectory source") trajectory_source = setup_trajectory_source(args.trajectory_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_trajectories = itertools.chain(list(trajectory_source)) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points args.map_bbox = data_bbox print("STATUS: Creating map projection") mapmaker_args = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, map_actors) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_args) print("STATUS: Reading trajectories and rendering data") color_scale = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1) render_trajectories(mymap, trajectory_source, args) print("STATUS: Saving figure to file") pyplot.savefig( args.image_file[0], # facecolor=figure.get_facecolor(), facecolor='white', figsize=figure_dimensions, dpi=dpi, frameon=False) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): print("command line:\n{}\n".format(' '.join(sys.argv))) args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing canvas") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, axisbg='black') axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing point source") point_source = setup_point_source(args.point_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_points = [ point for point in point_source ] # list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points args.map_bbox = data_bbox print("STATUS: Creating map projection") mapmaker_args = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, map_actors) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_args) print("STATUS: Initializing trajectory source") trajectory_source = setup_trajectory_source(point_source, args) print("STATUS: Reading points, assembling trajectories and rendering data") color_scale = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1) render_trajectories(mymap, trajectory_source, args) print("STATUS: Saving figure to file") pyplot.savefig(args.image_file[0], facecolor=figure.get_facecolor(), figsize=figure_dimensions, dpi=dpi, frameon=False) pyplot.close() return 0
def test_compute_bounding_box_after_pickle(): error_count = 0 albuquerque = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-106.6504, 35.0844) albuquerque.timestamp = datetime.datetime(year=2020, month=1, day=1, hour=12) san_francisco = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-122.4194, 37.7749) san_francisco.timestamp = albuquerque.timestamp + datetime.timedelta( hours=3) tokyo = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-221.6917, 35.6895) tokyo.timestamp = albuquerque.timestamp + datetime.timedelta(hours=12) trajectory_generator = TrajectoryPointSource() trajectory_generator.start_point = albuquerque trajectory_generator.end_point = tokyo trajectory_generator.num_points = 20 print("DEBUG: TerrestrialTrajectory: {}".format(TerrestrialTrajectory)) albuquerque_to_tokyo = TerrestrialTrajectory.from_position_list( list(trajectory_generator.points())) expected_min_corner = tracktable.domain.domain_class_for_object( albuquerque, 'BasePoint')() expected_max_corner = tracktable.domain.domain_class_for_object( albuquerque, 'BasePoint')() expected_min_corner[0] = min(albuquerque[0], tokyo[0]) expected_min_corner[1] = min(albuquerque[1], tokyo[1]) expected_max_corner[0] = max(albuquerque[0], tokyo[0]) expected_max_corner[1] = max(albuquerque[1], tokyo[1]) bbox_before_pickling = geomath.compute_bounding_box(albuquerque_to_tokyo) store = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(albuquerque_to_tokyo, store) restored_trajectory = pickle.load(store) bbox_after_pickling = geomath.compute_bounding_box(restored_trajectory) print("Bounding box before pickling: ({} {}) - ({} {})".format( bbox_before_pickling.min_corner[0], bbox_before_pickling.min_corner[1], bbox_before_pickling.max_corner[0], bbox_before_pickling.max_corner[1])) print("Bounding box after pickling: ({} {}) - ({} {})".format( bbox_after_pickling.min_corner[0], bbox_after_pickling.min_corner[1], bbox_after_pickling.max_corner[0], bbox_after_pickling.max_corner[1])) bbox_min_delta = (bbox_after_pickling.min_corner[0] - bbox_before_pickling.min_corner[0], bbox_after_pickling.min_corner[1] - bbox_before_pickling.min_corner[1]) bbox_max_delta = (bbox_after_pickling.max_corner[0] - bbox_before_pickling.max_corner[0], bbox_after_pickling.max_corner[1] - bbox_before_pickling.max_corner[1]) if (math.fabs(bbox_min_delta[0]) > 0.01 or math.fabs(bbox_min_delta[1]) > 0.01 or math.fabs(bbox_max_delta[0]) > 0.01 or math.fabs(bbox_max_delta[1]) > 0.01): print( ("ERROR: Expected delta between bounding box before and after " "pickling to be zero. Delta for minimum corner is {}. " "Delta for maximum corner is {}.").format(bbox_min_delta, bbox_max_delta)) error_count += 1 return error_count
def test_compute_bounding_box(): error_count = 0 bbox_type = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes['BoundingBox'] expected_min_corner = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes[ 'BasePoint']() expected_max_corner = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes[ 'BasePoint']() albuquerque = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-106.6504, 35.0844) san_francisco = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-122.4194, 37.7749) tokyo = TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint(-221.6917, 35.6895) small_traj = TrajectoryPointSource() small_traj.start_point = albuquerque small_traj.end_point = san_francisco small_traj.num_points = 2 long_traj = TrajectoryPointSource() long_traj.start_point = tokyo long_traj.end_point = san_francisco long_traj.num_points = 2 #Test smallish basic bounding box expected_min_corner[0] = san_francisco[0] expected_min_corner[1] = albuquerque[1] expected_max_corner[0] = albuquerque[0] expected_max_corner[1] = san_francisco[1] expected = bbox_type(expected_min_corner, expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(small_traj.points()) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Basic small box") #Test larger basic bounding box expected_min_corner[0] = tokyo[0] expected_min_corner[1] = tokyo[1] expected_max_corner[0] = san_francisco[0] expected_max_corner[1] = san_francisco[1] expected = bbox_type(expected_min_corner, expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(long_traj.points()) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Basic large box") #Test smallish bounding box with buffer lon_buffer = .2 lat_buffer = .5 expected_min_corner[0] = san_francisco[0] - ( (albuquerque[0] - san_francisco[0]) * lon_buffer) expected_min_corner[1] = albuquerque[1] - ( (san_francisco[1] - albuquerque[1]) * lat_buffer) expected_max_corner[0] = albuquerque[0] + ( (albuquerque[0] - san_francisco[0]) * lon_buffer) expected_max_corner[1] = san_francisco[1] + ( (san_francisco[1] - albuquerque[1]) * lat_buffer) expected = bbox_type(expected_min_corner, expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(small_traj.points(), (lon_buffer, lat_buffer)) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Buffered small box") #Test larger basic bounding box with buffer lon_buffer = .2 lat_buffer = .1 expected_min_corner[0] = tokyo[0] - ( (san_francisco[0] - tokyo[0]) * lon_buffer) expected_min_corner[1] = tokyo[1] - ( (san_francisco[1] - tokyo[1]) * lat_buffer) expected_max_corner[0] = san_francisco[0] + ( (san_francisco[0] - tokyo[0]) * lon_buffer) expected_max_corner[1] = san_francisco[1] + ( (san_francisco[1] - tokyo[1]) * lat_buffer) expected = bbox_type(expected_min_corner, expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(long_traj.points(), (lon_buffer, lat_buffer)) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Buffered large box") #Test cartesian based boxes c_bbox_type = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes['BoundingBox'] c_expected_min_corner = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes[ 'BasePoint']() c_expected_max_corner = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint.domain_classes[ 'BasePoint']() point0 = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint(0, 0) point1 = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint(1, 1) point2 = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint(2, 2) c_expected_min_corner = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint(0, 0) c_expected_max_corner = Cartesian2dTrajectoryPoint(2, 2) expected = c_bbox_type(c_expected_min_corner, c_expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box([point0, point1, point2]) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Basic cartesian box") #Test cartesian box with buffer x_buffer = .5 y_buffer = 1. c_expected_min_corner[0] = point0[0] - ((point2[0] - point0[0]) * x_buffer) c_expected_min_corner[1] = point0[1] - ((point2[1] - point0[1]) * y_buffer) c_expected_max_corner[0] = point2[0] + ((point2[0] - point0[0]) * x_buffer) c_expected_max_corner[1] = point2[1] + ((point2[1] - point0[1]) * y_buffer) expected = c_bbox_type(c_expected_min_corner, c_expected_max_corner) map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box([point0, point1, point2], (x_buffer, y_buffer)) error_count += verify_result(expected, map_bbox, "Buffered cartesian box") # Test error conditions map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box([]) if (map_bbox != None): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Empty point sequence did not return None') error_count += 1 map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(long_traj.points(), (1.0, )) if (map_bbox != None): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Buffer tuple length of 1 did not return None') error_count += 1 map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(long_traj.points(), (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) if (map_bbox != None): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Buffer tuple length of 3 did not return None') error_count += 1 return error_count
def main(): args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution if image_resolution is None: image_resolution = [ 800, 600 ] figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing canvas") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, axisbg='black') axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing point source") point_source = setup_point_source(args.point_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. data_bbox = None if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_points = list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points print("STATUS: Initializing map projection") mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, base_artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(computed_bbox=data_bbox, **mapmaker_kwargs) print("STATUS: Initializing trajectory source") trajectory_source = setup_trajectory_source(point_source, args) print("STATUS: Collecting all trajectories") print("DEBUG: Trajectory source is a {}".format(type(trajectory_source))) all_trajectories = list(trajectory_source) print("STATUS: Done collecting trajectories") movie_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("movie_rendering", args) movie_writer = example_movie_rendering.setup_encoder(**movie_kwargs) # This set of arguments will be passed to the savefig() call that # grabs the latest movie frame. This is the place to put things # like background color, tight layout and friends. savefig_kwargs = { 'facecolor': figure.get_facecolor(), 'figsize': figure_dimensions, 'frameon': False } trajectory_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("trajectory_rendering", args) example_movie_rendering.render_trajectory_movie( movie_writer, map_projection=mymap, trajectories=all_trajectories, dpi=args.dpi, figure=figure, filename=args.movie_file[0], num_frames=movie_kwargs['fps'] * movie_kwargs['duration'], start_time=movie_kwargs['start_time'], end_time=movie_kwargs['end_time'], trail_duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=args.trail_duration), savefig_kwargs=savefig_kwargs, axes=axes, trajectory_rendering_args=trajectory_kwargs ) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): args = parse_args() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ]"Initializing image canvas.") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, facecolor='black') axes.set_frame_on(False)"Initializing point source.") point_filename = args.point_data_file[0] with open(point_filename, 'r') as infile: point_source = points_from_file( infile, args.coordinate0, args.coordinate1, comment_character=args.comment_character, field_delimiter=args.delimiter, domain=args.domain) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. if args.domain == 'cartesian2d': if args.map_bbox is None:'Collecting points to compute Cartesian ' 'bounding box.')) point_source = list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(point_source) else: # The bounding box on the command line is # [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] data_bbox = cartesian2d.BoundingBox( (args.map_bbox[0], args.map_bbox[1]), (args.map_bbox[2], args.map_bbox[3]) ) else: # Default to taking the histogram bounds from the map extent. data_bbox = None if args.map_bbox is not None: # The bounding box on the command line is # [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] data_bbox = terrestrial.BoundingBox( (args.map_bbox[0], args.map_bbox[1]), (args.map_bbox[2], args.map_bbox[3]) )"Creating map projection.") # There are a lot of keyword arguments for the map -- see # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.mapmaker -- # so rather than pull them out individually like we did for # the point reader we extract the whole dict using # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.extract_arguments(). mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_kwargs)"Rendering histogram.") render_histogram(mymap, domain=args.domain, bounding_box=data_bbox, point_source=point_source, bin_size=args.histogram_bin_size, color_map=args.colormap, scale_type=args.scale) # We're done with the points so we exit the with: block where we held # the input file open. if args.title is not None:"Setting title: {}".format(args.title)) figure.suptitle(args.title, color='white')"STATUS: Saving figure to file") savefig_kwargs = {'figsize': figure_dimensions, 'dpi': dpi, 'facecolor': args.bgcolor } pyplot.savefig(args.image_file[0], **savefig_kwargs) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution if image_resolution is None: image_resolution = [800, 600] figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing canvas") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, axisbg='black') axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing point source") point_source = setup_point_source(args.point_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. data_bbox = None if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_points = list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points print("STATUS: Initializing map projection") mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, base_artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(computed_bbox=data_bbox, **mapmaker_kwargs) print("STATUS: Initializing trajectory source") trajectory_source = setup_trajectory_source(point_source, args) print("STATUS: Collecting all trajectories") print("DEBUG: Trajectory source is a {}".format(type(trajectory_source))) all_trajectories = list(trajectory_source) print("STATUS: Done collecting trajectories") movie_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("movie_rendering", args) movie_writer = example_movie_rendering.setup_encoder(**movie_kwargs) # This set of arguments will be passed to the savefig() call that # grabs the latest movie frame. This is the place to put things # like background color, tight layout and friends. savefig_kwargs = { 'facecolor': figure.get_facecolor(), 'figsize': figure_dimensions, 'frameon': False } trajectory_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments( "trajectory_rendering", args) example_movie_rendering.render_trajectory_movie( movie_writer, map_projection=mymap, trajectories=all_trajectories, dpi=args.dpi, figure=figure, filename=args.movie_file[0], num_frames=movie_kwargs['fps'] * movie_kwargs['duration'], start_time=movie_kwargs['start_time'], end_time=movie_kwargs['end_time'], trail_duration=datetime.timedelta(seconds=args.trail_duration), savefig_kwargs=savefig_kwargs, axes=axes, trajectory_rendering_args=trajectory_kwargs) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing image") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, axisbg='black') axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing point source") point_source = setup_point_source(args.point_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_points = [point for point in point_source] # list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points args.map_bbox = data_bbox print("STATUS: Creating map projection") mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_kwargs) print("STATUS: Rendering histogram") render_histogram(mymap, domain=args.domain, bounding_box=args.map_bbox, point_source=point_source, bin_size=args.histogram_bin_size, color_map=args.colormap, scale_type=args.scale) if args.title is not None: print("Setting title: {}".format(args.title)) figure.suptitle(args.title, color='white') print("STATUS: Saving figure to file") savefig_kwargs = { 'figsize': figure_dimensions, 'dpi': dpi, 'frameon': False, 'facecolor': args.bgcolor } pyplot.savefig(args.image_file[0], **savefig_kwargs) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Step 0: Parse the command line arguments and grab sets we will need # later. args = parse_args() mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) movie_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("movie_rendering", args) # Some of the keyword arguments for trajectory rendering have been renamed. # For now, we'll extract them by hand farther down in this function. # trajectory_rendering_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments( # "trajectory_rendering", args) # Step 1: Load all the trajectories into memory. point_filename = args.point_data_file[0] field_assignments = extract_field_assignments(vars(args)) with open(point_filename, 'r') as infile:'Loading points and building trajectories.') trajectories = list( trajectories_from_point_file( infile, object_id_column=args.object_id_column, timestamp_column=args.timestamp_column, coordinate0_column=args.coordinate0, coordinate1_column=args.coordinate1, string_fields=field_assignments['string'], real_fields=field_assignments['real'], time_fields=field_assignments['time'], comment_character=args.comment_character, field_delimiter=args.delimiter, separation_distance=args.separation_distance, separation_time=datetime.timedelta(minutes=args.separation_time), minimum_length=args.minimum_length, domain=args.domain) ) # Add the 'progress' annotation to all of our trajectories so # we have some way to color them trajectories = [annotations.progress(t) for t in trajectories] # We can compute the bounding box for Cartesian data automatically. # We don't need to do so for terrestrial data because the map will # default to the whole world. if (args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and (args.map_bbox is None or len(args.map_bbox) == 0)): args.map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box( itertools.chain(*trajectories) ) # # Step 3: Set up the map. # # There are a lot of keyword arguments for the map -- see # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.mapmaker -- # so rather than pull them out individually like we did for # the point reader we extract the whole dict using # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.extract_arguments().'Initializing map canvas for rendering.') (figure, axes) = initialize_canvas(args.resolution, args.dpi) (mymap, map_artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_kwargs) # # Step 4: Set up the video encoder. # # movie_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("movie_rendering", args) movie_writer = setup_encoder(**movie_kwargs) # This set of arguments will be passed to the savefig() call that # grabs the latest movie frame. This is the place to put things # like background color, tight layout and friends. savefig_kwargs = {'facecolor': figure.get_facecolor(), 'figsize': compute_figure_dimensions(args.resolution, args.dpi), 'frameon': False} # # Lights! Camera! Action! # if args.trajectory_linewidth == 'taper': linewidth_style = 'taper' linewidth = args.trajectory_initial_linewidth final_linewidth = args.trajectory_final_linewidth else: linewidth_style = 'constant' linewidth = args.trajectory_linewidth final_linewidth = linewidth # Eventually we will be able to use argument_groups.extract_arguments() for # this, but right now it's broken. Not all of the parameters in the # trajectory rendering argument group are supported and some of the names # have changed. # trajectory_rendering_kwargs = { 'decorate_head': args.decorate_trajectory_head, 'head_color': args.trajectory_head_color, 'head_size': args.trajectory_head_dot_size, 'color_map': args.trajectory_colormap, 'scalar': args.trajectory_color, 'scalar_min': args.scalar_min, 'scalar_max': args.scalar_max, 'linewidth_style': linewidth_style, 'linewidth': linewidth, 'final_linewidth': final_linewidth } render_trajectory_movie( movie_writer, axes=mymap, trajectories=trajectories, dpi=args.dpi, figure=figure, filename=args.movie_file[0], num_frames=movie_kwargs['fps'] * movie_kwargs['duration'], start_time=movie_kwargs['start_time'], end_time=movie_kwargs['end_time'], trail_duration=datetime.timedelta(seconds=args.trail_duration), savefig_kwargs=savefig_kwargs, trajectory_rendering_kwargs=trajectory_rendering_kwargs, domain=args.domain ) pyplot.close()"Movie render complete. File saved to {}".format(args.movie_file[0])) return 0
def main(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) args = parse_args() mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) # Some of the argument names for trajectory rendering are out of # sync with their command-line parameter names. We extract those # arguments manually at the render_annotated_trajectories # call instead of using extract_arguments("trajectory_rendering") # here. # Step 1: Load all the trajectories into memory. point_filename = args.point_data_file[0] field_assignments = extract_field_assignments(vars(args)) with open(point_filename, 'r') as infile:'Loading points and building trajectories.') trajectories = list( trajectories_from_point_file( infile, object_id_column=args.object_id_column, timestamp_column=args.timestamp_column, coordinate0_column=args.coordinate0, coordinate1_column=args.coordinate1, string_fields=field_assignments['string'], real_fields=field_assignments['real'], time_fields=field_assignments['time'], comment_character=args.comment_character, field_delimiter=args.delimiter, separation_distance=args.separation_distance, separation_time=datetime.timedelta( minutes=args.separation_time), minimum_length=args.minimum_length, domain=args.domain)) # Add the 'progress' annotation to all of our trajectories so # we have some way to color them trajectories = [annotations.progress(t) for t in trajectories] # We can compute the bounding box for Cartesian data automatically. # We don't need to do so for terrestrial data because the map will # default to the whole world. if (args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and (args.map_bbox is None or len(args.map_bbox) == 0)): args.map_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box( itertools.chain(*trajectories)) # # Step 3: Set up the map. # # There are a lot of keyword arguments for the map -- see # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.mapmaker -- # so rather than pull them out individually like we did for # the point reader we extract the whole dict using # tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.extract_arguments().'Initializing map canvas for rendering.') (figure, axes) = initialize_canvas(args.resolution, args.dpi) (mymap, map_artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_kwargs) if args.trajectory_linewidth == 'taper': linewidth_style = 'taper' linewidth = args.trajectory_initial_linewidth final_linewidth = args.trajectory_final_linewidth else: linewidth_style = 'constant' linewidth = args.trajectory_linewidth final_linewidth = linewidth # Eventually we will be able to use argument_groups.extract_arguments() for # this, but right now it's broken. Not all of the parameters in the # trajectory rendering argument group are supported and some of the names # have changed. # trajectory_rendering_kwargs = { 'decorate_head': args.decorate_trajectory_head, 'head_color': args.trajectory_head_color, 'head_size': args.trajectory_head_dot_size, 'color_map': args.trajectory_colormap, 'scalar': args.trajectory_color, 'scalar_min': args.scalar_min, 'scalar_max': args.scalar_max, 'linewidth_style': linewidth_style, 'linewidth': linewidth, 'final_linewidth': final_linewidth } render_annotated_trajectories(trajectories, mymap, **trajectory_rendering_kwargs) print("STATUS: Saving figure to file") pyplot.savefig(args.image_file[0], facecolor=figure.get_facecolor(), figsize=compute_figure_dimensions(args.resolution, args.dpi), dpi=args.dpi) pyplot.close() return 0
def main(): args = parse_args() dpi = args.dpi image_resolution = args.resolution figure_dimensions = [ float(image_resolution[0]) / dpi, float(image_resolution[1]) / dpi ] print("STATUS: Initializing image") figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=figure_dimensions, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, axisbg='black') axes.set_frame_on(False) print("STATUS: Initializing point source") point_source = setup_point_source(args.point_data_file[0], args) # This is a little bit ugly but I don't yet know of a better way # to do it. If we want to automatically compute the bounding box # of the data points before we render anything we must read all the # points at least once. # # That gives us a choice: read them once and keep them all in # memory, or make one pass through the file to compute the # bounding box and then another to read and render the points? # # For the moment I elect to read the points and keep them in memory. if args.domain == 'cartesian2d' and args.map_bbox is None: print("STATUS: Collecting points to compute bounding box") all_points = [ point for point in point_source ] # list(point_source) data_bbox = geomath.compute_bounding_box(all_points) point_source = all_points args.map_bbox = data_bbox print("STATUS: Creating map projection") mapmaker_kwargs = argument_groups.extract_arguments("mapmaker", args) (mymap, artists) = mapmaker.mapmaker(**mapmaker_kwargs) print("STATUS: Rendering histogram") render_histogram(mymap, domain=args.domain, bounding_box=args.map_bbox, point_source=point_source, bin_size=args.histogram_bin_size, color_map=args.colormap, scale_type=args.scale) if args.title is not None: print("Setting title: {}".format(args.title)) figure.suptitle(args.title, color='white') print("STATUS: Saving figure to file") savefig_kwargs = { 'figsize': figure_dimensions, 'dpi': dpi, 'frameon': False, 'facecolor': args.bgcolor } pyplot.savefig(args.image_file[0], **savefig_kwargs) pyplot.close() return 0