コード例 #1
ファイル: train4.py プロジェクト: chriscremer/Other_Code
def train(model_dict):

    def update_current_state(current_state, state, channels):
        # current_state: [processes, channels*stack, height, width]
        state = torch.from_numpy(state).float()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
        # if num_stack > 1:
        #first stack*channel-channel frames = last stack*channel-channel , so slide them forward
        current_state[:, :-channels] = current_state[:, channels:] 
        current_state[:, -channels:] = state #last frame is now the new one

        return current_state

    def update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state):
        # Reward, Done: [P], [P]
        # final_rewards, episode_rewards: [P,1]. [P,1]
        # current_state: [P,C*S,H,W]
        reward = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(np.stack(reward), 1)).float() #[P,1]
        episode_rewards += reward #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
        masks = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0] if done_ else [1.0] for done_ in done]) #[P,1]
        final_rewards *= masks #erase the ones that are done
        final_rewards += (1 - masks) * episode_rewards  #set it to the cumulative episode reward
        episode_rewards *= masks #erase the done ones
        masks = masks.type(dtype) #cuda
        if current_state.dim() == 4:  # if state is a frame/image
            current_state *= masks.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)  #[P,1,1,1]
            current_state *= masks   #restart the done ones, by setting the state to zero
        return reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state

    num_frames = model_dict['num_frames']
    cuda = model_dict['cuda']
    which_gpu = model_dict['which_gpu']
    num_steps = model_dict['num_steps']
    num_processes = model_dict['num_processes']
    seed = model_dict['seed']
    env_name = model_dict['env']
    save_dir = model_dict['save_to']
    num_stack = model_dict['num_stack']
    algo = model_dict['algo']
    save_interval = model_dict['save_interval']
    log_interval = model_dict['log_interval']

    save_params = model_dict['save_params']
    vid_ = model_dict['vid_']
    gif_ = model_dict['gif_']
    ls_ = model_dict['ls_']
    vae_ = model_dict['vae_']
    grad_var_ = model_dict['grad_var_']

    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(which_gpu)

    if cuda:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor

    # Create environments
    print (num_processes, 'processes')
    monitor_rewards_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'monitor_rewards')
    if not os.path.exists(monitor_rewards_dir):
        print ('Made dir', monitor_rewards_dir) 
    envs = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(env_name, seed, i, monitor_rewards_dir) for i in range(num_processes)])

    if vid_:
        print ('env for video')
        envs_video = make_env_monitor(env_name, save_dir)

    if gif_:
        print ('env for gif')
        envs_gif = make_env_basic(env_name)

    # if ls_:
    #     print ('env for ls')
    #     envs_ls = make_env_basic(env_name)

    # if vae_:
    #     print ('env for vae')
    #     envs_vae = make_env_basic(env_name)

    # if grad_var_:
    #     print ('env for grad_var_')
    #     envs_grad_var = make_env_basic(env_name)

    obs_shape = envs.observation_space.shape  # (channels, height, width)
    obs_shape = (obs_shape[0] * num_stack, *obs_shape[1:])  # (channels*stack, height, width)
    shape_dim0 = envs.observation_space.shape[0]  #channels

    model_dict['action_size'] = envs.action_space.n
    print (envs.action_space.n, 'actions')

    # Create agent
    if algo == 'a2c':
        agent = a2c(envs, model_dict)
        print ('init a2c agent')

    elif algo == 'dqn':
        agent = DQN(envs, model_dict)
        print ('init DQN agent')  
        print (agent.q_net)   

    # Init state
    state = envs.reset()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
    current_state = torch.zeros(num_processes, *obs_shape)  # (processes, channels*stack, height, width)
    current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(dtype) #add the new frame, remove oldest, since its a stack
    # agent.insert_first_state(current_state) #storage has states: (num_steps + 1, num_processes, *obs_shape), set first step 

    # These are used to compute average rewards for all processes.
    episode_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1]) #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
    final_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1])

    num_updates = int(num_frames) // num_steps // num_processes
    save_interval_num_updates = int(save_interval /num_processes/num_steps)

    # dqn_epsilon = .1 #lower means less likely to do random .9 # .1

    epsilon_start = 1.0
    epsilon_final = 0.01
    epsilon_decay = 50000
    epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)

    #Begin training
    # count =0
    start = time.time()
    start2 = time.time()
    for j in range(num_updates):

        dqn_epsilon = epsilon_by_frame(j)

        #Num steps till agent update
        # for step in range(num_steps):

        # Act, [P,1], [P,1], [P,1], [P]
        # state_pytorch = Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step])
        state_pytorch = Variable(current_state)
        # value, action, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = agent.act(state_pytorch, epsilon=dqn_epsilon)#, volatile=True))
        action = agent.act(state_pytorch, epsilon=dqn_epsilon)#, volatile=True))
        # Apply to Environment, S:[P,C,H,W], R:[P], D:[P]
        # cpu_actions = action.data.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() #[P]
        frame, reward, done, info = envs.step(action) 

        # Record rewards and update state
        reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state = update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state)
        new_current_state = update_current_state(current_state, frame, shape_dim0)

        agent.replay_buffer.push(current_state, action, reward, new_current_state, done.astype(int))

        current_state = new_current_state

        if len(agent.replay_buffer) > 100:
            # agent.update()
            # agent.update()
            # agent.update()

        # print ('save_interval_num_updates', save_interval_num_updates)
        # print ('num_updates', num_updates)
        # print ('j', j)
        total_num_steps = (j + 1) * num_processes * num_steps
        # if total_num_steps % save_interval == 0 and save_dir != "":
        if j % save_interval_num_updates == 0 and save_dir != "" and j != 0:

            #Save model
            if save_params:
                do_params(save_dir, agent, total_num_steps, model_dict)
            #make video
            if vid_:
                do_vid(envs_video, update_current_state, shape_dim0, dtype, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps)
            #make gif
            if gif_:
                do_gifs(envs_gif, agent, model_dict, update_current_state, update_rewards, total_num_steps)
            #make vae prob gif
            if vae_:
                do_prob_state(envs_vae, agent, model_dict, vae, update_current_state, total_num_steps)
            # #make vae prob gif
            # if grad_var_:
            #     do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict, update_current_state, total_num_steps)

        #Print updates
        if j % log_interval == 0:# and j!=0:
            end = time.time()

            to_print_info_string = "{}, {}, {:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}, {}, {:.1f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.5f}".format(j, total_num_steps,
                                       int(total_num_steps / (end - start)),
                                       end - start,
                                       end - start2,
                                       # torch.mean(discrim_errors).data.cpu().numpy()[0])


            # if vae_:
            #     elbo =  "{:.2f}".format(elbo.data.cpu().numpy()[0])

            # if next_state_pred_:
            #     state_pred_error_print =  "{:.2f}".format(agent.state_pred_error.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
            #     print(to_print_info_string+' '+state_pred_error_print+' '+elbo)
            #     to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, pred_error, elbo"

            # else:
            # if vae_:
            #     print(to_print_info_string+' '+elbo)
            # else:
            # print(to_print_info_string)

            to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, discrim_E"#, elbo"
            start2 = time.time()

            if j % (log_interval*30) == 0:
                if ls_:
                    do_ls(envs_ls, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps, update_current_state, update_rewards)

                # if grad_var_  and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                if grad_var_  and j % (log_interval*30) == 0:
                    #writes to file
                    do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps, update_current_state, update_rewards)

                # print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time, Plot updated, LS updated")
                # print(to_print_info_string + ' LS recorded')#, agent.current_lr)
                # else:
                #update plots
                    if ls_:

                    # if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                    if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval*30) == 0:
                        to_print_legend_string += ' grad_var_plot updated '

                    print(to_print_legend_string + " Plot updated")

                    # print (len(agent.replay_buffer))
                    raise #pass
                    print(to_print_legend_string + " problem with plot")

        print ()
コード例 #2
def train(model_dict):
    def update_current_state(current_state, state, channels):
        # current_state: [processes, channels*stack, height, width]
        state = torch.from_numpy(
            state).float()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
        # if num_stack > 1:
        #first stack*channel-channel frames = last stack*channel-channel , so slide them forward
        current_state[:, :-channels] = current_state[:, channels:]
        current_state[:, -channels:] = state  #last frame is now the new one

        return current_state

    def update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards,
        # Reward, Done: [P], [P]
        # final_rewards, episode_rewards: [P,1]. [P,1]
        # current_state: [P,C*S,H,W]
        reward = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(np.stack(reward),
                                                 1)).float()  #[P,1]
        episode_rewards += reward  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
        masks = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0] if done_ else [1.0]
                                   for done_ in done])  #[P,1]
        final_rewards *= masks  #erase the ones that are done
        final_rewards += (
            1 -
            masks) * episode_rewards  #set it to the cumulative episode reward
        episode_rewards *= masks  #erase the done ones
        masks = masks.type(dtype)  #cuda
        if current_state.dim() == 4:  # if state is a frame/image
            current_state *= masks.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)  #[P,1,1,1]
            current_state *= masks  #restart the done ones, by setting the state to zero
        return reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state

    num_frames = model_dict['num_frames']
    cuda = model_dict['cuda']
    which_gpu = model_dict['which_gpu']
    num_steps = model_dict['num_steps']
    num_processes = model_dict['num_processes']
    seed = model_dict['seed']
    env_name = model_dict['env']
    save_dir = model_dict['save_to']
    num_stack = model_dict['num_stack']
    algo = model_dict['algo']
    save_interval = model_dict['save_interval']
    log_interval = model_dict['log_interval']

    save_params = model_dict['save_params']
    vid_ = model_dict['vid_']
    gif_ = model_dict['gif_']
    ls_ = model_dict['ls_']
    vae_ = model_dict['vae_']

    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(which_gpu)

    if cuda:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype

    # Create environments
    print(num_processes, 'processes')
    monitor_rewards_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'monitor_rewards')
    if not os.path.exists(monitor_rewards_dir):
        print('Made dir', monitor_rewards_dir)
    envs = SubprocVecEnv([
        make_env(env_name, seed, i, monitor_rewards_dir)
        for i in range(num_processes)

    if vid_:
        print('env for video')
        envs_video = make_env_monitor(env_name, save_dir)

    if gif_:
        print('env for gif')
        envs_gif = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if ls_:
        print('env for ls')
        envs_ls = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if vae_:
        print('env for vae')
        envs_vae = make_env_basic(env_name)

    obs_shape = envs.observation_space.shape  # (channels, height, width)
    obs_shape = (obs_shape[0] * num_stack, *obs_shape[1:]
                 )  # (channels*stack, height, width)
    shape_dim0 = envs.observation_space.shape[0]  #channels

    model_dict['obs_shape'] = obs_shape
    model_dict['shape_dim0'] = shape_dim0

    next_state_pred_ = 0
    model_dict['next_state_pred_'] = next_state_pred_

    # Create agent
    if algo == 'a2c':
        agent = a2c(envs, model_dict)
        print('init a2c agent')
    elif algo == 'ppo':
        agent = ppo(envs, model_dict)
        print('init ppo agent')
    elif algo == 'a2c_minibatch':
        agent = a2c_minibatch(envs, model_dict)
        print('init a2c_minibatch agent')
    elif algo == 'a2c_list_rollout':
        agent = a2c_list_rollout(envs, model_dict)
        print('init a2c_list_rollout agent')
    elif algo == 'a2c_with_var':
        agent = a2c_with_var(envs, model_dict)
        print('init a2c_with_var agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_bin_mask':
    #     agent = a2c_with_var(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_with_var agent')
    # agent = model_dict['agent'](envs, model_dict)

    # #Load model
    # if args.load_path != '':
    #     # agent.actor_critic = torch.load(os.path.join(args.load_path))
    #     agent.actor_critic = torch.load(args.load_path).cuda()
    #     print ('loaded ', args.load_path)

    # see_reward_episode = 0
    # if 'Montez' in env_name and see_reward_episode:
    #     states_list = [[] for i in range(num_processes)]

    # view_reward_episode(model_dict=model_dict, frames=[])
    # dfasddsf

    if vae_:
        vae = VAE()

    # Init state
    state = envs.reset()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
    current_state = torch.zeros(
        *obs_shape)  # (processes, channels*stack, height, width)
    current_state = update_current_state(
        current_state, state,
        shape_dim0).type(dtype)  #add the new frame, remove oldest
    )  #storage has states: (num_steps + 1, num_processes, *obs_shape), set first step

    # These are used to compute average rewards for all processes.
    episode_rewards = torch.zeros(
        [num_processes, 1])  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
    final_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1])

    num_updates = int(num_frames) // num_steps // num_processes
    save_interval_num_updates = int(save_interval / num_processes / num_steps)

    # prev_action = Variable(torch.zeros([num_processes, 1]).type(torch.LongTensor)).cuda()

    #Begin training
    # count =0
    start = time.time()
    start2 = time.time()
    for j in range(num_updates):
        for step in range(num_steps):

            # Act, [P,1], [P], [P,1], [P]
            # value, action = agent.act(Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step], volatile=True))
            state_pytorch = Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step])

            value, action, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = agent.act(
                state_pytorch)  #, volatile=True))

            # if next_state_pred_:
            #     next_state_prediction = agent.actor_critic.predict_next_state2(state_pytorch, prev_action)
            # next_state_prediction = 0

            # print (action_log_probs.size())
            # print (dist_entropy.size())

            # prev_action = action

            # print (next_state_prediction.size()) # [P,1,84,84]
            # fasd

            cpu_actions = action.data.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy()  #[P]
            # cpu_actions = action.data.cpu().numpy() #[P]
            # print (actions.size())

            # Step, S:[P,C,H,W], R:[P], D:[P]
            state, reward, done, info = envs.step(cpu_actions)

            reward_numpy = reward

            # Record rewards and update state
            reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state = update_rewards(
                reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state)
            current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state,

            # Agent record step
            # agent.insert_data(step, current_state, action.data, value.data, reward, masks, action_log_probs.data, dist_entropy.data)

            if next_state_pred_:

                agent.insert_data(step, current_state, action.data, value,
                                  reward, masks, action_log_probs,
                                  next_state_prediction)  #, done)

                agent.insert_data(step, current_state, action.data, value,
                                  reward, masks, action_log_probs,
                                  dist_entropy, 0)  #, done)

            # if 'Montez' in env_name and see_reward_episode:

            #     for state_i in range(len(state)):
            #         if done[state_i]:
            #             states_list[state_i] = []
            #         else:
            #             states_list[state_i].append(np.squeeze(state[state_i]))

            #             # print (state[state_i].shape)
            #             # fasdf

            #         # print (reward)

            #         if reward_numpy[state_i] >0:
            #             #plot the states of state_i
            #             print (len(states_list[state_i]))
            #             # view_reward_episode(model_dict=model_dict, frames=states_list[state_i][len(states_list[state_i])-100:])
            #             # view_reward_episode(model_dict=model_dict, frames=states_list[state_i][len(states_list[state_i])-100:])
            #             view_reward_episode(model_dict=model_dict, frames=states_list[state_i])

            #             fadsa

            #      # and np.sum(agent.rollouts.rewards.cpu().numpy()) > 0

            #     # print (np.sum(agent.rollouts.rewards.cpu().numpy()))
            #     # print (j)

        #Optimize agent
        agent.update()  #agent.update(j,num_updates)

        batch = agent.rollouts.states

        # print (batch.size())   # [Steps+1,Processes,Stack,84,84]
        # remove first state since its repeated, its the last state of last episode
        # take the first state of the stack for each step
        #reshape to [P*S,84,84]
        batch = batch[1:]  # [Steps,Processes,Stack,84,84]
        batch = batch[:, :, 0]  # [Steps,Processes,84,84]
        batch = batch.contiguous().view(-1, 84, 84)  # [Steps*Processes,84,84]

        # print (batch.size())

        # fadsa
        # print (vae)
        elbo = vae.update(batch)


        # print (agent.state_pred_error.data.cpu().numpy())

        # print ('save_interval_num_updates', save_interval_num_updates)
        # print ('num_updates', num_updates)
        # print ('j', j)
        total_num_steps = (j + 1) * num_processes * num_steps

        # if total_num_steps % save_interval == 0 and save_dir != "":
        if j % save_interval_num_updates == 0 and save_dir != "" and j != 0:

            #Save model
            if save_params:
                do_params(save_dir, agent, total_num_steps, model_dict)
            #make video
            if vid_:
                do_vid(envs_video, update_current_state, shape_dim0, dtype,
                       agent, model_dict, total_num_steps)
            #make gif
            if gif_:
                do_gifs(envs_gif, agent, model_dict, update_current_state,
                        update_rewards, total_num_steps)
            #make vae prob gif
            if vae_:
                do_prob_state(envs_vae, agent, model_dict, vae,
                              update_current_state, total_num_steps)

        #Print updates
        if j % log_interval == 0:  # and j!=0:
            end = time.time()

            to_print_info_string = "{}, {}, {:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}, {}, {:.1f}, {:.2f}".format(
                j, total_num_steps,
                final_rewards.min(), final_rewards.median(),
                final_rewards.mean(), final_rewards.max(),
                int(total_num_steps / (end - start)), end - start,
                end - start2)

            elbo = "{:.2f}".format(elbo.data.cpu().numpy()[0])

            if next_state_pred_:
                state_pred_error_print = "{:.2f}".format(
                print(to_print_info_string + ' ' + state_pred_error_print +
                      ' ' + elbo)
                to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, pred_error, elbo"

                print(to_print_info_string + ' ' + elbo)
                to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, elbo"

            start2 = time.time()

            if j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:

                if ls_:
                    do_ls(envs_ls, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps,
                          update_current_state, update_rewards)
                # print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time, Plot updated, LS updated")
                # print(to_print_info_string + ' LS recorded')#, agent.current_lr)
                # else:
                #update plots
                    if ls_:
                    print(to_print_legend_string + " Plot updated")
                    raise  #pass

コード例 #3
ファイル: train4.py プロジェクト: chriscremer/Other_Code
def train(model_dict):
    def update_current_state(current_state, state, channels):
        # current_state: [processes, channels*stack, height, width]
        state = torch.from_numpy(
            state).float()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
        # if num_stack > 1:
        #first stack*channel-channel frames = last stack*channel-channel , so slide them forward
        current_state[:, :-channels] = current_state[:, channels:]
        current_state[:, -channels:] = state  #last frame is now the new one

        return current_state

    def update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards,
        # Reward, Done: [P], [P]
        # final_rewards, episode_rewards: [P,1]. [P,1]
        # current_state: [P,C*S,H,W]
        reward = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(np.stack(reward),
                                                 1)).float()  #[P,1]
        episode_rewards += reward  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
        masks = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0] if done_ else [1.0]
                                   for done_ in done])  #[P,1]
        final_rewards *= masks  #erase the ones that are done
        final_rewards += (
            1 -
            masks) * episode_rewards  #set it to the cumulative episode reward
        episode_rewards *= masks  #erase the done ones
        masks = masks.type(dtype)  #cuda
        if current_state.dim() == 4:  # if state is a frame/image
            current_state *= masks.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)  #[P,1,1,1]
            current_state *= masks  #restart the done ones, by setting the state to zero
        return reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state

    num_frames = model_dict['num_frames']
    cuda = model_dict['cuda']
    which_gpu = model_dict['which_gpu']
    num_steps = model_dict['num_steps']
    num_processes = model_dict['num_processes']
    seed = model_dict['seed']
    env_name = model_dict['env']
    save_dir = model_dict['save_to']
    num_stack = model_dict['num_stack']
    algo = model_dict['algo']
    save_interval = model_dict['save_interval']
    log_interval = model_dict['log_interval']

    save_params = model_dict['save_params']
    vid_ = model_dict['vid_']
    gif_ = model_dict['gif_']
    ls_ = model_dict['ls_']
    vae_ = model_dict['vae_']
    grad_var_ = model_dict['grad_var_']

    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(which_gpu)

    if cuda:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype

    # Create environments
    print(num_processes, 'processes')
    monitor_rewards_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'monitor_rewards')
    if not os.path.exists(monitor_rewards_dir):
        print('Made dir', monitor_rewards_dir)
    envs = SubprocVecEnv([
        make_env(env_name, seed, i, monitor_rewards_dir)
        for i in range(num_processes)

    if vid_:
        print('env for video')
        envs_video = make_env_monitor(env_name, save_dir)

    if gif_:
        print('env for gif')
        envs_gif = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if ls_:
        print('env for ls')
        envs_ls = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if vae_:
        print('env for vae')
        envs_vae = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if grad_var_:
        print('env for grad_var_')
        envs_grad_var = make_env_basic(env_name)

    obs_shape = envs.observation_space.shape  # (channels, height, width)
    obs_shape = (obs_shape[0] * num_stack, *obs_shape[1:]
                 )  # (channels*stack, height, width)
    shape_dim0 = envs.observation_space.shape[0]  #channels

    model_dict['obs_shape'] = obs_shape
    model_dict['shape_dim0'] = shape_dim0
    model_dict['action_size'] = envs.action_space.n
    print(envs.action_space.n, 'actions')

    # next_state_pred_ = 0
    # model_dict['next_state_pred_'] = next_state_pred_

    # Create agent
    if algo == 'a2c':
        agent = a2c(envs, model_dict)
        print('init a2c agent')

    discriminator = CNN_Discriminator(model_dict).cuda()
    print('init discriminator')

    # elif algo == 'a2c_over':
    #     agent = a2c_over(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_over agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_under':
    #     agent = a2c_under(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_under agent')
    # elif algo == 'ppo':
    #     agent = ppo(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init ppo agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_minibatch':
    #     agent = a2c_minibatch(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_minibatch agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_list_rollout':
    #     agent = a2c_list_rollout(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_list_rollout agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_with_var':
    #     agent = a2c_with_var(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_with_var agent')
    # elif algo == 'a2c_bin_mask':
    #     agent = a2c_with_var(envs, model_dict)
    #     print ('init a2c_with_var agent')
    # agent = model_dict['agent'](envs, model_dict)

    # #Load model
    # if args.load_path != '':
    #     # agent.actor_critic = torch.load(os.path.join(args.load_path))
    #     agent.actor_critic = torch.load(args.load_path).cuda()
    #     print ('loaded ', args.load_path)

    # see_reward_episode = 0
    # if 'Montez' in env_name and see_reward_episode:
    #     states_list = [[] for i in range(num_processes)]

    # view_reward_episode(model_dict=model_dict, frames=[])
    # dfasddsf

    # if vae_:
    #     vae = VAE()
    #     vae.cuda()

    buffer_ = 1

    if buffer_:
        buffer_states = deque(maxlen=200)
        buffer_actions = deque(maxlen=200)

    # Init state
    state = envs.reset()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
    current_state = torch.zeros(
        *obs_shape)  # (processes, channels*stack, height, width)
    current_state = update_current_state(
        current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(
            dtype)  #add the new frame, remove oldest, since its a stack
    )  #storage has states: (num_steps + 1, num_processes, *obs_shape), set first step

    # These are used to compute average rewards for all processes.
    episode_rewards = torch.zeros(
        [num_processes, 1])  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
    final_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1])

    num_updates = int(num_frames) // num_steps // num_processes
    save_interval_num_updates = int(save_interval / num_processes / num_steps)

    #Begin training
    # count =0
    start = time.time()
    start2 = time.time()
    for j in range(num_updates):
        # discrim_errors = []
        # discrim_errors_reverse = []
        # discrim_errors_2step = []
        # frames = []
        for step in range(num_steps):

            # Act, [P,1], [P,1], [P,1], [P]
            state_pytorch = Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step])
            value, action, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = agent.act(
                state_pytorch)  #, volatile=True))

            # print (action)

            # fsdaf

            # Apply to Environment, S:[P,C,H,W], R:[P], D:[P]
            cpu_actions = action.data.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy()  #[P]
            frame, reward, done, info = envs.step(cpu_actions)

            # frames.append(torch.FloatTensor(frame)) #[P,1,84,84]

            # # current_frame = torch.from_numpy(frame)  #[P,1,84,84]
            # current_frame = torch.FloatTensor(frame)  #[P,1,84,84]
            # if step ==0:
            #     prev_frame = torch.FloatTensor(state)  #[P,1,84,84]

            # #Pred action and get error
            # discrim_error = discriminator.forward(prev_frame, current_frame, action)
            # discrim_errors.append(discrim_error)

            # discrim_error_reverse = discriminator.forward(current_frame, prev_frame, action)
            # discrim_errors_reverse.append(discrim_error_reverse)


            # if step==0:
            #     f =  np.reshape(prev_frame[0].numpy(), [84,84])
            # f =np.concatenate([f,np.reshape(current_frame[0].numpy(),[84,84])], axis=0)

            # # f1 = prev_frame[0].numpy()
            # # f2 = current_frame[0].numpy()
            # # f = np.reshape(np.concatenate([f1,f2], axis=1), [168,84])
            # # print (f.shape)
            # print (cpu_actions[0])
            # # ['NOOP', 'FIRE', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT'] for breakout
            # #for montezuma
            # #['NOOP', 'FIRE', 'UP', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT', 'DOWN', 'UPRIGHT', 'UPLEFT', 'DOWNRIGHT', 'DOWNLEFT',
            # I think FIRE = JUMP

            # if step ==2:
            #     print (torch.mean(current_frame-prev_frame))
            #     fdafds

            # prev_frame_2step = prev_frame

            # prev_frame = current_frame

            # # print (torch.sum(prev_frame_2step), torch.sum(prev_frame))

            # fadsa

            # Record rewards and update state
            reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state = update_rewards(
                reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state)
            current_state = update_current_state(current_state, frame,
            agent.insert_data(step, current_state, action.data, value, reward,
                              masks, action_log_probs, dist_entropy,
                              0)  #, done)

        # print (f.shape)
        # rows = 1
        # cols = 1
        # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1+cols,5+rows), facecolor='white')
        # ax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (0,0), frameon=False) #, rowspan=7)
        # ax.imshow(f, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
        # ax.set_yticks([])
        # ax.set_xticks([])
        # plt.tight_layout()
        # plt.savefig(model_dict['exp_path']+'plot.png')
        # print ('plotted')
        # fadsfad

        # if buffer_:
        #     if len(buffer_actions) <100:
        #         buffer_steps = 10
        #     else:
        #         buffer_steps = 1

        buffer_steps = 500

        if buffer_:
            #Insert into buffer

            # print (agent.rollouts.states)
            # print (agent.rollouts.actions)
            # fda
            # print (len(buffer_actions))

            #If buffer full enough,sample , predict, optimize
            # if len(buffer_actions) > 10:

            if len(buffer_actions) == 100:

                # if 1:
                #Num of optimization steps
                for i in range(buffer_steps):
                    # #Sample batch
                    # states_batch = []
                    # actions_batch = []
                    # for bb in range(num_processes):
                    #     ind = np.random.randint(len(buffer_actions))
                    #     print (buffer_states[ind].size())
                    #     fadas
                    #     states_batch.append(buffer_states[ind])
                    #     actions_batch.append(buffer_actions[ind])
                    # states_batch = torch.stack(states_batch, dim=1)
                    # actions_batch = torch.stack(actions_batch, dim=1)

                    ind = np.random.randint(len(buffer_actions))
                    states_batch = buffer_states[ind]
                    actions_batch = buffer_actions[ind]

                    #Optimize action-predictor
                    discrim_errors = discrim_predictions(
                        model_dict, states_batch, actions_batch, discriminator)

                    if i % 20 == 0:

                # print (len(buffer_actions), torch.mean(discrim_errors).data.cpu().numpy()[0])

            #Optimize agent
            discrim_errors = discrim_predictions(model_dict,
            discrim_errors_reverse = discrim_predictions(

            if len(buffer_actions) > 100:

                          discrim_errors_reverse)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)
            # agent.update2(discrim_errors)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)


            discrim_errors = discrim_predictions(model_dict,
            discrim_errors_reverse = discrim_predictions(

            #Optimize discriminator

            #Optimize agent
                          discrim_errors_reverse)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)
            # agent.update2(discrim_errors)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)


        # print ('save_interval_num_updates', save_interval_num_updates)
        # print ('num_updates', num_updates)
        # print ('j', j)
        total_num_steps = (j + 1) * num_processes * num_steps

        # if total_num_steps % save_interval == 0 and save_dir != "":
        if j % save_interval_num_updates == 0 and save_dir != "" and j != 0:

            #Save model
            if save_params:
                do_params(save_dir, agent, total_num_steps, model_dict)
            #make video
            if vid_:
                do_vid(envs_video, update_current_state, shape_dim0, dtype,
                       agent, model_dict, total_num_steps)
            #make gif
            if gif_:
                do_gifs(envs_gif, agent, model_dict, update_current_state,
                        update_rewards, total_num_steps)
            #make vae prob gif
            if vae_:
                do_prob_state(envs_vae, agent, model_dict, vae,
                              update_current_state, total_num_steps)
            # #make vae prob gif
            # if grad_var_:
            #     do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict, update_current_state, total_num_steps)

        #Print updates
        if j % log_interval == 0:  # and j!=0:
            end = time.time()

            to_print_info_string = "{}, {}, {:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}, {}, {:.1f}, {:.2f}, {:.3f}".format(
                j, total_num_steps,
                final_rewards.min(), final_rewards.median(),
                final_rewards.mean(), final_rewards.max(),
                int(total_num_steps / (end - start)), end - start,
                end - start2,


            # if vae_:
            #     elbo =  "{:.2f}".format(elbo.data.cpu().numpy()[0])

            # if next_state_pred_:
            #     state_pred_error_print =  "{:.2f}".format(agent.state_pred_error.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
            #     print(to_print_info_string+' '+state_pred_error_print+' '+elbo)
            #     to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, pred_error, elbo"

            # else:
            # if vae_:
            #     print(to_print_info_string+' '+elbo)
            # else:
            # print(to_print_info_string)

            to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, discrim_E"  #, elbo"
            start2 = time.time()

            if j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:

                if ls_:
                    do_ls(envs_ls, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps,
                          update_current_state, update_rewards)

                # if grad_var_  and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:
                    #writes to file
                    do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict,
                                total_num_steps, update_current_state,

                # print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time, Plot updated, LS updated")
                # print(to_print_info_string + ' LS recorded')#, agent.current_lr)
                # else:
                #update plots
                    if ls_:

                    # if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                    if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:
                        to_print_legend_string += ' grad_var_plot updated '

                    print(to_print_legend_string + " Plot updated")
                    raise  #pass
                    print(to_print_legend_string + " problem with plot")

コード例 #4
ファイル: train4.py プロジェクト: rfarouni/Other_Code
def train(model_dict):
    def update_current_state(current_state, state, channels):
        # current_state: [processes, channels*stack, height, width]
        state = torch.from_numpy(
            state).float()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
        # if num_stack > 1:
        #first stack*channel-channel frames = last stack*channel-channel , so slide them forward
        current_state[:, :-channels] = current_state[:, channels:]
        current_state[:, -channels:] = state  #last frame is now the new one

        return current_state

    def update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards,
        # Reward, Done: [P], [P]
        # final_rewards, episode_rewards: [P,1]. [P,1]
        # current_state: [P,C*S,H,W]
        reward = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(np.stack(reward),
                                                 1)).float()  #[P,1]
        episode_rewards += reward  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
        masks = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0] if done_ else [1.0]
                                   for done_ in done])  #[P,1]
        final_rewards *= masks  #erase the ones that are done
        final_rewards += (
            1 -
            masks) * episode_rewards  #set it to the cumulative episode reward
        episode_rewards *= masks  #erase the done ones
        masks = masks.type(dtype)  #cuda
        if current_state.dim() == 4:  # if state is a frame/image
            current_state *= masks.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)  #[P,1,1,1]
            current_state *= masks  #restart the done ones, by setting the state to zero
        return reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state

    num_frames = model_dict['num_frames']
    cuda = model_dict['cuda']
    which_gpu = model_dict['which_gpu']
    num_steps = model_dict['num_steps']
    num_processes = model_dict['num_processes']
    seed = model_dict['seed']
    env_name = model_dict['env']
    save_dir = model_dict['save_to']
    num_stack = model_dict['num_stack']
    algo = model_dict['algo']
    save_interval = model_dict['save_interval']
    log_interval = model_dict['log_interval']

    save_params = model_dict['save_params']
    vid_ = model_dict['vid_']
    gif_ = model_dict['gif_']
    ls_ = model_dict['ls_']
    vae_ = model_dict['vae_']
    grad_var_ = model_dict['grad_var_']

    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(which_gpu)

    if cuda:
        dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype
        dtype = torch.FloatTensor
        model_dict['dtype'] = dtype

    # Create environments
    print(num_processes, 'processes')
    monitor_rewards_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'monitor_rewards')
    if not os.path.exists(monitor_rewards_dir):
        print('Made dir', monitor_rewards_dir)
    envs = SubprocVecEnv([
        make_env(env_name, seed, i, monitor_rewards_dir)
        for i in range(num_processes)

    if vid_:
        print('env for video')
        envs_video = make_env_monitor(env_name, save_dir)

    if gif_:
        print('env for gif')
        envs_gif = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if ls_:
        print('env for ls')
        envs_ls = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if vae_:
        print('env for vae')
        envs_vae = make_env_basic(env_name)

    if grad_var_:
        print('env for grad_var_')
        envs_grad_var = make_env_basic(env_name)

    obs_shape = envs.observation_space.shape  # (channels, height, width)
    obs_shape = (obs_shape[0] * num_stack, *obs_shape[1:]
                 )  # (channels*stack, height, width)
    shape_dim0 = envs.observation_space.shape[0]  #channels
    action_space = envs.action_space

    model_dict['action_space'] = action_space
    model_dict['obs_shape'] = obs_shape
    model_dict['shape_dim0'] = shape_dim0

    next_state_pred_ = 0
    model_dict['next_state_pred_'] = next_state_pred_

    n_contexts = 2
    model_dict['n_contexts'] = n_contexts

    # Create agent
    # if algo == 'a2c':
    agent = a2c(model_dict)
    print('init a2c agent')

    discriminator = CNN_Discriminator(num_steps, n_contexts, model_dict).cuda()
    print('init discriminator')

    # Init state
    state = envs.reset()  # (processes, channels, height, width)
    current_state = torch.zeros(
        *obs_shape)  # (processes, channels*stack, height, width)
    current_state = update_current_state(
        current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(
            dtype)  #add the new frame, remove oldest, since its a stack
    )  #storage has states: (num_steps + 1, num_processes, *obs_shape), set first step

    # These are used to compute average rewards for all processes.
    episode_rewards = torch.zeros(
        [num_processes, 1])  #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward
    final_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes,
                                 1])  #when episode complete, sotres it here

    num_updates = int(num_frames) // num_steps // num_processes
    save_interval_num_updates = int(save_interval / num_processes / num_steps)

    context_probs = torch.ones(n_contexts) / n_contexts

    #Begin training
    # count =0
    start = time.time()
    start2 = time.time()
    for j in range(num_updates):

        context_np = np.random.choice(n_contexts, num_processes)
        context = torch.from_numpy(context_np).view(num_processes, 1)
        context_onehot = torch.FloatTensor(num_processes, n_contexts).zero_()
        context_onehot.scatter_(1, context, 1)  # [P,C]

        list_frames = []
        for step in range(num_steps):

            #Sample context
            # context = torch.unsqueeze(context_probs.multinomial(num_processes), dim=1) # [P,1]

            # print (torch.multinomial.sample(context_probs, num_processes))

            # print (np.random.multinomial(num_processes, [1./n_contexts]*n_contexts))
            # print (np.random.choice(n_contexts, num_processes)) #[1./n_contexts]*n_contexts))

            # Act, [P,1], [P], [P,1], [P]
            state_pytorch = Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step])
            value, action, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = agent.act(
                state_pytorch, context_onehot)  #, volatile=True))

            # print (context_np)
            # print (action)

            #['NOOP', 'FIRE', 'UP', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT', 'DOWN', 'UPRIGHT', 'UPLEFT', 'DOWNRIGHT', 'DOWNLEFT',

            # TO FIX THE ACTIONS
            # action = action.data
            # # print (action)
            # # fdasf
            # for i in range(len(context_np)):
            #     if context_np[i] == 0:
            #         action[i] = 4
            #     else:
            #         action[i] = 3
            # action = Variable(action)
            # # print (action)
            # # print (action)
            # # fadsf

            # # TO FIX THE ACTIONS 2
            # action = action.data
            # # print (action)
            # # fdasf
            # for i in range(len(action)):
            #     if action[i].cpu().numpy() >= 8:
            #         action[i] = 0
            #     # else:
            #     #     action[i] = 3
            # action = Variable(action)
            # # print (action)
            # # print (action)
            # # fadsf

            # Apply to Environment, S:[P,C,H,W], R:[P], D:[P]
            cpu_actions = action.data.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy()  #[P]
            # print (cpu_actions)
            state, reward, done, info = envs.step(cpu_actions)

            # print (state.shape) #[P,1,84,84]

            # Record rewards and update state
            reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state = update_rewards(
                reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state)
            current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state,
            agent.insert_data(step, current_state, action.data, value, reward,
                              masks, action_log_probs, dist_entropy,
                              0)  #, done)

        #Optimize discriminator
        if j % 2 == 0:
            discriminator_error = discriminator.update(list_frames,
                                                       context)  #[P]
            if j == 0:
                print('multiple updates')
                for jj in range(20):
                    discriminator_error = discriminator.update(
                        list_frames, context)
                    # print (torch.mean(discriminator_error).data.cpu().numpy()[0])
                # fasds

        grad_sum = agent.actor_critic.graddd(state_pytorch, context_onehot)

        #Optimize agent
        # agent.update(context_onehot, discriminator_error)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)
        agent.update2(context_onehot, discriminator_error,
                      grad_sum)  #agent.update(j,num_updates)


        # print ('save_interval_num_updates', save_interval_num_updates)
        # print ('num_updates', num_updates)
        # print ('j', j)
        total_num_steps = (j + 1) * num_processes * num_steps

        # if total_num_steps % save_interval == 0 and save_dir != "":
        if j % save_interval_num_updates == 0 and save_dir != "" and j != 0:

            #Save model
            if save_params:
                do_params(save_dir, agent, total_num_steps, model_dict)
            #make video
            if vid_:
                do_vid(envs_video, update_current_state, shape_dim0, dtype,
                       agent, model_dict, total_num_steps)
            #make gif
            if gif_:
                do_gifs(envs_gif, agent, model_dict, update_current_state,
                        update_rewards, total_num_steps)
            #make vae prob gif
            if vae_:
                do_prob_state(envs_vae, agent, model_dict, vae,
                              update_current_state, total_num_steps)
            # #make vae prob gif
            # if grad_var_:
            #     do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict, update_current_state, total_num_steps)

        #Print updates
        if j % log_interval == 0:  # and j!=0:
            end = time.time()

            # print (torch.mean(discriminator_error).data.cpu().numpy()[0])
            to_print_info_string = "{}, {}, {:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}, {}, {:.1f}, {:.2f}, {:.3f}".format(
                j, total_num_steps,
                final_rewards.min(), final_rewards.median(),
                final_rewards.mean(), final_rewards.max(),
                int(total_num_steps / (end - start)), end - start,
                end - start2,


            to_print_legend_string = "Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, total_T, step_T, D_error"  #, elbo"
            start2 = time.time()

            if j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:

                if ls_:
                    do_ls(envs_ls, agent, model_dict, total_num_steps,
                          update_current_state, update_rewards)

                # if grad_var_  and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:
                    #writes to file
                    do_grad_var(envs_grad_var, agent, model_dict,
                                total_num_steps, update_current_state,

                # # THIS IS TO SEE PREDICTIONS

                # nstep_frames = torch.stack(list_frames)  #[N, P, 1,84,84]
                # nstep_frames = torch.transpose(nstep_frames, 0,1)
                # nstep_frames = torch.squeeze(nstep_frames) #its [P,N,84,84] so its like a batch of N dimensional images
                # nstep_frames = Variable(nstep_frames).cuda()
                # pred = F.softmax(discriminator.predict(nstep_frames), dim=1)
                # print (pred, context_np)

                # rows = 1
                # cols = 2
                # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1+cols,15+rows), facecolor='white')

                # zero_comp = 0
                # one_comp = 0
                # for ii in range(len(context_np)):

                #     if context_np[ii] == 0 and not zero_comp:
                #         print (ii)
                #         imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84,84).data.cpu().numpy()

                #         # imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84//2,84*2)
                #         # # imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84,84)
                #         # imgg = imgg.data.cpu().numpy()

                #         ax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (0,0), frameon=False) #, rowspan=7)

                #         # print (imgg.shape)
                #         # plt.imshow(imgg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
                #         ax.imshow(imgg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
                #         ax.set_yticks([])
                #         # plt.savefig(model_dict['exp_path']+'img0.pdf')
                #         # print (model_dict['exp_path']+'img.png')
                #         zero_comp =1
                #     if context_np[ii] == 1 and not one_comp:
                #         print (ii)
                #         imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84,84).data.cpu().numpy()

                #         # imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84//2,84*2)
                #         # # imgg = nstep_frames[ii].view(num_steps*84,84)
                #         # imgg = imgg.data.cpu().numpy()

                #         ax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (0,1), frameon=False) #, rowspan=7)
                #         # print (imgg.shape)
                #         # plt.imshow(imgg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
                #         ax.imshow(imgg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
                #         ax.set_yticks([])

                #         # plt.savefig(model_dict['exp_path']+'img1.pdf')
                #         # print (model_dict['exp_path']+'img.png')
                #         one_comp =1
                #     if zero_comp and one_comp:
                #         print ('plotted both')

                #         # imgg = nstep_frames[20].view(num_steps*84,84).data.cpu().numpy()
                #         # plt.imshow(imgg, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
                #         # plt.savefig(model_dict['exp_path']+'img_20.pdf')

                #         # fdfaa  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4+cols,1+rows), facecolor='white')

                #         plt.savefig(model_dict['exp_path']+'img_both.pdf')

                #         ffasd

                # print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time, Plot updated, LS updated")
                # print(to_print_info_string + ' LS recorded')#, agent.current_lr)
                # else:
                #update plots
                    if ls_:

                    # if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval*300) == 0:
                    if grad_var_ and j % (log_interval * 30) == 0:
                        to_print_legend_string += ' grad_var_plot updated '

                    print(to_print_legend_string + " Plot updated")
                    raise  #pass
                    print(to_print_legend_string + " problem with plot")
