コード例 #1
class ModuleFactory(PipeFactory):
    """ Base class for all the modules factories"""
    color = Trait(
        TraitTuple(Range(0., 1.), Range(0., 1.), Range(0., 1.)),
        help="""the color of the vtk object. Overides the colormap,
                        if any, when specified. This is specified as a
                        triplet of float ranging from 0 to 1, eg (1, 1,
                        1) for white.""",

    def _color_changed(self):
        if self.color:
            self._target.actor.property.color = self.color
            if hasattr(self._target.actor.mapper, "scalar_visibility"):
                self._target.actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = False
            if hasattr(self._target, "property"):
                self._target.property.color = self.color

    opacity = CFloat(1., desc="""The overall opacity of the vtk object.""")

    def _opacity_changed(self):
            self._target.actor.property.opacity = self.opacity
        except AttributeError:
                self._target.property.opacity = self.opacity
            except AttributeError:

    line_width = CFloat(2., desc=""" The width of the lines, if any used.""")

    def _line_width_changed(self):
            self._target.actor.property.line_width = self.line_width
        except (AttributeError, TraitError):
                self._target.property.line_width = self.line_width
            except (AttributeError, TraitError):
コード例 #2
class VolumeFactory(PipeFactory):
    """ Applies the Volume mayavi module to the given VTK data
        source (Mayavi source, or VTK dataset).


        The range of the colormap can be changed simply using the
        vmin/vmax parameters (see below). For more complex modifications of
        the colormap, here is some pseudo code to change the ctf (color
        transfer function), or the otf (opacity transfer function)::

            vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(src)

            # Changing the ctf:
            from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
            ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
            ctf.add_rgb_point(value, r, g, b)
            ctf.add_hsv_point(value, h, s, v)
            # ...
            vol._ctf = ctf
            vol.update_ctf = True

            # Changing the otf:
            from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction
            otf = PiecewiseFunction()
            otf.add_point(value, opacity)
            vol._otf = otf


    color = Trait(None, None,
                TraitTuple(Range(0., 1.),Range(0., 1.),Range(0., 1.)),
                help="""the color of the vtk object. Overides the colormap,
                        if any, when specified. This is specified as a
                        triplet of float ranging from 0 to 1, eg (1, 1,
                        1) for white.""", )

    vmin = Trait(None, None, CFloat,
                    help="""vmin is used to scale the transparency
                            gradient. If None, the min of the data will be

    vmax = Trait(None, None, CFloat,
                    help="""vmax is used to scale the transparency
                            gradient. If None, the max of the data will be

    _target = Instance(modules.Volume, ())

    __ctf_rescaled = Bool(False)

    # Non-public interface.
    def _color_changed(self):
        if not self.color:
        range_min, range_max = self._target.current_range
        from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
        ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
            ctf.range = (range_min, range_max)
        except Exception:
            # VTK versions < 5.2 don't seem to need this.

        r, g, b = self.color
        ctf.add_rgb_point(range_min, r, g, b)
        ctf.add_rgb_point(range_max, r, g, b)

        self._target._ctf = ctf
        self._target.update_ctf = True

    def _vmin_changed(self):
        vmin = self.vmin
        vmax = self.vmax
        range_min, range_max = self._target.current_range
        if vmin is None:
            vmin = range_min
        if vmax is None:
            vmax = range_max

        # Change the opacity function
        from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction, save_ctfs

        otf = PiecewiseFunction()
        if range_min < vmin:
            otf.add_point(range_min, 0.)
        if range_max > vmax:
            otf.add_point(range_max, 0.2)
        otf.add_point(vmin, 0.)
        otf.add_point(vmax, 0.2)
        self._target._otf = otf
        if self.color is None and not self.__ctf_rescaled and \
                        ( (self.vmin is not None) or (self.vmax is not None) ):
            # FIXME: We don't use 'rescale_ctfs' because it screws up the nodes.
            def _rescale_value(x):
                nx = (x - range_min)/(range_max - range_min)
                return vmin + nx*(vmax - vmin)
            # The range of the existing ctf can vary.
            scale_min, scale_max = self._target._ctf.range
            def _rescale_node(x):
                nx = (x - scale_min)/(scale_max - scale_min)
                return range_min + nx*(range_max - range_min)
            if hasattr(self._target._ctf, 'nodes'):
                rgb = list()
                for value in self._target._ctf.nodes:
                    r, g, b = \
                    rgb.append((_rescale_node(value), r, g, b))
                rgb = save_ctfs(self._target.volume_property)['rgb']

            from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
            ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
                ctf.range = (range_min, range_max)
            except Exception:
                # VTK versions < 5.2 don't seem to need this.
            v = rgb[0]
            ctf.add_rgb_point(range_min, v[1], v[2], v[3])
            for v in rgb:
                ctf.add_rgb_point(_rescale_value(v[0]), v[1], v[2], v[3])
            ctf.add_rgb_point(range_max, v[1], v[2], v[3])

            self._target._ctf = ctf
            self.__ctf_rescaled = True

        self._target.update_ctf = True
コード例 #3
ファイル: modules.py プロジェクト: ytarricq/mayavi
class VolumeFactory(PipeFactory):
    """ Applies the Volume mayavi module to the given VTK data
        source (Mayavi source, or VTK dataset).


        The range of the colormap can be changed simply using the
        vmin/vmax parameters (see below). For more complex modifications of
        the colormap, here is some pseudo code to change the ctf (color
        transfer function), or the otf (opacity transfer function)::

            vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(src)

            # Changing the ctf:
            from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
            ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
            ctf.add_rgb_point(value, r, g, b)  # r, g, and b are float
                                               # between 0 and 1
            ctf.add_hsv_point(value, h, s, v)
            # ...
            vol._ctf = ctf
            vol.update_ctf = True

            # Changing the otf:
            from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction
            otf = PiecewiseFunction()
            otf.add_point(value, opacity)
            vol._otf = otf

        Also, it might be useful to change the range of the ctf::

            ctf.range = [0, 1]

    color = Trait(
        TraitTuple(Range(0., 1.), Range(0., 1.), Range(0., 1.)),
        help="""the color of the vtk object. Overides the colormap,
                        if any, when specified. This is specified as a
                        triplet of float ranging from 0 to 1, eg (1, 1,
                        1) for white.""",

    vmin = Trait(None,
                 help="""vmin is used to scale the transparency
                            gradient. If None, the min of the data will be

    vmax = Trait(None,
                 help="""vmax is used to scale the transparency
                            gradient. If None, the max of the data will be

    _target = Instance(modules.Volume, ())

    __last_vrange = Any(None)

    # Non-public interface.
    def _color_changed(self):
        if not self.color:
        range_min, range_max = self._target.current_range
        from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
        ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
            ctf.range = (range_min, range_max)
        except Exception:
            # VTK versions < 5.2 don't seem to need this.

        r, g, b = self.color
        ctf.add_rgb_point(range_min, r, g, b)
        ctf.add_rgb_point(range_max, r, g, b)

        self._target._ctf = ctf
        self._target.update_ctf = True

    def _vmin_changed(self):
        vmin = self.vmin
        vmax = self.vmax
        range_min, range_max = self._target.current_range
        if vmin is None:
            vmin = range_min
        if vmax is None:
            vmax = range_max

        # Change the opacity function
        from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction, save_ctfs

        otf = PiecewiseFunction()
        if range_min < vmin:
            otf.add_point(range_min, 0.)
        if range_max > vmax:
            otf.add_point(range_max, 0.2)
        otf.add_point(vmin, 0.)
        otf.add_point(vmax, 0.2)
        self._target._otf = otf
        if self.color is None and \
           ((self.vmin is not None) or (self.vmax is not None)):
            # FIXME: We don't use 'rescale_ctfs' because it screws up the
            # nodes, this is because, the values are actually scaled between
            # the specified vmin/vmax and NOT the full range of values
            # specified in the CTF or in the volume object.
            if self.__last_vrange:
                last_min, last_max = self.__last_vrange
                last_min, last_max = range_min, range_max

            def _rescale_value(x):
                nx = (x - last_min) / (last_max - last_min)
                return vmin + nx * (vmax - vmin)

            # For some reason on older versions of VTK (< 8.1 at least),
            # The range trait is not updated correctly when the rgb points
            # are added, this causes problems so we explicitly update them.
            scale_min, scale_max = self._target._ctf.range

            def _rescale_node(x):
                nx = (x - scale_min) / (scale_max - scale_min)
                return range_min + nx * (range_max - range_min)

            if hasattr(self._target._ctf, 'nodes'):
                rgb = list()
                for value in self._target._ctf.nodes:
                    r, g, b = \
                    rgb.append((_rescale_node(value), r, g, b))
                rgb = save_ctfs(self._target.volume_property)['rgb']

            from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction
            ctf = ColorTransferFunction()
                ctf.range = (range_min, range_max)
            except Exception:
                # VTK versions < 5.2 don't seem to need this.
            v = rgb[0]
            ctf.add_rgb_point(range_min, v[1], v[2], v[3])
            for v in rgb:
                ctf.add_rgb_point(_rescale_value(v[0]), v[1], v[2], v[3])
            ctf.add_rgb_point(range_max, v[1], v[2], v[3])

            self._target._ctf = ctf
            self.__last_vrange = vmin, vmax

        self._target.update_ctf = True

    # This is not necessary: the job is already done by _vmin_changed
    _vmax_changed = _vmin_changed