def pickGoalCb(userdata, goal): goal.target_name = userdata.object_name goal.group_name = "arm" goal.end_effector = "gripper" grasp = moveit_msgs.Grasp() = "front_grasp" grasp.pre_grasp_posture.header.stamp = grasp.pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = "gripper_link" grasp.pre_grasp_posture.joint_names.append("gripper") grasp_opened = trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectoryPoint() grasp_opened.positions.append(1.3) grasp_opened.velocities.append(0.0) grasp_opened.accelerations.append(0.0) grasp.pre_grasp_posture.points.append(grasp_opened) grasp.grasp_posture.header.stamp = grasp.pre_grasp_posture.header.stamp grasp.grasp_posture.header.frame_id = grasp.pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id grasp.grasp_posture.joint_names.append("gripper") grasp_closed = trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectoryPoint() grasp_closed.positions.append(0.2) grasp_closed.velocities.append(0.0) grasp_closed.accelerations.append(0.0) grasp.grasp_posture.points.append(grasp_closed) grasp.grasp_pose = userdata.object_pose print 'grasp pose' print grasp.grasp_pose grasp.grasp_quality = 1.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.stamp = grasp.pre_grasp_posture.header.stamp grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = "palm_link" grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = 1.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = 0.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = 0.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = 0.10 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = 0.08 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header = grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = 1.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = 0.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = 0.07 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = 0.05 grasp.max_contact_force = 0.0 # disabled # grasp.allowed_touch_objects.append("all") # optional goal.possible_grasps.append(grasp) goal.allow_gripper_support_collision = False goal.attached_object_touch_links = [ 'finger_left_knuckle_1_link', 'finger_left_knuckle_2_link', 'finger_left_tip_link', 'finger_right_knuckle_1_link', 'finger_right_knuckle_2_link', 'finger_right_tip_link' ] goal.minimize_object_distance = False # goal.path_constraints = ... goal.planner_id = "" goal.allowed_touch_objects.append("all") goal.allowed_planning_time = 20.0 # goal.planning_options = ... return goal
def to_ros_plan(t, p, v=None, a=None): """Convert a series of time stamps and positions to ros MoveItMsg.RobotTrajectory msg. Note that the msg contains no joint name, which need to be added explicitly. :param t: timestamp of shape N :param p: way point positions of shape [dim, N] :param v: way point velocities of shape [dim, N], could be all 0 :param a: way point accelerations of shape [dim, N], could be all 0 :return: MoveItMsg.RobotTrajectory with joint names be empty """ msg = MoveItMsg.RobotTrajectory() way_point_num = t.size dim = p.shape[0] zero_list = np.zeros(dim).tolist() for w in range(way_point_num): if w == 0: continue # omit the starting point identical to the current pose wpt = TrajectoryMsg.JointTrajectoryPoint() wpt.positions = list(p[:, w]) wpt.velocities = zero_list if v is None else list(v[:, w]) wpt.accelerations = zero_list if a is None else list(a[:, w]) wpt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(t[w]) msg.joint_trajectory.points.append(wpt) return msg
def to_joint_trajectory_msg(self): """ Create trajectory msg for the publisher. :returns a ROS msg for the joint trajectory """ joint_trajectory_msg = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectory() joint_trajectory_msg.joint_names = [ for joint in self.joints ] timestamps = self.get_unique_timestamps() for timestamp in timestamps: joint_trajectory_point = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() joint_trajectory_point.time_from_start = timestamp.to_msg() for joint in self.joints: interpolated_setpoint = joint.get_interpolated_setpoint( timestamp) joint_trajectory_point.positions.append( interpolated_setpoint.position) joint_trajectory_point.velocities.append( interpolated_setpoint.velocity) joint_trajectory_msg.points.append(joint_trajectory_point) return joint_trajectory_msg
def goto_joint_positions(self, positions_goal): positions_cur = self.get_joint_positions() assert len(positions_goal) == len(positions_cur) duration = norm( (r_[positions_goal] - r_[positions_cur]) / self.vel_limits, ord=inf) jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = positions_goal jtp.velocities = zeros(len(positions_goal)) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) jt.points = [jtp] #jt.header.stamp = jt.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec( + 0.3) self.controller_pub.publish(jt) print 'goto_joint_positions', self.vel_limits rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, duration) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(duration))
def goto_joint_positions(self, positions_goal): """ This method is eventually called by the Cartesian controller (for servoing) """ positions_cur = self.get_joint_positions() assert len(positions_goal) == len(positions_cur) duration = norm( (r_[positions_goal] - r_[positions_cur]) / self.vel_limits, ord=inf) jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = positions_goal ############################ if ADD_NOISE: jtp.positions += self.joint_noise ############################ jtp.velocities = zeros(len(positions_goal)) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) jt.points = [jtp] self.controller_pub.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, duration) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(duration))
def goto_joint_positions(self, positions_goal, unwrap = False): positions_cur = self.get_joint_positions() assert len(positions_goal) == len(positions_cur) duration = norm((r_[positions_goal] - r_[positions_cur])/self.vel_limits, ord=inf) if unwrap: positions_goal = positions_goal.copy() for i in [2,4,6]: positions_goal[i] = np.unwrap([positions_cur[i], positions_goal[i]])[1] jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = positions_goal jtp.velocities = zeros(len(positions_goal)) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) jt.points = [jtp] self.controller_pub.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, duration) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(duration))
def to_joint_trajectory_msg(self): """Create trajectory msg for the publisher. :returns a ROS msg for the joint trajectory """ joint_trajectory_msg = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectory() joint_trajectory_msg.joint_names = [ for joint in self.joints] timestamps = self.get_unique_timestamps() for timestamp in timestamps: joint_trajectory_point = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() joint_trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(timestamp) for joint in self.joints: interpolated_setpoint = joint.get_interpolated_setpoint(timestamp) if interpolated_setpoint.time != timestamp: rospy.logwarn('Time mismatch in joint {jn} at timestamp {ts}, ' 'got time {ti}'.format(, ts=timestamp, ti=interpolated_setpoint.time)) joint_trajectory_point.positions.append(interpolated_setpoint.position) joint_trajectory_point.velocities.append(interpolated_setpoint.velocity) joint_trajectory_msg.points.append(joint_trajectory_point) return joint_trajectory_msg
def construct_points(self, posl, tstep): points = [tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(len(posl))] for i in range(len(posl)): points[i].positions = posl[i] points[i].velocities = [0 for j in range(7)] for i in range(len(posl)): points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(i*tstep) return points
def publish_joint_traj(self, pub, joint_traj): joint_traj_msg = tm.JointTrajectory() joint_traj_msg.header.stamp = joint_traj_msg.points = [ tm.JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=joints) for joints in joint_traj ] pub.publish(joint_traj_msg)
def apply(hsr, arg): tilt, pan = arg[:2] point = traj_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [tilt, pan] point.velocities = [0] * 2 point.time_from_start = rospy.Time(0.5) traj = ctrl_msg.FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal() traj.goal.trajectory.joint_names = ['head_tilt_joint', 'head_pan_joint'] traj.goal.trajectory.points = [point] hsr.publishers['head'].publish(traj) rospy.sleep(2.)
def follow_timed_trajectory(self, times, xyas, frame_id): jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.header.frame_id = frame_id n = len(xyas) assert len(times) == n for i in xrange(n): jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(times[i]) jtp.positions = xyas[i] jt.points.append(jtp) self.traj_pub.publish(jt)
def command_pan_tilt_vel(self, pan_vel, tilt_vel, dt=0.2): pan, tilt = self.get_joint_positions() jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.01) jt.joint_names = ["head_pan_joint", "head_tilt_joint"] jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint( positions=[pan + pan_vel * dt, tilt + tilt_vel * dt], velocities=[pan_vel, tilt_vel], time_from_start=rospy.Duration(dt)) jt.points = [jtp] self.controller_pub.publish(jt) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(dt))
def follow_timed_trajectory(self, times, angs): times_up = np.arange(0, times[-1] + 1e-4, .1) angs_up = np.interp(times_up, times, angs) jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.header.stamp = jt.joint_names = ["%s_gripper_joint" %] for (t, a) in zip(times, angs): jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t) jtp.positions = [a] jt.points.append(jtp) self.controller_pub.publish(jt)
def scan_motor(angle1, angle2, N, t): global pub, tilt, pub_flag, Flag_data motor = rospy.wait_for_message('/dynamixel_workbench/joint_states', JointState) cur_pos = motor.position e = angle1 - cur_pos[0] t_step = t / N angles = np.linspace(cur_pos, angle2 + np.abs(e), int(N)) imu = rospy.wait_for_message('/um7', Imu) q = imu.orientation pitch_m = q2pitch(q) if flag_print: print("Scanning") print("imu: %.4f" % (pitch_m * 180.0 / np.pi)) print("motor: %.4f" % (cur_pos[0] * 180 / np.pi)) print("---------------------------") t_i = T.time() for i in angles: tilt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [i] jtp.velocities = [0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t_step) # sec - relative to speed tilt.points = [jtp] pub.publish(tilt) T.sleep(5 - t_step) Flag_data = True pub_flag.publish(Flag_data) T.sleep(0.5) Flag_data = False pub_flag.publish(Flag_data) imu = rospy.wait_for_message('/um7', Imu) q = imu.orientation pitch_m = q2pitch(q) motor = rospy.wait_for_message('/dynamixel_workbench/joint_states', JointState) cur_pos = motor.position if flag_print: print("imu: %.4f" % (pitch_m * 180.0 / np.pi)) print("motor: %.4f" % (cur_pos[0] * 180 / np.pi)) print("Scan time: %.2f seg" % (T.time() - t_i)) print("---------------------------")
def createGripperPositionCommand(newPosition): msg = tm.JointTrajectory() point = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [newPosition, newPosition] point.velocities = ones(2) point.accelerations = zeros(2) point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.5) msg.points = [point] msg.joint_names = ["gripper_finger_joint_l", "gripper_finger_joint_r"] msg.header.frame_id = "gripper_finger_joint_l" msg.header.stamp = return msg
def move_motor(angle): global pub, tilt imu = rospy.wait_for_message('/um7', Imu) q = imu.orientation pitch_m = q2pitch(q) motor = rospy.wait_for_message('/dynamixel_workbench/joint_states', JointState) cur_pos = motor.position up = 0.0 ui = 0.0 while np.abs(angle - pitch_m) > 0.02: # error of +/- 2° e = angle - pitch_m up = 0.75 * e ui = 0.4 * e + ui u = up + ui + cur_pos[0] tilt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [u] jtp.velocities = np.zeros(len(jtp.positions)) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2) # sec - relative to speed tilt.points = [jtp] pub.publish(tilt) T.sleep(2.1) imu = rospy.wait_for_message('/um7', Imu) q = imu.orientation pitch_m = q2pitch(q) motor = rospy.wait_for_message('/dynamixel_workbench/joint_states', JointState) cur_pos = motor.position if flag_print: print("IMU_measurement: %.4f deg" % (pitch_m * 180.0 / np.pi)) print("Motor_measurement: %.4f deg" % (cur_pos[0] * 180 / np.pi)) print("Error: %.4f deg" % ((pitch_m - cur_pos[0]) * 180 / np.pi)) print("---------------------------") return pitch_m
def createArmPositionCommand(newPositions): msg = tm.JointTrajectory() point = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = newPositions point.velocities = zeros(len(newPositions)) point.accelerations = zeros(len(newPositions)) point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.5) msg.points = [point] jointNames = [] for i in range(5): jointNames.append("arm_joint_" + str(i + 1)) msg.joint_names = jointNames msg.header.frame_id = "arm_link_0" msg.header.stamp = return msg
def follow_timed_joint_trajectory(self, positions, velocities, times): jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = for (position, velocity, time) in zip(positions, velocities, times): jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = position jtp.velocities = velocity jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) jt.points.append(jtp) self.controller_pub.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, times[-1]) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(times[-1]))
def apply(hsr, arg): arm_lift, arm_flex, arm_roll, wrist_flex, wrist_roll = arg[:5] point = traj_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [arm_lift, arm_flex, arm_roll, wrist_flex, wrist_roll] point.velocities = [0] * 5 point.time_from_start = rospy.Time(0.5) traj = ctrl_msg.FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal() traj.goal.trajectory.joint_names = ['arm_lift_joint', 'arm_flex_joint', 'arm_roll_joint', 'wrist_flex_joint', 'wrist_roll_joint'] traj.goal.trajectory.points = [point] hsr.publishers['arm'].publish(traj) rospy.sleep(1.) while True: error = hsr.subscribers['arm_pose']['error'] if all(abs(x) <= 1e-2 for x in error): break rospy.sleep(0.1)
def set_angle(self, a, max_effort=default_max_effort): a_cur = self.get_angle() duration = abs((a - a_cur) / self.vel_limits[0]) jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [a] jtp.velocities = [0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) jt.points = [jtp] self.controller_pub.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, duration) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(duration))
def send_joint_positions(self, joint_positions, duration): """ Publishes joint_positions to be executed in time duration """ jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = joint_positions jtp.time_from_start = duration ################################ if ADD_NOISE: jtp.positions += self.joint_noise ################################ jt.points = [jtp] self.controller_pub.publish(jt)
def angle_change(self,data): self.angle = if self.angle<-2.094: self.angle = -2.094 elif self.angle > 0: self.angle = 0.0 tilt = tm.JointTrajectory() tilt.header.frame_id = "joint_trajectory" tilt.header.stamp = tilt.joint_names = ["tilt"] jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [self.angle] jtp.velocities = [0.5] jtp.effort = [0.3] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2) tilt.points = [jtp]
def _create_trajectory(self, pos_mat, times, vel_mat=None): #Make JointTrajectoryPoints points = [tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(pos_mat.shape[1])] for i in range(pos_mat.shape[1]): points[i].positions = pos_mat[:, i].A1.tolist() points[i].accelerations = self.zeros if vel_mat == None: points[i].velocities = self.zeros else: points[i].velocities = vel_mat[:, i].A1.tolist() for i in range(pos_mat.shape[1]): points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(times[i]) #Create JointTrajectory jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.points = points jt.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() return jt
def execute_joint_trajectory(self, joint_traj, block=True, speed=None): """ :param joint_traj: list of joint waypoints :param block: if True, waits until trajectory is completed :param speed: execution speed in meters/sec :return if not blocking, return expected execution time """ for joints in joint_traj: assert joints is not None assert len(joints) == len(self.current_joints) speed = float(speed) if speed is not None else self.default_speed goal = pcm.JointTrajectoryGoal() #joint_trajectory = tm.JointTrajectory() goal.trajectory.joint_names = self.joint_names goal.trajectory.header.stamp = curr_joints = self.current_joints time_from_start = 0. for next_joints in joint_traj: next_position = curr_position = duration = ((next_position - curr_position).norm)/speed time_from_start += duration waypoint = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() waypoint.positions = next_joints waypoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time_from_start) goal.trajectory.points.append(waypoint) curr_joints = next_joints self.joint_command_client.send_goal(goal) #self.joint_command_pub.publish(goal.trajectory) if block: rospy.sleep(time_from_start) else: return time_from_start
def go2top(): global pub, tilt print("=====================================================") print("Scan node is beginning") print("=====================================================") angle = np.pi / (-2.0) time_to_move = 3 for i in [0, 0, angle]: tilt.header.stamp = jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [i] jtp.velocities = np.zeros(1) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration( time_to_move) # sec - relative to speed tilt.points = [jtp] pub.publish(tilt) T.sleep(time_to_move + 0.1)
def apply(hsr, arg): x, y, theta, v, omega = arg[:5] x0, y0, theta0 = hsr.subscribers['base_pose']['actual'] dx = ((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2) ** .5 dtheta = abs(theta - theta0) t = max(dx / v, dtheta / omega) acceleration = 0.05 point = traj_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [x, y, theta] point.accelerations = [acceleration] * 3 point.effort = [1] point.time_from_start = rospy.Time(t) traj = ctrl_msg.FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal() traj.goal.trajectory.joint_names = ['odom_x', 'odom_y', 'odom_t'] traj.goal.trajectory.points = [point] hsr.publishers['base'].publish(traj) rospy.sleep(1.) while True: error = hsr.subscribers['base_pose']['error'] if all(abs(x) <= 1e-6 for x in error): break rospy.sleep(0.1)
def get_joint_trajectory_msg(self) -> trajectory_msg.JointTrajectory: """Return a joint_trajectory_msg containing the interpolated trajectories for each joint :returns: A joint_trajectory_msg :rtype: joint_trajectory_msg """ # Update pose: pose_list = [joint.position for joint in self.starting_position.values()] self.pose = Pose(pose_list) self._solve_middle_setpoint() self._solve_desired_setpoint() self._get_extra_ankle_setpoint() # Create joint_trajectory_msg self._to_joint_trajectory_class() joint_trajectory_msg = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectory() joint_trajectory_msg.joint_names = self.joint_names timestamps = np.linspace(self.time[0], self.time[-1], INTERPOLATION_POINTS) for timestamp in timestamps: joint_trajecory_point = trajectory_msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() joint_trajecory_point.time_from_start = Duration(timestamp).to_msg() for joint_index, joint_trajectory in enumerate(self.joint_trajectory_list): interpolated_setpoint = joint_trajectory.get_interpolated_setpoint( timestamp ) joint_trajecory_point.positions.append(interpolated_setpoint.position) joint_trajecory_point.velocities.append(interpolated_setpoint.velocity) self._check_joint_limits(joint_index, joint_trajecory_point) joint_trajectory_msg.points.append(joint_trajecory_point) return joint_trajectory_msg
def follow_timed_joint_trajectory(self, positions, velocities, times): """ This method is eventually called using trajopt output """ jt = tm.JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.header.stamp = for (position, velocity, time) in zip(positions, velocities, times): jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() ################################# if ADD_NOISE: position = position + self.joint_noise ################################# jtp.positions = position jtp.velocities = velocity jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) jt.points.append(jtp) self.controller_pub.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("%s: starting %.2f sec traj", self.controller_name, times[-1]) self.pr2.start_thread(JustWaitThread(times[-1]))
def callback(getreq): assert isinstance(getreq, ms.GetMotionPlanRequest) req = getreq.motion_plan_request getresp = ms.GetMotionPlanResponse() resp = getresp.motion_plan_response manip = GROUPMAP[req.group_name] update_rave_from_ros(robot, req.start_state.joint_state.position, base_pose = req.start_state.multi_dof_joint_state.poses[0] base_q = base_pose.orientation base_p = base_pose.position t = rave.matrixFromPose([base_q.w, base_q.x, base_q.y, base_q.z, base_p.x, base_p.y, base_p.z]) robot.SetTransform(t) start_joints = robot.GetDOFValues(robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmIndices()) n_steps = 9 coll_coeff = 10 dist_pen = .04 inds = robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmJoints() alljoints = robot.GetJoints() names = arm_joint_names = [alljoints[i].GetName() for i in inds] for goal_cnt in req.goal_constraints: if len(goal_cnt.joint_constraints) > 0: assert len(goal_cnt.joint_constraints)==7 end_joints = np.zeros(7) for i in xrange(7): jc = goal_cnt.joint_constraints[i] dof_idx = arm_joint_names.index(jc.joint_name) end_joints[dof_idx] = jc.position waypoint_step = (n_steps - 1)// 2 joint_waypoints = [(np.asarray(start_joints) + np.asarray(end_joints))/2] if args.multi_init: leftright = req.group_name.split("_")[0] joint_waypoints.extend(get_postures(leftright)) success = False for waypoint in joint_waypoints: robot.SetDOFValues(start_joints, inds) d = { "basic_info" : { "n_steps" : n_steps, "manip" : manip, "start_fixed" : True }, "costs" : [ { "type" : "joint_vel", "params": {"coeffs" : [1]} }, { "type" : "continuous_collision", "params" : {"coeffs" : [coll_coeff],"dist_pen" : [dist_pen]} } ], "constraints" : [], "init_info" : { "type" : "given_traj" } } d["constraints"].append({ "type" : "joint", "name" : "joint", "params" : { "vals" : end_joints.tolist() } }) if args.multi_init: inittraj = np.empty((n_steps, 7)) inittraj[:waypoint_step+1] = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, waypoint, waypoint_step+1) inittraj[waypoint_step:] = mu.linspace2d(waypoint, end_joints, n_steps - waypoint_step) else: inittraj = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, end_joints, n_steps) print "this",inittraj print "other",mu.linspace2d(start_joints, end_joints, n_steps) d["init_info"]["data"] = [row.tolist() for row in inittraj] if len(goal_cnt.position_constraints) > 0: raise NotImplementedError s = json.dumps(d) t_start = time() prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) planning_duration_seconds = time() - t_start traj = result.GetTraj() if check_traj(traj, robot.GetManipulator(manip)): print "aw, there's a collision" else: print "no collisions" success = True break if not success: resp.error_code.val = FAILURE return resp resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names = names for row in traj: jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = row.tolist() jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0) resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points.append(jtp) mdjt = resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory mdjt.joint_names = ['world_joint'] mdjt.frame_ids = ['odom_combined'] mdjt.child_frame_ids = ['base_footprint'] mdjt.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header pose = gm.Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1 for _ in xrange(len(resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points)): jtp = mm.MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.poses.append(pose) #for i in xrange(len(mdjs.joint_names)): #if mdjs.joint_names[i] == "world_joint": #world_joint_pose = mdjs.poses[i] #world_joint_frame_id = mdjs.frame_ids[i] #world_joint_child_frame_id = mdjs.child_frame_ids[i] #print "world_joint_frame_id", world_joint_frame_id #print "world_joint_child_frame_id", world_joint_child_frame_id #mdjt = resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory #mdjt.header.frame_id = req.start_state.joint_state.header.frame_id #mdjt.joint_names.append("world_joint") resp.error_code.val = SUCCESS resp.planning_time = rospy.Duration(planning_duration_seconds) resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header resp.group_name = req.group_name resp.trajectory_start.joint_state = req.start_state.joint_state #resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory #resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header getresp.motion_plan_response = resp return getresp
def _check_time_validity(self, value): r, g, b = 0, 0, 0 palette = QPalette(QColor(r, g, b, 255)) palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, QColor(r, g, b, 255)) self.time_box.setPalette(palette) jang_list = self.get_joint_angs_list() left_list, right_list = split_joints_list(jang_list) #arm = tu.selected_radio_button(self.arm_radio_buttons).lower() arm = self.get_arm_radio() if arm == 'left': #idx = 0 pref = 'l_' left_arm = True ang_list = left_list else: #idx = 1 pref = 'r_' left_arm = False ang_list = right_list if len(ang_list) == 0: return if self.list_manager.get_selected_idx() == None: ref = ang_list[-1] else: sidx = self.list_manager.get_selected_idx() ang_list_idx = None for idx, d in enumerate(ang_list): if d == jang_list[sidx]: ang_list_idx = idx if ang_list_idx == None: return pidx = ang_list_idx - 1 if pidx < 0: return else: ref = ang_list[pidx] start_point = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() start_point.velocities = [0.] * len(p2u.JOINT_NAME_FIELDS) for name in p2u.JOINT_NAME_FIELDS: exec('box = self.%s' % name) start_point.positions.append(np.radians(box.value())) end_point = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint() end_point.velocities = [0.] * len(p2u.JOINT_NAME_FIELDS) end_point.positions = ref['angs'] min_time = self.min_time_service(start_point, end_point, left_arm).time curr_time = self.time_box.value() #print 'min_time', min_time for multiplier, color in [[1., [255, 0, 0]], [2., [255, 153, 0]]]: if curr_time <= (min_time * multiplier): r, g, b = color palette = QPalette(QColor(r, g, b, 255)) palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, QColor(r, g, b, 255)) self.time_box.setPalette(palette) return