コード例 #1
#fname = 'ThawData_Yr10_All.csv'
#with open(fname, 'wb') as csvFile:
#	writer = csv.writer(csvFile, delimiter=',')

for i in range(len(runPrefixList)):
    y = np.nan * np.ones([nruns, len(trange)], 'd')
    for j in range(nruns):
        directory = runPrefixList[i] + '_' + runDate + '.' + str(j + 1)
        isDir = os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + '/' + directory)
        if not isDir:
        keys, times, dat = parse_ats.readATS(directory,
        col_dat = transect_data.transect_data(['saturation_ice'],
        times_subset = times[trange]
        #col_dat structure:
        #col 1 = variable
        #col 2 = time
        #col 3 = x position
        #col 4 = z position
        z_surf = col_dat[1, 0, :, -1] + (
            col_dat[1, 0, :, -1] - col_dat[1, 0, :, -2]
        ) / 2.  # average of the uppermost and second-to-uppermost rows, shifted up to the top row
        z_bott = col_dat[1, 0, :, 0] - (
            col_dat[1, 0, :, 1] - col_dat[1, 0, :, 0]
        ) / 2.  # average of the bottom and second-to-bottom rows, shifted up to the bottom row
        for k in range(len(trange)):
            where_unsat = np.where(col_dat[2, k, xPos, :] == 1)[0]
コード例 #2
## Testing the datetime functionality
dt = datetime.fromordinal(733828)

directory = "./hillslope-test-allMinColumn/"

keys, times, dat = parse_ats.readATS(directory, "visdump_data.h5", timeunits='yr')

# Visdumps are spit out every 30 days.  Index 0 is January of year 1; 12 is January year 2; etc...
ind_start = 0
ind_end = -1 # if you want it to run to the end of the list, type '-1' for the last item on the list.
ind_int = 90 # there is one checkpoint file every 30 days

col_dat = transect_data.transect_data(['saturation_gas','saturation_ice'], keys=np.s_[ind_start:ind_end:ind_int], directory=directory)
times_subset = times[ind_start:ind_end:ind_int]

print times_subset

nvar, nt, nx, nz = col_dat.shape
print nt

n = 12 # length of a year in python indeces
m = (nt)/(n) # determine how many years we're viewing, adding 1 because python indexes at 0
print m,n

# z_surf and z_bott is extrapolated based on dz, and is not necessarily exact if 
# dz varies in the top (respectively bottom) two cells
z_surf = col_dat[1,0,:,-1] + (col_dat[1,0,:,-1] - col_dat[1,0,:,-2])/2. # average of the uppermost and second-to-uppermost rows, shifted up to the top row
z_bott = col_dat[1,0,:,0] - (col_dat[1,0,:,1] - col_dat[1,0,:,0])/2. # average of the bottom and second-to-bottom rows, shifted up to the bottom row
コード例 #3
def water_table2D(dirname, datum=None, location='center', v86=False, patm=101325.):
    prefix = "" if v86 else "surface-"

    # get the ponded depth
    keys,times,dats = parse_ats.readATS(dirname, "visdump_surface_data.h5")
    pd = parse_ats.get2DSurfaceData(keys, dats, prefix+"ponded_depth")

    if location == 'center':
        center = len(dats[prefix+"elevation.cell.0"][keys[0]])
    elif location == 'trough':
        center = 1
    print ('Location: ', location, center)
    elev_cell = dats[prefix+"elevation.cell.0"][keys[0]][center-1]
    print ('Datum (surface elevation)', elev_cell)
    if datum is None:
        datum = elev_cell
    datum_offset = elev_cell - datum

    # get the columnar pressure
    water_table = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    thaw_depth = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')

    col_dat = transect_data.transect_data(['pressure', 'temperature'], directory=dirname)
    vars = 2
    nvar, cycles, xnum, znum = col_dat.shape
    #print xnum
    xnum = center
    #print xnum
    for k in range(col_dat.shape[1]):

        if pd[k, xnum-1] > 0:
            water_table[k] = pd[k, xnum-1] + datum_offset
            #wt_surf[k] = pd[k, xnum-1] + datum_offset
            #print 'surface:: ',k, pd[k, xnum-1]
            #print 'subsurface: ', k, pd[k, xnum-1]
            wt_index = np.where(col_dat[vars ,k,xnum-1, :] >= patm)[0] #var 1
            temp_index = np.where(col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, :] >= 273.25)[0] ##
            temp_data = col_dat[vars + 1,k,xnum-1, :] #var 2

            if len(wt_index) is 0:
                wt_index = 0
                wt_index = wt_index[-1]

            if (len(temp_index) is 0):
                temp_index =0
                temp_index = temp_index[0]
            if (temp_data[wt_index] > 273.25):
                water_table[k] = col_dat[1,k,xnum-1, wt_index] - datum
        temp_index = np.where(col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, :] >= 273.2)[0] ##
        #print col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, :], round(times[k]*365.25,2), k
        if len(temp_index) > 0:
            #print 'ALT: ', len(temp_index), temp_index[0], col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, temp_index[0]]

            thaw_depth[k] = col_dat[1,k,xnum-1, temp_index[0]] - datum
    return times, water_table, thaw_depth, elev_cell
コード例 #4
def water_table(dirname, datum=None, v86=False, patm=101325.):
    prefix = "" if v86 else "surface-"

    # get the ponded depth
    keys,times,dats = parse_ats.readATS(dirname, "visdump_surface_data.h5")
    pd = parse_ats.get2DSurfaceData(keys, dats, prefix+"ponded_depth")

    center = len(dats[prefix+"elevation.cell.0"][keys[0]])
    print ('Center location: ', center)
    elev_surf = dats[prefix+"elevation.cell.0"][keys[0]][center-1]
    print ('Datum (surface elevation)', elev_surf)
    if datum is None:
        datum = elev_surf
    datum_offset = elev_surf - datum

    # get the columnar pressure
    wt = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    wt_ss = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    wt_surf = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    thaw_depth = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    wt_bottom = np.zeros((len(keys),),'d')
    col_dat = transect_data.transect_data(['pressure', 'temperature'], directory=dirname)
    vars = 2
    nvar, cycles, xnum, znum = col_dat.shape
    for k in range(col_dat.shape[1]):

        if pd[k, xnum-1] > 0:
            wt[k] = pd[k, xnum-1] + datum_offset
            wt_surf[k] = pd[k, xnum-1] + datum_offset
            wt_index = np.where(col_dat[vars ,k,xnum-1, :] >= patm)[0] #var 1
            temp_index = np.where(col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, :] >= 273.25)[0] ##
            temp_data = col_dat[vars + 1,k,xnum-1, :] #var 2

            wt_index0 = wt_index
            if len(wt_index) is 0:
                wt_index = 0
                wt_index0 = 0
                wt_index = wt_index[-1]

            if (len(wt_index0) > 2):
                wt_index0 = wt_index0[-2]
            if (len(temp_index) is 0):
                temp_index =0
                temp_index = temp_index[0]
            if (temp_data[wt_index] > 273.25):
                wt[k] = col_dat[1,k,xnum-1, wt_index] - datum
                wt_ss[k] = col_dat[1,k,xnum-1, temp_index] - datum

        temp_index = np.where(col_dat[vars+1 ,k,xnum-1, :] >= 273.25)[0] ##

        if len(temp_index) > 0:
            thaw_depth[k] = col_dat[1,k,xnum-1, temp_index[0]] - datum
    return times, wt, wt_ss, wt_bottom, thaw_depth
コード例 #5
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4,2,sharex=True)

#fname = 'ThawData_Yr10_All.csv'
#with open(fname, 'wb') as csvFile:
#	writer = csv.writer(csvFile, delimiter=',')

for i in range(len(runPrefixList)):
	y = np.nan*np.ones([nruns,len(trange)],'d')
	for j in range(nruns):
		directory = runPrefixList[i] + '_' + runDate + '.' + str(j+1)
                isDir = os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + '/' + directory)
                if not isDir:
		keys, times, dat = parse_ats.readATS(directory, "visdump_data.h5", timeunits='yr')
                col_dat = transect_data.transect_data(['saturation_gas','porosity','cell_volume',], keys=np.s_[trange], directory=directory)
                times_subset = times[trange]
                #col_dat structure:
                #col 1 = variable
                #col 2 = time
                #col 3 = x position
                #col 4 = z position
                z_surf = col_dat[1,0,:,-1] + (col_dat[1,0,:,-1] - col_dat[1,0,:,-2])/2. # average of the uppermost and second-to-uppermost rows, shifted up to the top row
                z_bott = col_dat[1,0,:,0] - (col_dat[1,0,:,1] - col_dat[1,0,:,0])/2. # average of the bottom and second-to-bottom rows, shifted up to the bottom row
		yTemp = col_dat[2,:,:,:]*col_dat[3,:,:,:]*col_dat[4,:,:,:] # calculate the empty pore volume of each celll (gas saturation*porosity*cell volume at all locations)
		zSum = np.sum(yTemp,2) # sum the 2nd dimension of the yTemp matrix to get the total empty pore volume in EACH COLUMN with depth
		xSum = np.sum(zSum,1) # sum the 1st dimension of the zSum matrix to get the total empty pore volume in EACH DOMAIN at every point in time
		y[j,:] = xSum
			cVal = 'k'