def get_cuckoos(nest,best,lb,ub,n,dim): # perform Levy flights tempnest=numpy.zeros((n,dim)) tempnest=numpy.array(nest) beta=3/2; sigma=(math.gamma(1+beta)*math.sin(math.pi*beta/2)/(math.gamma((1+beta)/2)*beta*2**((beta-1)/2)))**(1/beta); s=numpy.zeros(dim) for j in range (0,n): s=nest[j,:] u=numpy.random.randn(len(s))*sigma v=numpy.random.randn(len(s)) step=u/abs(v)**(1/beta) stepsize=0.01*(step*(s-best)) s=s+stepsize*numpy.random.randn(len(s)) tempnest[j,:]=transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(s) for i in range (0,dim): ss= transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(tempnest[j,i]) if (random.random()<ss): tempnest[j,i]=1; else: tempnest[j,i]=0; while numpy.sum(tempnest[j,:])==0: tempnest[j,:]=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1,dim)) #tempnest[j,:]=numpy.clip(s, lb, ub) return tempnest
def WOA(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter, trainInput, trainOutput): #dim=30 #SearchAgents_no=50 #lb=-100 #ub=100 #Max_iter=500 # initialize position vector and score for the leader Leader_pos = numpy.zeros(dim) Leader_score = float("inf") #change this to -inf for maximization problems #Initialize the positions of search agents # Positions=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(SearchAgents_no,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals Positions = numpy.random.randint( 2, size=(SearchAgents_no, dim)) #generating binary individuals #Initialize convergence convergence_curve1 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) convergence_curve2 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) ############################ s = solution() print("WOA is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") ############################ t = 0 # Loop counter # Main loop while t < Max_iter: for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): # Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space #Positions[i,:]=checkBounds(Positions[i,:],lb,ub) # Positions[i,:]=numpy.clip(Positions[i,:], lb, ub) # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(Positions[i, :]) == 0: Positions[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) # Calculate objective function for each search agent fitness = objf(Positions[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) # Update the leader if fitness < Leader_score: # Change this to > for maximization problem Leader_score = fitness # Update alpha Leader_pos = Positions[i, :].copy( ) # copy current whale position into the leader position featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if Leader_pos[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 convergence_curve1[t] = Leader_score convergence_curve2[t] = featurecount if (t % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration ' + str(t) + ' the best fitness on trainig is: ' + str(Leader_score) + 'the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) a = 2 - t * ((2) / Max_iter) # a decreases linearly fron 2 to 0 in Eq. (2.3) # a2 linearly decreases from -1 to -2 to calculate t in Eq. (3.12) a2 = -1 + t * ((-1) / Max_iter) # Update the Position of search agents for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): r1 = random.random() # r1 is a random number in [0,1] r2 = random.random() # r2 is a random number in [0,1] A = 2 * a * r1 - a # Eq. (2.3) in the paper C = 2 * r2 # Eq. (2.4) in the paper b = 1 # parameters in Eq. (2.5) l = (a2 - 1) * random.random() + 1 # parameters in Eq. (2.5) p = random.random() # p in Eq. (2.6) for j in range(0, dim): if p < 0.5: if abs(A) >= 1: rand_leader_index = math.floor(SearchAgents_no * random.random()) X_rand = Positions[rand_leader_index, :] D_X_rand = abs(C * X_rand[j] - Positions[i, j]) Positions[ i, j] = X_rand[j] - A * D_X_rand #update statement Positions[i, j] = transfer_functions_benchmark.v1( Positions[i, j]) elif abs(A) < 1: D_Leader = abs(C * Leader_pos[j] - Positions[i, j]) Positions[i, j] = Leader_pos[ j] - A * D_Leader #update statement ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Positions[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): Positions[i, j] = 1 else: Positions[i, j] = 0 elif p >= 0.5: distance2Leader = abs(Leader_pos[j] - Positions[i, j]) # Eq. (2.5) Positions[i, j] = distance2Leader * math.exp( b * l) * math.cos(l * 2 * math.pi) + Leader_pos[j] Positions[i, j] = transfer_functions_benchmark.v1( Positions[i, j]) ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Positions[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): Positions[i, j] = 1 else: Positions[i, j] = 0 t = t + 1 timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = Leader_pos s.convergence1 = convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "WOA" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s
def MFO(objf,lb,ub,dim,N,Max_iteration,trainInput,trainOutput): #Initialize the positions of moths # Moth_pos=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(N,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals Moth_pos=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(N,dim)) #generating binary individuals Moth_fitness=numpy.full(N,float("inf")) #Moth_fitness=numpy.fell(float("inf")) Convergence_curve1=numpy.zeros(Max_iteration) Convergence_curve2=numpy.zeros(Max_iteration) sorted_population=numpy.copy(Moth_pos) fitness_sorted=numpy.zeros(N) ##################### best_flames=numpy.copy(Moth_pos) best_flame_fitness=numpy.zeros(N) #################### double_population=numpy.zeros((2*N,dim)) double_fitness=numpy.zeros(2*N) double_sorted_population=numpy.zeros((2*N,dim)) double_fitness_sorted=numpy.zeros(2*N) ######################### previous_population=numpy.zeros((N,dim)); previous_fitness=numpy.zeros(N) s=solution() print("MFO is optimizing \""+objf.__name__+"\"") timerStart=time.time() s.startTime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") Iteration=1; # Main loop while (Iteration<Max_iteration+1): # Number of flames Eq. (3.14) in the paper Flame_no=round(N-Iteration*((N-1)/Max_iteration)); for i in range(0,N): # Check if moths go out of the search spaceand bring it back # Moth_pos[i,:]=numpy.clip(Moth_pos[i,:], lb, ub) # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(Moth_pos[i,:])==0: Moth_pos[i,:]=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1,dim)) # evaluate moths Moth_fitness[i]=objf(Moth_pos[i,:],trainInput,trainOutput,dim) if Iteration==1: # Sort the first population of moths fitness_sorted=numpy.sort(Moth_fitness) I=numpy.argsort(Moth_fitness) sorted_population=Moth_pos[I,:] #Update the flames best_flames=sorted_population; best_flame_fitness=fitness_sorted; else: # # # Sort the moths double_population=numpy.concatenate((previous_population,best_flames),axis=0) double_fitness=numpy.concatenate((previous_fitness, best_flame_fitness),axis=0); # double_fitness_sorted =numpy.sort(double_fitness); I2 =numpy.argsort(double_fitness); # # for newindex in range(0,2*N): double_sorted_population[newindex,:]=numpy.array(double_population[I2[newindex],:]) fitness_sorted=double_fitness_sorted[0:N] sorted_population=double_sorted_population[0:N,:] # # # Update the flames best_flames=sorted_population; best_flame_fitness=fitness_sorted; # # # Update the position best flame obtained so far Best_flame_score=fitness_sorted[0] Best_flame_pos=sorted_population[0,:] # previous_population=Moth_pos; previous_fitness=Moth_fitness; featurecount=0 for f in range(0,dim): if Best_flame_pos[f]==1: featurecount=featurecount+1 # print(Best_flame_pos) # print(Best_flame_score) # # Convergence_curve[Iteration-1]=(Best_flame_score) Convergence_curve1[Iteration-1]=Best_flame_score# store the best number of features Convergence_curve2[Iteration-1]=featurecount#store the best fitness on testing returened from F11 #Display best fitness along the iteration if (Iteration%1==0): print(['At iteration'+ str(Iteration+1)+' the best fitness on trainig is:'+ str(Best_flame_score)+', the best number of features: '+str(featurecount)]); # a linearly dicreases from -1 to -2 to calculate t in Eq. (3.12) a=-1+Iteration*((-1)/Max_iteration); # Loop counter for i in range(0,N): # for j in range(0,dim): if (i<=Flame_no): #Update the position of the moth with respect to its corresponsing flame # # D in Eq. (3.13) distance_to_flame=abs(sorted_population[i,j]-Moth_pos[i,j]) b=1 t=(a-1)*random.random()+1; # # % Eq. (3.12) Moth_pos[i,j]=distance_to_flame*math.exp(b*t)*math.cos(t*2*math.pi)+sorted_population[i,j]#update statement ss= transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Moth_pos[i,j]) if (random.random()<ss): Moth_pos[i,j]=1; else: Moth_pos[i,j]=0; # end # if i>Flame_no: # Upaate the position of the moth with respct to one flame # # % Eq. (3.13) distance_to_flame=abs(sorted_population[i,j]-Moth_pos[i,j]); b=1; t=(a-1)*random.random()+1; # # % Eq. (3.12) Moth_pos[i,j]=distance_to_flame*math.exp(b*t)*math.cos(t*2*math.pi)+sorted_population[Flame_no,j]#update statement ss= transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Moth_pos[i,j]) if (random.random()<ss): Moth_pos[i,j]=1; else: Moth_pos[i,j]=0; #Display best fitness along the iteration # if (Iteration%1==0): # print(['At iteration '+ str(Iteration)+ ' the best fitness is '+ str(Best_flame_score)]); # Convergence_curve[Iteration-1]=(Best_flame_score) Iteration=Iteration+1; timerEnd=time.time() s.endTime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime=timerEnd-timerStart s.bestIndividual=Best_flame_pos s.convergence1=Convergence_curve1 s.convergence2=Convergence_curve2 s.optimizer="MFO" s.objfname=objf.__name__ return s
def HHO(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter, trainInput, trainOutput): #dim=30 #SearchAgents_no=50 #lb=-100 #ub=100 #Max_iter=500 # initialize the location and Energy of the rabbit Rabbit_Location = numpy.zeros(dim) Rabbit_Energy = float( "inf") #change this to -inf for maximization problems #Initialize the locations of Harris' hawks X = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(SearchAgents_no, dim)) for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): while numpy.sum(X[i, :]) == 0: X[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) #Initialize convergence convergence_curve1 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) convergence_curve2 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) ############################ s = solution() print("HHO is now tackling \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") ############################ t = 0 # Loop counter # Main loop while t < Max_iter: for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): # Check boundries # X[i,:]=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1,dim)) while numpy.sum(X[i, :]) == 0: X[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) # fitness of locations fitness = objf(X[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) # Update the location of Rabbit if fitness < Rabbit_Energy: # Change this to > for maximization problem Rabbit_Energy = fitness Rabbit_Location = X[i, :].copy() E1 = 2 * (1 - (t / Max_iter) ) # factor to show the decreaing energy of rabbit # Update the location of Harris' hawks for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): E0 = 2 * random.random() - 1 # -1<E0<1 Escaping_Energy = E1 * ( E0) # escaping energy of rabbit Eq. (3) in the paper # -------- Exploration phase Eq. (1) in paper ------------------- if abs(Escaping_Energy) >= 1: #Harris' hawks perch randomly based on 2 strategy: q = random.random() rand_Hawk_index = math.floor(SearchAgents_no * random.random()) X_rand = X[rand_Hawk_index, :] if q < 0.5: # perch based on other family members X[i, :] = X_rand - random.random() * abs( X_rand - 2 * random.random() * X[i, :]) #print(X[i,:]) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X[i, j]) #print(ss) if (random.random() < ss): X[i, j] = 1 else: X[i, j] = 0 elif q >= 0.5: #perch on a random tall tree (random site inside group's home range) X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0)) - random.random() * ( (ub - lb) * random.random() + lb) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): X[i, j] = 1 else: X[i, j] = 0 # -------- Exploitation phase ------------------- elif abs(Escaping_Energy) < 1: #Attacking the rabbit using 4 strategies regarding the behavior of the rabbit #phase 1: ----- surprise pounce (seven kills) ---------- #surprise pounce (seven kills): multiple, short rapid dives by different hawks r = random.random() # probablity of each event if r >= 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy ) < 0.5: # Hard besiege Eq. (6) in paper X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location) - Escaping_Energy * abs( Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): X[i, j] = 1 else: X[i, j] = 0 if r >= 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy ) >= 0.5: # Soft besiege Eq. (4) in paper Jump_strength = 2 * ( 1 - random.random() ) # random jump strength of the rabbit X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) - Escaping_Energy * abs( Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): X[i, j] = 1 else: X[i, j] = 0 #phase 2: --------performing team rapid dives (leapfrog movements)---------- if r < 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy ) >= 0.5: # Soft besiege Eq. (10) in paper #rabbit try to escape by many zigzag deceptive motions Jump_strength = 2 * (1 - random.random()) X1 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs( Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X1[j]) if (random.random() < ss): X1[j] = 1 else: X1[j] = 0 if objf(X1, trainInput, trainOutput, dim) < fitness: # improved move? X[i, :] = X1.copy() else: # hawks perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit X2 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs( Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) + numpy.multiply(numpy.random.randn(dim), Levy(dim)) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X2[j]) if (random.random() < ss): X2[j] = 1 else: X2[j] = 0 if objf(X2, trainInput, trainOutput, dim) < fitness: X[i, :] = X2.copy() if r < 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy ) < 0.5: # Hard besiege Eq. (11) in paper Jump_strength = 2 * (1 - random.random()) X1 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs( Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0)) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X1[j]) if (random.random() < ss): X1[j] = 1 else: X1[j] = 0 if objf(X1, trainInput, trainOutput, dim) < fitness: # improved move? X[i, :] = X1.copy() else: # Perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit X2 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs( Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0)) + numpy.multiply( numpy.random.randn(dim), Levy(dim)) for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(X2[j]) if (random.random() < ss): X2[j] = 1 else: X2[j] = 0 if objf(X2, trainInput, trainOutput, dim) < fitness: X[i, :] = X2.copy() featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if Rabbit_Location[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 convergence_curve1[t] = Rabbit_Energy convergence_curve2[t] = featurecount if (t % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration ' + str(t) + ' the best fitness is ' + str(Rabbit_Energy) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) t = t + 1 timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.convergence1 = convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "HHO" s.objfname = objf.__name__ = Rabbit_Energy s.bestIndividual = Rabbit_Location return s
def SSA(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_iteration, trainInput, trainOutput): #Max_iteration=1000 #lb=-100 #ub=100 #dim=30 N = 50 # Number of search agents if not isinstance(lb, list): lb = [lb] * dim if not isinstance(ub, list): ub = [ub] * dim Convergence_curve1 = numpy.zeros(Max_iteration) Convergence_curve2 = numpy.zeros(Max_iteration) #Initialize the positions of salps # SalpPositions = numpy.zeros((N, dim)) SalpPositions = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(N, dim)) #for i in range(dim): # SalpPositions[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, N) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i] SalpFitness = numpy.full(N, float("inf")) FoodPosition = numpy.zeros(dim) FoodFitness = float("inf") #Moth_fitness=numpy.fell(float("inf")) s = solution() print("SSA is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") for i in range(0, N): # evaluate moths while numpy.sum(SalpPositions[i, :]) == 0: SalpPositions[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) SalpFitness[i] = objf(SalpPositions[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) sorted_salps_fitness = numpy.sort(SalpFitness) I = numpy.argsort(SalpFitness) Sorted_salps = numpy.copy(SalpPositions[I, :]) FoodPosition = numpy.copy(Sorted_salps[0, :]) FoodFitness = sorted_salps_fitness[0] Iteration = 0 # Main loop while (Iteration < Max_iteration): # Number of flames Eq. (3.14) in the paper #Flame_no=round(N-Iteration*((N-1)/Max_iteration)); c1 = 2 * math.exp(-(4 * Iteration / Max_iteration)**2) # Eq. (3.2) in the paper for i in range(0, N): SalpPositions = numpy.transpose(SalpPositions) if i < N / 2: for j in range(0, dim): c2 = random.random() c3 = random.random() #Eq. (3.1) in the paper if c3 < 0.5: SalpPositions[j, i] = FoodPosition[j] + c1 * ( (ub[j] - lb[j]) * c2 + lb[j]) ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(SalpPositions[j, i]) if (random.random() < ss): SalpPositions[j, i] = 1 else: SalpPositions[j, i] = 0 else: SalpPositions[j, i] = FoodPosition[j] - c1 * ( (ub[j] - lb[j]) * c2 + lb[j]) ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(SalpPositions[j, i]) if (random.random() < ss): SalpPositions[j, i] = 1 else: SalpPositions[j, i] = 0 #################### elif i >= N / 2 and i < N + 1: point1 = SalpPositions[:, i - 1] point2 = SalpPositions[:, i] SalpPositions[:, i] = (point2 + point1) / 2 # Eq. (3.4) in the paper while numpy.sum(SalpPositions[:, i]) == 0: SalpPositions[:, i] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) SalpPositions = numpy.transpose(SalpPositions) for i in range(0, N): # Check if salps go out of the search spaceand bring it back for j in range(dim): SalpPositions[i, j] = numpy.clip(SalpPositions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j]) ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(SalpPositions[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): SalpPositions[i, j] = 1 else: SalpPositions[i, j] = 0 while numpy.sum(SalpPositions[i, :]) == 0: SalpPositions[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) SalpFitness[i] = objf(SalpPositions[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) if SalpFitness[i] < FoodFitness: FoodPosition = numpy.copy(SalpPositions[i, :]) FoodFitness = SalpFitness[i] featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if FoodPosition[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 Convergence_curve1[Iteration] = FoodFitness Convergence_curve2[Iteration] = featurecount #Display best fitness along the iteration if (Iteration % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration' + str(Iteration + 1) + ' the best fitness on trainig is:' + str(FoodFitness) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) Iteration = Iteration + 1 timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = FoodPosition s.convergence1 = Convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = Convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "SSA" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s
def PSO(objf, lb, ub, dim, PopSize, iters, trainInput, trainOutput): # PSO parameters # dim=30 # iters=200 Vmax = 6 # PopSize=50 #population size wMax = 0.9 wMin = 0.2 c1 = 2 c2 = 2 # lb=-10 # ub=10 # s = solution() ######################## Initializations vel = numpy.zeros((PopSize, dim)) pBestScore = numpy.zeros(PopSize) pBestScore.fill(float("inf")) pBest = numpy.zeros((PopSize, dim)) gBest = numpy.zeros(dim) gBestScore = float("inf") # pos=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(PopSize,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals # for i in range(0,PopSize): # for j in range (0,dim): # if (pos[i,j]<0.5): # pos[i,j]=1; # else: # pos[i,j]=0; pos = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(PopSize, dim)) #generating binary individuals convergence_curve1 = numpy.zeros(iters) convergence_curve2 = numpy.zeros(iters) print("ssssssssssssssssssss") ############################################ print("PSO is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") for l in range(0, iters): for i in range(0, PopSize): #pos[i,:]=checkBounds(pos[i,:],lb,ub) --not needed with BPSO # pos[i,:]=numpy.clip(pos[i,:], lb, ub)--not needed with BPSO # transfer functions will do the boundary checking(individual values either 0 or 1) # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(pos[i, :]) == 0: pos[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) #Calculate objective function for each particle #fitness=objf(pos[i,:]) fitness = objf(pos[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) if (pBestScore[i] > fitness): pBestScore[i] = fitness pBest[i, :] = pos[i, :] if (gBestScore > fitness): gBestScore = fitness #best fitness on training returned from F10 gBest = pos[i, :] # print(gBest) # print("fitness "+str(gBestScore)) featurecount = sum(gBest) convergence_curve2[ l] = featurecount # store the best number of features convergence_curve1[ l] = gBestScore #store the best fitness on testing returened from F11 if (l % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration' + str(l + 1) + ' the best fitness on trainig is:' + str(gBestScore) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) # #Update the W of PSO w = wMax - l * ((wMax - wMin) / iters) for i in range(0, PopSize): for j in range(0, dim): r1 = random.random() r2 = random.random() vel[i, j] = w * vel[i, j] + c1 * r1 * ( pBest[i, j] - pos[i, j]) + c2 * r2 * (gBest[j] - pos[i, j]) if (vel[i, j] > Vmax): vel[i, j] = Vmax if (vel[i, j] < -Vmax): vel[i, j] = -Vmax pos[i, j] = (pos[i, j] + vel[i, j]) #update statement # print("vel "+str(vel[i,j])) #print("pos "+str( pos[i,j])) # time.sleep(2) ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1( pos[i, j]) #transfer function #print(transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(pos[i,j])) #time.sleep(2) if (random.random() < ss): pos[i, j] = 1 else: pos[i, j] = 0 # print(("jjjjj"+str(pos[i,j]))) timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = gBest s.convergence1 = convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "PSO" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s
def MVO(objf,lb,ub,dim,N,Max_time,trainInput,trainOutput): "parameters" #dim=30 #lb=-100 #ub=100 WEP_Max=1; WEP_Min=0.2 #Max_time=1000 #N=50 #initialization stage of the population(either continuous or discrete binary individual generation) # Universes=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(N,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb # this statement for generating of continuous individuals Universes=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(N,dim)) #this statement for generating binary individuals with discrete values either 0 or 1 ---[0,2) #suitable for feature selection problem #this can be done in another way by generating continuous individuals and #then applying threshold based conversion to convert the values of the individual #above certain threshold to 1 and the values below the threshold to 0 Sorted_universes=numpy.copy(Universes) convergence1=numpy.zeros(Max_time) convergence2=numpy.zeros(Max_time) Best_universe=[0]*dim; Best_universe_Inflation_rate= float("inf") s=solution() Time=1; ############################################ print("MVO is optimizing \""+objf.__name__+"\"") timerStart=time.time() s.startTime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") while (Time<Max_time+1): "Eq. (3.3) in the paper" WEP=WEP_Min+Time*((WEP_Max-WEP_Min)/Max_time) TDR=1-(math.pow(Time,1/6)/math.pow(Max_time,1/6)) Inflation_rates=[0]*len(Universes) for i in range(0,N): # Universes[i,:]=numpy.clip(Universes[i,:], lb, ub) # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(Universes[i,:])==0: Universes[i,:]=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1,dim)) Inflation_rates[i]=objf(Universes[i,:],trainInput,trainOutput,dim); if Inflation_rates[i]<Best_universe_Inflation_rate : Best_universe_Inflation_rate=Inflation_rates[i] Best_universe=numpy.array(Universes[i,:]) featurecount=0 for f in range(0,dim): if Best_universe[f]==1: featurecount=featurecount+1 convergence1[Time-1]=Best_universe_Inflation_rate# store the best number of features convergence2[Time-1]=featurecount#store the best fitness on testing returened from F11 if (Time%1==0): print(['At iteration '+ str(Time)+ ' the best fitness on trainig is: '+ str(Best_universe_Inflation_rate)+', the best number of features: '+str(featurecount)]); sorted_Inflation_rates = numpy.sort(Inflation_rates) sorted_indexes = numpy.argsort(Inflation_rates) for newindex in range(0,N): Sorted_universes[newindex,:]=numpy.array(Universes[sorted_indexes[newindex],:]) normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates=numpy.copy(normr(sorted_Inflation_rates)) Universes[0,:]= numpy.array(Sorted_universes[0,:]) for i in range(1,N): Back_hole_index=i for j in range(0,dim): r1=random.random() if r1<normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates[i]: White_hole_index=RouletteWheelSelection(-sorted_Inflation_rates); if White_hole_index==-1: White_hole_index=0; White_hole_index=0; Universes[Back_hole_index,j]=Sorted_universes[White_hole_index,j]; #update statemnts of the universe using transfer functions instead of conventional operators r2=random.random() if r2<WEP: r3=random.random() if r3<0.5: # Universes[i,j]=Best_universe[j]+TDR*((ub-lb)*random.random()+lb) #random.uniform(0,1)+lb); Universes[i,j]=Best_universe[j]+TDR*random.random() # Universes[i,j]=1 / (1. + numpy.exp(- 10 * ( Universes[i,j] - .5))) ss= transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Universes[i,j]) if (random.random()<ss): Universes[i,j]=1; else: Universes[i,j]=0; if r3>0.5: # Universes[i,j]=Best_universe[j]-TDR*((ub-lb)*random.random()+lb) #random.uniform(0,1)+lb); Universes[i,j]=Best_universe[j]-TDR*random.random() # Universes[i,j]=1 / (1. + numpy.exp(- 10 * ( Universes[i,j] - .5))) ss= transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(Universes[i,j]) if (random.random()<ss): Universes[i,j]=1; else: Universes[i,j]=0; Time=Time+1 timerEnd=time.time() s.endTime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime=timerEnd-timerStart s.bestIndividual=Best_universe s.convergence1=convergence1 s.convergence2=convergence2 s.optimizer="MVO" s.objfname=objf.__name__ return s
def GWO(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter, trainInput, trainOutput): #Max_iter=1000 #lb=-100 #ub=100 #dim=30 #SearchAgents_no=5 # initialize alpha, beta, and delta_pos Alpha_pos = numpy.zeros(dim) Alpha_score = float("inf") Beta_pos = numpy.zeros(dim) Beta_score = float("inf") Delta_pos = numpy.zeros(dim) Delta_score = float("inf") #initialization stage of positions of the search agents(either continuous or discrete (binary) individual generation) # Positions=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(SearchAgents_no,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals Positions = numpy.random.randint( 2, size=(SearchAgents_no, dim)) #generating binary individuals Convergence_curve1 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) Convergence_curve2 = numpy.zeros(Max_iter) s = solution() # Loop counter print("GWO is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # Main loop for l in range(0, Max_iter): for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): # Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space Positions[i, :] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, :], lb, ub) # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(Positions[i, :]) == 0: Positions[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) # Calculate objective function for each search agent fitness = objf(Positions[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) # Update Alpha, Beta, and Delta if fitness < Alpha_score: Alpha_score = fitness # Update alpha Alpha_pos = Positions[i, :].copy() if (fitness > Alpha_score and fitness < Beta_score): Beta_score = fitness # Update beta Beta_pos = Positions[i, :].copy() if (fitness > Alpha_score and fitness > Beta_score and fitness < Delta_score): Delta_score = fitness # Update delta Delta_pos = Positions[i, :].copy() a = 2 - l * ((2) / Max_iter) # a decreases linearly fron 2 to 0 # Update the Position of search agents including omegas for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no): for j in range(0, dim): r1 = random.random() # r1 is a random number in [0,1] r2 = random.random() # r2 is a random number in [0,1] A1 = 2 * a * r1 - a # Equation (3.3) C1 = 2 * r2 # Equation (3.4) D_alpha = abs(C1 * Alpha_pos[j] - Positions[i, j]) # Equation (3.5)-part 1 # X1=Alpha_pos[j]-A1*D_alpha; # Equation (3.6)-part 1 temp = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(A1 * D_alpha) if temp < numpy.random.uniform(0, 1): temp = 0 else: temp = 1 if (Alpha_pos[j] + temp) >= 1: X1 = Alpha_pos[j] + temp r1 = random.random() r2 = random.random() A2 = 2 * a * r1 - a # Equation (3.3) C2 = 2 * r2 # Equation (3.4) D_beta = abs(C2 * Beta_pos[j] - Positions[i, j]) # Equation (3.5)-part 2 # X2=Beta_pos[j]-A2*D_beta; # Equation (3.6)-part 2 temp = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(A2 * D_beta) if temp < numpy.random.uniform(0, 1): temp = 0 else: temp = 1 if (Beta_pos[j] + temp) >= 1: X2 = Beta_pos[j] + temp r1 = random.random() r2 = random.random() A3 = 2 * a * r1 - a # Equation (3.3) C3 = 2 * r2 # Equation (3.4) D_delta = abs(C3 * Delta_pos[j] - Positions[i, j]) # Equation (3.5)-part 3 # X3=Delta_pos[j]-A3*D_delta; # Equation (3.5)-part 3 temp = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(A3 * D_delta) if temp < numpy.random.uniform(0, 1): temp = 0 else: temp = 1 if (Delta_pos[j] + temp) >= 1: X3 = Delta_pos[j] + temp Positions[i, j] = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3 # Equation (3.7) featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if Alpha_pos[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 Convergence_curve1[l] = Alpha_score Convergence_curve2[l] = featurecount if (l % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration' + str(l + 1) + ' the best fitness on trainig is:' + str(Alpha_score) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = Alpha_pos s.convergence1 = Convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = Convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "GWO" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s
def FFA(objf, lb, ub, dim, n, MaxGeneration, trainInput, trainOutput): #General parameters #n=50 #number of fireflies #dim=30 #dim #lb=-50 #ub=50 #MaxGeneration=500 #FFA parameters alpha = 0.5 # Randomness 0--1 (highly random) betamin = 0.20 # minimum value of beta gamma = 1 # Absorption coefficient zn = numpy.ones(n) zn.fill(float("inf")) #ns(i,:)=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d); # ns=numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(n,dim)) *(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals ns = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(n, dim)) #generating binary individuals Lightn = numpy.ones(n) Lightn.fill(float("inf")) #[ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0) convergence1 = [] convergence2 = [] s = solution() print("FFA is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # Main loop for k in range(0, MaxGeneration): # start iterations #% This line of reducing alpha is optional alpha = alpha_new(alpha, MaxGeneration) #% Evaluate new solutions (for all n fireflies) for i in range(0, n): # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) while numpy.sum(ns[i, :]) == 0: ns[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, dim)) zn[i] = objf(ns[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) Lightn[i] = zn[i] # Ranking fireflies by their light intensity/objectives Lightn = numpy.sort(zn) Index = numpy.argsort(zn) ns = ns[Index, :] #Find the current best nso = ns Lighto = Lightn nbest = ns[0, :] Lightbest = Lightn[0] #% For output only fbest = Lightbest BestQuality = fbest featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if nbest[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 convergence1.append(BestQuality) convergence2.append(featurecount) if (k % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration ' + str(k) + ' the best fitness on trainig is ' + str(BestQuality) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) #% Move all fireflies to the better locations # [ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,nbest,... # Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub); scale = numpy.ones(dim) * abs(ub - lb) for i in range(0, n): # The attractiveness parameter beta=exp(-gamma*r) for j in range(0, n): r = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((ns[i, :] - ns[j, :])**2)) #r=1 # Update moves if Lightn[i] > Lighto[j]: # Brighter and more attractive beta0 = 1 beta = (beta0 - betamin) * math.exp( -gamma * r**2) + betamin tmpf = alpha * (numpy.random.rand(dim) - 0.5) * scale ns[i, :] = ns[i, :] * ( 1 - beta) + nso[j, :] * beta + tmpf #update statement for j in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(ns[i, j]) if (random.random() < ss): ns[i, j] = 1 else: ns[i, j] = 0 #ns=numpy.clip(ns, lb, ub) # ####################### End main loop timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = nbest s.convergence1 = convergence1 s.convergence2 = convergence2 s.optimizer = "FFA" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s
def BAT(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_iteration, trainInput, trainOutput): n = N # Population size #lb=-50 #ub=50 N_gen = Max_iteration # Number of generations A = 0.5 # Loudness (constant or decreasing) r = 0.5 # Pulse rate (constant or decreasing) Qmin = 0 # Frequency minimum Qmax = 2 # Frequency maximum d = dim # Number of dimensions # Initializing arrays Q = numpy.zeros(n) # Frequency v = numpy.zeros((n, d)) # Velocities Convergence_curve1 = [] Convergence_curve2 = [] # Initialize the population/solutions # Sol=numpy.random.rand(n,d)*(ub-lb)+lb #generating continuous individuals Sol = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(n, d)) #generating binary individuals # the following statement insures that at least one feature is selected #(i.e the randomly generated individual has at least one value 1) for i in range(0, n): while numpy.sum(Sol[i, :]) == 0: Sol[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, d)) S = numpy.zeros((n, d)) S = numpy.copy(Sol) Fitness = numpy.zeros(n) # initialize solution for the final results s = solution() print("BAT is optimizing \"" + objf.__name__ + "\"") # Initialize timer for the experiment timerStart = time.time() s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #Evaluate initial random solutions for i in range(0, n): Fitness[i] = objf(S[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) # Find the initial best solution fmin = min(Fitness) I = numpy.argmin(Fitness) best = Sol[I, :] # Main loop for t in range(0, N_gen): # Loop over all bats(solutions) for i in range(0, n): # for i in range(0,n): # while numpy.sum(S[i,:])==0: # S[i,:]=numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1,d)) Q[i] = Qmin + (Qmin - Qmax) * random.random() v[i, :] = v[i, :] + (Sol[i, :] - best) * Q[i] S[i, :] = Sol[i, :] + v[i, :] # Check boundaries # Sol=numpy.clip(Sol,lb,ub) # Pulse rate if random.random() > r: S[i, :] = best + 0.001 * numpy.random.randn( d) #update statement for f in range(0, dim): ss = transfer_functions_benchmark.s1(S[i, f]) #transfer function if (random.random() < ss): S[i, f] = 1 else: S[i, f] = 0 for i in range(0, n): while numpy.sum(S[i, :]) == 0: S[i, :] = numpy.random.randint(2, size=(1, d)) # Evaluate new solutions Fnew = objf(S[i, :], trainInput, trainOutput, dim) # Update if the solution improves if ((Fnew <= Fitness[i]) and (random.random() < A)): Sol[i, :] = numpy.copy(S[i, :]) Fitness[i] = Fnew # Update the current best solution if Fnew <= fmin: best = S[i, :] fmin = Fnew featurecount = 0 for f in range(0, dim): if best[f] == 1: featurecount = featurecount + 1 #update convergence curve Convergence_curve1.append(fmin) Convergence_curve2.append(featurecount) if (t % 1 == 0): print([ 'At iteration' + str(t + 1) + ' the best fitness on trainig is:' + str(fmin) + ', the best number of features: ' + str(featurecount) ]) timerEnd = time.time() s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart s.bestIndividual = best s.convergence1 = Convergence_curve1 s.convergence2 = Convergence_curve2 s.optimizer = "BAT" s.objfname = objf.__name__ return s