コード例 #1
ファイル: readchinese.py プロジェクト: zc280330/WaveUNet
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]
        x, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + str(namex) + '/0.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        y, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + str(namex) + '/1.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        assert (x.shape == y.shape)

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        if (x.shape[0] <= sampleSize):
            while (x.shape[0] <= sampleSize):
                x = np.concatenate((x, x))
                y = np.concatenate((y, y))
            assert (x.shape == y.shape)

        start = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0] - sampleSize + 1, size=1)[0]
        x = x[start:start + sampleSize]
        y = y[start:start + sampleSize]

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex, x, y
コード例 #2
ファイル: readxyquan.py プロジェクト: zc280330/WaveUNet
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File('ccmixter3/' + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x, y = h5f['x'][:], h5f['y'][:]

        #xstd = x.std()
        #x /= xstd
        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        if(self.quan):y = quan_mu_law_encode(y)
        else:y = mu_law_encode(y)

        start = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0] - sampleSize - 1, size=1)[0]
        x = x[start:start + sampleSize]
        y = y[start:start + sampleSize]

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1,-1)).type(torch.float32)
        if (self.quan):
            y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)).long()
            y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex,x,y
コード例 #3
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File('ccmixter3/' + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x, y = h5f['x'][:], h5f['y'][:]

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        if (x.shape[0] > sampleSize):
            start = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0] - sampleSize + 1, size=1)[0]
            x = x[start:start + sampleSize]
            y = y[start:start + sampleSize]
            x = np.pad(x, (0, sampleSize - x.shape[0]), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
            y = np.pad(y, (0, sampleSize - y.shape[0]), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
            print('xy', x.shape, y.shape, namex)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex,x,y
コード例 #4
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File(self.rootx + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x, y, z = h5f['x'][:], h5f['y'][:],h5f['z'][:]

        factor0 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        factor1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        z = z*factor0
        y = y*factor1
        x = (y + z)

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        if (x.shape[0] > sampleSize):
            start = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0] - sampleSize + 1, size=1)[0]
            x = x[start:start + sampleSize]
            y = y[start:start + sampleSize]
            x = np.pad(x, (0, sampleSize - x.shape[0]), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
            y = np.pad(y, (0, sampleSize - y.shape[0]), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
            print('xy', x.shape, y.shape, namex)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1,-1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex,x, y
コード例 #5
ファイル: readchinese.py プロジェクト: zc280330/WaveUNet
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]
        x, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + str(namex) + '/0.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        y, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + str(namex) + '/1.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        assert (x.shape == y.shape)

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex, x, y
コード例 #6
def test(epoch):  # testing data
    start_time = time.time()
    with torch.no_grad():
        for iloader, y, queue in loadval:
            iloader = iloader.item()
            Fs = 16000
            f = 500
            sample = 16000 * 7
            x = np.arange(sample)
            ytrain = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs)
            ytrain = mu_law_encode(ytrain)
            y = torch.from_numpy(ytrain.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
            #music = model.infer(queue,device)
            music = model.slowInfer(queue, device, y, 16000 * 0.001)
            music = model.slowInfer(queue, device, y, 16000 * 0.01)
            music = model.slowInfer(queue, device, y, 16000 * 0.1)
            #music = model.slowInfer(queue, device, y, 16000 * 1)
            music = model.slowInfer(queue, device, y, 16000 * 3)
            ans0 = mu_law_decode(music.numpy().astype('int'))

            if not os.path.exists('vsCorpus/'): os.makedirs('vsCorpus/')
            write(savemusic.format(iloader), sample_rate, ans0)
            print('test stored done', np.round(time.time() - start_time))
コード例 #7
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        y, _ = sf.read('piano/piano{}.wav'.format(namex))
        #factor1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        #y = y*factor1

        if normalized:
            ymean = y.mean()
            ystd = y.std()
            y = (y - ymean) / ystd

        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        #y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        print('test piano{}.wav,train audio shape{},rate{}'.format(
            namex, y.shape, _))
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)[int(16000 * 1):]).type(
        print("first second as seed")
        #y = torch.randint(0, 256, (100000,)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        #print("random init")
        #y = F.pad(y, (self.pad, self.pad), mode='constant', value=127)

        return namex, y
コード例 #8
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File('ccmixter3/' + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x, y = h5f['x'][:], h5f['y'][:]

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex,x,y
コード例 #9
ファイル: readxyquan.py プロジェクト: zc280330/WaveUNet
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File('ccmixter3/' + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x, y = h5f['x'][:], h5f['y'][:]

        #xstd = x.std()
        #x /= xstd
        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        if (self.quan):
            y = quan_mu_law_encode(y)
            y = mu_law_encode(y)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1,-1)).type(torch.float32)
        if (self.quan):
            y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)).long()
            y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex,x,y
コード例 #10
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        namex = self.listx[index]
        x, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + 'x/' + str(namex) + '.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        y, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + 'y/' + str(namex) + '.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        z, _ = sf.read(self.rootx + 'z/' + str(namex) + '.wav')
        assert (_ == 16000)
        assert (x.shape == y.shape)

        factor0 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        factor1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        z = z * factor0
        y = y * factor1
        x = (y + z)

        x = mu_law_encode(x)
        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        if (x.shape[0] <= sampleSize):
            while (x.shape[0] <= sampleSize):
                x = np.concatenate((x, x))
                y = np.concatenate((y, y))
            assert (x.shape == y.shape)
            #print('xy', x.shape, y.shape, namex)

        start = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0] - sampleSize + 1, size=1)[0]
        x = x[start:start + sampleSize]
        y = y[start:start + sampleSize]

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)
        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.float32)

        return namex, x, y
コード例 #11
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File(self.rootx + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        x = h5f['x'][:]

        factor1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        x = x * factor1

        x = mu_law_encode(x)

        x = torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(-1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        #x = F.pad(y, (self.pad, self.pad), mode='constant', value=127)

        return namex, x.type(torch.LongTensor)
コード例 #12
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Generates one sample of data'
        namex = self.listx[index]

        h5f = h5py.File(self.rootx + str(namex) + '.h5', 'r')
        y = h5f['y'][:]

        queue = []
        for i in self.dilations1:
                torch.normal(torch.zeros(64, i), std=1).to(self.device))
            #queue.append(torch.zeros((64,i), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device))

        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        #y = (torch.randint(0, 255, (self.field)).long())

        return namex, y, queue
コード例 #13
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        namex = self.listx[index]

        y, _ = sf.read('piano/piano{}.wav'.format(namex))
        print('train piano{}.wav,train audio shape{},rate{}'.format(
            namex, y.shape, _))
        #factor1 = np.random.uniform(low=0.83, high=1.0)
        #y = y*factor1
        if normalized:
            ymean = y.mean()
            ystd = y.std()
            y = (y - ymean) / ystd

        y = mu_law_encode(y)

        y = torch.from_numpy(y.reshape(-1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        #y = F.pad(y, (self.pad, self.pad), mode='constant', value=127)

        return namex, y
コード例 #14
def train(epoch):
    for iloader, ytrain in loadtr:
        Fs = 16000
        f = 4000
        sample = 16000 * 4
        x = np.arange(sample)
        ytrain = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs)
        ytrain = mu_law_encode(ytrain)
        ytrain = torch.from_numpy(ytrain.reshape(1, -1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
        iloader = int(iloader)
        #startx = np.random.randint(0,sampleSize)
        startx = 0
        idx = np.arange(startx + field, ytrain.shape[-1] - field - sampleSize,
        lens = 30
        #lens = 10
        idx = idx[:lens]
        cnt, aveloss, aveacc = 0, 0, 0
        start_time = time.time()
        for i, ind in enumerate(idx):
            target0 = ytrain[:, ind - field:ind + sampleSize - 1].to(device)
            target1 = ytrain[:, ind:ind + sampleSize].to(device)
            output = model(target0)
            a = output.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[1].view(-1)
            b = target1.view(-1)
            assert (a.shape[0] == b.shape[0])
            aveacc += float(
                float(torch.sum(a.long() == b.long())) / float(a.shape[0]))
            loss = criterion(output, target1)
            aveloss += float(loss)
            if (float(loss) > 10): print(float(loss))
            cnt += 1
            global sampleCnt
            sampleCnt += 1
            if sampleCnt % 10000 == 0 and sampleCnt > 0:
                for param in optimizer.param_groups:
                    param['lr'] *= 0.98
            'loss for train:{:.4f},acc:{:.4f},num{},epoch{},({:.3f} sec/step)'.
            format(aveloss / cnt, aveacc / cnt, iloader, epoch,
                   time.time() - start_time))
    if not os.path.exists('lossRecord/'): os.makedirs('lossRecord/')
    with open("lossRecord/" + lossname, "w") as f:
        for s in lossrecord:
            f.write(str(s) + "\n")
    if not os.path.exists('model/'): os.makedirs('model/')
    state = {
        'epoch': epoch,
        'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
        'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()
    if (epoch % 4 == 0 and epoch != 0):
        torch.save(state, resumefile)
        print('write finish')
    print('epoch finished')