コード例 #1
    def show_image_sequence(self, pts):

        for i in range(self.annotation.size):
            img = np.zeros((720, 1280, 3), np.uint8)

            pan, tilt, f = self.annotation[0][i]['ptz'].squeeze()

            self.draw_soccer_line(img, pan, tilt, f)

            # draw the feature points in images
            for j in range(len(pts)):
                p = np.array(pts[j])

                res = TransFunction.from_3d_to_2d(self.u, self.v, f, pan, tilt, self.proj_center, self.base_rotation, p)
                res2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(self.u, self.v, f, pan, tilt, rays[j][0], rays[j][1])

                if 0 < res[0] < 1280 and 0 < res[1] < 720:
                    print("ray", rays[j][0], rays[j][1])
                    print("res:, ", res)
                    print("res2: ", res2)

                cv.circle(img, (int(res[0]), int(res[1])), color=(0, 0, 0), radius=8, thickness=2)
                cv.circle(img, (int(res2[0]), int(res2[1])), color=(255, 0, 0), radius=8, thickness=2)

            cv.imshow("synthesized image", img)
コード例 #2
    def compute_new_jacobi(self, camera_pan, camera_tilt, foc, rays):
        ray_num = len(rays)

        delta_angle = 0.001
        delta_f = 0.1

        jacobi_h = np.ndarray([2 * ray_num, 3 + 2 * ray_num])

        for i in range(ray_num):
            x_delta_pan1, y_delta_pan1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan - delta_angle, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_pan2, y_delta_pan2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan + delta_angle, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_tilt1, y_delta_tilt1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt - delta_angle, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_tilt2, y_delta_tilt2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt + delta_angle, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_f1, y_delta_f1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc - delta_f, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_f2, y_delta_f2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc + delta_f, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1])

            x_delta_theta1, y_delta_theta1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0] - delta_angle, rays[i][1])

            x_delta_theta2, y_delta_theta2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0] + delta_angle, rays[i][1])

            x_delta_phi1, y_delta_phi1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1] - delta_angle)
            x_delta_phi2, y_delta_phi2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt, rays[i][0], rays[i][1] + delta_angle)

            jacobi_h[2 * i][0] = (x_delta_pan2 - x_delta_pan1) / (2 * delta_angle)
            jacobi_h[2 * i][1] = (x_delta_tilt2 - x_delta_tilt1) / (2 * delta_angle)
            jacobi_h[2 * i][2] = (x_delta_f2 - x_delta_f1) / (2 * delta_f)

            jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][0] = (y_delta_pan2 - y_delta_pan1) / (2 * delta_angle)
            jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][1] = (y_delta_tilt2 - y_delta_tilt1) / (2 * delta_angle)
            jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][2] = (y_delta_f2 - y_delta_f1) / (2 * delta_f)

            for j in range(ray_num):
                if j == i:
                    jacobi_h[2 * i][3 + 2 * j] = (x_delta_theta2 - x_delta_theta1) / (2 * delta_angle)
                    jacobi_h[2 * i][3 + 2 * j + 1] = (x_delta_phi2 - x_delta_phi1) / (2 * delta_angle)

                    jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][3 + 2 * j] = (y_delta_theta2 - y_delta_theta1) / (2 * delta_angle)
                    jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][3 + 2 * j + 1] = (y_delta_phi2 - y_delta_phi1) / (2 * delta_angle)
                    jacobi_h[2 * i][3 + 2 * j] = jacobi_h[2 * i][3 + 2 * j + 1] = \
                        jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][3 + 2 * j] = jacobi_h[2 * i + 1][3 + 2 * j + 1] = 0

        return jacobi_h
コード例 #3
def _recompute_matching_ray(keyframe, img, feature_method):
    :param keyframe: keyframe object to match
    :param img: image to relocalize
    :return: points [N, 2] array in img, rays [N, 2] array in keyframe

    bounding_box = np.ones([720, 1280])
    bounding_box[13:51, 303:976] = 0

    if feature_method == 'sift':
        kp, des = detect_compute_sift_array(img, 1000, norm=False)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_sift_array(keyframe.img,

        bounding_box_mask_index = keypoints_masking(kp, bounding_box)
        kp = kp[bounding_box_mask_index]
        des = des[bounding_box_mask_index]

        bounding_box_mask_index = keypoints_masking(keyframe_kp, bounding_box)
        keyframe_kp = keyframe_kp[bounding_box_mask_index]
        keyframe_des = keyframe_des[bounding_box_mask_index]

        # kp = add_gauss_cv_keypoints(kp, 5, 1280, 720)
        # keyframe_kp = add_gauss_cv_keypoints(keyframe_kp, 5, 1280, 720)

        # kp = add_outliers_cv_keypoints(kp, 1, 1280, 720, 40)
        # keyframe_kp = add_outliers_cv_keypoints(keyframe_kp, 1, 1280, 720, 40)

        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_sift_features(kp,
    elif feature_method == 'orb':
        kp, des = detect_compute_orb(img, 6000)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_orb(keyframe.img, 6000)
        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_orb_features(kp, des, keyframe_kp,
    elif feature_method == 'latch':
        kp, des = detect_compute_latch(img, 5000)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_latch(keyframe.img, 5000)
        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_latch_features(
            kp, des, keyframe_kp, keyframe_des)
        assert False

    # vis = draw_matches(img, keyframe.img, pt1, pt2)
    # cv.imshow("test", vis)
    # cv.waitKey(0)

    rays = np.ndarray([len(index2), 2])

    for i in range(len(index2)):
        rays[i, 0], rays[i, 1] = TransFunction.from_image_to_ray(
            keyframe.u, keyframe.v, keyframe.f, keyframe.pan, keyframe.tilt,
            pt2[i, 0], pt2[i, 1])

    return pt1, rays
コード例 #4
 def get_observation_from_ptz(self, pan, tilt, f):
     points = np.ndarray([len(self.rays), 2])
     for j in range(len(self.rays)):
         pos = np.array(self.pts[j])
         points[j] = TransFunction.from_3d_to_2d(self.u, self.v, f, pan,
                                                 tilt, self.c,
                                                 self.base_rotation, pos)
     return points
コード例 #5
 def get_rays_from_observation(self, pan, tilt, f, points):
     rays = np.ndarray([0, points.shape[1]])
     for i in range(len(points)):
         angles = TransFunction.from_2d_to_pan_tilt(self.u, self.v, f, pan,
                                                    tilt, points[i][0],
         rays = np.row_stack(
             (rays, np.concatenate([angles, points[i][2:18]], axis=0)))
     return rays
コード例 #6
    def get_observation_from_rays(self, pan, tilt, f, rays):
        points = np.ndarray([0, rays.shape[1]])
        inner_rays = np.ndarray([0, rays.shape[1]])
        index = np.ndarray([0])

        for j in range(len(rays)):
            tmp = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(self.u, self.v, f, pan, tilt, rays[j][0], rays[j][1])
            if 0 < tmp[0] < self.width and 0 < tmp[1] < self.height:
                inner_rays = np.row_stack((inner_rays, rays[j]))
                points = np.row_stack((points, np.concatenate([np.asarray(tmp), rays[j][2:18]], axis=0)))
                index = np.concatenate((index, [j]), axis=0)
        return points, inner_rays, index
コード例 #7
def ut_ptz_camera():
    obj = SequenceManager("./basketball/basketball/basketball_anno.mat",

    print(obj.camera.project_3Dpoint([0, 0, 0]))

            obj.camera.principal_point[0], obj.camera.principal_point[1],
            obj.camera.focal_length, obj.camera.pan, obj.camera.tilt,
            obj.camera.camera_center, obj.camera.base_rotation, [0, 0, 0]))

    print(obj.camera.project_ray([5, 1]))

                                        obj.camera.pan, obj.camera.tilt, 5, 1))

    print(obj.camera.back_project_to_3D_point(-1726.9998, 1295.25688))
コード例 #8
    def get_image(self, index):
        pan, tilt, f = self.get_ptz(index)
        points = np.ndarray([0, self.all_rays.shape[1]])

        for i in range(len(self.all_rays)):
            x, y = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(self.u, self.v, f, pan, tilt, self.all_rays[i][0],
            x += random.uniform(-2, 2)
            y += random.uniform(-2, 2)

            if 0 < x < self.width and 0 < y < self.height:
                points = np.row_stack((points, np.concatenate([np.asarray([x, y]), self.all_rays[i][2:18]], axis=0)))

        return points
コード例 #9
    def extended_kalman_filter(self, previous_x, previous_p, z_k):

        # 1. predict step
        predict_x = previous_x + [
            self.delta_pan, self.delta_tilt, self.delta_zoom

        print("\n-----predict_x-----\n", predict_x)

        q_k = 1.0 * np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 1])
        predict_p = previous_p + q_k

        # 2. update step
        hx = np.ndarray([len(self.rays), 2])
        for j in range(len(self.rays)):
            hx[j] = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
                self.u, self.v, predict_x[2], predict_x[0], predict_x[1],
                self.rays[j][0], self.rays[j][1])

        print("\n-----hx-----\n", hx)

        inner_index = self.get_points_in_image(z_k, hx, 1280, 720)

        y = np.ndarray([2 * len(inner_index), 1])
        jacobi = np.ndarray([2 * len(inner_index), 3])
        for i in range(len(inner_index)):
            pts_index = inner_index[i]
            y[2 * i] = z_k[pts_index][0] - hx[pts_index][0]
            y[2 * i + 1] = z_k[pts_index][1] - hx[pts_index][1]
            jacobi[2 * i:2 * i + 2,
                   0:3] = self.compute_new_jacobi(predict_x[0], predict_x[1],

        print("\n-----jacobi-----\n", jacobi)

              np.dot(np.dot(jacobi, predict_p), jacobi.T))

        s = np.dot(np.dot(jacobi, predict_p),
                   jacobi.T) + 0.1 * np.eye(2 * len(inner_index))
        k = np.dot(np.dot(predict_p, jacobi.T), np.linalg.inv(s))

        print("\n-----y-----\n", y.shape)
        print("\n-----k-----\n", k.shape)
        print("\n-----k*y-----\n", np.dot(k, y))
        updated_x = predict_x + np.dot(k, y).squeeze()
        updated_p = np.dot((np.eye(3) - np.dot(k, jacobi)), predict_p)

        return updated_x, updated_p
コード例 #10
def _compute_residual(pose, rays, points, u, v):
    :param pose: shape [3] array of camera pose
    :param rays: [N, 2] array of corresponding rays
    :param points: [N, 2] array of corresponding points
    :param u: camera u
    :param v: camera v
    :return: reprojection error of these points

    residual = np.ndarray([2 * len(rays)])

    for i in range(len(rays)):
        reproject_x, reproject_y = TransFunction.from_ray_to_image(
            u, v, pose[2], pose[0], pose[1], rays[i, 0], rays[i, 1])
        residual[2 * i] = reproject_x - points[i, 0]
        residual[2 * i + 1] = reproject_y - points[i, 1]

    return residual
コード例 #11
def _recompute_matching_ray(keyframe, img, feature_method):
    :param keyframe: keyframe object to match
    :param img: image to relocalize
    :return: points [N, 2] array in img, rays [N, 2] array in keyframe

    if feature_method == 'sift':
        kp, des = detect_compute_sift(img, 0)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_sift(keyframe.img, 0)
        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_sift_features(kp, des, keyframe_kp,
    elif feature_method == 'orb':
        kp, des = detect_compute_orb(img, 6000)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_orb(keyframe.img, 6000)
        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_orb_features(kp, des, keyframe_kp,
    elif feature_method == 'latch':
        kp, des = detect_compute_latch(img, 5000)
        keyframe_kp, keyframe_des = detect_compute_latch(keyframe.img, 5000)
        pt1, index1, pt2, index2 = match_latch_features(
            kp, des, keyframe_kp, keyframe_des)
        assert False

    # vis = draw_matches(img, keyframe.img, pt1, pt2)
    # cv.imshow("test", vis)
    # cv.waitKey(0)

    rays = np.ndarray([len(index2), 2])

    for i in range(len(index2)):
        rays[i, 0], rays[i, 1] = TransFunction.from_image_to_ray(
            keyframe.u, keyframe.v, keyframe.f, keyframe.pan, keyframe.tilt,
            pt2[i, 0], pt2[i, 1])

    return pt1, rays
コード例 #12
    def compute_new_jacobi(self, camera_pan, camera_tilt, foc, ray):
        jacobi_h = np.ndarray([2, 3])
        delta_angle = 0.001
        delta_f = 1.0

        # c_pan = radians(camera_pan)
        # c_tilt = radians(camera_tilt)
        # theta = radians(ray[0])
        # phi = radians(ray[1])

        x_delta_pan1, y_delta_pan1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan - delta_angle, camera_tilt, ray[0],
        x_delta_pan2, y_delta_pan2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan + delta_angle, camera_tilt, ray[0],

        x_delta_tilt1, y_delta_tilt1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt - delta_angle, ray[0],
        x_delta_tilt2, y_delta_tilt2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc, camera_pan, camera_tilt + delta_angle, ray[0],

        x_delta_f1, y_delta_f1 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc - delta_f, camera_pan, camera_tilt, ray[0],
        x_delta_f2, y_delta_f2 = TransFunction.from_pan_tilt_to_2d(
            self.u, self.v, foc + delta_f, camera_pan, camera_tilt, ray[0],

        jacobi_h[0][0] = (x_delta_pan2 - x_delta_pan1) / (2 * delta_angle)
        jacobi_h[0][1] = (x_delta_tilt2 - x_delta_tilt1) / (2 * delta_angle)
        jacobi_h[0][2] = (x_delta_f2 - x_delta_f1) / (2 * delta_f)

        jacobi_h[1][0] = (y_delta_pan2 - y_delta_pan1) / (2 * delta_angle)
        jacobi_h[1][1] = (y_delta_tilt2 - y_delta_tilt1) / (2 * delta_angle)
        jacobi_h[1][2] = (y_delta_f2 - y_delta_f1) / (2 * delta_f)

        return jacobi_h
コード例 #13
def ut_relocalization():
    """unit test for relocalization"""
    obj = SequenceManager(
    img1 = 0
    img2 = 390

    gray1 = obj.get_image_gray(img1)
    gray2 = obj.get_image_gray(img2)

    pose1 = obj.get_ptz(img1)
    pose2 = obj.get_ptz(img2)

    mask1 = obj.get_bounding_box_mask(img1)
    mask2 = obj.get_bounding_box_mask(img2)

    camera = obj.get_camera(0)

    keyframe1 = KeyFrame(gray1, img1, camera.camera_center,
                         camera.base_rotation, camera.principal_point[0],
                         camera.principal_point[1], pose1[0], pose1[1],
    keyframe2 = KeyFrame(gray2, img2, camera.camera_center,
                         camera.base_rotation, camera.principal_point[0],
                         camera.principal_point[1], pose2[0], pose2[1],

    kp1, des1 = detect_compute_sift(gray1, 100)
    after_removed_index1 = keypoints_masking(kp1, mask1)
    kp1 = list(np.array(kp1)[after_removed_index1])
    des1 = des1[after_removed_index1]

    kp2, des2 = detect_compute_sift(gray2, 100)
    after_removed_index2 = keypoints_masking(kp2, mask2)
    kp2 = list(np.array(kp2)[after_removed_index2])
    des2 = des2[after_removed_index2]

    keyframe1.feature_pts = kp1
    keyframe1.feature_des = des1

    keyframe2.feature_pts = kp2
    keyframe2.feature_des = des2

    kp1_inlier, index1, kp2_inlier, index2 = match_sift_features(
        kp1, des1, kp2, des2)

        draw_matches(obj.get_image(img1), obj.get_image(img2), kp1_inlier,

    map = Map()
    """first frame"""
    for i in range(len(kp1)):
        theta, phi = TransFunction.from_image_to_ray(obj.u, obj.v, pose1[2],
                                                     pose1[0], pose1[1],

        map.global_ray.append(np.array([theta, phi]))

    keyframe1.landmark_index = np.array([i for i in range(len(kp1))])
    """second frame"""
    keyframe2.landmark_index = np.ndarray([len(kp2)], dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(len(kp2_inlier)):
        keyframe2.landmark_index[index2[i]] = index1[i]

    kp2_outlier_index = list(set([i for i in range(len(des2))]) - set(index2))

    for i in range(len(kp2_outlier_index)):
        theta, phi = TransFunction.from_image_to_ray(
            obj.u, obj.v, pose2[2], pose2[0], pose2[1],
            kp2[kp2_outlier_index[i]].pt[0], kp2[kp2_outlier_index[i]].pt[1])
        map.global_ray.append(np.array([theta, phi]))

        keyframe2.landmark_index[kp2_outlier_index[i]] = len(
            map.global_ray) - 1


    pose_test = obj.get_ptz(142)

    optimized = relocalization_camera(map=map,
                                      pose=np.array([20, -16, 3000]))

コード例 #14
 def computer_all_ray(self, points):
     all_rays = []
     for i in range(0, len(points)):
         ray = TransFunction.compute_rays(self.proj_center, pts[i], self.base_rotation)
     return all_rays