コード例 #1
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            x, y = f.pt
            t1Mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))
            rotMx = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -f.angle / 180 * np.pi)
            scaleMx = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 0)
            t2Mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))

            transMx = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(t2Mx, scaleMx), rotMx),
                             t1Mx)[:-1, :]
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, 2, axis=0)
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, 2, axis=1)
            # print(transMx)
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            std = np.std(destImage)
            if std < 1e-5:
                desc[i] = np.zeros((1, windowSize * windowSize))
                desc[i] = ((destImage - np.mean(destImage)) / std).reshape(
                    (1, windowSize * windowSize))
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #2
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: jhb1996/jakevm
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.

            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))
            x, y = f.pt
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            angle = np.deg2rad(f.angle)  #= orientationImage[y][x]
            response = f.response  #= harrisImage[y][x]
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -angle)
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(.2, .2, 0)
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))
            four_x_four = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(T2, S), R), T1)

            transMx = four_x_four[0:2, [0, 1, 3]]
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),
            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is negligibly small (which we
            # define as less than 1e-10) then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            #print (np.linalg.norm(destImage))
            std = np.std(destImage)
            if std**2 < 1e-10:
                desc[i] = (np.zeros(np.shape(destImage))).flatten()
                desc[i] = ((destImage - np.mean(destImage)) / std).flatten()

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #3
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.

            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            trans1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(
                np.array([-f.pt[0], -f.pt[1], 0]))
            rotate = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -np.radians(f.angle))
            scale = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1)
            trans2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))

            transMx = np.dot(trans2, np.dot(scale, np.dot(rotate,
                                                                    (0, 1, 3)]

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.

            destImage = destImage.flatten()

            std = np.std(destImage)
            if std < 1e-5:

            dest_mean = np.mean(destImage)
            std_dest = np.std(destImage)

            desc[i, :] = (destImage - dest_mean) / std_dest

        return desc
コード例 #4
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation and store in 'transMx.' You will need 
            # to compute the transform from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated 
            # window surrounding the feature to the appropriate pixels in 
            # the 8x8 feature descriptor image. 'transformations.py' has
            # helper functions that might be useful
            # Note: use grayImage to compute features on, not the input image
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-f.pt[0], -f.pt[1], 0]))
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, np.radians(-f.angle))
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(1/5, 1/5, 1)
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))

            transMx = T2 @ S @ R @ T1
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, [2, 3], axis=0)
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, 2, axis=1)
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage, transMx,
                (windowSize, windowSize), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit 
            # variance. If the variance is negligibly small (which we 
            # define as less than 1e-10) then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            if np.var(destImage) < 1e-10:
                desc[i] = np.zeros(windowSize * windowSize)
                destImage -= np.mean(destImage)
                destImage /= np.std(destImage)
                desc[i] = destImage.flatten()
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #5
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
        # raise NotImplementedError('NOT IMPLEMENTED')
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        windowSize = 8
        cellSize = 2
        binSize = 90
        numBin = 360 // binSize

        desc = np.zeros(
            (len(keypoints), ((windowSize**2) // (cellSize**2) * numBin)))

        # quantized orientation
        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            x, y = int(f.pt[0]), int(f.pt[1])
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, np.radians(-f.angle))
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 0)
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))
            transMx = np.dot(T2, np.dot(S, np.dot(R, T1)))
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, 2, 1)[0:2, 0:3]

            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            destImage = destImage - np.mean(destImage)
            if np.var(destImage) < 10**-10:
                destImage = np.zeros([windowSize, windowSize])
                destImage = (destImage / np.std(destImage))

            orientationImage = np.zeros((windowSize, windowSize), dtype=float)
            Ix = ndimage.sobel(destImage, 0)
            Iy = ndimage.sobel(destImage, 1)
            orientationImage = np.degrees(np.arctan2(Iy, Ix)) + 179
            gradientMagnitude = np.sqrt(Ix**2 + Iy**2)

            patchBin = []
            # Iterate cells
            for xCell in range(0, windowSize, cellSize):
                for yCell in range(0, windowSize, cellSize):
                    cellBin = np.zeros(numBin)
                    # Iterate pixels in a cell
                    for xPixel in range(cellSize):
                        for yPixel in range(cellSize):
                            x = xCell + xPixel
                            y = yCell + yPixel
                            binIdx = int(orientationImage[x][y] // binSize)
                            cellBin[binIdx] += gradientMagnitude[x][y]
                    patchBin = np.append(patchBin, cellBin)
            desc[i] = patchBin

        return desc
コード例 #6
ファイル: extracredit.py プロジェクト: waskl/Computer-Vision
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            Descriptor numpy array, dimensions:
                keypoint number x feature descriptor dimension
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 10
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 3)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            x, y = f.pt
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array((-x, -y, 0)))
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, np.radians(-f.angle))
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(.3, .3, 0)
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(
                np.array((windowSize / 2, windowSize / 2, 0)))
            tmp = np.dot(T2, np.dot(S, np.dot(R, T1)))
            tmp = tmp[:2, (0, 1, 3)]
            transMx = tmp
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            flat = destImage.flatten()
            if flat.std() < 1e-5:
            flat = (flat - flat.mean()) / flat.std()
            desc[i, :] = flat
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #7
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)
        cnt = 0
        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.

            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(
                np.array([windowSize / 2, windowSize / 2, 0]))
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1)
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -np.radians(f.angle))
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-f.pt[0], -f.pt[1],
            #T2 * S * R * T1
            transMx = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(T2, S), R), T1)
            transMx = np.delete(transMx, 2, axis=1)[:2]

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix

            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            target = destImage[:8, :8]
            target = target - np.mean(target)
            # numeric issue, set a very small threshold instead of zero
            if np.std(target) <= 10**(-5):
                desc[i, :] = np.zeros((windowSize * windowSize, ))
                target = target / np.std(target)
                desc[i, :] = target.reshape(windowSize * windowSize)

        return desc
コード例 #8
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):

            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            t1_x = - f.pt[0]
            t1_y = - f.pt[1]
            t1_mat = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([t1_x, t1_y, 0]))[(0, 1, 3), :][:, (0, 1, 3)]
            rot_mat = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, - np.deg2rad(f.angle))[(0, 1, 3), :][:, (0, 1, 3)]
            s_mat = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 0)[(0, 1, 3), :][:, (0, 1, 3)]
            t2_mat = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))[(0, 1, 3), :][:, (0, 1, 3)]
            transMx = (np.matmul(t2_mat, np.matmul(s_mat, np.matmul(rot_mat, t1_mat))))
            transMx = transMx[:2]

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage, transMx,
                (windowSize, windowSize), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

            std = np.std(destImage)
            if std < 10 ** (-5):
                desc[i] = 0
                destImage -= np.mean(destImage)
                destImage /= std
                desc[i] = np.reshape(destImage, (windowSize**2))

        return desc
コード例 #9
ファイル: GPS_to_Pixel.py プロジェクト: bradyvolk/ewb-gui
def get_transformation_matrix(tl, bl, tr, theta):
    """Returns transformation matrix that translates center to (0,0)
        and rotates image CCW by orientation theta. Then scales to
        be unit square centered at (0,0)"""
    # Calculates the center gps coordinates of the image/rectangle
    center_x = (bl[0] + tr[0])/2
    center_y = (bl[1] + tr[1])/2
    # Calculates the width and height in gps coordinates of the image/rectangle
    len_x = math.sqrt(math.pow(tl[0] - tr[0], 2) + math.pow(tl[1] - tr[1], 2))
    len_y = math.sqrt(math.pow(tl[0] - bl[0], 2) + math.pow(tl[1] - bl[1], 2))
    # Translation, Rotation, Scale matrix calculations
    trans_vec = np.array([-center_x, -center_y])
    trans_mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(trans_vec)
    rot_mx = transformations.get_rot_mx(theta)
    scale_mx = transformations.get_scale_mx(1/len_x, 1/len_y)
    return np.matmul(scale_mx, np.matmul(rot_mx, trans_mx))
コード例 #10
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), 8 * 8))

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            #print( transMx, transMx.shape)

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            trans_matrix = get_trans_mx(
                np.array([-int(f.pt[0]), -int(f.pt[1]), 0]))

            rotation_mat = get_rot_mx(0, 0, -1 * np.radians(f.angle))
            scale_mat = get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1)
            trans_matrix_2 = get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))
            final_trans_mat = np.dot(
                np.dot(scale_mat, np.dot(rotation_mat, trans_matrix)))
            # if f.angle > 0.0:
            #     print(final_trans_mat)
            transMx = final_trans_mat[:2, (0, 1, 3)]
            # if f.angle > 0.0:
            #     print(final_trans_mat,f.pt[0],f.pt[1],transMx)
            # raise Exception("TODO 5: in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is negligibly small (which we
            # define as less than 1e-10) then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            destImage = destImage.reshape([1, 64])
            mean = np.mean(destImage)
            std = np.std(destImage)
            # #norm

            # temp_desc = destImage.reshape([1,64])
            # std = np.std(temp_desc)
            # temp_desc-=np.mean(temp_desc)
            # if f.angle > 0.0:
            #     print(destImage,transMx)
            if std < 1e-5:
                destImage *= 0
                desc[i, :] = destImage  #continue
                desc[i, :] = (destImage - mean) / std
                #temp_desc = temp_desc/std
            #desc[i] = destImage

            #raise Exception("TODO 6: in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #11
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            vector_x = f.pt[0]
            vector_y = f.pt[1]
            vector_z = 0

            vector = np.array([-vector_x, -vector_y, -vector_z])

            trans1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(vector)
            rot = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -f.angle / 180 * np.pi)
            scale = transformations.get_scale_mx(.2, .2, 1)
            trans2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))

            temp = np.dot(trans2, np.dot(scale, np.dot(rot, trans1)))
            transMx = np.array([[temp[0][0], temp[0][1], temp[0][3]],
                                [temp[1][0], temp[1][1], temp[1][3]]])

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            destImage = destImage - destImage.mean()
            stdDev = destImage.std()
            if stdDev < 1e-5:
                destImage = np.zeros((windowSize, windowSize))
                destImage = destImage / stdDev

            destImage = destImage.flatten()
            desc[i] = destImage

            # TODO-BLOCK-END
        return desc
コード例 #12
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: TuTou1024/computer-vision
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            x, y = f.pt
            x, y = int(x), int(y)

            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -f.angle * np.pi / 180)
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1)
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))
            transMx3D = T2 @ R @ S @ T1

            transMx[:, 0:2] = transMx3D[:2, :2]
            transMx[:, 2] = transMx3D[:2, 3]

            #raise Exception("TODO in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            if np.std(destImage) <= 1e-5:
                desc[i] = np.zeros_like(destImage).flatten()
                destImage = (destImage -
                             np.mean(destImage)) / np.std(destImage)
                desc[i] = destImage.flatten()

            #raise Exception("TODO in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #13
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: yc2423/Computer-Vision
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN

            rot_mx = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -np.radians(f.angle))
            trs_mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(
                np.array([-f.pt[0], -f.pt[1], 0]))
            scale_mx = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
            trs2_mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4.0, 4.0, 0]))
            temp0 = np.dot(trs2_mx, np.dot(scale_mx, np.dot(rot_mx, trs_mx)))
            transMx[:, 0:2] = temp0[0:2, 0:2]
            transMx[:, 2] = temp0[0:2, 3]

            #raise Exception("TODO in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is negligibly small (which we
            # define as less than 1e-10) then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            destImage = destImage - destImage.mean()
            if destImage.std() >= 1e-5:
                destImage = destImage / destImage.std()
                destImage = np.zeros_like(destImage)

            #raise Exception("TODO in features.py not implemented")
            # TODO-BLOCK-END
            desc[i] = destImage.flatten()

        return desc
コード例 #14
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        # Cast to float
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        # Convert to BGR scale
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pindex_xel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pindex_xels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            vector = np.array([-1 * f.pt[0], -1 * f.pt[1], 0])
            # Inputs translation vector represented by 1D numpy array wand outputs 4x4 numpy array with 3D translation
            translation_1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(vector)
            # Inputs angles in x,y,z orientations and ouputs 4x4 numpy array with 3D rotation
            rotation = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -f.angle / 180 * np.pi)
            # Inputs scaling in x,y,z, directions and puts 4x4 numpy array with 3D scaling
            scale = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1)
            translation_2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))
            temp = np.dot(translation_2,
                          np.dot(scale, np.dot(rotation, translation_1)))
            transMx = np.array([[temp[0][0], temp[0][1], temp[0][3]],
                                [temp[1][0], temp[1][1], temp[1][3]]])

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrindex_x
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),
            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is negligibly small (which we
            # define as less than 1e-10) then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            if destImage.std() < 1e-10:
                destImage = np.zeros((windowSize, windowSize))
                destImage = (destImage - destImage.mean()) / destImage.std()

            destImage = destImage.flatten()
            desc[i] = destImage
            # TODO-BLOCK-END
        return desc
コード例 #15
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: dp435/ComputerVision
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN

            x, y = f.pt
            t1Mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0.0]))

            r1Mx = transformations.get_rot_mx(0.0, 0.0, -np.radians(f.angle))

            s1Mx = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1.0)

            t2Mx = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4.0, 4.0, 0.0]))

            computedMx = np.dot(t2Mx, np.dot(s1Mx, np.dot(r1Mx, t1Mx)))

            transMx[0:2, 0:2] = computedMx[0:2, 0:2]
            transMx[0, 2] = computedMx[0, 3]
            transMx[1, 2] = computedMx[1, 3]

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN

            variance = np.var(destImage)
            std = np.std(destImage)
            if (variance < 10.0**(-10.0)):
                normIm = np.zeros((1, 64))
                normIm = np.divide(1.0 * (destImage - np.mean(destImage)), std)
            desc[i] = normIm.flatten()

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #16
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN

            x, y = f.pt
            transMt1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))

            angle = f.angle / 180. * np.pi
            transMr = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -angle)

            transMs = transformations.get_scale_mx(1. / 5, 1. / 5, 1)

            transMt2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, 4, 0]))

            transMx1 = np.dot(transMr, transMt1)
            transMx1 = np.dot(transMs, transMx1)
            transMx1 = np.dot(transMt2, transMx1)

            transMx[:, :2] = transMx1[:2, :2]
            transMx[:, 2] = transMx1[:2, 3]

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            # if destImage[0, 0] != 0:
            #     print destImage
            mean = destImage.mean()
            destImage = destImage - mean
            std = destImage.std()
            # if mean != 0:
            #     print mean
            #     print "mean above std down"
            #     print std
            if std > 1e-5:
                destImage = destImage / std
                destImage = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)

            for m in xrange(8):
                for n in xrange(8):
                    desc[i, 8 * n + m] = destImage[n, m]

            # TODO-BLOCK-END
        return desc
コード例 #17
    def describeFeatures(self, image, keypoints):
            image -- BGR image with values between [0, 255]
            keypoints -- the detected features, we have to compute the feature
            descriptors at the specified coordinates
            desc -- K x W^2 numpy array, where K is the number of keypoints
                    and W is the window size
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        image /= 255.
        # This image represents the window around the feature you need to
        # compute to store as the feature descriptor (row-major)
        windowSize = 8
        desc = np.zeros((len(keypoints), windowSize * windowSize))
        grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(grayImage, 0.5)

        for i, f in enumerate(keypoints):
            # TODO 5: Compute the transform as described by the feature
            # location/orientation. You will need to compute the transform
            # from each pixel in the 40x40 rotated window surrounding
            # the feature to the appropriate pixels in the 8x8 feature
            # descriptor image.
            transMx = np.zeros((2, 3))

            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN
            # T1
            (x, y) = f.pt
            T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))

            # R
            angle_x = 0
            angle_y = 0
            angle_z = -f.angle / 180 * np.pi
            R = transformations.get_rot_mx(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z)

            # S
            S = transformations.get_scale_mx(0.2, 0.2, 1.0)

            # T2
            T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4.0, 4.0, 0]))

            trans = np.dot(T2, np.dot(S, np.dot(R, T1)))

            transMx[0][0] = trans[0][0]
            transMx[0][1] = trans[0][1]
            transMx[0][2] = trans[0][3]

            transMx[1][0] = trans[1][0]
            transMx[1][1] = trans[1][1]
            transMx[1][2] = trans[1][3]

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

            # Call the warp affine function to do the mapping
            # It expects a 2x3 matrix
            destImage = cv2.warpAffine(grayImage,
                                       transMx, (windowSize, windowSize),

            # TODO 6: Normalize the descriptor to have zero mean and unit
            # variance. If the variance is zero then set the descriptor
            # vector to zero. Lastly, write the vector to desc.
            # TODO-BLOCK-BEGIN

            destImage = destImage - destImage.mean()
            if float(destImage.std()) >= 1e-5:
                vec = destImage / destImage.std()
                desc[i] = vec.flatten()
                desc[i] = np.zeros(windowSize * windowSize)

            # TODO-BLOCK-END

        return desc
コード例 #18
ファイル: mytest.py プロジェクト: jhb1996/jakevm
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import sys, os, imp
import cv2
import transformations
import traceback
from features import *
from scipy import signal

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #print ("myTest works")
    #HKD = HarrisKeypointDetector()
    #print(ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(25, .5))
    #print (HKD.computeHarrisValues(np.array([[1,1,1],[0,0,0],[1,1,1]])))
    #m_image = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]])
    #HKD = HarrisKeypointDetector()
    #maxes = HKD.computeLocalMaxima(m_image)
    #print (maxes)
    x = 40
    y = 40
    angle = 2
    T1 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([-x, -y, 0]))
    R = transformations.get_rot_mx(0, 0, -angle)
    S = transformations.get_scale_mx(.2, .2, 0)
    T2 = transformations.get_trans_mx(np.array([4, -4, 0]))
    four_x_four = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(T2, S), R), T1)

    transMx = four_x_four[0:2, [0, 1, 3]]