コード例 #1
def _instantiate_node(surfaces, model, node, transform, texcache):
    rot = node['rot']
    transform = tf.concatenate_matrices(transform,

    if node['mesh'] != -1:
        mesh_transform = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            transform, tf.translation_matrix(node['pivot']))
        mesh = model.meshes[node['mesh']]
        for k, surface in mesh.items():
                material_name = model.materials[surface['material']]
                continue  # if there's no material, don't render the surface

                _transform_vertices(mesh_transform, surface['vertices']),

    for child in node['children']:
        _instantiate_node(surfaces, model, child, transform, texcache)
コード例 #2
    def init_points(self):
        if self._tf_buffer.can_transform('odom', 'front_point', Time()):
            transform = self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                'odom', 'front_point', Time())
            self.front_point.position.x = transform.transform.translation.x
            self.front_point.position.y = transform.transform.translation.y
            self.front_point.position.z = transform.transform.translation.z
                'odom', 'front_point', tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0)))

        if self._tf_buffer.can_transform('odom', 'rear_point', Time()):
            transform = self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                'odom', 'rear_point', Time())
            self.rear_point.position.x = transform.transform.translation.x
            self.rear_point.position.y = transform.transform.translation.y
            self.rear_point.position.z = transform.transform.translation.z
                'odom', 'rear_point', tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0)))

        while self.pub.get_subscription_count() < 1:
        self.publish_transform('odom', 'base_link', self.base_link_start_height)
コード例 #3
def callback_camera_pose(msg):
    model_name = msg.name
    model_pose = msg.pose

    for i in range(0, 3):
        if model_name[i] == 'realsense_camera':
            pose_cam_x = model_pose[i].position.x
            pose_cam_y = model_pose[i].position.y
            pose_cam_z = model_pose[i].position.z
            orient_cam_x = model_pose[i].orientation.x
            orient_cam_y = model_pose[i].orientation.y
            orient_cam_z = model_pose[i].orientation.z
            orient_cam_w = model_pose[i].orientation.w

        elif model_name[i] == 'ce_jacket':
            pose_jac_x = model_pose[i].position.x
            pose_jac_y = model_pose[i].position.y
            pose_jac_z = model_pose[i].position.z
            orient_jac_x = model_pose[i].orientation.x
            orient_jac_y = model_pose[i].orientation.y
            orient_jac_z = model_pose[i].orientation.z
            orient_jac_w = model_pose[i].orientation.w

    Transl_cam = tf.translation_matrix(
        np.array((pose_cam_x, pose_cam_y, pose_cam_z)))
    Transl_jac = tf.translation_matrix(
        np.array((pose_jac_x, pose_jac_y, pose_jac_z)))
    Rot_cam = np.array(
        [orient_cam_x, orient_cam_y, orient_cam_z, orient_cam_w])
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):

        """Update frequency
        Single targets: {baudrate} / ({uart frame length} * {cmd length} * {number of joint})
        = 115200 / (9 * 4 * 18) ~= 177Hz <- autodetect-baudrate on maestro
        = 200000 / (9 * 4 * 1x8) ~= 300Hz <- fixed-baudrate on maestro
        Multiple targets: {baudrate} / ({uart frame length} * ({header length} + {mini-cmd length} * {number of joints}))
        = 115200 / (9 * (3 + 2 * 18)) ~= 320Hz 
        = 200000 / (9 * (3 + 2 * 18)) ~= 560Hz"""

        self.subscription = self.create_subscription(
        self.spi_bridge = self.create_publisher(
            UInt8MultiArray, 'stm32_cmd', 10

        self.steps_trajectory = []

        self._tf_buffer = Buffer()
        self._tf_listener = TransformListener(self._tf_buffer, self)
        self.broadcaster = self.create_publisher(TFMessage, '/tf', 10)
        self.publish_transform = get_transform_publisher(self.broadcaster, self.get_clock())

        self.pub = self.create_publisher(JointState, 'joint_states', 10)
        self.base_link_start_height = tf.translation_matrix((0.0, 0.0, 0.1))

        self.path_proxy = PathProxy(self.steps_trajectory, self.get_logger())
        self.trajectory_generator = TrajectoryGenerator(self.path_proxy)
        self.trajectory_encoder = TrajectoryEncoder()
        self.front_point = Pose()
        self.rear_point = Pose()

        self.inv_kin_calc = TripodInverseKinematics(self._tf_buffer, self.get_clock())

        self.prev_time = self.get_clock().now()

        first_step = TrajectoryPoint()
        first_step.timestamp = self.prev_time.nanoseconds / 10**9
        first_step.left_moving = True
        first_step.left_pose = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0))
        first_step.right_pose = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0))
        self.prev_trajectory = self.trajectory_generator.generate_trajectory(

        self.first_time = False
        self.first_time = False
        self.start_timer = self.create_timer(START_DELAY, self.timer_callback)
        self.timer = None
        self.tf_viz_tim = self.create_timer(0.1, self.tf_viz_callback)
コード例 #5
def to_homogeneous(vec):
	d = [float(x) for x in vec]

	if len(d) != 7 and len(d) != 3:
		raise ValueError("Only poses with 3 or 7 elements supported! this one has %d" % len(d))

	if len(d) == 7:
		return concatenate_matrices( translation_matrix(d[0:3]), quaternion_matrix([d[6]]+d[3:6]) )
	return concatenate_matrices( translation_matrix(d[0:2]+[0]), rotation_matrix(d[2], [0,0,1]) )
コード例 #6
ファイル: dh2urdf.py プロジェクト: Wojcik98/Quadrupel
def generate_leg(leg: str, params: list):
    front_signs = {'front': '', 'rear': '-'}
    side_signs = {'left': '', 'right': '-'}
    lower_limits = {'left': '0', 'right': str(-pi)}
    upper_limits = {'left': str(pi), 'right': '0'}
    with open('../urdf/leg.urdf.template', 'r') as file:
        leg_template = Template(file.read())

    mappings = {'l_width': 0.02, 'leg': leg}
    front, side = leg.split('_')
    mappings['front_sign'] = front_signs[front]
    mappings['side_sign'] = side_signs[side]
    mappings['lower_limit'] = lower_limits[side]
    mappings['upper_limit'] = upper_limits[side]

    for param in params:
            d = float(param['d'])
        except ValueError:
            d = 0.0
            th = float(param['th'])
        except ValueError:
            th = 0.0
            a = float(param['a'])
        except ValueError:
            a = 0.0
            al = float(param['al'])
        except ValueError:
            al = 0.0

        tz = translation_matrix((0, 0, d))
        rz = rotation_matrix(th, zaxis)
        tx = translation_matrix((a, 0, 0))
        rx = rotation_matrix(al, xaxis)

        matrix = concatenate_matrices(tz, rz, tx, rx)

        rpy = euler_from_matrix(matrix)
        xyz = translation_from_matrix(matrix)

        name = param['joint']

        mappings[f'{name}_j_xyz'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*xyz)
        mappings[f'{name}_j_rpy'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*rpy)
        mappings[f'{name}_l_xyz'] = '{} 0 0'.format(xyz[0] / 2.)
        mappings[f'{name}_l_rpy'] = '0 0 0'
        mappings[f'{name}_l_len'] = str(a)

    return leg_template.substitute(mappings)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, transformation_plane):

        origo = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        xp = transformation_plane.x_axis()
        yp = transformation_plane.y_axis()
        zp = Point3.Cross(xp, yp)
        zp = Point3.Normalize(zp)

        # y' projected y on yz (normal=x)
        X1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])  # XAxisWorld
        X2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # YAxisWorld
        X3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])  # ZAxisWorld

        # These vectors are the local X,Y,Z of the rotated object
        X1Prime = xp.ToArr()
        X2Prime = yp.ToArr()
        X3Prime = zp.ToArr()

        # This matrix will transform points
        # from the world to the rotated axis
        aWorldToLocalTransform = np.matrix([
            [np.dot(X1Prime, X1),
             np.dot(X1Prime, X2),
             np.dot(X1Prime, X3), 0],
            [np.dot(X2Prime, X1),
             np.dot(X2Prime, X2),
             np.dot(X2Prime, X3), 0],
            [np.dot(X3Prime, X1),
             np.dot(X3Prime, X2),
             np.dot(X3Prime, X3), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]
        matrix2 = translation_matrix(-1 * transformation_plane.origin())
        self.WorldToLocalTransform = aWorldToLocalTransform * matrix2

        # This matrix will transform points
        # from the rotated axis back to the world
        aLocalToWorldTransform = np.matrix([
            [np.dot(X1, X1Prime),
             np.dot(X1, X2Prime),
             np.dot(X1, X3Prime), 0],
            [np.dot(X2, X1Prime),
             np.dot(X2, X2Prime),
             np.dot(X2, X3Prime), 0],
            [np.dot(X3, X1Prime),
             np.dot(X3, X2Prime),
             np.dot(X3, X3Prime), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]
        matrix4 = translation_matrix(transformation_plane.origin())
        self.LocalToWorldTransform = matrix4 * aLocalToWorldTransform
コード例 #8
    def triangle(self, center: ndarray,
                 left_side: bool) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]:
        mult = 1 if left_side else -1
        x_shift = 0.15
        side_y_shift = mult * 0.17
        mid_y_shift = mult * -0.2
        z = 0.0
        front_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((x_shift, side_y_shift, z)))
        mid_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((0.0, mid_y_shift, z)))
        rear_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((-x_shift, side_y_shift, z)))

        return front_point, mid_point, rear_point
コード例 #9
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: Swayampa/Puma
	def __init__( self , fovy , ratio , near , far , robot_files ) :
		self.fovy = fovy
		self.near = near 
		self.far = far
		self.ratio = ratio

		self.camera = None
		self.plane  = Plane( (2,2) )

		self.wall = Plane( (20,10) )
		self.mw = tr.rotation_matrix( -m.pi / 2.0 , (1,0,0) )
		self.mw = np.dot( self.mw , tr.translation_matrix( (0,3,0) ) )

		self.robot = Robot( robot_files )

		self.x = 0.0

		self.last_time = timer()

		self.plane_alpha = 65.0 / 180.0 * m.pi

		self.lpos = [ 1 ,-1 , 0 ]


		self.draw_robot = True
		self.draw_sparks = True 
		self.draw_front = False
		self.draw_back = False
コード例 #10
ファイル: ros_utils.py プロジェクト: ttblue/rapprentice
def make_kin_tree_from_joint(ps,jointname, ns='default_ns',valuedict=None):
    rospy.logdebug("joint: %s"%jointname)
    U = get_pr2_urdf()
    joint = U.joints[jointname]
    joint.origin = joint.origin or urdf.Pose()
    if not joint.origin.position: joint.origin.position = [0,0,0]
    if not joint.origin.rotation: joint.origin.rotation = [0,0,0]
    parentFromChild = conversions.trans_rot_to_hmat(joint.origin.position, transformations.quaternion_from_euler(*joint.origin.rotation))

    childFromRotated = np.eye(4)
    if valuedict and jointname in valuedict:        
        if joint.joint_type == 'revolute' or joint.joint_type == 'continuous':
            childFromRotated = transformations.rotation_matrix(valuedict[jointname], joint.axis)
        elif joint.joint_type == 'prismatic':
            childFromRotated = transformations.translation_matrix(np.array(joint.axis)* valuedict[jointname]) 
    parentFromRotated = np.dot(parentFromChild, childFromRotated)            
    originFromParent = conversions.pose_to_hmat(ps.pose)
    originFromRotated = np.dot(originFromParent, parentFromRotated)
    newps = gm.PoseStamped()
    newps.header = ps.header
    newps.pose = conversions.hmat_to_pose(originFromRotated)
    return make_kin_tree_from_link(newps,joint.child,ns=ns,valuedict=valuedict)
コード例 #11
def get_bbox2d_from_bbox3d(cam_proj_matrix, rx, ry, rz, sl, sh, sw, tx, ty,

    bbox_to_velo_matrix = np.matmul(
        transformations.translation_matrix([tx, ty, tz]),
        transformations.euler_matrix(rx, ry, rz, 'sxyz'))
    bbox_proj_matrix = np.matmul(cam_proj_matrix, bbox_to_velo_matrix)

    vertices = np.empty([2, 2, 2, 2])
    for k in [0, 1]:
        for l in [0, 1]:
            for m in [0, 1]:
                v = np.array([(k - 0.5) * sl, -(l) * sh, (m - 0.5) * sw, 1.])
                v = np.matmul(bbox_proj_matrix, v)

                vertices[k, l, m, :] = spherical_project(v[0], v[1], v[2])

    vertices = vertices.astype(np.int32)

    x1 = np.amin(vertices[:, :, :, 0])
    x2 = np.amax(vertices[:, :, :, 0])
    y1 = np.amin(vertices[:, :, :, 1])
    y2 = np.amax(vertices[:, :, :, 1])

    return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
コード例 #12
ファイル: auto_tree.py プロジェクト: remiloze/Auto-Tree
	def rule_branch(self):
		@brief Create a branch
		# Translate
		frame = self.current_node.frame	
		frame = np.dot(frame, tr.translation_matrix([0, 0, self.current_node.size]))
		# Add noise
		if self.noise != 0:
			self.current_phi_angle += random.uniform(-self.noise, self.noise)
			self.current_rho_angle += random.uniform(-self.noise, self.noise)
		# Phi Rotation
		phi_matrix = tr.rotation_matrix(self.current_phi_angle, [0, 0, 1])
		frame[:3,:3] = np.dot(frame[:3,:3], phi_matrix[:3,:3])
		# Rho rotation
		rho_matrix = tr.rotation_matrix(self.current_rho_angle, [1, 0, 0])	
		frame[:3,:3] = np.dot(frame[:3,:3], rho_matrix[:3,:3])
		# Create a new node
		node = Node(frame, self.current_node.size * self.scale_factor, self.current_node.diameter * self.current_subdivision_ratio * self.scale_factor)	
		self.current_node = node
		self.current_rho_angle = 0
		self.current_phi_angle = 0
		self.current_subdivision_ratio = 1
コード例 #13
def recebe(msg):
    global x
    global y
    global z
    global id
    for marker in msg.markers:
        x = round(marker.pose.pose.position.x, 2)
        y = round(marker.pose.pose.position.y, 2)
        z = round(marker.pose.pose.position.z, 2)
        id = marker.id
        if id == 100:
                buffer.can_transform("base_link", "ar_marker_100",
            header = Header(frame_id="ar_marker_100")
            trans = buffer.lookup_transform("base_link", "ar_marker_100",
            t = transformations.translation_matrix([
                trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y,
            r = transformations.quaternion_matrix([
                trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y,
                trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w
            m = numpy.dot(r, t)
            v2 = numpy.dot(m, [0, 0, 1, 0])
            v2_n = v2[0:-1]
            n2 = v2_n / linalg.norm(v2_n)
            cosa = numpy.dot(n2, [1, 0, 0])
            print("ang", math.degrees(math.acos(cosa)))
コード例 #14
def calibrate_extrinsics_depth(frame,K,rect,pi0,pi1,shift,z_direction=-1):
    """calibrating depth camera w.r.t. ground plane
    frame - depth frame
    K - camera matrix
    rect - [u,v,w,h] image rectangle that contains plane points
    pi0 - (u,v) image point corresponding to the 0,0,0
    pi1 - (u,v) image point corresponding to the direction 0,1,0
    z_directon - -1 or 1, for the direction of the z
    returns Pwc, Pcw - transformation matrices world->camera, camera->world
    u0,v0,h,w = rect
    uv = np.array(zip(*(x.flat for x in np.mgrid[u0:u0+h,v0:v0+w])))

    z = frame[uv[:,0], uv[:,1]].reshape((-1,1))

    indices = np.where(z != 0)[0]

    uvz = np.hstack([uv[indices], z[indices]])
    pts_c = image_to_camera(uvz[:,1], uvz[:,0], uvz[:,2], K)
    plane, ctr = estimate_plane(pts_c, 1)
    plane *= z_direction

    # the direction for X (rows)
    u,v = pi0
    p0 = image_to_camera(v, u, frame[u,v], K)
    u,v = pi1
    p1 = image_to_camera(v, u, frame[u,v], K)

    Pcw = estimate_camera_to_plane(plane, pts_c, p0, p1)
    # tune this to move coordinate system
    T = translation_matrix(np.array(shift))
    Pwc = la.pinv(Pcw).dot(T)
    Pcw = la.pinv(Pwc)

    return Pwc, Pcw
コード例 #15
ファイル: mesh.py プロジェクト: amiller/rtmodel
    def sample_point_cloud(self, num):
        """Generate a sampling of the points from all the vertices using a
        reverse area integral
        sample = np.empty((num,3), dtype='f')
        norm = np.empty((num,3), dtype='f')
        if not 'area' in self.__dict__:
        rnds = np.random.rand(num) * self.area.total
        inds = [bisect.bisect_left(self.area.cumsum, rnd) for rnd in rnds]
        coords = np.random.rand(num,2).astype('f')
        for i, ind, (r1,r2) in zip(range(num), inds, coords):
            v1,v2,v3 = self.vertices[self.faces[ind,:3],:3]
            if r1+r2 >= 1: r1,r2 = 1-r1,1-r2
            point = v1 + (v2-v1)*r1 + (v3-v1)*r2
            sample[i,:] = point

            normal = np.cross(v2-v1,v3-v1)
            normal /= np.sqrt(np.dot(normal,normal))
            norm[i,:] = normal

        # Center all the points to make it easier to apply handbuilt rotations
        import transformations
        T1 = transformations.translation_matrix(sample.mean(0))
        RT = np.dot(self.RT, T1)
        sample -= sample.mean(0)
        return pointmodel.PointModel(sample, norm, RT)
コード例 #16
ファイル: ros_utils.py プロジェクト: ban-masa/ros_bulletsim
def make_kin_tree_from_joint(ps, jointname, ns='default_ns', valuedict=None):
    rospy.logdebug("joint: %s" % jointname)
    U = get_pr2_urdf()

    joint = U.joints[jointname]
    joint.origin = joint.origin or urdf.Pose()
    if not joint.origin.position: joint.origin.position = [0, 0, 0]
    if not joint.origin.rotation: joint.origin.rotation = [0, 0, 0]

    parentFromChild = conversions.trans_rot_to_hmat(

    childFromRotated = np.eye(4)
    if valuedict and jointname in valuedict:

        if joint.joint_type == 'revolute' or joint.joint_type == 'continuous':
            childFromRotated = transformations.rotation_matrix(
                valuedict[jointname], joint.axis)
        elif joint.joint_type == 'prismatic':
            childFromRotated = transformations.translation_matrix(
                np.array(joint.axis) * valuedict[jointname])

    parentFromRotated = np.dot(parentFromChild, childFromRotated)
    originFromParent = conversions.pose_to_hmat(ps.pose)
    originFromRotated = np.dot(originFromParent, parentFromRotated)

    newps = gm.PoseStamped()
    newps.header = ps.header
    newps.pose = conversions.hmat_to_pose(originFromRotated)

    return make_kin_tree_from_link(newps,
コード例 #17
def check_points_in_range(current_rob_pos, other_rob_pos):
    # calculate bottom right corner of the bounding rectangle
    rx, ry, rth = current_rob_pos
    rth = (rth / 100) + (pi / 2)
    zx = round(rx - (m * sin(rth)), 3)
    zy = round(ry + (m * cos(rth)), 3)

    # calculating the transformation matrix of the new frame at that vertex
    alpha, beta, gamma = 0, 0, (-(pi / 2 - rth))
    origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]
    Rx = transformations.rotation_matrix(alpha, xaxis)
    Ry = transformations.rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis)
    Rz = transformations.rotation_matrix(gamma, zaxis)
    T = transformations.translation_matrix([zx, zy, 0])
    R = transformations.concatenate_matrices(Rx, Ry, Rz)
    Z = transformations.shear_matrix(beta, xaxis, origin, zaxis)
    S = transformations.scale_matrix(1, origin)
    M = transformations.concatenate_matrices(T, R, Z, S)
    M = np.linalg.inv(M)

    # calculating the new point in that frame
    other_x = other_rob_pos[0]
    other_y = other_rob_pos[1]
    other_z = 0
    other_h = 1
    other_point_homogenous = np.array([other_x, other_y, other_z, other_h])
    new_point = np.dot(M, other_point_homogenous)
    new_point = np.round(new_point, 3)

    # checking that the point lies within the boundaries
    px, py, pz, ph = new_point
    if px <= (2 * m) and px >= 0 and py <= m and py >= 0:
        return 1
        return 0
コード例 #18
ファイル: ipm.py プロジェクト: mfkiwl/delta_perception
    def __init__(self, filename='ipm/camera_info.yaml'):
        self.info = self.load_camera_info(osp.join(PKG_PATH, filename))
        self.frame_width = self.info['width']
        self.frame_height = self.info['height']

        # Intrinsics
        self.K = np.zeros((3, 4))
        self.K[:, :3] = np.asarray(self.info['intrinsics']['K']).reshape(3, 3)
        self.D = np.asarray(self.info['intrinsics']['D'])

        # Extrinsics
        self.extrinsics_euler = np.radians(self.info['extrinsics']['rpy'])
        self.extrinsics_rotation = euler_matrix(self.extrinsics_euler[0],
        self.extrinsics_translation = translation_matrix(

        # Overwrite calibration data if available
        if 'calibration' not in self.info:
                'ERROR: Calibration not performed, run InversePerspectiveMapping.calibrate() first!'
            print('Loading calibration data from file...')
            self.ipm_matrix = np.asarray(
                self.info['calibration']['ipm_matrix']).reshape(3, 3)
            self.ipm_matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.ipm_matrix)
            self.ipm_image_dims = tuple(
            self.ipm_px_to_m = self.info['calibration']['ipm_px_to_m']
            self.ipm_m_to_px = self.info['calibration']['ipm_m_to_px']
            self.calibration_ego_y = self.info['calibration'][
コード例 #19
ファイル: marcador.py プロジェクト: Jean-Low/entrega-robotica
def recebe(msg):
	global x # O global impede a recriacao de uma variavel local, para podermos usar o x global ja'  declarado
	global y
	global z
	global id
	for marker in msg.markers:
		x = round(marker.pose.pose.position.x, 2) # para arredondar casas decimais e impressao ficar ok
		y = round(marker.pose.pose.position.y, 2)
		z = round(marker.pose.pose.position.z, 2)
		id = marker.id
		if id == 100:
			print(buffer.can_transform("base_link", "ar_marker_100", rospy.Time(0)))
			header = Header(frame_id= "ar_marker_100")
			# Procura a transformacao em sistema de coordenadas entre a base do robo e o marcador numero 100
			# Note que para seu projeto 1 voce nao vai precisar de nada que tem abaixo, a 
			# Nao ser que queira levar angulos em conta
			trans = buffer.lookup_transform("base_link", "ar_marker_100", rospy.Time(0))
			# Separa as translacoes das rotacoes
			t = transformations.translation_matrix([trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y, trans.transform.translation.z])
			# Encontra as rotacoes
			r = transformations.quaternion_matrix([trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y, trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w])
			m = numpy.dot(r,t)
			v2 = numpy.dot(m,[0,0,1,0])
			v2_n = v2[0:-1]
			n2 = v2_n/linalg.norm(v2_n)
			cosa = numpy.dot(n2,[1,0,0])
			angulo_marcador_robo = math.degrees(math.acos(cosa))
			print("Angulo entre marcador e robo", angulo_marcador_robo)
コード例 #20
def getMarkerTFFromMap(m):
    # This doesn't work
    mid = "Marker%s" % m

    marker = marker_dict[mid]
    w_mat = None

    if marker is not None:

        w = 0  # east
        p = (-marker["x"], -marker["y"], -0.25)  #east
        if marker["wall"] == "north":
            p = (marker["y"], -marker["x"], -0.25)
            w = math.pi / 2
        elif marker["wall"] == "south":
            p = (-marker["y"], marker["x"], -0.25)
            w = -math.pi / 2
        elif marker["wall"] == "west":
            p = (marker["x"], marker["y"], -0.25)
            w = math.pi
        q = tr.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, w)

        print("Map: (%s) Marker%s: %s %s" % (marker["wall"], m, p, q))
        t = tr.translation_matrix(p)
        r = tr.quaternion_matrix(q)
        w_mat = numpy.dot(t, r)

    return (w_mat, None)
コード例 #21
 def _unpack(x):
     trans = x[:3]
     eulxyz = x[3:]
     T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(trans),
                                 tf.euler_matrix(eulxyz[0], eulxyz[1],
                                                 eulxyz[2], 'sxyz'))
     return T
コード例 #22
    def send_msg(self):
        if self.msg_sent:

        print('Sending msg')
        self.msg_sent = True
        front_point = self.transform('odom', 'front_point')
        inc = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            tf.rotation_matrix(-5 * pi / 180, (0, 0, 1)),
            tf.translation_matrix((0.03, 0.01, 0)),
        path = [tf.concatenate_matrices(front_point, inc)]
        for i in range(179):
            path.append(tf.concatenate_matrices(path[-1], inc))

        msg = Path()
        msg.header.frame_id = 'odom'
        msg.header.stamp.sec = int(self.get_clock().now().nanoseconds / 10**9)
        msg.header.stamp.nanosec = self.get_clock().now().nanoseconds % 10**9

        poses = [matrix_to_pose(point) for point in path]
        for pose in poses:
            pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
            pose_stamped.header = msg.header
            pose_stamped.pose = pose

コード例 #23
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: jkotur/Puma
    def __init__(self, fovy, ratio, near, far, robot_files):
        self.fovy = fovy
        self.near = near
        self.far = far
        self.ratio = ratio

        self.camera = None
        self.plane = Plane((2, 2))

        self.wall = Plane((20, 10))
        self.mw = tr.rotation_matrix(-m.pi / 2.0, (1, 0, 0))
        self.mw = np.dot(self.mw, tr.translation_matrix((0, 3, 0)))

        self.robot = Robot(robot_files)

        self.x = 0.0

        self.last_time = timer()

        self.plane_alpha = 65.0 / 180.0 * m.pi

        self.lpos = [1, -1, 0]


        self.draw_robot = True
        self.draw_sparks = True
        self.draw_front = False
        self.draw_back = False
コード例 #24
def pose_to_matrix(pose: Pose) -> ndarray:
    rot = pose.orientation
    trans = pose.position

    rot_matrix = tf.quaternion_matrix((rot.w, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z))
    trans_matrix = tf.translation_matrix((trans.x, trans.y, trans.z))

    return tf.concatenate_matrices(trans_matrix, rot_matrix)
コード例 #25
def coil_transform_pos(pos):
    pos[1] = -pos[1]
    a, b, g = np.radians(pos[3:])
    r_ref = tf.euler_matrix(a, b, g, 'sxyz')
    t_ref = tf.translation_matrix(pos[:3])
    m_img = tf.concatenate_matrices(t_ref, r_ref)

    return m_img
コード例 #26
 def _x2transform(self, x):
     trans, eulxyz, scale = self._unpack(x)
     origin = [0, 0, 0]
     T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(trans),
                                 tf.euler_matrix(eulxyz[0], eulxyz[1],
                                                 eulxyz[2], 'sxyz'),
                                 tf.scale_matrix(scale, origin))
     return T
コード例 #27
def compute_transform(rx, rz, tx, ty, tz):
	origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]

	Rx = tf.rotation_matrix(rx, xaxis)
	Rz = tf.rotation_matrix(rz, zaxis)
	T = tf.translation_matrix([tx, ty, tz])
	return T.dot(Rz).dot(Rx)	
コード例 #28
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: jkotur/Puma
    def _make_plane_matrix(self):
        r = tr.rotation_matrix(self.plane_alpha, (0, 0, 1))
        s = tr.scale_matrix(1)
        t = tr.translation_matrix((-1.25, .7, .05))

        self.m = np.dot(np.dot(t, s), r)
        self.im = la.inv(self.m)
        self.im[3] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
コード例 #29
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: jkotur/miller_simulator
	def _make_plane_matrix( self ) :
		r = tr.rotation_matrix( self.plane_alpha , (0,0,1) )
		s = tr.scale_matrix( 1 )
		t = tr.translation_matrix( (-1.25,.7,.05) )

		self.m = np.dot( np.dot( t , s ) , r )
		self.im = la.inv( self.m )
		self.im[3] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ]
コード例 #30
    def make_next_step(self, prev_step: TrajectoryPoint) -> TrajectoryPoint:
        point = TrajectoryPoint()
        point.timestamp = prev_step.timestamp + 1 / SERVO_FREQ
        phase = prev_step.phase + 1 / (SERVO_FREQ * GAIT_PERIOD)

        z_lift = self.leg_lift * sin(phase * pi)
        current_lift = tf.translation_matrix((0.0, 0.0, z_lift))

        if phase > 1.0:
            phase = 0
            point.left_pose = prev_step.next_left_stand
            point.right_pose = prev_step.next_right_stand

            # TODO after sending to stm, publish first element as frontPoint
            next_stand = self.path_proxy.get_point(point.timestamp)

            if prev_step.left_moving:
                point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.next_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.next_right_stand = next_stand
                point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.next_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.next_left_stand = next_stand
            point.left_moving = not prev_step.left_moving
            if prev_step.left_moving:
                left_shift = interpolate(prev_step.prev_left_stand,
                point.left_pose = tf.concatenate_matrices(
                    # prev_step.prev_left_stand,
                point.right_pose = prev_step.right_pose
                right_shift = interpolate(prev_step.prev_right_stand,
                point.right_pose = tf.concatenate_matrices(
                    # prev_step.prev_right_stand,
                point.left_pose = prev_step.left_pose

            point.next_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
            point.next_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
            point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.prev_left_stand
            point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.prev_right_stand
            point.left_moving = prev_step.left_moving

        point.phase = phase
        point.base_link_pose = midpoint(point.left_pose, point.right_pose)
        point.base_link_pose[2, 3] = self.base_height

        return point
コード例 #31
ファイル: elpato.py プロジェクト: sarriazas/duckiego
def global_pose(matrix, x_ob, y_ob, angle):
    #obtiene el angulo del tag con respecto al mapa
    q1 = math.atan2(y_ob, x_ob)
    # invierte el angulo del tag segun el plano del mapa
    angle = -angle
    # Calcula la distancia del robot al tag
    z = dist(matrix)
    # Calcula la distancia del tag al mapa
    d = math.sqrt(x_ob**2 + y_ob**2)
    # Calcula el angulo del robot c/r a q1
    q2 = angle2(q1, angle, tf.euler_from_matrix(matrix))
    R1 = tf.rotation_matrix(q1, [0, 0, 1])
    T1 = tf.translation_matrix([d, 0, 0])
    R2 = tf.rotation_matrix(q2, [0, 0, 1])
    T2 = tf.translation_matrix([z, 0, 0])
    result = R1.dot(T1.dot(R2.dot(T2.dot([0, 0, 0, 1]))))

    return result
コード例 #32
def transform_pad(padcoords, pad_length, pad_separation, pad_thickness,
                  drum_separation, drum_radius, totalAlpha):
    TranG = trn.translation_matrix((padcoords[0], padcoords[1], padcoords[2]))
    if padcoords[4] != 0:
        RotG = trn.rotation_matrix(padcoords[4], [0, 1, 0])
        RotG = trn.identity_matrix()
    TranJ = trn.translation_matrix(((pad_length + pad_separation), 0, 0))
    if (padcoords[0] + pad_separation + pad_length) > (drum_separation / 2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix(
            (-(pad_length + pad_separation) / 2, 0, 0))
        alpha = -np.arctan((pad_length + pad_separation) / (drum_radius))

        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0] < -math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(
            alpha, [0, 1, 0],
            [TranJ_Rot[0][3], TranJ_Rot[1][3], TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ, RotJ)

        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    elif (padcoords[0] - pad_separation - pad_length) < -(drum_separation / 2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix(
            (-(pad_length + pad_separation) / 2, 0, 0))
        alpha = -np.arctan((pad_length + pad_separation) / (drum_radius))

        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0] < -2 * math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - 2 * math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -2 * math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(
            alpha, [0, 1, 0],
            [TranJ_Rot[0][3], TranJ_Rot[1][3], TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ, RotJ)

        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    padcoords = [Final[0][3], Final[1][3], Final[2][3], 0, angle, 0]
    return padcoords
コード例 #33
    def RotateVectorArr(
            self, q_arr,
            p_arr):  #geometry_msgs/Quaternion and geometry_msgs/Point
        angle_transform = transformations.quaternion_matrix(q_ar)
        p_transform = transformations.translation_matrix(p_arr)

        new_p_transform = np.dot(angle_transform, p_transform)
        new_p_arr = new_p_transform[:3, 3]

        return new_p_arr
コード例 #34
def filter_points_inside_box(points, dim, loc, ry):
  box_T = transformations.translation_matrix(loc)
  box_R = transformations.rotation_matrix(ry, [0,1,0])
  box_S = np.diag([dim[2], dim[0], dim[1], 1.0]) # transformations.scale_matrix(dim)
  inv_mat = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(box_T, np.dot(box_R, box_S))) # post multiply
  points_box_trans = np.dot(inv_mat, points.T).T
  inside_idxs = (points_box_trans[:, 0] >= -0.5) & (points_box_trans[:, 0] <= 0.5) & \
    (points_box_trans[:, 1] >= -0.5) & (points_box_trans[:, 1] <= 0.5) & \
    (points_box_trans[:, 2] >= -0.5) & (points_box_trans[:, 2] <= 0.5)
  return points_box_trans[inside_idxs], inside_idxs
コード例 #35
def make_transform_matrix(quaternion, translation):
    M = np.identity(4)
    T = transformations.translation_matrix(translation)
    M = np.dot(M, T)
    R = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion)
    M = np.dot(M, R)

    M /= M[3, 3]

    return M
コード例 #36
ファイル: renderer.py プロジェクト: JIC-CSB/pyvol
    def _draw(self):
        glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        view_mat = translation_matrix((0, 0, -self.dist))
        view_mat = view_mat.dot(self.ball.matrix())
        view_mat = view_mat.dot(scale_matrix(self.zoom))
        self.VMatrix = view_mat
コード例 #37
def calc_error(args, debug=False):

    # angle_x, angle_y, o_x, o_y, o_z = args
    angle_x, angle_y = args

    x = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
    R_x = transformations.rotation_matrix(angle_x, [1, 0, 0], eye_centre)
    R_y = transformations.rotation_matrix(angle_y, [0, 1, 0], eye_centre)
    S = transformations.scale_matrix(6)
    T = transformations.translation_matrix(eye_centre)
    # T = transformations.translation_matrix(eye_centre + np.array([o_x*100, o_y*100, o_z*100]))
    T2 = transformations.translation_matrix([0,0,-12])

    if debug:
        trans = transformations.concatenate_matrices(*reversed([T, T2, R_x, R_y]))
        pt = dehomo(trans.dot([0,0,-50,1]))
                 (255, 255, 0))

    est_pts = []
    for t in np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, accuracy):

        R = transformations.rotation_matrix(t, [0, 0, 1])
        trans = transformations.concatenate_matrices(*reversed([R, S, T, T2, R_x, R_y]))

        threeD_pt = coord_swap.dot(dehomo(trans.dot(x)))

        pt = cam_mat.dot(threeD_pt)

        if point_in_poly(dehomo(pt).astype(int), data["ldmks_lids_2d"]):
            if debug: cv2.circle(img, tuple(dehomo(pt).astype(int)), 1, (255, 0, 0), -1)

        D = cdist(est_pts, visible_pts, 'euclidean')
        H1 = np.max(np.min(D, axis=1))
        H2 = np.max(np.min(D, axis=0))
        return (H1 + H2) / 2.0
    except ValueError:
        return 20
コード例 #38
ファイル: SetPerspDist.py プロジェクト: baiyancheng20/caffe
def setPersp(scale_factor = 1, distort_location = '/afs/cs.stanford.edu/u/twangcat/scratch/sail-car-log/process/'):    
    distort = { }
    distort['M_1'] = [np.eye(3)] # perspective distrotion in cam1 image space
    distort['M_2'] = [np.eye(3)] # perspective distrotion in cam2 image space
    distort['T'] = [np.eye(4)] # corresponding real-world transformation

    distort['T'].insert(0,euler_matrix(0, 0.06, 0))
    distort['T'].insert(0,euler_matrix(0, -0.06, 0))
    distort['T'].insert(0,euler_matrix(0, 0.12, 0))
    distort['T'].insert(0,euler_matrix(0, -0.12, 0))

    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_shift1.0_cam1.pickle'))) # shift 1.0
    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_shift-1.0_cam1.pickle'))) # shift -1.0
    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot0.06_cam1.pickle','r'))) # rotate 0.06
    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot-0.06_cam1.pickle','r'))) # rotate -0.06
    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot0.12_cam1.pickle','r'))) # rotate 0.12
    distort['M_1'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot-0.12_cam1.pickle','r'))) # rotate -0.12

    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_shift1.0_cam2.pickle'))) # shift 1.0
    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_shift-1.0_cam2.pickle'))) # shift -1.0
    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot0.06_cam2.pickle','r'))) # rotate 0.06
    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot-0.06_cam2.pickle','r'))) # rotate -0.06
    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot0.12_cam2.pickle','r'))) # rotate 0.12
    distort['M_2'].insert(0,pickle.load(open(distort_location+'M_rot-0.12_cam2.pickle','r'))) # rotate -0.12

    assert len(distort['M_1']) == len(distort['M_2']) and len(distort['M_1'])==len(distort['T'])
    if scale_factor != 1:
      for i in xrange(len(distort['M_1'])-1): # last one is always identity, no need change.

    return distort
コード例 #39
ファイル: armature.py プロジェクト: briand27/2016-17
    def transform(self, pitch, yaw):
        """Gives the translation matrix associated with this arm with the given pitch
        and yaw.
        tLength = tr.translation_matrix(np.array([self.length, 0, 0]))
        rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(pitch, yaxis)
        rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(yaw, zaxis)

        #return armLength * rPitch * rYaw
        return tr.concatenate_matrices(rYaw, rPitch, tLength)
コード例 #40
def getWorldMarkerMatrixFromTF(m):
    global listener
    marker_link = "Marker%s__link" % m
        tw = listener.getLatestCommonTime(marker_link, 'world')
        (t, r) = listener.lookupTransform(marker_link, 'world', tw)
        print("TF: Marker%s: %s %s" % (m, t, r))
        w_mat = numpy.dot(tr.translation_matrix(t), tr.quaternion_matrix(r))
        return (None, None)
    return (w_mat, tw)
コード例 #41
ファイル: gazebo_sdf.py プロジェクト: HRZaheri/gazebo-tracks
def transform_pad(padcoords,pad_length,pad_separation,pad_thickness,drum_separation,drum_radius,totalAlpha):
    TranG = trn.translation_matrix(( padcoords[0],padcoords[1],padcoords[2] ))
    if padcoords[4]!=0:
        RotG = trn.rotation_matrix(padcoords[4],[0,1,0])
        RotG = trn.identity_matrix()
    TranJ = trn.translation_matrix(( (pad_length+pad_separation),0,0))
    if (padcoords[0]+pad_separation+pad_length) >(drum_separation/2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix((-(pad_length+pad_separation)/2,0,0))
        alpha = - np.arctan((pad_length+pad_separation)/(drum_radius))
        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0]<-math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(alpha,[0,1,0],[TranJ_Rot[0][3],TranJ_Rot[1][3],TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ,RotJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    elif (padcoords[0]-pad_separation-pad_length)<-(drum_separation/2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix((-(pad_length+pad_separation)/2,0,0))
        alpha = - np.arctan((pad_length+pad_separation)/(drum_radius))
        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0]<-2*math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - 2*math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -2*math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(alpha,[0,1,0],[TranJ_Rot[0][3],TranJ_Rot[1][3],TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ,RotJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    else :
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    padcoords = [Final[0][3],Final[1][3],Final[2][3],0,angle,0]
    return padcoords
コード例 #42
    def __init__(self):

        # sagital
        self.RAnkleRotY = None
        self.LAnkleRotY = None

        self.RKneeRotY = None
        self.LKneeRotY = None

        self.RHipRotY = None
        self.LHipRotY = None

        self.AbsRotY = None
        self.BustRotY = None

        self.FootT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_FOOT_Z))
        self.ThighT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_THIGH))
        self.LegT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_LEG))
        self.HipT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_HIP_Z))
        self.AbsT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_ABS_Z))
        self.BustT = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, L_BUST_Z))

        # Totally guessed com of segments

        self.SegCom = array([[0.025, 0, L_FOOT_Z, 1],
                             [0, 0, L_THIGH, 1],
                             [0, 0, L_LEG, 1],
                             [0, 0, 3.0 * L_HIP_Z / 4.0, 1],
                             [- 0.02, 0, 3.0 * L_ABS_Z / 4.0, 1],
                             [- 0.02, 0, 3.0 * L_BUST_Z / 4.0, 1]])

        # Totally guessed masses of segments (roughtly the mass of the motors)
        self.Masses = array([2 * (2 * MX28_MASS), 2 * (MX28_MASS), 2 *
                             (MX28_MASS), 2 * (2 * MX28_MASS), (2 * MX64_MASS), 13 * MX28_MASS])
        self.TotalMass = self.Masses.sum()
        self.Masses /= self.TotalMass

        self.roty = None

        self.xaxis = (1, 0, 0)
        self.yaxis = (0, 1, 0)
        self.zaxis = (0, 0, 1)
コード例 #43
ファイル: 3d_viewer_py3.py プロジェクト: Madrich/assimp
    def controls_3d(self, dx, dy, zooming_one_shot=False):
        """ Orbiting the camera is implemented the following way:

        - the rotation is split into a rotation around the *world* Z axis
          (controlled by the horizontal mouse motion along X) and a
          rotation around the *X* axis of the camera (pitch) *shifted to
          the focal origin* (the world origin for now). This is controlled
          by the vertical motion of the mouse (Y axis).
        - as a result, the resulting transformation of the camera in the
          world frame C' is:
            C' = (T · Rx · T⁻¹ · (Rz · C)⁻¹)⁻¹
          - C is the original camera transformation in the world frame,
          - Rz is the rotation along the Z axis (in the world frame)
          - T is the translation camera -> world (ie, the inverse of the
            translation part of C
          - Rx is the rotation around X in the (translated) camera frame """


        if not (self.is_rotating or self.is_panning or self.is_zooming):

        current_pos = self.current_cam.transformation[:3, 3].copy()
        distance = numpy.linalg.norm(self.focal_point - current_pos)

        if self.is_rotating:
            rotation_camera_x = dy * CAMERA_ROTATION_FACTOR
            rotation_world_z = dx * CAMERA_ROTATION_FACTOR
            world_z_rotation = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, rotation_world_z)
            cam_x_rotation = transformations.euler_matrix(rotation_camera_x, 0, 0)

            after_world_z_rotation = numpy.dot(world_z_rotation, self.current_cam.transformation)

            inverse_transformation = transformations.inverse_matrix(after_world_z_rotation)

            translation = transformations.translation_matrix(
            inverse_translation = transformations.inverse_matrix(translation)

            new_inverse = numpy.dot(inverse_translation, inverse_transformation)
            new_inverse = numpy.dot(cam_x_rotation, new_inverse)
            new_inverse = numpy.dot(translation, new_inverse)

            self.current_cam.transformation = transformations.inverse_matrix(new_inverse).astype(numpy.float32)

        if self.is_panning:
            tx = -dx * CAMERA_TRANSLATION_FACTOR * distance
            ty = dy * CAMERA_TRANSLATION_FACTOR * distance
            cam_transform = transformations.translation_matrix((tx, ty, 0)).astype(numpy.float32)
            self.current_cam.transformation = numpy.dot(self.current_cam.transformation, cam_transform)

        if self.is_zooming:
            tz = dy * CAMERA_TRANSLATION_FACTOR * distance
            cam_transform = transformations.translation_matrix((0, 0, tz)).astype(numpy.float32)
            self.current_cam.transformation = numpy.dot(self.current_cam.transformation, cam_transform)

        if zooming_one_shot:
            self.is_zooming = False

コード例 #44
print "\nNOMINAL\n\n",NOM,"\n\nMEASURED\n\n",MEAS,"\n"
#print "\nNOMINAL_A\n\n",NOM_A,"\n\nMEASURED_A\n\n",MEAS_A,"\n"

#Rotation matrix may be pre- or post- multiplied (changing between a right-handed system and a left-handed system).
R = transformations.superimposition_matrix(MEAS,NOM,usesvd=True)
#R = transformations.inverse_matrix(R)
print "Rotation matrix calulated from points difference\n\n",R,"\n"
rob = transformations.euler_matrix(math.radians(OLDBASE[3]),math.radians(OLDBASE[4]),math.radians(OLDBASE[5]), axes='sxyz')
tob = transformations.translation_matrix(OLDBASE[0:3])
robn = np.dot(tob,rob)  #rotation matrix from old base
print "Rotation matrix from old base\n\n",robn,"\n"
robnew = np.dot(rot,robn)
print "Rotation matrix RESULT\n\n",robnew,"\n"
scale, shear, angles, translate, perspective = transformations.decompose_matrix(robnew)

roll = math.degrees(angles[0])
pitch = math.degrees(angles[1])
yaw = math.degrees(angles[2])

print "OLD BASE(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n" %(OLDBASE[0],OLDBASE[1],OLDBASE[2],OLDBASE[3],OLDBASE[4],OLDBASE[5])
print "NEW BASE(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n" %(translate[0],translate[1],translate[2],roll,pitch,yaw)
print "----- COPY & PASTE -----\n\n[Base]"
print "BaseX = %.3f" % translate[0]
print "BaseY = %.3f" % translate[1]
コード例 #45
 def _xyz_to_mat44(self, pos):
     return transformations.translation_matrix((pos['x'], pos['y'], pos['z']))
コード例 #46
def transform_from_quat(pos, quat):
    T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(pos),
    return T
コード例 #47
def transform(pos, eulxyz):
    ex, ey, ez = eulxyz * np.pi / 180
    return tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(pos),
                                   tf.euler_matrix(ex, ey, ez, 'sxyz'))
コード例 #48
def transform(R, t):
    Tr = tf.identity_matrix()
    Tr[:3, :3] = R
    return tf.concatenate_matrices(Tr, tf.translation_matrix(t))
コード例 #49
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: 3SillyHats/Khemit
	def getMatrix(self):
		return rotation_matrix(90 + self.rot[1], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]).dot(rotation_matrix(-self.rot[0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]).dot(translation_matrix(-self.pos)))
コード例 #50
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: chele69/robot_transformations
print "\nNOMINAL\n\n",NOM,"\n\nMEASURED\n\n",MEAS,"\n"
print "\nNOMINAL_A\n\n",NOM_A,"\n\nMEASURED_A\n\n",MEAS_A,"\n"

#Rotation matrix may be pre- or post- multiplied (changing between a right-handed system and a left-handed system).
R = transformations.superimposition_matrix(MEAS,NOM,usesvd=True)
scale, shear, angles, translate, perspective = transformations.decompose_matrix(R)
#R = transformations.inverse_matrix(R)
print "Rotation matrix\n\n",R,"\n"
p1 = transformations.euler_matrix(MEAS_A[0,0]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[1,0]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[2,0]/180*np.pi, axes='sxyz')
p2 = transformations.euler_matrix(MEAS_A[0,1]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[1,1]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[2,2]/180*np.pi, axes='sxyz')
p3 = transformations.euler_matrix(MEAS_A[0,2]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[1,2]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[2,2]/180*np.pi, axes='sxyz')
p4 = transformations.euler_matrix(MEAS_A[0,3]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[1,3]/180*np.pi,MEAS_A[2,3]/180*np.pi, axes='sxyz')
t1 = transformations.translation_matrix(MEAS[0:,0])
t2 = transformations.translation_matrix(MEAS[0:,1])
t3 = transformations.translation_matrix(MEAS[0:,2])
t4 = transformations.translation_matrix(MEAS[0:,3])
#print "p1\n",p1,"\n","p2\n",p2,"\n","p3\n",p3,"\n","p4\n",p4,"\n"
#print "t1\n",t1,"\n","t2\n",t2,"\n","t3\n",t3,"\n","t4\n",t4,"\n"
p1n = np.dot(t1,p1)
p2n = np.dot(t2,p2)
p3n = np.dot(t3,p3)
p4n = np.dot(t4,p4)
print "p1n\n",p1n,"\n","p2n\n",p2n,"\n","p3n\n",p3n,"\n","p4n\n",p4n,"\n"
p1n = np.dot(R,p1n)
p2n = np.dot(R,p2n)
p3n = np.dot(R,p3n)
p4n = np.dot(R,p4n)
print "p1n\n",p1n,"\n","p2n\n",p2n,"\n","p3n\n",p3n,"\n","p4n\n",p4n,"\n"
コード例 #51
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: jkotur/jelly_cube
		def mkpln( s , p , r , a , c ) :
			p = Plane((s,s),np.dot(tr.translation_matrix(p),tr.rotation_matrix(r*m.pi/180.0,a)))
			p.c = c
			return p