コード例 #1
def print_pose(rvec, tvec):
    Some debug printing of the camera pose projection matrix,
    the printed output can be used in Blender to visualize this camera pose,
    using the "create_pose_camera()" function.
    "rvec", "tvec" : defining the camera pose, compatible with OpenCV's output
    import cv2
    import transforms as trfm
    ax, an = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(-rvec)
    print ("axis, angle = \\")
    print (list(ax.reshape(-1)), an)    # R^(-1)
    print ("pos = \\")
    print (list(-cv2.Rodrigues(-rvec)[0].dot(tvec).reshape(-1)))    # -R^(-1) * t
コード例 #2
def print_pose(rvec, tvec):
    Some debug printing of the camera pose projection matrix,
    the printed output can be used in Blender to visualize this camera pose,
    using the "create_pose_camera()" function.
    "rvec", "tvec" : defining the camera pose, compatible with OpenCV's output
    import cv2
    import transforms as trfm

    ax, an = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(-rvec)

    print("axis, angle = \\")
    print(list(ax.reshape(-1)), an)  # R^(-1)

    print("pos = \\")
    print(list(-cv2.Rodrigues(-rvec)[0].dot(tvec).reshape(-1)))  # -R^(-1) * t
コード例 #3
def realtime_pose_estimation(device_id, filename_base_extrinsics, cameraMatrix,
                             distCoeffs, objp, boardSize):
    This interactive demo will track a chessboard in realtime using a webcam,
    and the WORLD axis-system will be drawn on it: [X Y Z] = [red green blue]
    Further on you will see some data in the bottom-right corner,
    this indicates both the pose of the current image w.r.t. the WORLD axis-system,
    as well as the pose of the current image w.r.t. the previous keyframe pose.
    To create a new keyframe while running, press SPACE.
    Each time a new keyframe is generated,
    the corresponding image and data (in txt-format) is written to the 'filename_base_extrinsics' folder.
    All poses are defined in the WORLD axis-system,
    the rotation notation follows axis-angle representation: '<unit vector> * <magnitude (degrees)>'.
    To quit, press ESC.

    cv2.namedWindow("Image (with axis-system)")
    fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
    fontScale = 0.5
    mlt = cvh.MultilineText()
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id)

    imageNr = 0  # keyframe image id
    rvec_prev = np.zeros((3, 1))
    rvec = None
    tvec_prev = np.zeros((3, 1))
    tvec = None

    # Loop until 'q' or ESC pressed
    last_key_pressed = 0
    while not last_key_pressed in (ord('q'), 27):
        ret_, img = cap.read()
        ret, corners = cvh.extractChessboardFeatures(img, boardSize)

        # If valid features found, solve for 'rvec' and 'tvec'
        if ret == True:
            ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(  # TODO: use Ransac version for other types of features
                objp, corners, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)

            # Draw axis-system
            cvh.drawAxisSystem(img, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec)

            # OpenCV's 'rvec' and 'tvec' seem to be defined as follows:
            #   'rvec': rotation transformation: transforms points from "WORLD axis-system -> CAMERA axis-system"
            #   'tvec': translation of "CAMERA center -> WORLD center", all defined in the "CAMERA axis-system"
            rvec *= -1  # convert to: "CAMERA axis-system -> WORLD axis-system", equivalent to rotation of CAMERA axis-system w.r.t. WORLD axis-system
            tvec = cvh.Rodrigues(rvec).dot(
                tvec)  # bring to "WORLD axis-system", ...
            tvec *= -1  # ... and change direction to "WORLD center -> CAMERA center"

            # Calculate pose relative to last keyframe
            rvec_rel = trfm.delta_rvec(rvec, rvec_prev)
            tvec_rel = tvec - tvec_prev

            # Extract axis and angle, to enhance representation
            rvec_axis, rvec_angle = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(rvec)
            rvec_rel_axis, rvec_rel_angle = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(

            # Draw pose information
            texts = []
            texts.append("Current pose:")
            texts.append("    Rvec: %s * %.1fdeg" %
                         (format3DVector(rvec_axis), degrees(rvec_angle)))
            texts.append("    Tvec: %s" % format3DVector(tvec))
            texts.append("Relative to previous pose:")
                "    Rvec: %s * %.1fdeg" %
                (format3DVector(rvec_rel_axis), degrees(rvec_rel_angle)))
            texts.append("    Tvec: %s" % format3DVector(tvec_rel))

                     fontScale * 1.5,
                     rgb(150, 0, 0),
            mlt.text(texts[1], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255, 0, 0))
            mlt.text(texts[2], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255, 0, 0))
                     fontScale * 1.5,
                     rgb(150, 0, 0),
            mlt.text(texts[4], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255, 0, 0))
            mlt.text(texts[5], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255, 0, 0))
            mlt.putText(img, (img.shape[1],
                              img.shape[0]))  # put text in bottom-right corner

        # Show Image
        cv2.imshow("Image (with axis-system)", img)

        # Save keyframe image when SPACE is pressed
        last_key_pressed = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        if last_key_pressed == ord(' ') and ret:
            filename = filename_base_extrinsics + str(imageNr)
            cv2.imwrite(filename + ".jpg", img)  # write image to jpg-file
            textTotal = '\n'.join(texts)
            open(filename + ".txt",
                 'w').write(textTotal)  # write data to txt-file

            print("Saved keyframe image+data to", filename, ":")

            imageNr += 1
            rvec_prev = rvec
            tvec_prev = tvec
コード例 #4
def realtime_pose_estimation(device_id, filename_base_extrinsics, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, objp, boardSize):
    This interactive demo will track a chessboard in realtime using a webcam,
    and the WORLD axis-system will be drawn on it: [X Y Z] = [red green blue]
    Further on you will see some data in the bottom-right corner,
    this indicates both the pose of the current image w.r.t. the WORLD axis-system,
    as well as the pose of the current image w.r.t. the previous keyframe pose.
    To create a new keyframe while running, press SPACE.
    Each time a new keyframe is generated,
    the corresponding image and data (in txt-format) is written to the 'filename_base_extrinsics' folder.
    All poses are defined in the WORLD axis-system,
    the rotation notation follows axis-angle representation: '<unit vector> * <magnitude (degrees)>'.
    To quit, press ESC.
    cv2.namedWindow("Image (with axis-system)")
    fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
    fontScale = 0.5
    mlt = cvh.MultilineText()
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id)

    imageNr = 0    # keyframe image id
    rvec_prev = np.zeros((3, 1))
    rvec = None
    tvec_prev = np.zeros((3, 1))
    tvec = None

    # Loop until 'q' or ESC pressed
    last_key_pressed = 0
    while not last_key_pressed in (ord('q'), 27):
        ret_, img = cap.read()
        ret, corners = cvh.extractChessboardFeatures(img, boardSize)

        # If valid features found, solve for 'rvec' and 'tvec'
        if ret == True:
            ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(    # TODO: use Ransac version for other types of features
                    objp, corners, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs )

            # Draw axis-system
            cvh.drawAxisSystem(img, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec)
            # OpenCV's 'rvec' and 'tvec' seem to be defined as follows:
            #   'rvec': rotation transformation: transforms points from "WORLD axis-system -> CAMERA axis-system"
            #   'tvec': translation of "CAMERA center -> WORLD center", all defined in the "CAMERA axis-system"
            rvec *= -1    # convert to: "CAMERA axis-system -> WORLD axis-system", equivalent to rotation of CAMERA axis-system w.r.t. WORLD axis-system
            tvec = cvh.Rodrigues(rvec).dot(tvec)    # bring to "WORLD axis-system", ...
            tvec *= -1    # ... and change direction to "WORLD center -> CAMERA center"
            # Calculate pose relative to last keyframe
            rvec_rel = trfm.delta_rvec(rvec, rvec_prev)
            tvec_rel = tvec - tvec_prev
            # Extract axis and angle, to enhance representation
            rvec_axis, rvec_angle = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(rvec)
            rvec_rel_axis, rvec_rel_angle = trfm.axis_and_angle_from_rvec(rvec_rel)
            # Draw pose information
            texts = []
            texts.append("Current pose:")
            texts.append("    Rvec: %s * %.1fdeg" % (format3DVector(rvec_axis), degrees(rvec_angle)))
            texts.append("    Tvec: %s" % format3DVector(tvec))
            texts.append("Relative to previous pose:")
            texts.append("    Rvec: %s * %.1fdeg" % (format3DVector(rvec_rel_axis), degrees(rvec_rel_angle)))
            texts.append("    Tvec: %s" % format3DVector(tvec_rel))
            mlt.text(texts[0], fontFace, fontScale*1.5, rgb(150,0,0), thickness=2)
            mlt.text(texts[1], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255,0,0))
            mlt.text(texts[2], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255,0,0))
            mlt.text(texts[3], fontFace, fontScale*1.5, rgb(150,0,0), thickness=2)
            mlt.text(texts[4], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255,0,0))
            mlt.text(texts[5], fontFace, fontScale, rgb(255,0,0))
            mlt.putText(img, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))    # put text in bottom-right corner

        # Show Image
        cv2.imshow("Image (with axis-system)", img)
        # Save keyframe image when SPACE is pressed
        last_key_pressed = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        if last_key_pressed == ord(' ') and ret:
            filename = filename_base_extrinsics + str(imageNr)
            cv2.imwrite(filename + ".jpg", img)    # write image to jpg-file
            textTotal = '\n'.join(texts)
            open(filename + ".txt", 'w').write(textTotal)    # write data to txt-file
            print ("Saved keyframe image+data to", filename, ":")
            print (textTotal)
            imageNr += 1
            rvec_prev = rvec
            tvec_prev = tvec