コード例 #1
    def create_panels(self):
        """ Generate the panels from self's current config.
            This is called from within the render_wrapper function.

        # Create and save the panels.
        panels = []
        domains = {} # id: ([items], colour)
        for index, config in enumerate(self.panel_list):
            gis = config['GIS files'].get()
            csv = config['CSV directory'].get()
            field = config['Field'].get()
            graph = config["Graph statistics"].get()
            per_field = config["Per-field"].get()
            map_domain_id = config["Same scales (map)"].get()
            if map_domain_id == "":
                map_domain_id = len(domains)
            graph_domain_id = config["Same scales (graph)"].get()
            if graph_domain_id == "":
                graph_domain_id = len(domains) + 1
            name = config["Name"].get()
            # Find the value transformations and names.
            value_trans, value_tran_names = \
                get_transform_tuple(config['Transforms'].get(), \
                self.models[(gis, csv)])
            value = self.values[((gis, csv), field, value_trans)]
            graph_trans, graph_tran_names = \
                get_transform_tuple(config['Graph transforms'].get(), \
                self.models[(gis, csv)])
            panel = {'values': value}
            if graph != 'None':
                graphs = []
                # Generate a list of statistics.
                stats = []
                for stat in graph.split("+"):
                stat_name = " (" + ", ".join(stats) + ") (" + \
                    " + ".join(graph_tran_names) + ")"

                if per_field == 'False':
                    # Just one graph.
                    graph_value = self.values[((gis, csv), field, \
                    graphs.append(Graphable(graph_value, field + stat_name, \
                        statistics = stats))
                    graph_label = 'Key'
                    # Multiple, per-field graphs.
                    # Figure out the available fields.
                    fields = value.model.get_patch_fields().items()
                    # Generate a graph for each field.
                    for field_no, patch_set in fields:
                        graph_value = self.values[((gis, csv), field, \
                            tuple(list(graph_trans) + \
                                [lambda v: patch_filter(v, patch_set)]))]
                        graphs.append(Graphable(graph_value, str(field_no), \
                            statistics = stats))
                    # Set the graph label.
                    graph_label = "Fields" + stat_name
                # Add the graph to the panel.
                graph = Graph(graphs, label = graph_label)
                panel['graphs'] = graph
                # Add the graph to the domain list.
                if graph_domain_id in domains:
                    domains[graph_domain_id] = ([graph], False)
            # Add the description.
            panel['desc'] = config["Description string"].get().format(\
                name = name, field = field, csv = csv, gis = gis, \
                transform = " + ".join(value_tran_names))

            # Add the map to the domains.
            domains[map_domain_id] = (domains.get(map_domain_id, \
                ([], True))[0] + [value], True)


        # Initialise the domains.
        i = 0
        for items, coloured in domains.values():
            if coloured:
                Domain(items, MAP_COLOUR_LIST[i])
                i += 1

        return panels
コード例 #2
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os.path
    localpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    # Create a Models.
    small = Model(os.path.join(localpath, "gis/SmallPatches"), \
        os.path.join(localpath, "csv/small"))
    # Create the values. We also include the transformation, for later use.
    values = [(Values(small, "SWTotal"), "None"),
              (Values(small, "NO3Total"), "None")]
    # Create the graphs.
    graphs = [Graph([Graphable(Values(small, "SWTotal"), \
            "SWTotal (min, mean, max)", \
            statistics = ['min', 'mean', 'max'])]), \
        Graph([Graphable(Values(small, "NO3Total", \
                transforms = [lambda v: patch_filter(v, patch_set)]), \
            "Field #{}".format(i), statistics = ['mean']) \
            for i, patch_set in small.get_patch_fields().items()])
    # Create the description strings...
    descriptions = []
    for value, transform in values:
        descriptions.append("""Field of interest: {field}
CSV: {csv}
GIS: {gis}
Transform: {transform}""".format(field = value.field, \
            csv = value.model.csv, gis = value.model.gis, \
            transform = transform))
    # Create and save the panels.
    panels = []
    for value, graph, desc in zip(values, graphs, descriptions):