def cmd_start(*args): '''start downloading for torrent(s) ....$start <ids>|all''' if len(args) != 1: return "Oops, wrong number of arguments, type $help for more" if args[0].lower() == 'all': ids = [str(x) for x in TransmissionClient.list().keys()] else: ids = args[0].split(',') TransmissionClient.start(ids) return 'Torrent ' + ','.join(sort_as_int(ids)) + ' started'
def cmd_add(*args): """add a new torrent to transmission ....$add url <torrent_url> ....$add base64 '<torrent_base64>'""" if len(args) != 2: return "Oops, wrong number of arguments, type $help for more" if args[0].lower() == 'url': TransmissionClient.add_uri(args[1]) resp = 'Torrent added' elif args[0].lower() == 'base64': TransmissionClient.add(args[1]) resp = 'Torrent added' else: return "'%s' is not a valid option, type $help for more" % args[0].lower() return resp
def cmd_status(*args): '''show the status of all torrents''' resp = 'ID Status Progress Size Name\n' torrents = TransmissionClient.list() tids = torrents.keys() tids.sort() tfiles = TransmissionClient.get_files(tids) disk_usage = 0.0 for tid in tids: to = torrents[tid] total_size = sum([x['size'] for x in tfiles[tid].values()])/float(1024*1024*1024) disk_usage += (to.progress*total_size)/100 resp += '%2d %s %.2f%% %.2fG %-s\n' % (tid, to.status, to.progress, total_size, resp += 'Total disk usage is %.2fG\n'%(disk_usage) return resp
def cmd_remove(*args): '''remove torrent only or both torrent and data ....$remove <ids>|all [data]''' if len(args) not in [1,2]: return "Oops, wrong number of arguments, type $help for more" resp = '' delete_data = False if args[0].lower() == 'all': ids = [str(x) for x in TransmissionClient.list().keys()] else: ids = args[0].split(',') if len(args)==2 and args[1].lower() == 'data': delete_data = True resp = 'Torrent ' + ','.join(sort_as_int(ids)) + ' removed with data' else: resp = 'Torrent ' + ','.join(sort_as_int(ids)) + ' removed' TransmissionClient.stop(ids) TransmissionClient.remove(ids, delete_data) return resp
def periodic_task(xmpp, settings): '''this is the function that tranmission bot need to run periodically xmpp: the TransmissionBot instance, use to send messages settings: the global settings''' # xmpp.send_message( mto='', # mtype='chat', # mbody='hello', # mhtml='''<a href="">hello</a>''') dynamics = settings.dynamics logger = settings.logger'periodic task starting...') # check if there are new feed items and put them to queue for _id, fd in dynamics['feeds'].items(): if fd['status'] == 'disabled': continue finfo, fdoc = feed.fetch_feed(fd['url'], fd['etag'], fd['modified'])'feed info: ' + str(finfo)) if len(fdoc.entries)==0:'[%s] has no items'%(fd['title'])) #print '%s has no items'%(fd['title']) else: #find new items new_items =, feed.decode_time(fd['last_published'])) if len(new_items) == 0:'[%s] has no new items since %s'%(fd['title'], fd['last_published'])) #print '%s has no new items since %s'%(fd['title'], fd['last_published']) else: #update queue in dynamics maxid = 0 if not dynamics.has_key('queue'): dynamics['queue'] = {} elif dynamics['queue'].keys(): maxid = max([int(x) for x in dynamics['queue'].keys()]) msg = 'I got something new for you in the queue\n' htmlmsg = '<p>I got something new for you in the queue<br>' for item in new_items: maxid += 1 dynamics['queue'][str(maxid)] = { 'title':item['title'], 'torrent_uri':item['torrent_uri'], 'link':item['link'], 'published':item['published'] } msg += '''%(title)s\n'''%item htmlmsg += '''<a href="%(link)s">%(title)s</a><br>'''%item htmlmsg += '</p>' # notify users with the new items if dynamics.get('notify', 'off') == 'on': for u in settings.accept_command_from: #print msg #print htmlmsg xmpp.send_message( mto=u, mtype='chat', mbody=msg) #mhtml=htmlmsg ) #new items found, so update the last_published to latest fd['last_published'] = feed.encode_time(finfo['last_published'])'Feed(%s) [%s]: update last_published to %s' % (_id, fd['title'], feed.encode_time(finfo['last_published']))) #whatever there are new items or not, update these info fd['title'] = finfo['title'] fd['etag'] = finfo['etag'] fd['modified'] = finfo['modified'] #commit the change dynamics.sync() # notify completed downloads torrents = TransmissionClient.list() if dynamics.get('downloads') == None: dynamics['downloads'] = {} # cleanup the downloads which do not exist hslist = [x.hashString for x in torrents.values()] for hs in dynamics['downloads'].keys(): if hs not in hslist: del dynamics['downloads'][hs] if dynamics.get('notify','off') == 'on': for _id, to in torrents.items(): if to.progress < 100: dynamics['downloads'][to.hashString] = {'id':_id, 'name', 'progress':to.progress, 'status':to.status} else: if to.hashString in dynamics['downloads'].keys(): for u in settings.accept_command_from: msg = '%s downloaded' xmpp.send_message( mto=u, mtype='chat', mbody=msg ) del dynamics['downloads'][to.hashString] dynamics.sync() # autostop the completed torrents if dynamics.get('autostop', 'off') == 'on': for _id, to in torrents.items(): if to.progress >= 100: TransmissionClient.stop(_id) #ok, brb return True
def cmd_queue(*args): '''manage item queue discovered from subscribed feeds ....$queue list ....$queue download <ids>|all ....$queue remove <ids>|all''' if len(args) not in [1,2]: return "Oops, wrong number of arguments, type $help for more" resp = '' if len(args) == 1 and args[0].lower() == 'list': resp += 'ID Published Title\n' if dynamics.get('queue', {}) == {}: return 'Queue is empty' #when json loaded to dict, it's not sorted by key sorted_ids = [int(x) for x in dynamics['queue'].keys()] sorted_ids.sort() for k in sorted_ids: v = dynamics['queue'][str(k)] resp += "%s %-s %-s\n" %(k, v['published'], v['title']) return resp elif len(args) == 2 and args[0].lower() == 'download': if dynamics.get('queue', {}) == {}: return 'Queue is empty' if args[1].lower() == 'all': ids_to_dl = dynamics['queue'].keys() else: ids_to_dl = args[1].split(',') ids_downloading = [] for _id in ids_to_dl: if dynamics['queue'].has_key(_id): TransmissionClient.add_uri(dynamics['queue'][_id]['torrent_uri']) ids_downloading.append(_id) del dynamics['queue'][_id] dynamics.sync() if ids_downloading: return "Started downloading item %s" % (','.join(sort_as_int(ids_downloading))) else: return "No download started" elif len(args) == 2 and args[0].lower() == 'remove': if dynamics.get('queue', {}) == {}: return 'Queue is empty' if args[1].lower() == 'all': ids_to_rm = dynamics['queue'].keys() else: ids_to_rm = args[1].split(',') ids_removed = [] for _id in ids_to_rm: if dynamics['queue'].has_key(_id): ids_removed.append(_id) del dynamics['queue'][_id] dynamics.sync() if ids_removed: return "Removed item %s" % (','.join(sort_as_int(ids_removed))) else: return "No item removed" else: return "Oops, invalid arguments, type $help for more"