コード例 #1
def attitute(varsNum, lst):
    OribitList = finalOribit(varsNum)
    dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, lst, OribitList)
    truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)
    flag = False
    if truthTable == pow(2, varsNum):
        flag = True
    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable, innerProductSelect(varsNum))
    if res1 > 236:
        res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
        with open("gen_res.txt", mode = "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            f.write(str(lst) + "  " + str(res1) + str(flag) + str(res2) + "\n")
    elif flag == True and res1 >= 234:
        res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
        with open("gen_res.txt", mode="a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            f.write(str(lst) + "  " + str(res1) + str(flag) + str(res2) + "\n")
コード例 #2
ファイル: RSBF.py プロジェクト: GarrettXUPT/boolean_fuction
def nonlinearityAndTransparency(varsNum, lst):
    OribitList = finalOribit(varsNum)
    dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, lst, OribitList)

    truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)

    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable)
    res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)

    return res1, res2, len(dicIndexList)
コード例 #3
def Function():
    varsNum = 8
    hexTruthTable = "18CA9ED8BC4EC1AFE2F4C023FA63E78949455BC59DB873BE79409BAE4B289029"
    truthTable = hexToBinary(hexTruthTable)
    dicIndexList = normalIndexSelect(varsNum, truthTable)
    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable)
    res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
    print("nonlinearity = ", res1)
    print("transparency = ", res2)
    res = non_absolute_indicatorSelect(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
    print("non_absolute_indicator = ", res)
コード例 #4
ファイル: RSBF.py プロジェクト: GarrettXUPT/boolean_fuction
def nonlinearityAndTransparency(varsNum, lst, innerProduct, OribitList):
    dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, lst, OribitList)

    truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)
    balanceFlag = ""
    if truthTable.count(1) == pow(2, varsNum - 1):
        balanceFlag = "balanced function"
        balanceFlag = "unbalanced function"
    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable, innerProduct)
    res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
    # print("nonlinearity = " + str(res1), "  transparency = " + str(res2))
    return res1, res2, balanceFlag
コード例 #5
def perprority(varsNum, lst):
    OribitList = finalOribit(varsNum)
    dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, lst, OribitList)
    truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)
    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable,
    if res1 < 230:
    flag = ""
    if truthTable.count(1) == pow(2, varsNum):
        flag = "balanced"
    res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
    with open("best.txt", mode="a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            str(lst) + "    nonlinearity = " + str(res1) +
            "    transparency = " + str(res2) + "    " + flag + "\n")
    print("nonlinearity = ", res1)
    print("transparency", res2)
コード例 #6
def classifier(varsNum, truthTable):
    count = -1
    oneNumList = []
    zeroNumList = []
    for ele in truthTable:
        count = count + 1
        if ele == 1:
        elif ele == 0:

    oneNumdic = {}
    oneNumcount = 0
    for ele in oneNumList:
        oneNumdic[oneNumcount] = ele
        oneNumcount = oneNumcount + 1
    # print(oneNumdic)

    zeroNumdic = {}
    zeroNumcount = 0
    for ele in zeroNumList:
        zeroNumdic[zeroNumcount] = ele
        zeroNumcount = zeroNumcount + 1
    # print(zeroNumdic)

    randList = np.random.randint(0, 128, 64)

    one_zero_list = flipTruthTable(oneNumdic, zeroNumdic, randList)

    newTruthTable = reformTruthtable(varsNum, one_zero_list)

    alltruthTable = EightVars_AllTruthTable()
    indexDicList = trans(8, newTruthTable, alltruthTable)

    nonlinearity = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, newTruthTable)
    transparency = transparencyCompute(varsNum, newTruthTable, indexDicList)
    if nonlinearity > 110:
        print(f"the nonlinearity = {nonlinearity}")
        print(f"the transparency = {transparency}")
    return newTruthTable
コード例 #7
def possibleTable(varsNum, beginPos, endPos):
    start = time.time()
    count = 0
    allOribit = finalOribit(varsNum)

    for i in range(beginPos, endPos):
        tmp = str(bin(i)).split("0b")
        for elem in tmp:
            if elem == '':
            tmpList = []
            for element in elem:

            if len(tmpList) != 36:
                for i in range(36 - len(tmpList)):
                    tmpList.insert(0, 0)

            oribitLocList = oneNumToOribit(tmpList)
            # print(oribitLocList)
            balancedFlag = isBalanced(varsNum, oribitLocList, allOribit)

            if balancedFlag == False:

            indexList = initRSBF(varsNum, oribitLocList, allOribit)
            truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, indexList)
            nonlinearity = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable)
            # print(nonlinearity)
            if nonlinearity >= 112:
                transparency = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, indexList)
                with open("result/pow_35_" + str(endPos) + "_search.txt", mode = "a+", encoding = "utf-8") as f:
                    f.write(str(oribitLocList) + " " + str(nonlinearity) + " " + str(transparency) + "\n")

        count += 1
        if count % 10000000 == 0:
            print(str(beginPos) + "->" + str(endPos) + "check ", count)
    end = time.time()

    print(str(beginPos) + "->" + str(endPos)  + "during time1 is ", end - start)
コード例 #8
 def nonlinearityAndTransparency(self):
     midRes = self.__midProcess()
     return nonlinearityCompute(self.varsNum, midRes[0]), \
            transparencyCompute(self.varsNum, midRes[0], midRes[1])
コード例 #9
 def transparency(self):
     midRes = self.__midProcess()
     return transparencyCompute(self.varsNum, midRes[0], midRes[1])
コード例 #10
    if FlagList.count(True) == len(TableOribitList):
        print("Rotation Symmetric Prove")
        print("The function is not Rotation Symmetric")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start = time.time()
    varsNum = 8
    truthTable = functionTruthTable()
    innerProduct = innerProductSelect(varsNum)
    isRotationSymmetric(varsNum, truthTable)
    alltruthTable = AllTruthTableSelect(varsNum)
    indexDicList = trans(varsNum, truthTable, alltruthTable)
    nonlinearity = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable, innerProduct)
    end = time.time()
    transparency = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, indexDicList)
    print("during time is ", (end - start) / 60)
    print(f"the nonlinearity = {nonlinearity}")
    print(f"the transparency = {transparency}")
    # #

    # varsNum = 9
    # oneNumList = [2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59]
    # OribitList = finalOribit(varsNum)
    # dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, oneNumList, OribitList)
    # truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)
    # isRotationSymmetric(9, truthTable)
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: GarrettXUPT/boolean_fuction
from transparency import transparencyCompute, truthTableAndIndexLixt

if __name__ == '__main__':

    varsNum = int(input("请输入布尔函数变元个数:"))

    truthTable, dicIndexList = truthTableAndIndexLixt(varsNum)

    balancedFlag = False
    oneNum = 0
    zeroNum = 0
    for ele in truthTable:
        if ele == 1:
            oneNum = oneNum + 1
            zeroNum = zeroNum + 1
    if oneNum == zeroNum:
        balancedFlag = True
        print("this is a balanced boolean function")

    nonlinearity = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable)
    print(f"the nonlinearity = {nonlinearity}")

    transparency = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
    print(f"the transparency = {transparency}")

    # 输出为0的输入形式 [{'x1': 1, 'x2': 1, 'x3': 0}, {'x1': 0, 'x2': 1, 'x3': 1}]

    # [[[0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0]]]
コード例 #12
def twoStep(varsNum, Dict_ADJcost, functionTruthTableList, F_MIN):
    index_TruthTable = {}
    i = 0
    for ele in Dict_ADJcost.keys():
        index_TruthTable[ele] = functionTruthTableList[i]
        i += 1

    # 对字典依照value值进行排序
    DictSortList = sorted(Dict_ADJcost.items(), key=lambda x : x[1], reverse = True)

    DictSortListLen = len(DictSortList)

    if DictSortListLen > 1:
        for i in range(DictSortListLen):
            indexList = index_TruthTable[DictSortList[DictSortListLen - i - 1][0]]
            tmpDic = {}
            tmpDic[DictSortList[DictSortListLen - i - 1][1]] = indexList
            sortList1 = DictSorted(tmpDic)
            tmpDic[DictSortList[DictSortListLen - i - 1][1]] = sortList1
            if tmpDic not in F_MIN:
                dicTmp = {}
                dicTmp[DictSortList[DictSortListLen - i - 1][1]] = indexList
                sortList2 = DictSorted(dicTmp)
                dicTmp[DictSortList[DictSortListLen - i - 1][1]] = sortList2
                # print(dicTmp)
        indexList = functionTruthTableList[0]
        tmpDic = {}
        tmpDic[0] = indexList
        sortList1 = DictSorted(tmpDic)
        tmpDic[DictSortList[0]] = sortList1

        if tmpDic not in F_MIN:
            dicTmp = {}
            dicTmp[DictSortList[0][1]] = indexList
            sortList2 = DictSorted(dicTmp)
            dicTmp[DictSortList[0][1]] = sortList2

    tmpList = []
    for ele in list(F_MIN[-1].values()):
        for elem in ele:

    if len(tmpList) == pow(2, varsNum - 1):
        info = "balanced boolean function"
        info = "unbalanced boolean function"

    oneNumList = []
    allOribit = finalOribit(varsNum)
    for ele in tmpList:
        for i in range(len(allOribit)):
            if ele in allOribit[i]:
                oneNumList.append(i + 1)

    dicIndexList = initRSBF(varsNum, list(set(oneNumList)), allOribit)

    truthTable = TruthTableSelect(varsNum, dicIndexList)

    res1 = nonlinearityCompute(varsNum, truthTable)
    if res1 < 980:
        print("no write")
    if res1 >= 980:
        res2 = transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
        with open("search_result/nobalanced_nonlinearity_" + str(res1) + "_resFile.txt", mode = "a", encoding= "utf-8") as f:
            f.write(str(list(set(oneNumList))) + "  nonlinearity = " + str(res1) + "  transparency = " + str(res2)  + " " + str(info) + "\n")

    return list(set(oneNumList))
コード例 #13
ファイル: RSBF.py プロジェクト: GarrettXUPT/boolean_fuction
def costFunction2(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList):
    return transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, dicIndexList)
コード例 #14
                    "8 2 E 8 F E 4 B 1 2 E 3 A 3 A 2 E 8 A F 4 E 6 6 8 4 4 A 2 A 0 C "
                    "8 0 E 2 E 9 7 E 5 1 B C 8 B D F F 8 "]
    tmpList = []
    for ele in TruthTableList1:
        tmpList = ele.split(" ")

    binaryListTmp = hexToBinary(tmpList)
    binaryList = []
    for ele in binaryListTmp:
        for elem in ele:
    # print(binaryList)
    return binaryList

if __name__ == '__main__':
    truthTable = functionTruthTable()
    alltruthTable = EightVars_AllTruthTable()
    indexDicList = trans(8, truthTable, alltruthTable)
    # print(indexDicList)
    # print(indexDicList)
    nonlinearity = nonlinearityCompute(8, truthTable)
    transparency = transparencyCompute(8, truthTable, indexDicList)
    print(f"the nonlinearity = {nonlinearity}")
    print(f"the transparency = {transparency}")

コード例 #15
def costFunction(varsNum, truthTable, indexList, nonlinearity):
    return -(nonlinearity / 241) + transparencyCompute(varsNum, truthTable, indexList)