def new_goal(request): """ Creates a new Goal object from either a name specified in the GET or the POST. If it's in the POST, we can take a few more details. """ forms = [] # If no name was specified in the querystring, take the user # back to the homepage if request.method == 'GET' and not request.GET.get('name'): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') # Create a new Goal object and set it as the form instance, so we # can prepopulate the form goal = Goal(name = request.GET.get('name')) if request.method == 'POST': goal_form = GoalForm(request.POST, prefix = 'goal') else: goal_form = GoalForm(instance = goal, prefix = 'goal') # If the user is anonymous (as users can come to this page without # logging in), create a signup/login form and att that to the page if request.user.is_anonymous(): signup_form = SignupForm(request.POST or None, prefix = 'signup') # Sign the user up or log him in, then remove the form from the # page if the form was submitted with no errors. if signup_form.is_valid(): profile = from django.contrib.auth import login login(request, profile.user) user = profile.user else: forms.append(signup_form) user = None else: user = request.user # If the user is logged in, and the goal details are correct, # create the new Goal object and attach it to the user. Message the # user then take them to the Start Plan page. if not user is None and goal_form.is_valid(): goal = = False) goal.user = user request.user.message_set.create( message = 'Your goal has been created.' ) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('start_plan', args = [goal.slug]) ) # If we came to this page via a GET, or the POST has invalid data, # (re)display the form page forms.append(goal_form) return render_to_response( 'start.html', { 'forms': forms, 'goal': goal, 'meta_title': (,) }, RequestContext(request) )
def start_plan(request, goal): if request.user.is_anonymous(): if request.method == 'GET': signup_form = SignupForm(prefix = 'signup') return render_to_response( 'start.html', { 'forms': [signup_form], 'goal': goal }, RequestContext(request) ) else: signup_form = SignupForm(request.POST, prefix = 'signup') if signup_form.is_valid(): profile = profile.user.message_set.create( message = 'Your account has been created.' ) from django.contrib.auth import login login(request, profile.user) else: return render_to_response( 'start.html', { 'forms': [signup_form], 'goal': goal }, RequestContext(request) ) if goal.plans.filter(user = request.user, live = True).count() > 0: if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.get('next'): return HttpResponseRedirect( request.POST.get('next') ) else: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('edit_plan', args = [goal.slug]) ) plan = Plan( goal = goal, user = request.user ) try: plan.original = goal.original_plan() except Plan.DoesNotExist: pass from datetime import date, timedelta if plan.original and plan.original.deadline: plan.deadline = + timedelta( ( plan.original.deadline - ).days ) if request.method == 'GET': form = PlanForm(instance = plan) else: form = PlanForm(request.POST, instance = plan) if form.is_valid(): plan = request.user.message_set.create( message = 'Your plan has been created.' ) return HttpResponseRedirect( request.POST.get('next') ) return render_to_response( 'plan/edit.html', { 'forms': [form], 'goal': goal, 'plan': plan, 'next': reverse( 'actions_edit', args = [plan.goal.slug] ), 'meta_title': (,) }, RequestContext(request) )