コード例 #1
ファイル: agents.py プロジェクト: debnil/cs221proj
 def __init__(self, evaluationFn, depth, player, verbose = 0):
     self.evalFn_ = evaluationFn
     self.depth_ = depth
     self.player_ = player # Player 1(1), Player 2(-1)
     self.verbose_ = verbose
     self.cache_ = TranspositionTable() # [Game State, Move] -> Delta score of move
     self.currGameMoves_ = []
コード例 #2
ファイル: agents.py プロジェクト: debnil/cs221proj
class MinimaxAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, evaluationFn, depth, player, verbose = 0):
        self.evalFn_ = evaluationFn
        self.depth_ = depth
        self.player_ = player # Player 1(1), Player 2(-1)
        self.verbose_ = verbose
        self.cache_ = TranspositionTable() # [Game State, Move] -> Delta score of move
        self.currGameMoves_ = []

    def __printInternalScores(self, score, move, depth, alpha, beta, successor):
        if self.verbose_ >= 3:
            print "Calculated score for agent: ", score, move
            print "Depth: ", depth
            print "Alpha: ", alpha
            print "Beta: ", beta
        if self.verbose_ >= 4:

    def __getOrderedValidMoves(self, gameState, depth):
        ''' Returns iterable of valid moves from current game state using alpha-beta
        heuristic for ordering. Only uses chain moves if possible '''
        chainMoves = gameState.getChainMoves() 
        if len(chainMoves) > 0:
            moveSet = chainMoves
        else: # Order the rest of the moves
            moveSet = list(gameState.getValidMoves())
            movesWithoutCapture = gameState.getMovesWithoutCaptures()
            moveSet.sort(key = lambda(move): \
                    random.random() if move in movesWithoutCapture else 0, reverse = True)
                    #move in movesWithoutCapture or \
                    #self.cache_.containsKey((gameState, depth, move)), reverse = True)
        return moveSet

    def getAction(self, gameState):
        def V_opt(gameState, depth, alpha, beta): # Alpha-beta pruning
            if gameState.isEnd():
                return self.evalFn_(self, gameState), None, True
            elif (depth == 0):
                return self.evalFn_(self, gameState), None, True
            elif (gameState.getTurn() == self.player_): # Agent's turn
                V = float("-inf"), None, True
                moveSet = self.__getOrderedValidMoves(gameState, depth)
                currScore = self.evalFn_(self, gameState)
                for move in moveSet:
                    # TODO: Make this score agnostic
                    cacheKey = (gameState, depth, move)
                    successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(move)
                    if self.cache_.containsKey(cacheKey):
                        score = currScore + self.cache_.value(cacheKey)
                        cachable = True # Can cache values that have been cached
                        score, _, cachable = V_opt(successor, depth, alpha, beta)
                        if cachable:
                            self.cache_.addKey(cacheKey, score - currScore)
                    V = max(V, (score, move, cachable), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
                    alpha = max(alpha, V[0]) # Update alpha
                    self.__printInternalScores(score, move, depth, alpha, beta, successor)
                    if beta <= alpha: # Prune
                        V = (V[0], V[1], False) # Don't cache if pruned
                return V
            else: # Opponent's turn
                V = float("inf"), None, True
                moveSet = self.__getOrderedValidMoves(gameState, depth)
                currScore = self.evalFn_(self, gameState)
                for move in moveSet:
                    successor = gameState.generateSuccessor(move)
                    cacheKey = (gameState, depth, move)
                    newDepth = depth - 1
                    if successor.getTurn() != self.player_: # Still opp turn
                        newDepth = depth
                    if self.cache_.containsKey(cacheKey):
                        score = currScore + self.cache_.value(cacheKey)
                        cachable = True # Can cache values that have been cached
                        score, _, cachable = V_opt(successor, newDepth, alpha, beta)
                        if cachable:
                            self.cache_.addKey(cacheKey, score - currScore)
                    # Non-cachability should propagate upwards
                    V = min(V, (score, move, cachable), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
                    beta = min(beta, score) # Update beta
                    self.__printInternalScores(score, move, depth, alpha, beta, successor)
                    if beta <= alpha: # Prune
                        V = (V[0], V[1], False)
                return V

        movesWithoutCaptures = gameState.getMovesWithoutCaptures()
        if len(movesWithoutCaptures) < 4:
            self.calculatedDepth = self.depth_ + 2
        elif len(gameState.getChainMoves()) != 0 and len(gameState.getValidMoves()) < 10:
            self.calculatedDepth = self.depth_ + 1
            self.calculatedDepth = self.depth_
        if self.verbose_ >= 1:
            print "Searching %d deep" % self.calculatedDepth
        score, action, _ = V_opt(gameState, self.calculatedDepth, float("-inf"), float("inf"))

        self.currGameMoves_.append((gameState, self.calculatedDepth, action))
        print "Score: %f, Action: %s" % (score, action)
        return action
    # Update the cache on moves that you lost on
    # Resets internals
    def isWinner(self, value):
        if not value:
            for move in self.currGameMoves_:
                if self.cache_.containsKey(move):
                    self.cache_.updateTable(move, self.cache_.value(move) - 1)
        self.currGameMoves_ = []