コード例 #1
	def __init__(self):
		rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True)

		pub_droneout = rospy.get_param('~drone_out', '/communication/drone')
		self.pub = rospy.Publisher(pub_droneout, GPS, queue_size=10) ## change msg type

		sub_dronein = rospy.get_param('~pose_in', '/positions/drone')
		rospy.Subscriber(sub_dronein, DronePose, self.pose_callback)

		hmi_in = rospy.get_param('~hmi_in', '/fmHMI/keyboard')
		rospy.Subscriber(hmi_in, Char, self.hmi_callback)

		self.rate = rospy.Rate(5) #5 1hz
		self.uc = utmconv()

		# Robolab in UTM
#		(hemisphere, zone, letter, easting, northing) = uc.geodetic_to_utm (Robolab_ll)
		self.utm_offset = self.uc.geodetic_to_utm (Robolab_ll[0], Robolab_ll[1])
		(self.offset_hemisphere, self.offset_zone, self.offset_letter, self.offset_easting, self.offset_northing) = self.utm_offset
		print '\nConverted from geodetic to UTM [m]'
		print '  %d %c %.5fe %.5fn' % (self.offset_zone, self.offset_letter, self.offset_easting, self.offset_northing)

		self.last_msg_time = 0
		self.img_hz = 25

		self.utm_pose_in = (0,0)

		self.height = 20
コード例 #2
	def __init__(self):
		rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": Start")

		# static parameters
		self.update_rate = 200 # set update frequency [Hz]
		self.count = 0

		# status parameters
		self.position_ok = Int8()
		self.position_ok = 0
		self.last_heard = 0.0
		self.last_nmea_sent = 0.0
		# get parameters
		self.output_format = rospy.get_param("~output_format", "nmea") 
		self.serial_device = rospy.get_param("~serial_device", "/dev/gt_pos_robot")
		self.serial_baudrate = rospy.get_param("~serial_baudrate", 57600)
		self.robot_id = rospy.get_param("~robot_id", "robot")
		self.lat_offset = rospy.get_param("~latitude_offset", 55.47038)
		self.lon_offset = rospy.get_param("~longitude_offset", 10.32966)
		self.alt_offset = rospy.get_param("~altitude_offset", 0.0)

		# get topic names
		self.topic_nmea_from_gt_pos_sub = rospy.get_param("~nmea_from_gt_pos_sub",'/fmData/nmea_from_gt_pos')		
		self.topic_position_ok_pub = rospy.get_param("~position_ok_pub",'/fmData/robot_position_ok')
		self.topic_gpgga_pub = rospy.get_param("~gpgga_pub",'/fmData/robot_gpgga')

		# setup publishers
		self.position_ok_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.topic_position_ok_pub, Int8, queue_size=0)
		self.gpgga = StringStamped()
		self.gpgga_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.topic_gpgga_pub, StringStamped, queue_size=0)

		# configure and open serial device
		ser_error = False
			self.ser_dev = serial.Serial(self.serial_device, self.serial_baudrate)
		except Exception as e:
			rospy.logerr(rospy.get_name() + ": Unable to open serial device: %s" % self.serial_device)
			ser_error = True

		if ser_error == False:
			self.slip = slip_protocol()
			self.crc = crc16()

			# instantiate utmconv class
			self.uc = utmconv()
			(self.utm_hem, self.utm_z, self.utm_l, self.utm_e, self.utm_n) = self.uc.geodetic_to_utm (self.lat_offset, self.lon_offset)

			# setup subscription topic callbacks
			rospy.Subscriber(self.topic_nmea_from_gt_pos_sub, nmea, self.on_nmea_msg)

			# call updater function
			self.r = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, debug=False, lock_UTM_zone=None):
        Init method
        Input: optional debug parameter which toogles debug messages
        Output: none
        self.debug = debug

        self.geodetic_proj = Proj(
        )  # EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 / World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - https://epsg.io/4326
        self.OSM_proj = Proj(
        )  # EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - https://epsg.io/3857 - OSM projection

        # Instantiate utmconv class
        self.uc = utmconv()
        self.first_UTM_conv = True
        if lock_UTM_zone != None:
コード例 #4
ファイル: utm_test.py プロジェクト: Exchizz/frobomind
2015-03-09 KJ Minor update of the license text.
2016-01-16 KJ Corrected a minor problem with the library location reference.
# import utmconv class
from transverse_mercator_py.utm import utmconv
from math import pi, cos

# define test position
test_lat = 55.0000000000
test_lon = 009.0000000000
print 'Test position [deg]:'
print '  latitude:  %.10f' % (test_lat)
print '  longitude: %.10f' % (test_lon)

# instantiate utmconv class
uc = utmconv()

# convert from geodetic to UTM
(hemisphere, zone, letter, easting,
 northing) = uc.geodetic_to_utm(test_lat, test_lon)
print '\nConverted from geodetic to UTM [m]'
print '  %d %c %.5fe %.5fn' % (zone, letter, easting, northing)

# convert back from UTM to geodetic
(lat, lon) = uc.utm_to_geodetic(hemisphere, zone, easting, northing)
print '\nConverted back from UTM to geodetic [deg]:'
print '  latitude:  %.10f' % (lat)
print '  longitude: %.10f' % (lon)

# detrmine conversion position error [m]
lat_err = abs(lat - test_lat)
コード例 #5
ファイル: utm_test.py プロジェクト: Exchizz/frobomind
2015-03-09 KJ Minor update of the license text.
2016-01-16 KJ Corrected a minor problem with the library location reference.
# import utmconv class
from transverse_mercator_py.utm import utmconv
from math import pi, cos

# define test position
test_lat =  55.0000000000
test_lon = 009.0000000000
print 'Test position [deg]:'
print '  latitude:  %.10f'  % (test_lat)
print '  longitude: %.10f'  % (test_lon)

# instantiate utmconv class
uc = utmconv()

# convert from geodetic to UTM
(hemisphere, zone, letter, easting, northing) = uc.geodetic_to_utm (test_lat,test_lon)
print '\nConverted from geodetic to UTM [m]'
print '  %d %c %.5fe %.5fn' % (zone, letter, easting, northing)

# convert back from UTM to geodetic
(lat, lon) = uc.utm_to_geodetic (hemisphere, zone, easting, northing)
print '\nConverted back from UTM to geodetic [deg]:'
print '  latitude:  %.10f'  % (lat)
print '  longitude: %.10f'  % (lon)

# detrmine conversion position error [m]
lat_err = abs(lat-test_lat)
lon_err = abs(lon-test_lon)